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361 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, PartialTypeSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Rendering (
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((#), (&))
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz(mkGraph, getGraph, layoutGraph')
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Function(on)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.List(minimumBy)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
--import qualified Data.GraphViz.Types
--import Data.GraphViz.Commands
--import qualified Debug.Trace
--import Data.Word(Word16)
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..), getPortAngles)
import TranslateCore(nodeToIcon)
import Types(Edge(..), Icon, EdgeOption(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..),
NameAndPort(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SpecialNum, NodeName(..), Port(..),
import Util(fromMaybeError, mapNodeInNamedNode)
-- If the inferred types for these functions becomes unweildy,
-- try using PartialTypeSignitures.
graphvizScaleFactor :: (Fractional a) => a
-- For Neato
graphvizScaleFactor = 0.12
-- For Fdp
--scaleFactor = 0.09
--scaleFactor = 0.04
drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor :: Fractional a => a
-- For Neato, ScaleOverlaps
--drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor = 0.08
-- For Neato, PrismOverlap
drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor = 0.15
-- TODO Refactor with syntaxGraphToFglGraph in TranslateCore
-- TODO Make this work with nested icons now that names are not qualified.
drawingToIconGraph :: Drawing -> Gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge
drawingToIconGraph (Drawing nodes edges) =
mkGraph nodes labeledEdges where
labeledEdges = fmap makeLabeledEdge edges
makeLabeledEdge e@(Edge _ _ (NameAndPort n1 _, NameAndPort n2 _)) =
((n1, lookupInNodes n1), (n2, lookupInNodes n2), e) where
lookupInNodes name = fromMaybeError errorString (lookup name nodes) where
errorString =
"syntaxGraphToFglGraph edge connects to non-existent node. Node NodeName ="
++ show name ++ " Edge=" ++ show e
-- | Custom arrow tail for the arg1 result circle.
-- The ArrowHT type does not seem to be documented.
arg1ResT :: (RealFloat n) => ArrowHT n
arg1ResT len _ = (alignR $ circle (len / 2), mempty)
-- | Arrow head version of arg1ResT
arg1ResH :: (RealFloat n) => ArrowHT n
arg1ResH len _ = (alignL $ circle (len / 2), mempty)
bezierShaft :: (V t ~ V2, TrailLike t) => Angle (N t) -> Angle (N t) -> t
bezierShaft angle1 angle2 = fromSegments [bezier3 c1 c2 x] where
scaleFactor = 0.5
x = r2 (1,0)
c1 = rotate angle1 (scale scaleFactor unitX)
c2 = rotate angle2 (scale scaleFactor unitX) ^+^ x
getArrowOpts :: (RealFloat n, Typeable n) => (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd) -> [EdgeOption] -> (Angle n, Angle n) -> NameAndPort -> ArrowOpts n
getArrowOpts (t, h) _ (fromAngle, toAngle) (NameAndPort (NodeName nodeNum) mPort)= arrowOptions
--shaftColor = if EdgeInPattern `elem` opts then patternC colorScheme else hashedColor
shaftColor = hashedColor
edgeColors = edgeListC colorScheme
numEdgeColors = length edgeColors
hashedColor = edgeColors !! namePortHash
namePortHash = mod (portNum + (503 * nodeNum)) numEdgeColors
Port portNum = fromMaybe (Port 0) mPort
ap1ArgTexture = solid (backgroundC colorScheme)
ap1ArgStyle = lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (apply1C colorScheme)
ap1ResultTexture = solid (apply1C colorScheme)
lookupTail EndNone = id
lookupTail EndAp1Arg = (arrowTail .~ dart')
. (tailTexture .~ ap1ArgTexture) . (tailStyle %~ ap1ArgStyle)
lookupTail EndAp1Result = (arrowTail .~ arg1ResT) . (tailTexture .~ ap1ResultTexture)
lookupHead EndNone = id
lookupHead EndAp1Arg = (arrowHead .~ dart)
. (headTexture .~ ap1ArgTexture) . (headStyle %~ ap1ArgStyle)
lookupHead EndAp1Result = (arrowHead .~ arg1ResH) . (headTexture .~ ap1ResultTexture)
arrowOptions =
arrowHead .~ noHead $
arrowTail .~ noTail $
arrowShaft .~ bezierShaft fromAngle toAngle $
lengths .~ global 0.75 $
shaftStyle %~ (lwG (2 * defaultLineWidth) . lc shaftColor) $
lookupHead h $ lookupTail t with
-- | Given an Edge, return a transformation on Diagrams that will draw a line.
connectMaybePorts :: SpecialBackend b n =>
(Angle n, Angle n)-> Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
connectMaybePorts portAngles (Edge opts ends (fromNamePort@(NameAndPort name0 mPort1), NameAndPort name1 mPort2)) =
connectFunc (getArrowOpts ends opts portAngles fromNamePort) qPort0 qPort1 where
(connectFunc, qPort0, qPort1) = case (mPort1, mPort2) of
(Just port0, Just port1) -> (connect', name0 .> port0, name1 .> port1)
(Nothing, Just port1) -> (connectOutside', toName name0, name1 .> port1)
(Just port0, Nothing) -> (connectOutside', name0 .> port0, toName name1)
(_, _) -> (connectOutside', toName name0, toName name1)
-- START addEdges --
nameAndPortToName :: NameAndPort -> Name
nameAndPortToName (NameAndPort name mPort) = case mPort of
Nothing -> toName name
Just port -> name .> port
findPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => (NodeName, Icon) -> NameAndPort -> [Angle n]
findPortAngles (nodeName, nodeIcon) (NameAndPort diaName mPort) = case mPort of
Nothing -> []
Just port -> foundAngles where
mName = if nodeName == diaName then Nothing else Just diaName
foundAngles = getPortAngles nodeIcon port mName
-- TODO Clean up the Angle arithmatic
pickClosestAngle :: SpecialNum n => (Bool, Angle n) -> Angle n -> Angle n -> Angle n -> [Angle n] -> Angle n
pickClosestAngle (nodeFlip, nodeAngle) emptyCase target shaftAngle angles = case angles of
[] -> emptyCase
_ -> (-) <$>
fst (minimumBy (compare `on` snd) $ fmap angleDiff adjustedAngles)
adjustedAngles = fmap adjustAngle angles
angleDiff angle = (angle, angleBetween (angleV target) (angleV angle))
adjustAngle angle = if nodeFlip then
signedAngleBetween (rotate nodeAngle $ reflectX (angleV angle)) unitX
(+) <$> angle <*> nodeAngle
-- TODO Refactor with pickClosestAngle
smallestAngleDiff :: SpecialNum n => (Bool, Angle n) -> Angle n -> [Angle n] -> n
smallestAngleDiff (nodeFlip, nodeAngle) target angles = case angles of
[] -> 0
_ -> minimum $ fmap angleDiff adjustedAngles
adjustedAngles = fmap adjustAngle angles
angleDiff angle = angleBetween (angleV target) (angleV angle) ^. rad
adjustAngle angle = if nodeFlip then
signedAngleBetween (rotate nodeAngle $ reflectX (angleV angle)) unitX
(+) <$> angle <*> nodeAngle
lookupNodeAngle :: Show n => [((NodeName, Icon), (Bool, Angle n))] -> (NodeName, Icon) -> (Bool, Angle n)
lookupNodeAngle rotationMap key =
fromMaybeError ("nodeVector: key not in rotaionMap. key = " ++ show key ++ "\n\n rotationMap = " ++ show rotationMap)
$ lookup key rotationMap
makeEdge :: (SpecialBackend b n, ING.Graph gr) =>
gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b n -> [((NodeName, Icon), (Bool, Angle n))] ->
ING.LEdge Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
makeEdge graph dia rotationMap (node0, node1, edge@(Edge _ _ (namePort0, namePort1))) =
connectMaybePorts portAngles edge
node0label = fromMaybeError ("makeEdge: node0 is not in graph. node0: " ++ show node0) $
ING.lab graph node0
node1label = fromMaybeError ("makeEdge: node1 is not in graph. node1: " ++ show node1) $
ING.lab graph node1
node0Angle = lookupNodeAngle rotationMap node0label
node1Angle = lookupNodeAngle rotationMap node1label
diaNodeNamePointMap = names dia
port0Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort0
port1Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort1
shaftVector = port1Point .-. port0Point
shaftAngle = signedAngleBetween shaftVector unitX
icon0PortAngle = pickClosestAngle node0Angle mempty shaftAngle shaftAngle $ findPortAngles node0label namePort0
shaftAnglePlusOneHalf = (+) <$> shaftAngle <*> (1/2 @@ turn)
icon1PortAngle = pickClosestAngle node1Angle (1/2 @@ turn) shaftAnglePlusOneHalf shaftAngle $ findPortAngles node1label namePort1
getPortPoint n = head $ fromMaybeError
("makeEdge: port not found. Port: " ++ show n ++ ". Valid ports: " ++ show diaNodeNamePointMap)
(lookup n diaNodeNamePointMap)
portAngles = (icon0PortAngle, icon1PortAngle)
-- | addEdges draws the edges underneath the nodes.
addEdges :: (SpecialBackend b n, ING.Graph gr) =>
gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge -> (SpecialQDiagram b n, [((NodeName, Icon), (Bool, Angle n))]) -> SpecialQDiagram b n
addEdges graph (dia, rotationMap) = dia <> applyAll connections dia
connections = makeEdge graph dia rotationMap <$> ING.labEdges graph
--printSelf :: (Show a) => a -> a
--printSelf a = Debug.Trace.trace (show a ++ "/n") a
-- BEGIN rotateNodes --
-- TODO May want to use a power other than 2 for the edgeAngleDiffs
scoreAngle :: SpecialNum n =>
Point V2 n
-> [(Point V2 n, [Angle n])]
-> Bool
-> Angle n
-> n
scoreAngle iconPosition edges reflected angle = sum $ (^(2 :: Int)) <$> fmap edgeAngleDiff edges where
edgeAngleDiff (otherNodePosition, portAngles) = angleDiff where
shaftVector = otherNodePosition .-. iconPosition
shaftAngle = signedAngleBetween shaftVector unitX
angleDiff = smallestAngleDiff (reflected, angle) shaftAngle portAngles
bestAngleForIcon :: (SpecialNum n, ING.Graph gr) =>
Map.Map (NodeName, Icon) (Point V2 n)
-> gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge
-> (NodeName, Icon)
-> Bool
-> (Angle n, n)
bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key@(NodeName nodeId, _) reflected =
minimumBy (compare `on` snd) $ (\angle -> (angle, scoreAngle iconPosition edges reflected angle)) <$> fmap (@@ turn) [0,(1/24)..1] where
iconPosition = positionMap Map.! key
edges = getPositionAndAngles <$> fmap getSucEdge (ING.lsuc graph nodeId) <> fmap getPreEdge (ING.lpre graph nodeId)
getPositionAndAngles (node, nameAndPort) = (positionMap Map.! nodeLabel, portAngles) where
nodeLabel = fromMaybeError "getPositionAndAngles: node not found" $ ING.lab graph node
portAngles = findPortAngles key nameAndPort
-- Edge points from id to otherNode
getSucEdge (otherNode, edge) = (otherNode, nameAndPort) where
(nameAndPort, _) = edgeConnection edge
-- Edge points from otherNode to id
getPreEdge (otherNode, edge) = (otherNode, nameAndPort) where
(_, nameAndPort) = edgeConnection edge
findIconRotation :: (SpecialNum n, ING.Graph gr) =>
Map.Map (NodeName, Icon) (Point V2 n)
-> gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge
-> (NodeName, Icon)
-> ((NodeName, Icon), (Bool, Angle n))
findIconRotation positionMap graph key = (key, (reflected, angle)) where
-- Smaller scores are better
(reflectedAngle, reflectedScore) = bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key True
(nonReflectedAngle, nonReflectedScore) = bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key False
reflected = reflectedScore < nonReflectedScore
angle = if reflected then reflectedAngle else nonReflectedAngle
rotateNodes :: (SpecialNum n, ING.Graph gr) =>
Map.Map (NodeName, Icon) (Point V2 n)
-> gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge
-> [((NodeName, Icon), (Bool, Angle n))]
rotateNodes positionMap graph = findIconRotation positionMap graph <$> Map.keys positionMap
-- END rotateNodes --
type LayoutResult a b = Gr (GV.AttributeNode (NodeName, b)) (GV.AttributeNode a)
placeNodes :: forall a b gr. (SpecialBackend b Double, ING.Graph gr) =>
LayoutResult a Icon
-> gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge
-> (SpecialQDiagram b Double, [((NodeName, Icon), (Bool, Angle Double))])
placeNodes layoutResult graph = (mconcat placedNodes, rotationMap)
positionMap = fst $ getGraph layoutResult
rotationMap = rotateNodes positionMap graph
placedNodes = fmap placeNode rotationMap
-- todo: Not sure if the diagrams should already be centered at this point.
placeNode (key@(name, icon), (reflected, angle)) = place transformedDia diaPosition where
origDia = iconToDiagram icon name 0 reflected angle
transformedDia = centerXY $ rotate angle $ (if reflected then reflectX else id) origDia
diaPosition = graphvizScaleFactor *^ (positionMap Map.! key)
customLayoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams n v e () v
customLayoutParams = GV.defaultParams{
GV.globalAttributes = [
GV.NodeAttrs [GVA.Shape GVA.BoxShape]
--GV.NodeAttrs [GVA.Shape GVA.Circle]
, GV.GraphAttrs
--GVA.Overlap GVA.KeepOverlaps,
--GVA.Overlap GVA.ScaleOverlaps,
GVA.Overlap $ GVA.PrismOverlap (Just 5000),
GVA.Splines GVA.LineEdges,
GVA.OverlapScaling 8,
--GVA.OverlapScaling 4,
GVA.OverlapShrink True
GV.fmtEdge = const [GV.arrowTo GV.noArrow]
doGraphLayout :: forall b.
SpecialBackend b Double =>
Gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge
-> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
doGraphLayout graph = do
layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato graph
-- layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Fdp graph
pure $ addEdges graph $ placeNodes layoutResult graph
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int (NodeName,Icon) e () (NodeName,Icon)
--layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int l el Int l
layoutParams = customLayoutParams{
GV.fmtNode = nodeAttribute
nodeAttribute :: (Int, (NodeName, Icon)) -> [GV.Attribute]
nodeAttribute (_, (_, nodeIcon)) =
-- GVA.Width and GVA.Height have a minimum of 0.01
--[GVA.Width diaWidth, GVA.Height diaHeight]
[GVA.Width circleDiameter, GVA.Height circleDiameter]
-- This type annotation (:: SpecialQDiagram b n) requires Scoped Typed Variables, which only works if the function's
-- type signiture has "forall b e."
dia = iconToDiagram nodeIcon (NodeName (-1)) 0 False mempty :: SpecialQDiagram b Double
diaWidth = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * width dia
diaHeight = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * height dia
circleDiameter' = max diaWidth diaHeight
circleDiameter = if circleDiameter' <= 0.01 then error ("circleDiameter too small: " ++ show circleDiameter') else circleDiameter'
-- | Given a Drawing, produce a Diagram complete with rotated/flipped icons and
-- lines connecting ports and icons. IO is needed for the GraphViz layout.
renderDrawing ::
SpecialBackend b Double =>
Drawing -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderDrawing = renderIconGraph . drawingToIconGraph
renderIngSyntaxGraph ::
SpecialBackend b Double =>
Gr SgNamedNode Edge -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderIngSyntaxGraph = renderIconGraph . ING.nmap (mapNodeInNamedNode nodeToIcon)
renderIconGraph :: SpecialBackend b Double => Gr (NodeName, Icon) Edge -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderIconGraph = doGraphLayout