
266 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module GraphAlgorithms(
) where
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Data.List(foldl', find)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple(swap)
import GHC.Stack(HasCallStack)
import Constants(pattern ResultPortConst, pattern InputPortConst)
import Types(SyntaxNode(..), IngSyntaxGraph, Edge(..),
CaseOrMultiIfTag(..), Port(..), NameAndPort(..), SgNamedNode
, AnnotatedGraph, EmbedInfo(..), EmbedDirection(..), NodeInfo(..)
, Embedder(..), Named(..), EmbedderSyntaxNode, NodeName)
import Util(fromMaybeError)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use record patterns" #-}
data ParentType = ApplyParent
| CaseParent
| MultiIfParent
| LambdaParent
| NotAParent
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Helper functions
parentAndChild :: EmbedDirection
-> (a, a) -- ^ (from, to)
-> (a, a) -- ^ (parent, child)
parentAndChild embedDirection
= case embedDirection of
EdEmbedTo -> id
EdEmbedFrom -> swap
-- End helper functions
-- START annotateGraph --
-- TODO Use pattern synonyms here
-- | A syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable if it can be collapsed into another node
syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable :: ParentType
-> SyntaxNode
-> Maybe Port
-> Maybe Port
-> Bool
syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable parentType syntaxNode mParentPort mChildPort
= case (parentType, syntaxNode) of
(ApplyParent, ApplyNode _ _) -> parentPortNotResult
(ApplyParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
(ApplyParent, FunctionDefNode _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && isResult mChildPort
-- The match below works, but can make messy drawings with the current
-- icon for lambdas.
-- (LambdaParent, ApplyNode _ _ _) -> parentPortIsInput
(LambdaParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortIsInput
(LambdaParent, FunctionDefNode _ _)
-> parentPortIsInput && isResult mChildPort
(CaseParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
(CaseParent, ApplyNode _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && parentPortNotInput
(CaseParent, PatternApplyNode _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && parentPortNotInput
(MultiIfParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
(MultiIfParent, ApplyNode _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && parentPortNotInput
_ -> False
isInput mPort = case mPort of
Just InputPortConst -> True
_ -> False
isResult mPort = case mPort of
Nothing -> True
Just ResultPortConst -> True
Just _ -> False
parentPortIsInput = isInput mParentPort
parentPortNotInput = not $ isInput mParentPort
parentPortNotResult = not $ isResult mParentPort
parentTypeForNode :: SyntaxNode -> ParentType
parentTypeForNode n = case n of
(ApplyNode _ _) -> ApplyParent
CaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag _ -> CaseParent
CaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag _ -> MultiIfParent
(FunctionDefNode _ _) -> LambdaParent
_ -> NotAParent
lookupSyntaxNode :: ING.Graph gr =>
IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Maybe EmbedderSyntaxNode
lookupSyntaxNode gr node = naVal <$> ING.lab gr node
lookupParentType :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> ParentType
lookupParentType graph node
= maybe NotAParent parentTypeForNode $ emNode <$> lookupSyntaxNode graph node
{-# ANN edgeIsSingular "HLint: ignore Redundant bracket" #-}
edgeIsSingular :: ING.Graph gr => gr a Edge -> ING.Node -> Edge -> Bool
edgeIsSingular graph node edge = numEdges <= 1 where
(childNamePort, _) = edgeConnection edge
edgeLabels = filter
(childNamePort ==)
((fst . edgeConnection . snd) <$> ING.lsuc graph node)
numEdges = length edgeLabels
parentCanEmbedChild :: ING.Graph gr =>
IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> ING.Node -> Edge -> EmbedDirection -> Bool
parentCanEmbedChild graph parent child edge embedDirection
= case lookupSyntaxNode graph child of
Nothing -> False
Just childSyntaxNode ->
edgeIsSingular graph child edge
&& syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable
(emNode childSyntaxNode)
parentType = lookupParentType graph parent
(NameAndPort _ fromPort, NameAndPort _ toPort) = edgeConnection edge
(parentPort, childPort)
= parentAndChild embedDirection (fromPort, toPort)
findEmbedDir :: ING.Graph gr
=> IngSyntaxGraph gr
-> ING.Node
-> ING.Node
-> Edge
-> Maybe EmbedDirection
findEmbedDir gr fromNode toNode e = if
| parentCanEmbedChild gr fromNode toNode e EdEmbedTo
-> Just EdEmbedTo
| parentCanEmbedChild gr toNode fromNode e EdEmbedFrom
-> Just EdEmbedFrom
| otherwise -> Nothing
annotateGraph :: ING.DynGraph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> gr SgNamedNode (EmbedInfo Edge)
annotateGraph gr = ING.gmap edgeMapper gr
edgeMapper :: ING.Context SgNamedNode Edge
-> ING.Context SgNamedNode (EmbedInfo Edge)
edgeMapper (inEdges, node, nodeLabel, outEdges)
= (getInEmbedInfo node inEdges
, node
, nodeLabel
, getOutEmbedInfo node outEdges)
getInEmbedInfo toNode
= fmap (\(e, fromNode)
-> (EmbedInfo (findEmbedDir gr fromNode toNode e) e, fromNode))
getOutEmbedInfo fromNode
= fmap (\(e, toNode)
-> (EmbedInfo (findEmbedDir gr fromNode toNode e) e, toNode))
-- END annotateGraph --
-- START collapseAnnotatedGraph --
findEdgeLabel :: ING.Graph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> ING.Node -> Maybe b
findEdgeLabel graph node1 node2 = fmap fst matchingEdges where
labelledEdges = ING.lneighbors graph node1
matchingEdges = find ((== node2) . snd) labelledEdges
-- | Replace the a node's label
changeNodeLabel :: ING.DynGraph gr => ING.Node -> a -> gr a b -> gr a b
changeNodeLabel node newLabel graph = case ING.match node graph of
(Just (inEdges, _, _, outEdges), restOfTheGraph)
-> (inEdges, node, newLabel, outEdges) ING.& restOfTheGraph
(Nothing, _) -> graph
addChildToNodeLabel ::
(NodeName, Edge) -> EmbedderSyntaxNode -> EmbedderSyntaxNode
addChildToNodeLabel child (Embedder existingNodes oldSyntaxNode)
= Embedder (Set.insert child existingNodes) oldSyntaxNode
-- | Change the node label of the parent to be nested.
embedChildSyntaxNode :: ING.DynGraph gr =>
ING.Node -> ING.Node -> AnnotatedGraph gr -> AnnotatedGraph gr
embedChildSyntaxNode parentNode childNode oldGraph = newGraph
mChildAndEdge =
(,) <$> ING.lab oldGraph childNode
<*> findEdgeLabel oldGraph parentNode childNode
newGraph = case ING.lab oldGraph parentNode of
Nothing -> error "embedChildSyntaxNode: parentNode not found"
Just (NodeInfo isChild oldNodeLabel) ->
-- TODO Refactor with the Maybe Monad?
case mChildAndEdge of
Nothing -> error "embedChildSyntaxNode: childNode not found."
Just (NodeInfo _ childNodeLab, EmbedInfo _ edge)
-> changeNodeLabel
(NodeInfo (Just parentNode) childNodeLab)
$ changeNodeLabel parentNode newNodeLabel oldGraph
Named nodeName oldSyntaxNode = oldNodeLabel
newSyntaxNode = addChildToNodeLabel
(naName childNodeLab, edge)
newNodeLabel = NodeInfo isChild (Named nodeName newSyntaxNode)
collapseEdge :: (HasCallStack, ING.DynGraph gr)
=> AnnotatedGraph gr
-> ING.LEdge (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> AnnotatedGraph gr
collapseEdge oldGraph lEdge@(fromNode, toNode, EmbedInfo mEmbedDir _)
= case mEmbedDir of
Nothing -> oldGraph
Just embedDir -> ING.delLEdge lEdge childEmbeddedGraph
(parentNode, childNode) = parentAndChild embedDir (fromNode, toNode)
= embedChildSyntaxNode parentNode childNode oldGraph
mapEdges :: (ING.Graph gr1, ING.Graph gr2)
=> (ING.LEdge b1 -> ING.LEdge b2)
-> gr1 a b1
-> gr2 a b2
mapEdges f gr = ING.mkGraph nodes mappedEdges
nodes = ING.labNodes gr
mappedEdges = f <$> ING.labEdges gr
findRootAncestor :: ING.Graph gr
=> gr (NodeInfo a) b -> ING.Node -> ING.Node
findRootAncestor gr node =
let nodeLab = fromMaybeError
"findRootAncestor: node does not exist"
(ING.lab gr node)
case niParent nodeLab of
Nothing -> node
Just parentNode -> findRootAncestor gr parentNode
-- Note: modifying the edges could probably be eliminated if the algorithms in
-- Rendering were re-written to us the node's parent.
-- | For all of the graph edges, this function moves edge to from and to nodes
-- of the edge to be root (the parents's parent parent etc.) of the edge's
-- from and to nodes.
moveEdges :: (ING.Graph gr1, ING.Graph gr2)
=> gr1 (NodeInfo a) b -> gr2 (NodeInfo a) b
moveEdges gr = mapEdges moveEdge gr
moveEdge (fromNode, toNode, label) = (newFrom, newTo, label)
newFrom = findRootAncestor gr fromNode
newTo = findRootAncestor gr toNode
collapseAnnotatedGraph :: (HasCallStack, ING.DynGraph gr)
=> gr SgNamedNode (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> AnnotatedGraph gr
collapseAnnotatedGraph origGraph = moveEdges newGraph
defaultNodeInfoGraph = ING.nmap (NodeInfo Nothing) origGraph
-- TODO Check that there are no embedded edges left.
newGraph = foldl' collapseEdge defaultNodeInfoGraph (ING.labEdges origGraph)