
627 lines
27 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
module Translate(
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude((<>))
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
import Control.Monad(replicateM)
import Control.Monad.State(State, evalState)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.List(unzip5, unzip4, partition)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import Language.Haskell.Exts(Decl(..), parseDecl, Name(..), Pat(..), Rhs(..),
Exp(..), QName(..), fromParseResult, Match(..), QOp(..), GuardedRhs(..),
Stmt(..), Binds(..), Alt(..), Module(..), SpecialCon(..))
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
--import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import TranslateCore(Reference, SyntaxGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef, Sink,
syntaxGraphFromNodes, syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges, getUniqueName, combineExpressions,
edgesForRefPortList, makeApplyGraph,
namesInPattern, lookupReference, deleteBindings, makeEdges,
coerceExpressionResult, makeBox, nTupleString, nListString,
syntaxGraphToFglGraph, getUniqueString)
import Types(NameAndPort(..), IDState,
initialIdState, Edge, SyntaxNode(..), IngSyntaxGraph, NodeName, Port(..), SgNamedNode,
import Util(makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName, mapFst)
-- The core functions and data types used in this module are in TranslateCore.
-- The TranslateCore also contains most/all of the translation functions that
-- do not use Language.Haskell.Exts.
makeVarExp :: String -> Exp
makeVarExp = Var . UnQual . Ident
makeQVarOp :: String -> QOp
makeQVarOp = QVarOp . UnQual . Ident
nameToString :: Language.Haskell.Exts.Name -> String
nameToString (Ident s) = s
nameToString (Symbol s) = s
qNameToString :: QName -> String
qNameToString (Qual (Exts.ModuleName modName) name) = modName ++ "." ++ nameToString name
qNameToString (UnQual name) = nameToString name
qNameToString (Special UnitCon) = "()"
qNameToString (Special ListCon) = "[]"
qNameToString (Special FunCon) = "(->)"
qNameToString (Special (TupleCon _ n)) = nTupleString n
qNameToString (Special Cons) = "(:)"
-- unboxed singleton tuple constructor
qNameToString (Special UnboxedSingleCon) = "(# #)"
evalPApp :: QName -> [Pat] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalPApp name patterns = case patterns of
[] -> makeBox constructorName
_ -> do
patName <- getUniqueName "pat"
evaledPatterns <- mapM evalPattern patterns
pure $ makePatternGraph patName constructorName evaledPatterns (length evaledPatterns)
constructorName = qNameToString name
evalPLit :: Exts.Sign -> Exts.Literal -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalPLit Exts.Signless l = evalLit l
evalPLit Exts.Negative l = makeBox ('-' : showLiteral l)
evalPAsPat :: Name -> Pat -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalPAsPat n p = do
(evaledPatGraph, evaledPatRef) <- evalPattern p
newBind = [(nameToString n, evaledPatRef)]
newGraph = SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty newBind mempty
pure (newGraph <> evaledPatGraph, evaledPatRef)
evalPattern :: Pat -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalPattern p = case p of
PVar n -> pure (mempty, Left $ nameToString n)
PLit s l -> fmap Right <$> evalPLit s l
PInfixApp p1 qName p2 -> evalPattern (PApp qName [p1, p2])
PApp name patterns -> fmap Right <$> evalPApp name patterns
-- TODO special tuple handling.
PTuple _ patterns ->
fmap Right <$> evalPApp (Exts.UnQual . Ident . nTupleString . length $ patterns) patterns
PList patterns ->
fmap Right <$> evalPApp (Exts.UnQual . Ident . nListString . length $ patterns) patterns
PParen pat -> evalPattern pat
PAsPat n subPat -> evalPAsPat n subPat
PWildCard -> fmap Right <$> makeBox "_"
_ -> error $ "evalPattern: No pattern in case for " ++ show p
-- TODO: Other cases
-- strToGraphRef is not in TranslateCore, since it is only used by evalQName.
strToGraphRef :: EvalContext -> String -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
strToGraphRef c str = fmap mapper (makeBox str) where
mapper gr = if str `elem` c
then (mempty, Left str)
else fmap Right gr
evalQName :: QName -> EvalContext -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalQName qName c = case qName of
UnQual _ -> graphRef
Qual _ _ -> graphRef
_ -> fmap Right <$> makeBox qNameString
qNameString = qNameToString qName
graphRef = strToGraphRef c qNameString
-- evalQOp :: QOp -> EvalContext -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
-- evalQOp (QVarOp n) = evalQName n
-- evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
-- qOpToString :: QOp -> String
-- qOpToString (QVarOp n) = qNameToString n
-- qOpToString (QConOp n) = qNameToString n
--findReferencedIcon :: Reference -> [(NodeName, Icon)] -> Maybe (Name, Icon)
-- findReferencedIcon :: Either t NameAndPort -> [(NodeName, t1)] -> Maybe (NodeName, t1)
-- findReferencedIcon (Left str) _ = Nothing
-- findReferencedIcon (Right (NameAndPort name _)) nameIconMap = (\x -> (name, x)) <$> lookup name nameIconMap
-- TODO Refactor decideIfNested and makePatternGraph
decideIfNested :: ((SyntaxGraph, t1), t) ->
(Maybe ((SyntaxGraph, t1), t), Maybe SgNamedNode, [Sink], [(String, Reference)], [(NodeName, NodeName)])
decideIfNested ((SyntaxGraph [nameAndIcon] [] sinks bindings eMap, _), _) = (Nothing, Just nameAndIcon, sinks, bindings, eMap)
decideIfNested valAndPort = (Just valAndPort, Nothing, [], [], [])
-- TODO Consider removing the Int numArgs parameter.
makePatternGraph :: NodeName -> String -> [(SyntaxGraph, Reference)] -> Int -> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makePatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals _ = nestedApplyResult
argumentPorts = map (nameAndPort applyIconName . Port) [2,3..]
(unnestedArgsAndPort, nestedArgs, nestedSinks, nestedBindings, nestedEMaps) = unzip5 $ fmap decideIfNested (zip argVals argumentPorts)
allSinks = mconcat nestedSinks
allBinds = mconcat nestedBindings
originalPortExpPairs = catMaybes unnestedArgsAndPort
portExpressionPairs = originalPortExpPairs
combinedGraph = combineExpressions True portExpressionPairs
icons = [(applyIconName, NestedPatternApplyNode funStr nestedArgs)]
newEMap = ((\(n, _) -> (n, applyIconName)) <$> catMaybes nestedArgs) <> mconcat nestedEMaps
newGraph = SyntaxGraph icons [] allSinks allBinds newEMap
nestedApplyResult = (newGraph <> combinedGraph, nameAndPort applyIconName (Port 1))
makePatternGraph' :: NodeName -> String -> [(SyntaxGraph, Reference)] -> Int -> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makePatternGraph' applyIconName funStr argVals numArgs = (newGraph <> combinedGraph, nameAndPort applyIconName (Port 1))
argumentPorts = map (nameAndPort applyIconName . Port) [2,3..]
combinedGraph = combineExpressions True $ zip argVals argumentPorts
icons = [(applyIconName, PatternApplyNode funStr numArgs)]
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
removeCompose :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
removeCompose f x = case removeParen f of
(InfixApp f1 (QVarOp (UnQual (Symbol "."))) f2) -> App f1 $ removeCompose f2 x
_ -> App f x
-- TODO Refactor this and all sub-expressions
evaluateAppExpression :: EvalContext -> Exp -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evaluateAppExpression c f e = if appScore <= compScore
then evalApp c ApplyNodeFlavor (simplifyApp noComposeExp)
else evalApp c ComposeNodeFlavor (simplifyComposeApply noComposeExp)
noComposeExp = removeCompose f e
(appScore, compScore) = applyComposeScore noComposeExp
evalApp :: EvalContext -> LikeApplyFlavor -> (Exp, [Exp]) -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp c flavor (funExp, argExps) = do
funVal <- evalExp c funExp
argVals <- mapM (evalExp c) argExps
applyIconName <- getUniqueName "app0"
pure $ makeApplyGraph flavor False applyIconName funVal argVals (length argExps)
qOpToExp :: QOp -> Exp
qOpToExp (QVarOp n) = Var n
qOpToExp (QConOp n) = Con n
evalCompose :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalCompose c functions = do
let reversedFunctios = reverse functions
evaluatedFunctions <- mapM (evalExp c) reversedFunctios
neverUsedPort <- Left <$> getUniqueString "unusedArgument"
applyIconName <- getUniqueName "compose"
pure $ makeApplyGraph ComposeNodeFlavor False applyIconName
(mempty, neverUsedPort) evaluatedFunctions (length evaluatedFunctions)
simplifyCompose :: Exp -> [Exp]
simplifyCompose e = case removeParen e of
(InfixApp exp1 (QVarOp (UnQual (Symbol "."))) exp2) -> exp1 : simplifyCompose exp2
x -> [x]
evalInfixApp :: EvalContext -> Exp -> QOp -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalInfixApp c e1 op e2 = case op of
QVarOp (UnQual (Symbol sym)) -> case sym of
"$" -> evalExp c (App e1 e2)
"<$>" -> evalExp c $ App (App (makeVarExp "fmap") e1) e2
"." -> fmap Right <$> evalCompose c (e1 : simplifyCompose e2)
_ -> defaultCase
_ -> defaultCase
defaultCase = evalExp c $ App (App (qOpToExp op) e1) e2
scoreExpressions :: Exp -> Exp -> (Int, Int)
scoreExpressions exp1 exp2 = (appScore, compScore) where
(e1App, e1Comp) = applyComposeScore exp1
(e2App, e2Comp) = applyComposeScore exp2
leftApp = min e1App (1 + e1Comp)
rightApp = 1 + min e2App e2Comp
appScore = max leftApp rightApp
leftComp = 1 + min e1App e1Comp
rightComp = min (1 + e2App) e2Comp
compScore = max leftComp rightComp
removeParen :: Exp -> Exp
removeParen e = case e of
Paren x -> removeParen x
x -> x
simplifyExp :: Exp -> Exp
simplifyExp e = case removeParen e of
InfixApp exp1 (QVarOp (UnQual (Symbol "$"))) exp2 -> App exp1 exp2
-- Don't convert compose to apply
InfixApp _ (QVarOp (UnQual (Symbol "."))) _ -> e
InfixApp exp1 op exp2 -> App (App (qOpToExp op) exp1) exp2
LeftSection exp1 op -> App (qOpToExp op) exp1
x -> x
-- TODO Consider putting this logic in a separate "simplifyExpression" function.
-- | Returns the amount of nesting if the App is converted to (applyNode, composeNode)
applyComposeScore :: Exp -> (Int, Int)
applyComposeScore e = case simplifyExp e of
App exp1 exp2 -> scoreExpressions exp1 exp2
_ -> (0, 0)
-- Todo add test for this function
simplifyApp :: Exp -> (Exp, [Exp])
simplifyApp e = case simplifyExp e of
App exp1 exp2 -> (funExp, args <> [exp2])
(funExp, args) = simplifyApp exp1
x -> (x, [])
simplifyComposeApply :: Exp -> (Exp, [Exp])
simplifyComposeApply e = case simplifyExp e of
App exp1 exp2 -> (argExp, funcs <> [exp1])
(argExp, funcs) = simplifyComposeApply exp2
simpleExp -> (simpleExp, [])
evalIf :: EvalContext -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalIf c e1 e2 e3 = do
e1Val <- evalExp c e1
e2Val <- evalExp c e2
e3Val <- evalExp c e3
guardName <- getUniqueName "if"
icons = [(guardName, GuardNode 2)]
combinedGraph =
combineExpressions False $ zip [e1Val, e2Val, e3Val] (map (nameAndPort guardName . Port) [3, 2, 4])
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons <> combinedGraph
pure (newGraph, nameAndPort guardName (Port 0))
evalStmt :: EvalContext -> Stmt -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalStmt c (Qualifier e) = evalExp c e
evalStmts :: EvalContext -> [Stmt] -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalStmts c [stmt] = evalStmt c stmt
evalGuaredRhs :: EvalContext -> GuardedRhs -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, GraphAndRef)
evalGuaredRhs c (GuardedRhs _ stmts e) = do
expVal <- evalExp c e
stmtsVal <- evalStmts c stmts
pure (stmtsVal, expVal)
evalGuardedRhss :: EvalContext -> [GuardedRhs] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalGuardedRhss c rhss = do
guardName <- getUniqueName "guard"
evaledRhss <- mapM (evalGuaredRhs c) rhss
(bools, exps) = unzip evaledRhss
expsWithPorts = zip exps $ map (nameAndPort guardName . Port) [2,4..]
boolsWithPorts = zip bools $ map (nameAndPort guardName . Port) [3,5..]
combindedGraph = combineExpressions False $ expsWithPorts <> boolsWithPorts
icons = [(guardName, GuardNode (length rhss))]
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons <> combindedGraph
pure (newGraph, nameAndPort guardName (Port 1))
-- This is in Translate and not Translate core since currently it is only used by evalLit.
makeLiteral :: (Show x) => x -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeLiteral = makeBox. show
evalLit :: Exts.Literal -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLit (Exts.Int x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.Char x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.String x) = makeLiteral x
-- TODO: Print the Rational as a floating point.
evalLit (Exts.Frac x) = makeLiteral x
-- TODO: Test the unboxed literals
evalLit (Exts.PrimInt x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.PrimWord x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.PrimFloat x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.PrimDouble x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.PrimChar x) = makeLiteral x
evalLit (Exts.PrimString x) = makeLiteral x
showLiteral :: Exts.Literal -> String
showLiteral (Exts.Int x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.Char x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.String x) = show x
-- TODO: Print the Rational as a floating point.
showLiteral (Exts.Frac x) = show x
-- TODO: Test the unboxed literals
showLiteral (Exts.PrimInt x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.PrimWord x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.PrimFloat x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.PrimDouble x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.PrimChar x) = show x
showLiteral (Exts.PrimString x) = show x
getBoundVarName :: Decl -> [String]
-- TODO Should evalState be used here?
getBoundVarName (PatBind _ pat _ _) = namesInPattern $ evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
getBoundVarName (FunBind (Match _ name _ _ _ _:_)) = [nameToString name]
-- TODO: Other cases
getBoundVarName (TypeSig _ _ _) = []
getBoundVarName decl = error $ "getBoundVarName: No pattern in case for " ++ show decl
--TODO: Should this call makeEdges?
evalBinds :: EvalContext -> Binds -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, EvalContext)
evalBinds c (BDecls decls) = do
boundNames = concatMap getBoundVarName decls
augmentedContext = boundNames <> c
evaledDecl <- mconcat <$> mapM (evalDecl augmentedContext) decls
pure (evaledDecl, augmentedContext)
evalGeneralLet :: (EvalContext -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)) -> EvalContext -> Binds -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalGeneralLet expOrRhsEvaler c bs = do
(bindGraph, bindContext) <- evalBinds c bs
expVal <- expOrRhsEvaler bindContext
(expGraph, expResult) = expVal
newGraph = deleteBindings . makeEdges $ expGraph <> bindGraph
bindings = sgSources bindGraph
pure (newGraph, lookupReference bindings expResult)
evalLet :: EvalContext -> Binds -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalLet context binds e = evalGeneralLet (`evalExp` e) context binds
-- TODO: Refactor this with evalPatBind
evalPatAndRhs :: EvalContext -> Pat -> Rhs -> Maybe Binds -> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, NameAndPort)
evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds = do
patternNames <- namesInPattern <$> evalPattern pat
let rhsContext = patternNames <> c
-- TODO: remove coerceExpressionResult
(rhsGraph, rhsRef) <- rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext >>= coerceExpressionResult
(patGraph, patRef) <- evalPattern pat
grWithEdges = makeEdges (rhsGraph <> patGraph)
-- The pattern and rhs are conneted if makeEdges added extra edges.
patRhsAreConnected =
length (sgEdges grWithEdges) > (length (sgEdges rhsGraph) + length (sgEdges patGraph))
pure (patRhsAreConnected, deleteBindings grWithEdges, patRef, rhsRef)
-- returns (combined graph, pattern reference, rhs reference)
evalAlt :: EvalContext -> Exts.Alt -> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, NameAndPort)
evalAlt c (Exts.Alt _ pat rhs maybeBinds) = evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeBinds
evalCase :: EvalContext -> Exp -> [Alt] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalCase c e alts = do
evaledAlts <- mapM (evalAlt c) alts
(expGraph, expRef) <- evalExp c e
caseIconName <- getUniqueName "case"
(patRhsConnected, altGraphs, patRefs, rhsRefs) = unzip4 evaledAlts
combindedAltGraph = mconcat altGraphs
numAlts = length alts
icons = [(caseIconName, CaseNode numAlts)]
caseGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
expEdge = (expRef, nameAndPort caseIconName (Port 0))
patEdges = zip patRefs $ map (nameAndPort caseIconName . Port) [2,4..]
rhsEdges = zip patRhsConnected $ zip rhsRefs $ map (nameAndPort caseIconName . Port) [3,5..]
(connectedRhss, unConnectedRhss) = partition fst rhsEdges
resultIconNames <- replicateM numAlts (getUniqueName "caseResult")
makeCaseResult resultIconName rhsPort = syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges rhsNewIcons rhsNewEdges
rhsNewIcons = [(resultIconName, CaseResultNode)]
rhsNewEdges = [makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, justName resultIconName)]
caseResultGraphs = mconcat $ zipWith makeCaseResult resultIconNames (fmap (fst . snd) connectedRhss)
filteredRhsEdges = mapFst Right $ fmap snd unConnectedRhss
patternEdgesGraph = edgesForRefPortList True patEdges
caseEdgeGraph = edgesForRefPortList False (expEdge : filteredRhsEdges)
finalGraph = mconcat [patternEdgesGraph, caseResultGraphs, expGraph, caseEdgeGraph, caseGraph, combindedAltGraph]
pure (finalGraph, nameAndPort caseIconName (Port 1))
evalTuple :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTuple c exps = do
argVals <- mapM (evalExp c) exps
funVal <- makeBox $ nTupleString (length exps)
applyIconName <- getUniqueName "tupleApp"
pure $ makeApplyGraph ApplyNodeFlavor False applyIconName (fmap Right funVal) argVals (length exps)
evalListExp :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalListExp _ [] = makeBox "[]"
evalListExp c exps = evalApp c ApplyNodeFlavor (makeVarExp . nListString . length $ exps, exps)
evalLeftSection :: EvalContext -> Exp -> QOp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalLeftSection c e op = evalExp c $ App (qOpToExp op) e
evalRightSection :: EvalContext -> QOp -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalRightSection c op e = do
expVal <- evalExp c e
funVal <- evalExp c (qOpToExp op)
applyIconName <- getUniqueName "tupleApp"
-- TODO: A better option would be for makeApplyGraph to take the list of expressions as Maybes.
neverUsedPort <- Left <$> getUniqueString "unusedArgument"
pure $ makeApplyGraph ApplyNodeFlavor False applyIconName funVal [(mempty, neverUsedPort), expVal] 2
-- evalEnums is only used by evalExp
evalEnums :: EvalContext -> String -> [Exp] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalEnums c s exps = fmap Right <$> evalApp c ApplyNodeFlavor (makeVarExp s, exps)
desugarDo :: [Stmt] -> Exp
desugarDo [Qualifier e] = e
desugarDo (Qualifier e : stmts) = InfixApp e thenOp (desugarDo stmts)
where thenOp = makeQVarOp ">>"
desugarDo (Generator srcLoc pat e : stmts) =
InfixApp e (makeQVarOp ">>=") (Lambda srcLoc [pat] (desugarDo stmts))
desugarDo (LetStmt binds : stmts) = Let binds (desugarDo stmts)
-- TODO: Finish evalRecConstr
evalRecConstr :: EvalContext -> QName -> [Exts.FieldUpdate] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalRecConstr c qName _ = evalQName qName c
evalExp :: EvalContext -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalExp c x = case x of
Var n -> evalQName n c
Con n -> evalQName n c
Lit l -> fmap Right <$> evalLit l
InfixApp e1 op e2 -> evalInfixApp c e1 op e2
App f arg -> fmap Right <$> evaluateAppExpression c f arg
NegApp e -> evalExp c (App (makeVarExp "negate") e)
Lambda _ patterns e -> fmap Right <$> evalLambda c patterns e
Let bs e -> evalLet c bs e
If e1 e2 e3 -> fmap Right <$> evalIf c e1 e2 e3
Case e alts -> fmap Right <$> evalCase c e alts
Do stmts -> evalExp c (desugarDo stmts)
-- TODO special tuple symbol
Tuple _ exps -> fmap Right <$> evalTuple c exps
List exps -> fmap Right <$> evalListExp c exps
Paren e -> evalExp c e
LeftSection e op -> evalLeftSection c e op
RightSection op e -> fmap Right <$> evalRightSection c op e
RecConstr n updates -> evalRecConstr c n updates
-- TODO: Do RecUpdate correcly
RecUpdate e _ -> evalExp c e
EnumFrom e -> evalEnums c "enumFrom" [e]
EnumFromTo e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThen e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThenTo" [e1, e2, e3]
-- TODO: Add the type signiture to ExpTypeSig.
ExpTypeSig _ e _ -> evalExp c e
-- TODO: Add other cases
_ -> error $ "evalExp: No pattern in case for " ++ show x
-- | First argument is the right hand side.
-- The second arugement is a list of strings that are bound in the environment.
evalRhs :: EvalContext -> Rhs -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalRhs c (UnGuardedRhs e) = evalExp c e
evalRhs c (GuardedRhss rhss) = fmap Right <$> evalGuardedRhss c rhss
rhsWithBinds :: Maybe Binds -> Rhs -> EvalContext -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext = case maybeWhereBinds of
Nothing -> evalRhs rhsContext rhs
Just b -> evalGeneralLet (`evalRhs` rhs) rhsContext b
evalPatBind :: EvalContext -> Decl -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalPatBind c (PatBind _ pat rhs maybeWhereBinds) = do
patternNames <- namesInPattern <$> evalPattern pat
let rhsContext = patternNames <> c
(rhsGraph, rhsRef) <- rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext
(patGraph, patRef) <- evalPattern pat
(newEdges, newSinks, bindings) = case patRef of
(Left s) -> (mempty, mempty, [(s, rhsRef)])
(Right patPort) -> case rhsRef of
-- TODO This edge/sink should have a special arrow head to indicate an input to a pattern.
(Left rhsStr) -> (mempty, [(rhsStr, patPort)], mempty)
(Right rhsPort) -> ([makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, patPort)], mempty, mempty)
gr = SyntaxGraph mempty newEdges newSinks bindings mempty
pure . makeEdges $ (gr <> rhsGraph <> patGraph)
generalEvalLambda :: EvalContext -> [Pat] -> (EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef) -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
generalEvalLambda context patterns rhsEvalFun = do
lambdaName <- getUniqueName "lam"
patternVals <- mapM evalPattern patterns
patternStrings = concatMap namesInPattern patternVals
rhsContext = patternStrings <> context
lambdaPorts = map (nameAndPort lambdaName . Port) [2,3..]
patternGraph = mconcat $ map fst patternVals
(patternEdges, newBinds) =
partitionEithers $ zipWith makePatternEdges patternVals lambdaPorts
numParameters = length patterns
-- TODO remove coerceExpressionResult here
(rhsRawGraph, rhsResult) <- rhsEvalFun rhsContext >>= coerceExpressionResult
icons = [(lambdaName, FunctionDefNode numParameters)]
resultIconEdge = makeSimpleEdge (rhsResult, nameAndPort lambdaName (Port 0))
finalGraph = SyntaxGraph icons (resultIconEdge:patternEdges)
mempty newBinds mempty
pure (deleteBindings . makeEdges $ (rhsRawGraph <> patternGraph <> finalGraph), nameAndPort lambdaName (Port 1))
-- TODO Like evalPatBind, this edge should have an indicator that it is the input to a pattern.
-- makePatternEdges creates the edges between the patterns and the parameter ports.
makePatternEdges :: GraphAndRef -> NameAndPort -> Either Edge (String, Reference)
makePatternEdges (_, Right patPort) lamPort =
Left $ makeSimpleEdge (lamPort, patPort)
makePatternEdges (_, Left str) lamPort = Right (str, Right lamPort)
evalLambda :: EvalContext -> [Pat] -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLambda c patterns e = generalEvalLambda c patterns (`evalExp` e)
evalMatch :: EvalContext -> Match -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalMatch c (Match _ name patterns _ rhs maybeWhereBinds) = do
matchFunNameString = nameToString name
newContext = matchFunNameString : c
(lambdaGraph, lambdaPort) <-
generalEvalLambda newContext patterns (rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs)
newBinding = SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty [(matchFunNameString, Right lambdaPort)] mempty
pure $ makeEdges (newBinding <> lambdaGraph)
-- Only used by matchesToCase
matchToAlt :: Match -> Alt
matchToAlt (Match srcLocation _ mtaPats _ rhs binds) = Alt srcLocation altPattern rhs binds where
altPattern = case mtaPats of
[onePat] -> onePat
_ -> PTuple Exts.Boxed mtaPats
matchesToCase :: Match -> [Match] -> State IDState Match
matchesToCase match [] = pure match
matchesToCase firstMatch@(Match srcLoc funName pats mType _ _) restOfMatches = do
tempStrings <- replicateM (length pats) (getUniqueString "_tempvar")
tempPats = fmap (PVar . Ident) tempStrings
tempVars = fmap makeVarExp tempStrings
tuple = Tuple Exts.Boxed tempVars
caseExp = case tempVars of
[oneTempVar] -> Case oneTempVar alts
_ -> Case tuple alts
rhs = UnGuardedRhs caseExp
match = Match srcLoc funName tempPats mType rhs Nothing
pure match
allMatches = firstMatch:restOfMatches
alts = fmap matchToAlt allMatches
evalMatches :: EvalContext -> [Match] -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalMatches _ [] = pure mempty
evalMatches c (firstMatch:restOfMatches) = matchesToCase firstMatch restOfMatches >>= evalMatch c
evalDecl :: EvalContext -> Decl -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalDecl c d = case d of
PatBind _ _ _ _ -> evalPatBind c d
FunBind matches -> evalMatches c matches
--TODO: Add other cases here
_ -> pure mempty
showTopLevelBinds :: SyntaxGraph -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
showTopLevelBinds gr = do
binds = sgSources gr
addBind (_, Left _) = pure mempty
addBind (patName, Right port) = do
uniquePatName <- getUniqueName patName
icons = [(uniquePatName, BindNameNode patName)]
edges = [makeSimpleEdge (port, justName uniquePatName)]
edgeGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges icons edges
pure edgeGraph
newGraph <- mconcat <$> mapM addBind binds
pure $ newGraph <> gr
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph :: Decl -> SyntaxGraph
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph d = graph where
evaluatedDecl = evalDecl mempty d >>= showTopLevelBinds
graph = evalState evaluatedDecl initialIdState
-- | Convert a single function declaration into a SyntaxGraph
translateStringToSyntaxGraph :: String -> SyntaxGraph
translateStringToSyntaxGraph = translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . fromParseResult . parseDecl
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph :: Decl -> IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph = collapseNodes . syntaxGraphToFglGraph . translateDeclToSyntaxGraph
-- Profiling: about 1.5% of total time.
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl :: String -> (IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr, Decl)
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl s = (drawing, decl) where
decl = fromParseResult (parseDecl s) -- :: ParseResult Module
drawing = translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decl
-- TODO Put the type declarations in a box below the image.
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs :: Module -> [IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr]
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ decls) = fmap translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decls