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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-}
module Types (
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude(Name, QDiagram, V2, Any, Renderable, Path)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
import Control.Monad.State(State, state)
-- TYPES --
-- | A datatype that represents an icon.
-- The BranchIcon is used as a branching point for a line.
-- The TextBoxIcon's data is the text that appears in the text box.
-- The LambdaRegionIcon's data is the number of lambda ports, and the name of it's
-- subdrawing.
data Icon = ResultIcon | BranchIcon | TextBoxIcon String | GuardIcon Int
| FlatLambdaIcon Int | ApplyAIcon Int
| TextApplyAIcon Int String | PAppIcon Int String | CaseIcon Int | CaseResultIcon
| BindTextBoxIcon String
-- TODO: NestedApply should have the type NestedApply (Maybe (Name, Icon)) [Maybe (Name, Icon)]
| NestedApply [Maybe (Name, Icon)]
| NestedPApp [Maybe (Name, Icon)]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- TODO remove Ints from SyntaxNode data constructors.
-- TODO Add NestedApplyNode, and NestedPatternApplyNode
data SyntaxNode =
ApplyNode Int-- Function application
| NestedApplyNode Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
| PatternApplyNode String Int -- Destructors as used in patterns
| NestedPatternApplyNode String Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
| NameNode String -- Identifiers or symbols
| BindNameNode String
| LiteralNode String -- Literal values like the string "Hello World"
| FunctionDefNode Int-- Function definition (ie. lambda expression)
| GuardNode Int
| CaseNode Int
| BranchNode -- TODO remove BranchNode
| CaseResultNode -- TODO remove caseResultNode
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data NameAndPort = NameAndPort Name (Maybe Int) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Connection = (NameAndPort, NameAndPort)
data EdgeOption = EdgeInPattern deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | An Edge has an name of the source icon, and its optional port number,
-- and the name of the destination icon, and its optional port number.
data Edge = Edge {edgeOptions::[EdgeOption], edgeEnds :: (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd), edgeConnection :: Connection}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data EdgeEnd = EndAp1Result | EndAp1Arg | EndNone deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | A drawing is a map from names to Icons, a list of edges,
-- and a map of names to subDrawings
data Drawing = Drawing [(Name, Icon)] [Edge] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | IDState is an Abstract Data Type that is used as a state whose value is a unique id.
newtype IDState = IDState Int deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Note that SpecialBackend is a constraint synonym, not a type synonym.
type SpecialBackend b = (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
type SpecialQDiagram b = QDiagram b V2 Double Any
type SgNamedNode = (Name, SyntaxNode)
type IngSyntaxGraph gr = gr SgNamedNode Edge
sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode :: SgNamedNode -> SyntaxNode
sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode = snd
initialIdState :: IDState
initialIdState = IDState 0
getId :: State IDState Int
getId = state incrementer where
incrementer (IDState x) = (x, IDState checkedIncrement) where
xPlusOne = x + 1
checkedIncrement = if xPlusOne > x
then xPlusOne
else error "getId: the ID state has overflowed."