MacOS systems should already have `libunwind`, but other systems will need to install it (On Ubuntu, this can be donw with `sudo apt-get install libunwind-dev`).
Some systems may already have `libc++-dev` on them, but if not, you may need to install it. (On Ubuntu, this can be done with `sudo apt-get install libc++-dev`.)
We use a specific version of Zig, a build off the the commit `0088efc4b`. The latest tagged version of Zig, 0.6.0, doesn't include the feature to emit LLVM ir, which is a core feature of how we use Zig. To download this specific version, you can:
* use the following commands on Debian/Ubuntu (on other distros, steps should be essentially the same):
To see which version of LLVM you need, take a look at `Cargo.toml`, in particular the `branch` section of the `inkwell` dependency. It should have something like `llvmX-Y` where X and Y are the major and minor revisions of LLVM you need.
For macOS, you can run `brew install llvm` (but before you do so, check the version with `brew info llvm`--if it's 10.0.1, you may need to install a slightly older version. See below for details.)
It looks like LLVM 10.0.1 [has some issues with libxml2 on macOS]( You can install the older 10.0.0_3 by doing
If that doesn't work and you get a `brew` error `Error: Calling Installation of llvm from a GitHub commit URL is disabled! Use 'brew extract llvm' to stable tap on GitHub instead.` while trying the above solution, you can follow the steps extracting the formula into your private tap (one public version is at `sladwig/tap/llvm`). If installing LLVM still fails, it might help to run `sudo xcode-select -r` before installing again.
Installing LLVM's prebuilt binaries doesn't seem to be enough for the `llvm-sys` crate that Roc depends on, so I had to build LLVM from source
on Windows. After lots of help from [**@IanMacKenzie**]( (thank you, Ian!), here's what worked for me:
1. I downloaded and installed [Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019]( (a full Visual Studio install should work tool; the Build Tools are just the CLI tools, which is all I wanted)
1. In the installation configuration, under "additional components" I had to check both "C++ ATL for latest v142 build tools (x86 & x64)" and also "C++/CLI support for v142 build tools"
1. I launched the "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2019" application (note: not the similarly-named "x86" one!)
1. Make sure [Python 2.7]( and [CMake 3.17]( are installed on your system.
1. I followed most of the steps under LLVM's [building from source instructions]( up to the `cmake -G ...` command, which didn't work for me. Instead, at that point I did the following step.
1. I ran `cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../llvm` to generate a NMake makefile.
1. Once that completed, I ran `nmake` to build LLVM. (This took about 2 hours on my laptop.)
1. Finally, I set an environment variable `LLVM_SYS_100_PREFIX` to point to the `build` directory where I ran the `cmake` command.