
390 lines
11 KiB

-- This file is formatted with Ormolu
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.GI.Base
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Time.Clock.System
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import GHC.Word (Word32)
import qualified GI.Cairo
import qualified GI.GLib as GLib
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
-- import qualified GI.GdkPixbuf as GP
import qualified GI.Gio as Gio
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Internal (Render (runRender))
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types (Cairo (Cairo))
leftMouseButton :: Word32
leftMouseButton = 1
rightMouseButton :: Word32
rightMouseButton = 3
nodeSize :: (Double, Double)
nodeSize = (100, 40)
-- TODO USE newtype for element ID.
newtype ElemId = ElemId {_unElemId :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | A graphical element that can be clicked
data Element = Element
{ -- | (x, y) of top left corner
_elPosition :: !(Double, Double),
-- | (width, height)
_elSize :: !(Double, Double),
-- | Depth. Higher values are drawn on top
-- _elZ is currently ignored
_elZ :: Int
data Inputs = Inputs
{ _inMouseXandY :: !(Double, Double),
_inTime :: SystemTime,
_inPrevTime :: SystemTime,
_inEvents :: [InputEvent]
data AppState = AppState
{ -- | _asElements key
_asMovingNode :: Maybe ElemId,
_asEdges :: [(Element, Element)],
_asElements :: IntMap.IntMap Element,
-- | FPS rouned down to nearest hundred if over 200 fps.
_asFPSr :: Double
data InputEvent
= -- Which node was clicked and the relative click position within a node.
(Double, Double) -- relative mouse position
Word32 -- mouse button
emptyAppState :: AppState
emptyAppState =
{ _asMovingNode = Nothing,
_asEdges = [],
_asElements = mempty,
_asFPSr = 0
emptyInputs :: Inputs
emptyInputs =
{ _inMouseXandY = (0, 0),
_inTime = MkSystemTime 0 0,
_inPrevTime = MkSystemTime 0 0,
_inEvents = mempty
renderCairo :: Coercible a (ManagedPtr ()) => a -> Render c -> IO c
renderCairo c r = withManagedPtr c $ \pointer ->
runReaderT (runRender r) (Cairo (castPtr pointer))
getXandY ::
MonadIO f =>
Gdk.EventButton ->
f (Double, Double)
getXandY event =
(\x y -> (x, y)) <$> Gdk.getEventButtonX event <*> Gdk.getEventButtonY event
_drawLine :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Render ()
_drawLine (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
setSourceRGB 0 1 0
setLineWidth 5
moveTo fromX fromY
lineTo toX toY
_drawCircle :: (Double, Double) -> Render ()
_drawCircle (x, y) = do
-- setSourceRGB 1 0 0
setLineWidth 1
-- moveTo x y
let radius = 20
let tau = 2 * pi
arc x y radius 0 tau
drawNode :: (Int, Element) -> Render ()
drawNode (elemId, Element {..}) = do
let (x, y) = _elPosition
(width, height) = _elSize
halfWidth = width / 2
setSourceRGB 1 0 0
setLineWidth 1
rectangle x y halfWidth height
showText (show elemId)
setSourceRGB 0 1 0
rectangle (x + halfWidth) y halfWidth height
updateBackground :: p -> IORef AppState -> Render ()
updateBackground _canvas stateRef = do
-- width <- (realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas)
-- :: Render Double)
-- height <- (realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas)
-- :: Render Double)
-- TODO This should be moved into the setup phase
setSourceRGB 0 0 0
stateVal <- liftIO $ readIORef stateRef
setSourceRGB 1 1 1
moveTo 10 10
showText ("fps=" <> show (_asFPSr stateVal))
setSourceRGB 1 0 0
traverse_ drawNode (IntMap.toList (_asElements stateVal))
findElementByPosition ::
IntMap.IntMap Element -> (Double, Double) -> Maybe (Int, Element)
findElementByPosition elements (mouseX, mouseY) =
let mouseInElement (_elementId, Element {_elPosition, _elSize}) =
let (x, y) = _elPosition
(width, height) = _elSize
in mouseX >= x && mouseX <= (x + width)
&& mouseY >= y
&& mouseY <= (y + height)
in find mouseInElement (IntMap.toList elements)
getFps :: Inputs -> Double
getFps inputs =
let (MkSystemTime seconds nanoseconds) = _inTime inputs
(MkSystemTime oldSeconds oldNanoseconds) = _inPrevTime inputs
secondsDiff = seconds - oldSeconds
nanosecondDiff = nanoseconds - oldNanoseconds
fps =
if secondsDiff == 0
then fromIntegral (div (10 ^ (9 :: Int)) nanosecondDiff)
else 1 / fromIntegral secondsDiff
in if fps >= 200
then fromIntegral $ div (truncate fps) 100 * (100 :: Int)
else fps
processInputs :: Inputs -> AppState -> AppState
Inputs {_inEvents}
oldState@AppState {_asElements, _asMovingNode} =
let compose = foldr (.) id
in compose (fmap processInput _inEvents) oldState
processInput :: InputEvent -> AppState -> AppState
processInput inputEvent oldState@AppState {_asElements, _asMovingNode} =
case inputEvent of
-- TODO only change movingNode if mouseBtn is leftClick
ClickOnNode elemId _relativePosition _mouseBtn ->
let newMovingNodeId = case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> Just elemId
Just _ -> Nothing
in oldState {_asMovingNode = newMovingNodeId}
-- Update the state based on the old state and the mouse
-- position. Consider moving inputs like mouse position into a
-- separate input struct.
updateState :: Inputs -> AppState -> AppState
inputs@Inputs {_inMouseXandY, _inEvents}
oldState@AppState {_asElements, _asMovingNode} =
let -- Move the asMovingNode to MouseXandY
newElements = case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> _asElements
Just nodeId ->
( \oldNode@Element {_elPosition, _elSize} ->
let newX = fst _inMouseXandY - (fst _elSize / 2)
newY = snd _inMouseXandY - (snd _elSize / 2)
in oldNode {_elPosition = (newX, newY)}
(_unElemId nodeId)
newState =
{ _asElements = newElements,
_asFPSr = getFps inputs
in newState
timeoutCallback ::
IORef Inputs ->
IORef AppState ->
Gdk.Window ->
Gdk.Device ->
Gtk.DrawingArea ->
IO Bool
timeoutCallback inputsRef stateRef gdkWindow device backgroundArea = do
newTime <- getSystemTime
gdkDevicePosition <- Gdk.windowGetDevicePositionDouble gdkWindow device
let (_, x, y, _) = gdkDevicePosition
( \inputs@Inputs {_inTime} ->
{ _inMouseXandY = (x, y),
_inTime = newTime,
_inPrevTime = _inTime
inputs <- readIORef inputsRef
modifyIORef' stateRef (processInputs inputs)
modifyIORef' stateRef (updateState inputs)
modifyIORef' inputsRef (\i -> i {_inEvents = []})
Gtk.widgetQueueDraw backgroundArea
pure True
startApp :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
startApp app = do
stateRef <- newIORef emptyAppState
inputsRef <- newIORef emptyInputs
window <-
[ #application := app,
#title := "Glance",
#defaultWidth := 500,
#defaultHeight := 500,
#borderWidth := 0
backgroundArea <- new Gtk.DrawingArea []
[ Gdk.EventMaskPointerMotionMask,
#add window backgroundArea
-- geometry <- new Gdk.Geometry [ #minWidth := 500, #minHeight := 500]
-- screen <- get window #screen
-- rgbaVisual <- #getRgbaVisual screen
-- #setVisual window rgbaVisual
-- surfaceRef <- newIORef (Nothing)
_ <-
( \context -> do
-- mSurface <- readIORef surfaceRef
-- surface <- case mSurface of
-- Nothing -> do
-- (width, height) <- #getSize window
-- surf <- createImageSurface
-- FormatARGB32
-- (fromIntegral width)
-- (fromIntegral height)
-- writeIORef surfaceRef $ Just $ surf
-- pure surf
-- Just surface -> pure surface
_ <- renderCairo context (updateBackground backgroundArea stateRef)
pure True
#showAll window
gdkWindow <- fromJust <$> #getWindow window
display <- fmap fromJust Gdk.displayGetDefault -- TODO unsafe
deviceManager <- fromJust <$> Gdk.displayGetDeviceManager display -- TODO deprecated
device <- Gdk.deviceManagerGetClientPointer deviceManager
_ <-
(timeoutCallback inputsRef stateRef gdkWindow device backgroundArea)
let backgroundPress eventButton = do
mouseBtn <- get eventButton #button
(mouseBtn == rightMouseButton)
( do
(x, y) <- getXandY eventButton
( \s@AppState {_asElements} ->
let key = maybe 0 fst (IntMap.lookupMax _asElements)
newNode =
{ _elPosition = (x, y),
_elSize = nodeSize,
_elZ = 0
newElements =
IntMap.insert (key + 1) newNode _asElements
in s {_asElements = newElements}
pure ()
(mouseBtn == leftMouseButton)
( do
putStrLn "Left click"
mousePosition <- getXandY eventButton
state <- readIORef stateRef
( \s@Inputs {_inEvents} ->
let mElem =
findElementByPosition (_asElements state) mousePosition
in case mElem of
Nothing -> s
Just (elemId, element) ->
let (elementX, elementY) = _elPosition element
(mouseX, mouseY) = mousePosition
in s
{ _inEvents =
(ElemId elemId)
(mouseX - elementX, mouseY - elementY)
mouseBtn :
putStrLn "backgroundPressed"
pure True
_ <- on backgroundArea #buttonPressEvent backgroundPress
#showAll window
pure ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
app <- new Gtk.Application []
_ <- on app #activate (startApp app)
appStatus <- Gio.applicationRun app Nothing
putStrLn ("Application status is " <> show appStatus)
pure ()