Migrate even more tests

This commit is contained in:
Ayaz Hafiz 2023-04-02 12:56:01 -05:00
parent 2dcafffb46
commit 05af17af43
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 0E2A37416A25EF58
6 changed files with 100 additions and 163 deletions

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@ -6073,109 +6073,6 @@ mod solve_expr {
fn encoder() {
app "test" provides [myU8Bytes] to "./platform"
MEncoder fmt := List U8, fmt -> List U8 | fmt has Format
MEncoding has
toEncoder : val -> MEncoder fmt | val has MEncoding, fmt has Format
Format has
u8 : U8 -> MEncoder fmt | fmt has Format
appendWith : List U8, MEncoder fmt, fmt -> List U8 | fmt has Format
appendWith = \lst, (@MEncoder doFormat), fmt -> doFormat lst fmt
toBytes : val, fmt -> List U8 | val has MEncoding, fmt has Format
toBytes = \val, fmt -> appendWith [] (toEncoder val) fmt
Linear := {} has [Format {u8}]
u8 = \n -> @MEncoder (\lst, @Linear {} -> List.append lst n)
MyU8 := U8 has [MEncoding {toEncoder}]
toEncoder = \@MyU8 n -> u8 n
myU8Bytes = toBytes (@MyU8 15) (@Linear {})
Linear#u8(10) : U8 -[[u8(10)]]-> MEncoder Linear
MyU8#toEncoder(11) : MyU8 -[[toEncoder(11)]]-> MEncoder fmt | fmt has Format
myU8Bytes : List U8
fn decoder() {
app "test" provides [myU8] to "./platform"
MDecodeError : [TooShort, Leftover (List U8)]
MDecoder val fmt := List U8, fmt -> { result: Result val MDecodeError, rest: List U8 } | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
MDecoding has
decoder : MDecoder val fmt | val has MDecoding, fmt has MDecoderFormatting
MDecoderFormatting has
u8 : MDecoder U8 fmt | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
decodeWith : List U8, MDecoder val fmt, fmt -> { result: Result val MDecodeError, rest: List U8 } | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
decodeWith = \lst, (@MDecoder doDecode), fmt -> doDecode lst fmt
fromBytes : List U8, fmt -> Result val MDecodeError
| fmt has MDecoderFormatting, val has MDecoding
fromBytes = \lst, fmt ->
when decodeWith lst decoder fmt is
{ result, rest } ->
when result is
Ok val -> if List.isEmpty rest then Ok val else Err (Leftover rest)
Err e -> Err e
Linear := {} has [MDecoderFormatting {u8}]
u8 = @MDecoder \lst, @Linear {} ->
when List.first lst is
Ok n -> { result: Ok n, rest: List.dropFirst lst }
Err _ -> { result: Err TooShort, rest: [] }
MyU8 := U8 has [MDecoding {decoder}]
decoder = @MDecoder \lst, fmt ->
when decodeWith lst u8 fmt is
{ result, rest } ->
{ result: Result.map result (\n -> @MyU8 n), rest }
myU8 : Result MyU8 _
myU8 = fromBytes [15] (@Linear {})
Linear#u8(11) : MDecoder U8 Linear
MyU8#decoder(12) : MDecoder MyU8 fmt | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
myU8 : Result MyU8 MDecodeError
fn task_wildcard_wildcard() {
@ -6197,29 +6094,6 @@ mod solve_expr {
fn static_specialization() {
app "test" provides [main] to "./platform"
Default has default : {} -> a | a has Default
A := {} has [Default {default}]
default = \{} -> @A {}
main =
a : A
a = default {}
# ^^^^^^^
@"A#default(4) : {} -[[default(4)]]-> A"
fn stdlib_encode_json() {
@ -6246,43 +6120,6 @@ mod solve_expr {
fn encode_record() {
app "test"
imports [Encode.{ toEncoder }]
provides [main] to "./platform"
main = toEncoder { a: "" }
# ^^^^^^^^^
@"Encoding#toEncoder(2) : { a : Str } -[[#Derived.toEncoder_{a}(0)]]-> Encoder fmt | fmt has EncoderFormatting"
fn encode_record_with_nested_custom_impl() {
app "test"
imports [Encode.{ toEncoder, custom }]
provides [main] to "./platform"
A := {} has [Encoding {toEncoder}]
toEncoder = \@A _ -> custom \b, _ -> b
main = toEncoder { a: @A {} }
# ^^^^^^^^^
@"Encoding#toEncoder(2) : { a : A } -[[#Derived.toEncoder_{a}(0)]]-> Encoder fmt | fmt has EncoderFormatting"
fn resolve_lambda_set_generalized_ability_alias() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
app "test" provides [myU8] to "./platform"
MDecodeError : [TooShort, Leftover (List U8)]
MDecoder val fmt := List U8, fmt -> { result: Result val MDecodeError, rest: List U8 } | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
MDecoding has
decoder : MDecoder val fmt | val has MDecoding, fmt has MDecoderFormatting
MDecoderFormatting has
u8 : MDecoder U8 fmt | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
decodeWith : List U8, MDecoder val fmt, fmt -> { result: Result val MDecodeError, rest: List U8 } | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
decodeWith = \lst, (@MDecoder doDecode), fmt -> doDecode lst fmt
fromBytes : List U8, fmt -> Result val MDecodeError
| fmt has MDecoderFormatting, val has MDecoding
fromBytes = \lst, fmt ->
when decodeWith lst decoder fmt is
{ result, rest } ->
when result is
Ok val -> if List.isEmpty rest then Ok val else Err (Leftover rest)
Err e -> Err e
Linear := {} has [MDecoderFormatting {u8}]
u8 = @MDecoder \lst, @Linear {} ->
#^^{-1} Linear#u8(11): MDecoder U8 Linear
when List.first lst is
Ok n -> { result: Ok n, rest: List.dropFirst lst }
Err _ -> { result: Err TooShort, rest: [] }
MyU8 := U8 has [MDecoding {decoder}]
decoder = @MDecoder \lst, fmt ->
#^^^^^^^{-1} MyU8#decoder(12): MDecoder MyU8 fmt | fmt has MDecoderFormatting
when decodeWith lst u8 fmt is
{ result, rest } ->
{ result: Result.map result (\n -> @MyU8 n), rest }
myU8 : Result MyU8 _
myU8 = fromBytes [15] (@Linear {})
#^^^^{-1} Result MyU8 MDecodeError

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
app "test" provides [myU8Bytes] to "./platform"
MEncoder fmt := List U8, fmt -> List U8 | fmt has Format
MEncoding has
toEncoder : val -> MEncoder fmt | val has MEncoding, fmt has Format
Format has
u8 : U8 -> MEncoder fmt | fmt has Format
appendWith : List U8, MEncoder fmt, fmt -> List U8 | fmt has Format
appendWith = \lst, (@MEncoder doFormat), fmt -> doFormat lst fmt
toBytes : val, fmt -> List U8 | val has MEncoding, fmt has Format
toBytes = \val, fmt -> appendWith [] (toEncoder val) fmt
Linear := {} has [Format {u8}]
u8 = \n -> @MEncoder (\lst, @Linear {} -> List.append lst n)
#^^{-1} Linear#u8(10): U8 -[[u8(10)]]-> MEncoder Linear
MyU8 := U8 has [MEncoding {toEncoder}]
toEncoder = \@MyU8 n -> u8 n
#^^^^^^^^^{-1} MyU8#toEncoder(11): MyU8 -[[toEncoder(11)]]-> MEncoder fmt | fmt has Format
myU8Bytes = toBytes (@MyU8 15) (@Linear {})
#^^^^^^^^^{-1} List U8

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
app "test"
imports [Encode.{ toEncoder }]
provides [main] to "./platform"
main = toEncoder { a: "" }
# ^^^^^^^^^ Encoding#toEncoder(2): { a : Str } -[[#Derived.toEncoder_{a}(0)]]-> Encoder fmt | fmt has EncoderFormatting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
app "test"
imports [Encode.{ toEncoder, custom }]
provides [main] to "./platform"
A := {} has [Encoding {toEncoder}]
toEncoder = \@A _ -> custom \b, _ -> b
main = toEncoder { a: @A {} }
# ^^^^^^^^^ Encoding#toEncoder(2): { a : A } -[[#Derived.toEncoder_{a}(0)]]-> Encoder fmt | fmt has EncoderFormatting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
app "test" provides [main] to "./platform"
Default has default : {} -> a | a has Default
A := {} has [Default {default}]
default = \{} -> @A {}
main =
a : A
a = default {}
# ^^^^^^^ A#default(4): {} -[[default(4)]]-> A