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module UnitTests(
) where
import Test.HUnit
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Translate(stringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph)
import Types(SgNamedNode, Edge(..), SyntaxNode(..),
IngSyntaxGraph, NodeName(..), LikeApplyFlavor(..))
import qualified GraphAlgorithms
-- Unit Test Helpers --
assertAllEqual :: (Eq a, Show a) => [a] -> Test
assertAllEqual items = case items of
[] -> TestCase $ assertFailure "assertAllEqual: argument is empty list"
(first : rest) -> TestList $ fmap (first ~=?) rest
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs :: [String] -> Test
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs ls = assertAllEqual $ fmap stringToSyntaxGraph ls
-- END Unit Test Helpers --
-- 0:(toName "app02",ApplyNode 1)->[]
-- 1:(toName "f0",LiteralNode "f")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "f0") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 0))},0)]
-- 2:(toName "x1",LiteralNode "x")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "x1") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 2))},0)]
-- 3:(toName "y3",NameNode "y")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "y3") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 1))},0)]
singleApplyGraph :: FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge
singleApplyGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
makeTreeRootTest :: (String, [Maybe SgNamedNode], String) -> Test
makeTreeRootTest (testName, expected, haskellString) = TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected actual where
actual = fmap (ING.lab graph) treeRoots
graph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph haskellString
treeRoots = GraphAlgorithms.findTreeRoots graph
treeRootTests :: Test
treeRootTests = TestList $ fmap makeTreeRootTest treeRootTestList where
treeRootTestList = [
("single apply", [Just (NodeName 2, LikeApplyNode ApplyNodeFlavor 1)], "y = f x"),
-- TODO Fix test below
("double apply", [Just (NodeName 3, LikeApplyNode ComposeNodeFlavor 2)], "y = f (g x)"),
("recursive apply", [Just (NodeName 3,LikeApplyNode ComposeNodeFlavor 2)], "y = f (g y)")
makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest ::
ING.Graph gr =>
(String, IngSyntaxGraph gr, ING.Node, Bool) -> Test
makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest (testName, graph, node, expected) =TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected canBeEmbedded where
canBeEmbedded = GraphAlgorithms.nodeWillBeEmbedded graph node
-- TODO Add more cases for childCanBeEmbeddedTests
-- TODO Fix these tests
childCanBeEmbeddedTests :: Test
childCanBeEmbeddedTests = TestList $ fmap makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest childCanBeEmbeddedList where
childCanBeEmbeddedList = [
("single apply, ap", singleApplyGraph, 0, False),
("single apply, f", singleApplyGraph, 1, True),
("single apply, x", singleApplyGraph, 2, True),
("single apply, y", singleApplyGraph, 3, False)
collapseUnitTests :: Test
collapseUnitTests = TestList[
TestLabel "findTreeRoots" treeRootTests
--TestLabel "childCanBeEmbedded" childCanBeEmbeddedTests
-- Translate unit tests
-- Yes, the commas get their own line
translateUnitTests :: Test
translateUnitTests = TestList [
TestLabel "fmapTest" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = fmap f x",
"y = f <$> x"
TestLabel "dollarTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f x",
"y = f $ x"
TestLabel "dollarTests2" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f (g x)",
"y = f $ (g x)",
"y = f $ g $ x",
"y = f (g $ x)"
TestLabel "dollarTests3" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f 1 (g 2)",
"y = f 1 $ g 2"
TestLabel "composeApplyTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f (g x)",
"y = (f . g) x",
"y = f . g $ x"
TestLabel "composeApplyTests2" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f3 (f2 (f1 x))",
"y = f3 . f2 . f1 $ x",
"y = (f3 . f2 . f1) x"
TestLabel "infixTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = (+) 1 2",
"y = ((+) 1) 2",
"y = 1 + 2",
"y = (1 +) 2"
TestLabel "infixTests2" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f (1 +) 2",
"y = f ((+) 1) 2"
allUnitTests :: Test
allUnitTests = TestList[
TestLabel "collapseUnitTests" collapseUnitTests,
TestLabel "translateTests" translateUnitTests