2019-01-12 00:55:13 -08:00

370 lines
14 KiB

module SimplifySyntax (
, SelectorAndVal(..)
, SimpAlt(..)
, SimpDecl(..)
, SimpPat(..)
, stringToSimpDecl
, qNameToString
, nameToString
, customParseDecl
, hsDeclToSimpDecl
, formatString
) where
import Data.List(foldl')
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isJust)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import TranslateCore(nTupleSectionString, nTupleString, nListString)
-- TODO use a data constructor for the special case instead of using string
-- matching for tempvars.
-- There is a special case in Icons.hs/makeLabelledPort to exclude " tempvar"
tempVarPrefix :: String
tempVarPrefix = " tempvar"
-- A simplified Haskell syntax tree
-- rhs is now SimpExp
-- A simplified Haskell expression.
data SimpExp l =
SeName l String
| SeLit l (Exts.Literal l)
| SeApp l
(SimpExp l) -- function
(SimpExp l) -- argument
| SeLambda l [SimpPat l] (SimpExp l)
| SeLet l [SimpDecl l] (SimpExp l)
| SeCase l (SimpExp l) [SimpAlt l]
| SeMultiIf l [SelectorAndVal l]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SelectorAndVal l = SelectorAndVal {
svSelector :: SimpExp l
, svVal :: SimpExp l
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SimpAlt l = SimpAlt {
saPat :: SimpPat l
, saVal :: SimpExp l
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SimpDecl l =
-- These don't have decl lists, since only lets have decl lists
SdPatBind l (SimpPat l) (SimpExp l)
| SdTypeSig l [Exts.Name l] (Exts.Type l)
-- TODO Add a visual representation of data declarations
| SdCatchAll (Exts.Decl l)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SimpPat l =
SpVar l (Exts.Name l)
| SpLit l (Exts.Sign l) (Exts.Literal l)
| SpApp l (Exts.QName l) [SimpPat l]
| SpAsPat l (Exts.Name l) (SimpPat l)
| SpWildCard l
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Helper functions
strToQName :: l -> String -> Exts.QName l
strToQName l = Exts.UnQual l . Exts.Ident l
makeVarExp :: l -> String -> Exts.Exp l
makeVarExp l = Exts.Var l . strToQName l
makePatVar :: l -> String -> Exts.Pat l
makePatVar l = Exts.PVar l . Exts.Ident l
qOpToExp :: Exts.QOp l -> Exts.Exp l
qOpToExp (Exts.QVarOp l n) = Exts.Var l n
qOpToExp (Exts.QConOp l n) = Exts.Con l n
nameToString :: Exts.Name l -> String
nameToString (Exts.Ident _ s) = s
nameToString (Exts.Symbol _ s) = s
qNameToString :: Show l => Exts.QName l -> String
qNameToString qName = case qName of
Exts.Qual _ (Exts.ModuleName _ modName) name
-> modName ++ "." ++ nameToString name
Exts.UnQual _ name -> nameToString name
Exts.Special _ constructor -> case constructor of
Exts.UnitCon _ -> "()"
Exts.ListCon _ -> "[]"
Exts.FunCon _ -> "(->)"
Exts.TupleCon _ _ n -> nTupleString n
Exts.Cons _ -> "(:)"
-- unboxed singleton tuple constructor
Exts.UnboxedSingleCon _ -> "(# #)"
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in qNameToSrting: " <> show qName
simpExpToRhs :: Show l => l -> SimpExp l -> Exts.Rhs l
simpExpToRhs l e = Exts.UnGuardedRhs l (simpExpToHsExp e)
hsPatToSimpPat :: Show a => Exts.Pat a -> SimpPat a
hsPatToSimpPat p = case p of
Exts.PVar l n -> SpVar l n
Exts.PLit l sign lit -> SpLit l sign lit
Exts.PInfixApp l p1 qName p2 -> hsPatToSimpPat (Exts.PApp l qName [p1, p2])
Exts.PApp l name patts -> SpApp l name (fmap hsPatToSimpPat patts)
Exts.PTuple l _ patts -> SpApp
((strToQName l . nTupleString . length) patts)
(fmap hsPatToSimpPat patts)
Exts.PParen _ pat -> hsPatToSimpPat pat
Exts.PAsPat l name pat -> SpAsPat l name (hsPatToSimpPat pat)
Exts.PWildCard l -> SpWildCard l
Exts.PList l patts -> SpApp
((strToQName l . nListString . length) patts)
(fmap hsPatToSimpPat patts)
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in hsPatToSimpPat: " <> show p
simpPatToHsPat :: Show a => SimpPat a -> Exts.Pat a
simpPatToHsPat pat = case pat of
SpVar l n -> Exts.PVar l n
SpLit l s lit -> Exts.PLit l s lit
SpApp l n pats -> Exts.PApp l n (fmap simpPatToHsPat pats)
SpAsPat l n p -> Exts.PAsPat l n (simpPatToHsPat p)
SpWildCard l -> Exts.PWildCard l
whereToLet :: Show a => a -> Exts.Rhs a -> Maybe (Exts.Binds a) -> SimpExp a
whereToLet l rhs maybeBinds = val
rhsExp = hsRhsToExp rhs
val = case maybeBinds of
Nothing -> rhsExp
Just binds -> SeLet l (hsBindsToDecls binds) rhsExp
matchToSimpDecl :: Show a => Exts.Match a -> SimpDecl a
matchToSimpDecl (Exts.Match l name patterns rhs maybeWhereBinds)
= SdPatBind
(SpVar l name)
(SeLambda l
(fmap hsPatToSimpPat patterns)
(whereToLet l rhs maybeWhereBinds))
matchToSimpDecl m = error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchToSimpDecl: " <> show m
-- Only used by matchesToCase
matchToAlt :: Show l => Exts.Match l -> Exts.Alt l
matchToAlt (Exts.Match l _ mtaPats rhs binds)
= Exts.Alt l altPattern rhs binds
altPattern = case mtaPats of
[onePat] -> onePat
_ -> Exts.PTuple l Exts.Boxed mtaPats
matchToAlt match = error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchToAlt: " <> show match
matchesToFunBind :: Show a => a -> [Exts.Match a] -> SimpDecl a
matchesToFunBind l matches = matchToSimpDecl $ case matches of
[] -> error $ "Empty matches in matchesToFunBind. Label is :" <> show l
[match] -> match
(Exts.Match srcLoc funName pats _ _ : _)
-> Exts.Match srcLoc funName tempPats rhs Nothing
-- There is a special case in Icons.hs/makeLabelledPort to exclude " tempvar"
tempStrings = fmap (\x -> tempVarPrefix ++ show x) [0..(length pats - 1)]
tempPats = fmap (makePatVar srcLoc) tempStrings
tempVars = fmap (makeVarExp srcLoc) tempStrings
tuple = Exts.Tuple srcLoc Exts.Boxed tempVars
caseExp = case tempVars of
[oneTempVar] -> Exts.Case srcLoc oneTempVar alts
_ -> Exts.Case srcLoc tuple alts
rhs = Exts.UnGuardedRhs srcLoc caseExp
alts = fmap matchToAlt matches
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchesToFunBind: " <> show matches
hsDeclToSimpDecl :: Show a => Exts.Decl a -> SimpDecl a
hsDeclToSimpDecl decl = case decl of
Exts.TypeSig l names typeForNames -> SdTypeSig l names typeForNames
Exts.FunBind l matches -> matchesToFunBind l matches
Exts.PatBind l pat rhs maybeBinds -> SdPatBind l (hsPatToSimpPat pat) expr
expr = whereToLet l rhs maybeBinds
d -> SdCatchAll d
simpDeclToHsDecl :: Show a => SimpDecl a -> Exts.Decl a
simpDeclToHsDecl decl = case decl of
SdPatBind l pat e
-> Exts.PatBind l (simpPatToHsPat pat) (simpExpToRhs l e) Nothing
SdTypeSig l names typeForNames -> Exts.TypeSig l names typeForNames
SdCatchAll d -> d
hsBindsToDecls :: Show a => Exts.Binds a -> [SimpDecl a]
hsBindsToDecls binds = case binds of
Exts.BDecls _ decls -> fmap hsDeclToSimpDecl decls
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in hsBindsToDecls: " ++ show binds
simpDeclsToHsBinds :: Show a => a -> [SimpDecl a] -> Exts.Binds a
simpDeclsToHsBinds l decls = Exts.BDecls l (fmap simpDeclToHsDecl decls)
guardedRhsToSelectorAndVal :: Show a => Exts.GuardedRhs a -> SelectorAndVal a
guardedRhsToSelectorAndVal rhs = case rhs of
Exts.GuardedRhs _ [s] valExp -> SelectorAndVal{svSelector=stmtToExp s
, svVal=hsExpToSimpExp valExp}
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in guardedRhsToSelectorAndVal: " ++ show rhs
stmtToExp stmt = case stmt of
Exts.Qualifier _ e -> hsExpToSimpExp e
_ -> error
$ "Unsupported syntax in stmtToExp: " ++ show stmt
selAndValToGuardedRhs :: Show a => a -> SelectorAndVal a -> Exts.GuardedRhs a
selAndValToGuardedRhs l selAndVal = Exts.GuardedRhs
[Exts.Qualifier l (simpExpToHsExp $ svSelector selAndVal)]
(simpExpToHsExp $ svVal selAndVal)
hsRhsToExp :: Show a => Exts.Rhs a -> SimpExp a
hsRhsToExp rhs = case rhs of
Exts.UnGuardedRhs _ e -> hsExpToSimpExp e
Exts.GuardedRhss l rhss
-> SeMultiIf l (fmap guardedRhsToSelectorAndVal rhss)
hsAltToSimpAlt :: Show a => Exts.Alt a -> SimpAlt a
hsAltToSimpAlt (Exts.Alt l pat rhs maybeBinds)
= SimpAlt{saPat=hsPatToSimpPat pat, saVal=whereToLet l rhs maybeBinds}
simpAltToHsAlt :: Show a => a -> SimpAlt a -> Exts.Alt a
simpAltToHsAlt l (SimpAlt pat e)
= Exts.Alt l (simpPatToHsPat pat) (simpExpToRhs l e) Nothing
ifToGuard :: a -> SimpExp a -> SimpExp a -> SimpExp a -> SimpExp a
ifToGuard l e1 e2 e3
= SeMultiIf l [SelectorAndVal{svSelector=e1, svVal=e2}
, SelectorAndVal{svSelector=otherwiseExp, svVal=e3}]
otherwiseExp = SeName l "otherwise"
simplifyExp :: SimpExp l -> SimpExp l
simplifyExp e = case e of
-- Reduce applications of function compositions (e.g. (f . g) x -> f (g x))
SeApp l2 (SeApp l1 (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") f1) f2) arg
-> SeApp l1 f1 $ simplifyExp (SeApp l2 f2 arg)
SeApp l (SeApp _ (SeName _ "$") exp1) exp2
-> SeApp l exp1 exp2
SeApp l1 (SeName l2 "<$>") arg
-> SeApp l1 (SeName l2 "fmap") arg
x -> x
deListifyApp :: Show l => l -> Exts.Exp l -> [Exts.Exp l] -> Exts.Exp l
deListifyApp l = foldl' (Exts.App l)
rewriteTupleSection :: Show l => l -> [Maybe (Exts.Exp l)] -> Exts.Exp l
rewriteTupleSection l mExprs = deListifyApp
(makeVarExp l $ nTupleSectionString expIsJustList)
exprs = catMaybes mExprs
expIsJustList = fmap isJust mExprs
-- Rewrite a right section as a lambda.
-- TODO Simplify this type of lambda to use unused ports.
rewriteRightSection :: Show l => l -> Exts.QOp l -> Exts.Exp l -> Exts.Exp l
rewriteRightSection l op expr = Exts.Lambda l [tempPat] appExpr
tempStr = tempVarPrefix <> "0"
tempPat = makePatVar l tempStr
tempVar = makeVarExp l tempStr
appExpr = Exts.App l (Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) tempVar) expr
desugarDo :: Show l => [Exts.Stmt l] -> Exts.Exp l
desugarDo stmts = case stmts of
[Exts.Qualifier _ e] -> e
(Exts.Qualifier l e : stmtsTail)
-> Exts.App l (Exts.App l (makeVarExp l ">>") e) (desugarDo stmtsTail)
(Exts.Generator l pat e : stmtsTail)
-> Exts.App l (Exts.App l (makeVarExp l ">>=") e)
(Exts.Lambda l [pat] (desugarDo stmtsTail))
(Exts.LetStmt l binds : stmtsTail) -> Exts.Let l binds (desugarDo stmtsTail)
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in degugarDo: " <> show stmts
desugarEnums :: Show l => l -> String -> [Exts.Exp l] -> SimpExp l
desugarEnums l funcName exprs = hsExpToSimpExp $ deListifyApp l
(makeVarExp l funcName)
hsExpToSimpExp :: Show a => Exts.Exp a -> SimpExp a
hsExpToSimpExp x = simplifyExp $ case x of
Exts.Var l n -> SeName l (qNameToString n)
Exts.Con l n -> SeName l (qNameToString n)
Exts.Lit l n -> SeLit l n
Exts.InfixApp l e1 op e2 ->
hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) e1) e2
Exts.App l f arg -> SeApp l (hsExpToSimpExp f) (hsExpToSimpExp arg)
Exts.NegApp l e -> hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (makeVarExp l "negate") e
Exts.Lambda l patterns e
-> SeLambda l (fmap hsPatToSimpPat patterns) (hsExpToSimpExp e)
Exts.Let l bs e -> SeLet l (hsBindsToDecls bs) (hsExpToSimpExp e)
Exts.If l e1 e2 e3
-> ifToGuard l (hsExpToSimpExp e1) (hsExpToSimpExp e2) (hsExpToSimpExp e3)
Exts.Case l e alts -> SeCase l (hsExpToSimpExp e) (fmap hsAltToSimpAlt alts)
Exts.Paren _ e -> hsExpToSimpExp e
Exts.List l exprs -> hsExpToSimpExp $ deListifyApp
(makeVarExp l $ nListString $ length exprs)
Exts.Tuple l _ exprs -> hsExpToSimpExp $ deListifyApp
(makeVarExp l $ nTupleString $ length exprs)
Exts.TupleSection l _ mExprs -> hsExpToSimpExp $ rewriteTupleSection l mExprs
Exts.LeftSection l expr op -> hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) expr
Exts.RightSection l op expr -> hsExpToSimpExp $ rewriteRightSection l op expr
Exts.Do _ stmts -> hsExpToSimpExp $ desugarDo stmts
Exts.EnumFrom l e -> desugarEnums l "enumFrom" [e]
Exts.EnumFromTo l e1 e2 -> desugarEnums l "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
Exts.EnumFromThen l e1 e2 -> desugarEnums l "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
Exts.EnumFromThenTo l e1 e2 e3 -> desugarEnums l "enumFromThenTo" [e1, e2, e3]
Exts.MultiIf l rhss -> SeMultiIf l (fmap guardedRhsToSelectorAndVal rhss)
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in hsExpToSimpExp: " ++ show x
simpExpToHsExp :: Show a => SimpExp a -> Exts.Exp a
simpExpToHsExp x = case x of
-- TODO Sometimes SeName comes from Exts.Con
-- Put names in parens in case it's an operator
SeName l str -> Exts.Paren l (Exts.Var l (strToQName l str))
-- SeName l str -> (Exts.Var l (strToQName l str))
SeLit l lit -> Exts.Lit l lit
SeApp l e1 e2 -> Exts.App l (simpExpToHsExp e1) (simpExpToHsExp e2)
SeLambda l pats e
-> Exts.Lambda l (fmap simpPatToHsPat pats) (simpExpToHsExp e)
SeLet l decls e -> Exts.Let l (simpDeclsToHsBinds l decls) (simpExpToHsExp e)
SeCase l e alts
-> Exts.Case l (simpExpToHsExp e) $ fmap (simpAltToHsAlt l) alts
SeMultiIf l selsAndVal
-> Exts.MultiIf l (fmap (selAndValToGuardedRhs l) selsAndVal)
-- Parsing
customParseMode :: Exts.ParseMode
customParseMode = Exts.defaultParseMode
{Exts.extensions =
[Exts.EnableExtension Exts.MultiParamTypeClasses,
Exts.EnableExtension Exts.FlexibleContexts,
Exts.EnableExtension Exts.TupleSections,
Exts.EnableExtension Exts.MultiWayIf
customParseDecl :: String -> Exts.Decl Exts.SrcSpanInfo
customParseDecl = Exts.fromParseResult . Exts.parseDeclWithMode customParseMode
stringToSimpDecl :: String -> SimpDecl Exts.SrcSpanInfo
stringToSimpDecl = hsDeclToSimpDecl . customParseDecl
formatString :: String -> Exts.Decl Exts.SrcSpanInfo
formatString = simpDeclToHsDecl . hsDeclToSimpDecl . customParseDecl