1. Add the function to the relevant module. For `Num` builtin use it in `src/num.zig`, for `Str` builtins use `src/str.zig`, and so on. **For anything you add, you must add tests for it!** Not only does to make the builtins more maintainable, it's the the easiest way to test these functions on Zig. To run the test, run: `zig build test`
2. Make sure the function is public with the `pub` keyword and uses the C calling convention. This is really easy, just add `pub` and `callconv(.C)` to the function declaration like so: `pub fn atan(num: f64) callconv(.C) f64 { ... }`
3. In `src/main.zig`, export the function. This is also organized by module. For example, for a `Num` function find the `Num` section and add: `comptime { exportNumFn(num.atan, "atan"); }`. The first argument is the function, the second is the name of it in LLVM.
4. In `compiler/builtins/src/bitcode.rs`, add a constant for the new function. This is how we use it in Rust. Once again, this is organized by module, so just find the relevant area and add your new function.