2016-02-25 18:37:04 -08:00

278 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
module Rendering (
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz(mkGraph, getGraph, layoutGraph')
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
--import Diagrams.Backend.SVG(B)
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
--import Data.GraphViz.Commands
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
--import qualified Debug.Trace
import Data.List(minimumBy)
import Data.Function(on)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Icons(colorScheme, Icon(..), iconToDiagram, nameDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..))
import Types(Edge(..), EdgeOption(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), NameAndPort(..))
import Util(fromMaybeError)
-- If the inferred types for these functions becomes unweildy,
-- try using PartialTypeSignitures.
scaleFactor :: (Fractional a) => a
-- For Neato
scaleFactor = 0.05
-- For Fdp
--scaleFactor = 0.05
--scaleFactor = 0.04
drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor :: Double
drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor = 0.4
-- | Convert a map of names and icons, to a list of names and diagrams.
-- The first argument is the subdiagram map used for the inside of lambdaIcons
-- The second argument is the map of icons that should be converted to diagrams.
--makeNamedMap :: IsName name => [(Name, Diagram B)] -> [(name, Icon)] -> [(name, Diagram B)]
makeNamedMap ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Diagrams.TwoD.Text.Text n) b, IsName nm) =>
[(Name, QDiagram b V2 n Any)]-> [(nm, Icon)] -> [(nm, QDiagram b V2 n Any)]
makeNamedMap subDiagramMap =
map (\(name, icon) -> (name, iconToDiagram icon subDiagramMap # nameDiagram name))
-- | Make an inductive Graph from a list of node names, and a list of Connections.
edgesToGraph :: [Name] -> [(NameAndPort, NameAndPort)] -> Gr Name ()
edgesToGraph iconNames edges = mkGraph iconNames simpleEdges
simpleEdges = map (\(NameAndPort a _, NameAndPort c _) -> (a, c, ())) edges
-- | Custom arrow tail for the arg1 result circle.
-- The ArrowHT type does not seem to be documented.
arg1ResT :: (RealFloat n) => ArrowHT n
arg1ResT len _ = (circle (len / 2) # alignR, mempty)
-- | Arrow head version of arg1ResT
arg1ResH :: (RealFloat n) => ArrowHT n
arg1ResH len _ = (circle (len / 2) # alignL, mempty)
getArrowOpts :: (RealFloat n, Typeable n) => (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd) -> [EdgeOption]-> ArrowOpts n
getArrowOpts (t, h) opts = arrowOptions
shaftColor = if EdgeInPattern `elem` opts then patternC else lineC
ap1ArgTexture = solid (backgroundC colorScheme)
ap1ArgStyle = lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (apply1C colorScheme)
ap1ResultTexture = solid (apply1C colorScheme)
lookupTail EndNone = id
lookupTail EndAp1Arg = (arrowTail .~ dart')
. (tailTexture .~ ap1ArgTexture) . (tailStyle %~ ap1ArgStyle)
lookupTail EndAp1Result = (arrowTail .~ arg1ResT) . (tailTexture .~ ap1ResultTexture)
lookupHead EndNone = id
lookupHead EndAp1Arg = (arrowHead .~ dart)
. (headTexture .~ ap1ArgTexture) . (headStyle %~ ap1ArgStyle)
lookupHead EndAp1Result = (arrowHead .~ arg1ResH) . (headTexture .~ ap1ResultTexture)
arrowOptions =
with & arrowHead .~ noHead
& arrowTail .~ noTail
& lengths .~ global 0.75
& shaftStyle %~ lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (shaftColor colorScheme)
& lookupTail t & lookupHead h
-- | Given an Edge, return a transformation on Diagrams that will draw a line.
connectMaybePorts ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
Edge -> QDiagram b V2 n Any -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1))) =
(getArrowOpts ends opts)
(icon0 .> port0)
(icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1))) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 Nothing)) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) (icon0 .> port0) icon1
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 Nothing)) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) icon0 icon1
makeConnections ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
[Edge] -> QDiagram b V2 n Any -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
makeConnections edges = applyAll connections
connections = map connectMaybePorts edges
--printSelf :: (Show a) => a -> a
--printSelf a = Debug.Trace.trace (show a ++ "/n") a
{-# ANN totalLenghtOfLines "HLint: ignore Redundant bracket" #-}
{-# ANN totalLenghtOfLines "HLint: ignore Move brackets to avoid $" #-}
-- | For a specific icon, given its angle, location, and a list of pairs of locations
-- of (this icon's port, icon that connects to this port), return the sum of the
-- distances (possibly squared) between the ports and the icons they connect to.
-- This function is used to find that angle that minimizes the sum of distances.
totalLenghtOfLines :: Double -> P2 Double -> [(P2 Double, P2 Double)] -> Double
totalLenghtOfLines angle myLocation edges = sum $ map edgeDist edges
edgeDist :: (P2 Double, P2 Double) -> Double
edgeDist (relativePortLocation, iconLocation) =
-- The squaring here is arbitrary. Distance should be replaced with angle diff.
(norm $ absPortVec ^-^ iconLocationVec) ** 2
P relPortVec = relativePortLocation
P iconLocationVec = iconLocation
P myLocVec = myLocation
absPortVec = myLocVec ^+^ (rotateBy angle relPortVec)
-- | For a specific icon, given its location, and a list of pairs of locations
-- of (this icon's port, icon that connects to this port), find the angle that
-- minimizes the the sum of the distances (possibly squared) between the ports
-- and the icons they connect to. Returns (angle, sum of distances).
-- todo: Return 0 immediatly if edges == [].
angleWithMinDist :: P2 Double -> [(P2 Double, P2 Double)] -> (Double, Double)
angleWithMinDist myLocation edges =
minimumBy (compare `on` snd) $ map totalLength [0,(1/40)..1]
totalLength angle = (angle, totalLenghtOfLines angle myLocation edges)
getFromMapAndScale :: (Fractional a, Functor f, Ord k) => Map.Map k (f a) -> k -> f a
getFromMapAndScale posMap name = scaleFactor *^ (posMap Map.! name)
-- | Returns [(myport, other node, maybe other node's port)]
connectedPorts :: [Connection] -> Name -> [(Int, Name, Maybe Int)]
connectedPorts edges name = map edgeToPort $ filter nameInEdge edges
isPort = isJust
nameInEdge (NameAndPort name1 port1, NameAndPort name2 port2) = (name == name1 && isPort port1) || (name == name2 && isPort port2)
edgeToPort (NameAndPort name1 port1, NameAndPort name2 port2) =
if name == name1
then (fromMaybeError "connectedPorts: port is Nothing" port1, name2, port2)
else (fromMaybeError "connectedPorts: port is Nothing" port2, name1, port1)
-- | rotateNodes rotates the nodes such that the distance of its connecting lines
-- are minimized.
-- Precondition: the diagrams are already centered
-- todo: confirm precondition (or use a newtype)
rotateNodes ::
Semigroup m =>
Map.Map Name (Point V2 Double)
-> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [Connection]
-> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
rotateNodes positionMap nameDiagramMap edges = map rotateDiagram nameDiagramMap
rotateDiagram (name, originalDia) = (name, transformedDia)
transformedDia = if flippedDist < unflippedDist
then rotateBy flippedAngle flippedDia
else rotateBy unflippedAngle originalDia
flippedDia = reflectX originalDia
(unflippedAngle, unflippedDist) = minAngleForDia originalDia
(flippedAngle, flippedDist) = minAngleForDia flippedDia
--minAngleForDia :: QDiagram b V2 Double m -> (Double, Double)
minAngleForDia dia = minAngle where
--ports = Debug.Trace.trace ((show $ names dia) ++ "\n") $ names dia
ports = names dia
namesOfPortsWithLines = connectedPorts edges name
iconInMap :: (Int, Name, Maybe Int) -> Bool
iconInMap (_, otherIconName, _) = Map.member otherIconName positionMap
getPortPoint :: Int -> P2 Double
getPortPoint x =
-- TODO remove partial function head.
head $ fromMaybeError ("port not found. Port: " ++ show name ++ ".> " ++ show x ++ ". Valid ports: " ++ show ports) (lookup (name .> x) ports)
makePortEdge :: (Int, Name, Maybe Int) -> (P2 Double, P2 Double)
makePortEdge (portInt, otherIconName, _) =
(getPortPoint portInt, getFromMapAndScale positionMap otherIconName)
portEdges = map makePortEdge $ filter iconInMap namesOfPortsWithLines
minAngle = angleWithMinDist (getFromMapAndScale positionMap name) portEdges
type LayoutResult a = Gr (GV.AttributeNode Name) (GV.AttributeNode a)
placeNodes ::
(Monoid m, Semigroup m) =>
LayoutResult a
-> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [Connection]
-> QDiagram b V2 Double m
placeNodes layoutResult nameDiagramMap edges = mconcat placedNodes
(positionMap, _) = getGraph layoutResult
rotatedNameDiagramMap = rotateNodes positionMap nameDiagramMap edges
placedNodes = map placeNode rotatedNameDiagramMap
--placedNodes = map placeNode nameDiagramMap
-- todo: Not sure if the diagrams should already be centered at this point.
placeNode (name, diagram) = place (diagram # centerXY) (scaleFactor *^ (positionMap Map.! name))
doGraphLayout ::
(Monoid m, Semigroup m) =>
Gr Name e
-> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [Connection]
-> IO (QDiagram b V2 Double m)
doGraphLayout graph nameDiagramMap edges = do
layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato graph
-- layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Fdp graph
return $ placeNodes layoutResult nameDiagramMap edges
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int v e () v
layoutParams = GV.defaultParams{
GV.globalAttributes =
[ GV.NodeAttrs [GVA.Shape GVA.BoxShape]
, GV.GraphAttrs [GVA.Overlap GVA.ScaleXYOverlaps, GVA.Splines GVA.LineEdges]
GV.fmtEdge = const [GV.arrowTo GV.noArrow],
GV.fmtNode = nodeAttribute
nodeAttribute :: (Int, l) -> [GV.Attribute]
nodeAttribute (nodeInt, _) =
-- todo: Potential bug. GVA.Width and GVA.Height have a minimum of 0.01
-- throw an error if the width or height are less than 0.01
[GVA.Width diaWidth, GVA.Height diaHeight]
--shapeDimensions = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * max (width dia) (height dia)
diaWidth = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * (width dia)
diaHeight = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * (height dia)
--todo: Hack! Using (!!) here relies upon the implementation of Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz.mkGraph
-- to name the nodes in order
(_, dia) = nameDiagramMap !! nodeInt
-- | Given a Drawing, produce a Diagram complete with rotated/flipped icons and
-- lines connecting ports and icons. IO is needed for the GraphViz layout.
renderDrawing ::
(Renderable (Path V2 Double) b,
Renderable (Text Double) b) =>
Drawing -> IO (QDiagram b V2 Double Any)
renderDrawing (Drawing nameIconMap edges subDrawings) = do
subDiagramMap <- mapM renderSubDrawing subDrawings
let diagramMap = makeNamedMap subDiagramMap nameIconMap
--mapM_ (putStrLn . (++"\n") . show . (map fst) . names . snd) diagramMap
makeConnections edges <$>
doGraphLayout (edgesToGraph iconNames connections) diagramMap connections
connections = map edgeConnection edges
iconNames = map fst nameIconMap
renderSubDrawing (name, subDrawing) = do
subDiagram <- renderDrawing subDrawing
return (name, subDiagram)