Add Task example

This commit is contained in:
Richard Feldman 2020-11-29 22:20:06 -05:00
parent 5aca31777a
commit 0342330c0e
6 changed files with 272 additions and 0 deletions

examples/task/Main.roc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
app "effect-example" imports [ Effect ] provides [ main ] to "./platform"
main : Effect.Effect {} as Fx
main =
when if 1 == 1 then True 3 else False 3.14 is
True 3 -> Effect.putLine "Yay"
_ -> Effect.putLine "Yay"
# main : Effect.Effect {} as Fx
# main =
# if RBTree.isEmpty (RBTree.insert 1 2 Empty) then
# Effect.putLine "Yay"
# |> Effect.after (\{} -> Effect.getLine)
# |> Effect.after (\line -> Effect.putLine line)
# else
# Effect.putLine "Nay"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
interface File
exposes [ Err, readUtf8, ]
imports [ Task.{ Task }, Effect.{ after }, Path.{ Path } ]
# These various file errors come from the POSIX errno values - see
# for the actual codes, and
# for documentation
# The goal of this design is:
# * Whenever a function returns a `Task`, that task's error type represents all the errors that could happen.
# * The errors are union-friendly; if I run a task that reads, and then another that writes, I should get all the read *and* write errors.
# * To make the errors friendlier to chaining, they should always include the `Path` of the attempted operation. This way it's possible to tell which one failed after the fact.
## These errors can happen when opening a file, before attempting to read from
## it or write to it. The #FileReadErr and #FileWriteErr tag unions begin with
## these tags and then add more specific ones.
FileOpenErr a :
FileNotFound Path,
PermissionDenied Path,
SymLinkLoop Path,
TooManyOpenFiles Path,
IoError Path,
UnknownError Int Path,
## Errors when attempting to read a non-directory file.
FileReadErr a :
FileWasDir Path,
InvalidSeek Path,
IllegalByteSequence Path,
FileBusy Path,
## Errors when attempting to read a directory.
DirReadErr a :
FileWasNotDir Path,
## Errors when attempting to write a non-directory file.
FileWriteErr a :
FileWasDir Path,
ReadOnlyFileSystem Path,
## Read a file's raw bytes
#readBytes : Path -> Task (List U8) (FileReadErr *)
#readBytes = \path ->
# Effect.readBytes (Path.toStr path)
## Read a file's bytes and interpret them as UTF-8 encoded text.
readUtf8 : Path -> Task Str (FileReadErr [ BadUtf8 ]*)
readUtf8 = \path -> (Effect.readAllUtf8 (Path.toStr path)) \answer ->
# errno values - see
when answer.errno is
0 -> Ok answer.bytes # TODO use Str.fromUtf8 to validate a byte list as UTF-8 and return (Err BadUtf8) if validation fails
1 -> Err (PermissionDenied path)
2 -> Err (FileNotFound path)
19 -> Err (FileWasDir path)
# TODO handle other errno scenarios that could come up
_ -> Err (UnknownError errno path)
## Read a file's bytes, one chunk at a time, and use it to build up a state.
## After each chunk is read, it gets passed to a callback which builds up a
## state - optionally while running other tasks.
#readChunks : Path, U64, state, (state, List U8 -> Task state []err) -> Task state (FileReadErr err)
## Like #readChunks except after each chunk you can either `Continue`,
## specifying how many bytes you'd like to read next, or `Stop` early.
#readChunksOrStop : Path, U64, state, (state, List U8 -> [ Continue U64 (Task state []err), Stop (Task state []err) ]) -> Task state (FileReadErr err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
interface Path
exposes [ Path, fromStr, toStr ]
imports []
Path : [ @Path Str ]
fromStr : Str -> Result Path [ MalformedPath ]*
fromStr = \str ->
# TODO actually validate the path - may want a Parser for this!
Ok (@Path str)
toStr : Path -> Str
toStr = \@Path str ->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
platform folkertdev/foo
requires { main : Effect {} }
exposes []
packages {}
imports [ File ]
provides [ mainForHost ]
effects Effect
# TODO change sig to Effect { errno : I32, bytes : List U8 }
readAllUtf8 : Str -> Effect { errno : Int, bytes : Str }
mainForHost : Effect {} as Fx
mainForHost = main

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
interface Task
exposes [ Task, succeed, fail, after, map ]
imports [ Effect.{ Effect } ]
Task ok err : Effect (Result ok err)
succeed : val -> Task val *
succeed = \val ->
Effect.always (Ok val)
fail : err -> Task * err
fail = \val ->
Effect.always (Err val)
after : Task a err, (a -> Task b err) -> Task b err
after = \effect, transform ->
Effect.after effect, \result ->
when result is
Ok a -> transform a
Err err -> err
map : Task a err, (a -> b) -> Task b err
map = \effect, transform ->
Effect.after effect, \result ->
when result is
Ok a -> Task.succeed (transform a)
Err err -> err

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
const std = @import("std");
const str = @import("../../../compiler/builtins/bitcode/src/str.zig");
const testing = std.testing;
extern var errno: c_int;
const FILE = extern struct {
unused: u8,
extern fn fopen([*c]const u8, [*c]const u8) ?[*c]FILE;
extern fn ftell([*c]FILE) c_long;
extern fn fread([*c]u8, size_t, size_t, [*c]FILE) size_t;
extern fn fclose([*c]FILE) c_int;
pub const ReadResult = extern struct {
bytes: RocStr, // TODO RocList<u8> once Roc supports U8
errno: i64, // TODO i32 when Roc supports I32
pub fn roc_fx_readAllUtf8(rocPath: *RocStr) ReadResult {
// fopen wants a C string, so stack-allocate one using rocPath's contents
const len = rocPath.len();
var path: [len + 1]u8 = undefined;
rocPath.memcpy(path, len);
path[len] = 0; // nul-terminate the path, since it's a C string
// Open the file
const file = fopen(path, "r") orelse {
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = errno };
// Now that the file has been opened, make sure we always (try to) close it
// before returning, even if something went wrong while reading it.
defer {
if (fclose(file) != 0) {
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = errno };
// Next we'll count the total number of bytes in the file, which we need
// to know so we can allocate a correctly-sized buffer to read into.
// First, seek to the end of the file
if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = errno };
// Now the current file position (which ftell returns) will be the end of
// the file - which will be equal to the total number of bytes in the file.
const totalBytes: c_long = ftell(file);
// In the highly unusal case that there are no bytes to read, return early.
if (totalBytes <= 0) {
// If the file was empty, return an empty list.
if (totalBytes == 0) {
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = 0 };
// ftell returns -1 on error, so return an error here
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = errno };
// Rewind to the beginning of the file, so we can start actually reading.
if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = errno };
// Allocate enough bytes for the contents of the file, plus the refcount.
const refcountBytes = @sizeOf(usize);
var buffer: [*]u8 = malloc(totalBytes + refcountBytes) orelse {
// If allocation failed, throw a runtime exception for Roc to catch.
// fclose the file explicitly before throwing, because libunwind
// will disregard our defer block. (TODO verify this!)
// Silently ignore fclose errors here, because we're about to throw an
// allocation failure exception; fclose failures won't affect that.
// TODO use libunwind to throw an exception here
// TODO set an "allocation failed" exception object for `catch` to receive
// TODO write a test for this which simulates allocation failure
// Initialize the refcount to a positive number - meaning it's actually
// a capacity value, which is appropriate since we return a Unique value.
@ptrCast(buffer, [*]usize)[0] = totalBytes;
// The buffer pointer should point to the first byte *after* the refcount
buffer += refcountBytes;
// Read the bytes into the buffer.
const bytesRead = fread(buffer, 1, totalBytes, file);
// fread indicates an error by returning a number that's different from
// the number of elements we requested to read
if (bytesRead != totalBytes) {
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.empty(), .errno = errno };
// Explicitly return errno = 0 to indicate there was no error.
// (We don't want to read from the errno global here because it might have
// a nonzero value leftover from previous unrelated operations.)
return ReadResult{ .bytes = RocStr.init(buffer, totalBytes), .errno = 0 };
test "read empty file" {
std.debug.panic("hello!", .{});