Remove Path.roc for now

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Richard Feldman 2022-07-03 17:20:07 -04:00
parent 82fcff9791
commit 1f47042aa5
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@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
interface Path
exposes [Path, PathComponent, WindowsRoot, toComponents, walkComponents, fromStr, fromBytes]
imports []
## You can canonicalize a [Path] using [Path.canonicalize].
## Comparing canonical paths is often more reliable than comparing raw ones.
## For example, `Path.fromStr "foo/bar/../baz" == Path.fromStr "foo/baz"` will return `False`,
## because those are different paths even though their canonical equivalents would be equal.
## Also note that canonicalization reads from the file system (in order to resolve symbolic
## links, and to convert relative paths into absolute ones). This means that it is not only
## a [Task] (which can fail), but also that running [canonicalize] on the same [Path] twice
## may give different answers. An example of a way this could happen is if a symbolic link
## in the path changed on disk to point somewhere else in between the two [canonicalize] calls.
## Similarly, remember that canonical paths are not guaranteed to refer to a valid file. They
## might have referred to one when they were canonicalized, but that file may have moved or
## been deleted since the canonical path was created. So you might [canonicalize] a [Path],
## and then immediately use that [Path] to read a file from disk, and still get back an error
## because something relevant changed on the filesystem between the two operations.
## Also note that different filesystems have different rules for syntactically valid paths.
## Suppose you're on a machine with two disks, one formatted as ext4 and another as FAT32.
## It's possible to list the contents of a directory on the ext4 disk, and get a [CanPath] which
## is valid on that disk, but invalid on the other disk. One way this could happen is if the
## directory on the ext4 disk has a filename containing a `:` in it. `:` is allowed in ext4
## paths but is considered invalid in FAT32 paths.
Path := [
# We store these separately for two reasons:
# 1. If I'm calling an OS API, passing a path I got from the OS is definitely safe.
# However, passing a Path I got from a RocStr might be unsafe; it may contain \0
# characters, which would result in the operation happening on a totally different
# path. As such, we need to check for \0s and fail without calling the OS API if we
# find one in the path.
# 2. If I'm converting the Path to a Str, doing that conversion on a Path that was
# created from a RocStr needs no further processing. However, if it came from the OS,
# then we need to know what charset to assume it had, in order to decode it properly.
# These come from the OS (e.g. when reading a directory, calling `canonicalize`,
# or reading an environment variable - which, incidentally, are nul-terminated),
# so we know they are both nul-terminated and do not contain interior nuls.
# As such, they can be passed directly to OS APIs.
# Note that the nul terminator byte is right after the end of the length (into the
# unused capacity), so this can both be compared directly to other `List U8`s that
# aren't nul-terminated, while also being able to be passed directly to OS APIs.
FromOperatingSystem : List U8,
# These come from userspace (e.g. Path.fromBytes), so they need to be checked for interior
# nuls and then nul-terminated before the host can pass them to OS APIs.
ArbitraryBytes : List U8,
# This was created as a RocStr, so it might have interior nul bytes but it's definitely UTF-8.
# That means we can `toStr` it trivially, but have to validate before sending it to OS
# APIs that expect a nul-terminated `char*`.
# Note that both UNIX and Windows APIs will accept UTF-8, because on Windows the host calls
# `_setmbcp(_MB_CP_UTF8);` to set the process's Code Page to UTF-8 before doing anything else.
# See
# and
# for more details on the UTF-8 Code Page in Windows.
FromStr : Str,
## ## Creating and transforming
## Note that the path may not be valid depending on the filesystem where it is used.
## For example, paths containing `:` are valid on ext4 and NTFS filesystems, but not
## on FAT ones. So if you have multiple disks on the same machine, but they have
## different filesystems, then this path could be valid on one but invalid on another!
## It's safest to assume paths are invalid (even syntactically) until given to an operation
## which uses them to open a file. If that operation succeeds, then the path was valid
## (at the time). Otherwise, error handling can happen for that operation rather than validating
## up front for a false sense of security (given symlinks, parts of a path being renamed, etc.).
fromStr : Str -> Path
fromStr = \str -> @Path (FromStr str)
## Not all filesystems use Unicode paths. This function can be used to create a path which
## is not valid Unicode (like a Roc [Str] is), but which is valid for a particular filesystem.
## Note that if the list contains any `0` bytes, sending this path to any file operations
## (e.g. [] or [WriteStream.openPath]) will fail.
fromBytes : List U8 -> Path
fromBytes = \bytes -> @Path (ArbitraryBytes bytes)
## Note that canonicalization reads from the file system (in order to resolve symbolic
## links, and to convert relative paths into absolute ones). This means that it is not only
## a [Task] (which can fail), but also that running [canonicalize] on the same [Path] twice
## may give different answers. An example of a way this could happen is if a symbolic link
## in the path changed on disk to point somewhere else in between the two [canonicalize] calls.
## Returns an effect type of `[Metadata, Cwd]` because it can resolve symbolic links
## and can access the current working directory by turning a relative path into an
## absolute one (which can prepend the absolute path of the current working directory to
## the relative path).
canonicalize : Path -> Task Path (CanonicalizeErr *) [Metadata, Read [Env]]*
## Unfortunately, operating system paths do not include information about which charset
## they were originally encoded with. It's most common (but not guaranteed) that they will
## have been encoded with the same charset as the operating system's curent locale (which
## typically does not change after it is set during installation of the OS), so
## this should convert a [Path] to a valid string as long as the path was created
## with the given [Charset]. (Use [Env.charset] to get the current system charset.)
## For a conversion to [Str] that is lossy but does not return a [Result], see
## [displayUtf8].
toInner : Path -> [Str Str, Bytes (List U8)]
## Assumes a path is encoded as [UTF-8](,
## and converts it to a string using [Str.displayUtf8].
## This conversion is lossy because the path may contain invalid UTF-8 bytes. If that happens,
## any invalid bytes will be replaced with the [Unicode replacement character](
## instead of returning an error. As such, it's rarely a good idea to use the [Str] returned
## by this function for any purpose other than displaying it to a user.
## When you don't know for sure what a path's encoding is, UTF-8 is a popular guess because
## it's the default on UNIX and also is the encoding used in Roc strings. This platform also
## automatically runs applications under the [UTF-8 code page](
## on Windows.
## Converting paths to strings can be an unreliable operation, because operating systems
## don't record the paths' encodings. This means it's possible for the path to have been
## encoded with a different character set than UTF-8 even if UTF-8 is the system default,
## which means when [displayUtf8] converts them to a string, the string may include gibberish.
## [Here is an example.](
## If you happen to know the [Charset] that was used to encode the path, you can use
## [toStrUsingCharset] instead of [displayUtf8].
displayUtf8 : Path -> Str
displayUtf8 = \@Path path ->
when path is
FromStr str -> str
NoInteriorNul bytes | ArbitraryBytes bytes ->
Str.displayUtf8 bytes
isEq : Path, Path -> Bool
isEq = @Path p1, @Path p2 ->
when p1 is
NoInteriorNul bytes1 | ArbitraryBytes bytes1 ->
when p2 is
NoInteriorNul bytes2 | ArbitraryBytes bytes2 -> bytes1 == bytes2
# We can't know the encoding that was originally used in the path, so we convert
# the string to bytes and see if those bytes are equal to the path's bytes.
# This may sound unreliable, but it's how all paths are compared; since the OS
# doesn't record which encoding was used to encode the path name, the only
# reasonable# definition for path equality is byte-for-byte equality.
FromStr str2 -> Str.isEqUtf8 str2 bytes1
FromStr str1 ->
when p2 is
NoInteriorNul bytes2 | ArbitraryBytes bytes2 -> Str.isEqUtf8 str1 bytes2
FromStr str2 -> str1 == str2
compare : Path, Path -> [Lt, Eq, Gt]
compare = @Path p1, @Path p2 ->
when p1 is
NoInteriorNul bytes1 | ArbitraryBytes bytes1 ->
when p2 is
NoInteriorNul bytes2 | ArbitraryBytes bytes2 -> bytes1 bytes2
FromStr str2 -> Str.compareUtf8 str2 bytes1
FromStr str1 ->
when p2 is
NoInteriorNul bytes2 | ArbitraryBytes bytes2 -> str1 bytes2
FromStr str2 -> str1 == str2
## ## Path Components
PathComponent : [
ParentDir, # e.g. ".." on UNIX or Windows
CurrentDir, # e.g. "." on UNIX
Named Str, # e.g. "stuff" on UNIX
DirSep Str, # e.g. "/" on UNIX, "\" or "/" on Windows. Or, sometimes, "¥" on Windows - see
# This is included as an option so if you're transforming part of a path,
# you can write back whatever separator was originally used.
## Note that a root of Slash (`/`) has different meanings on UNIX and on Windows.
## * On UNIX, `/` at the beginning of the path refers to the filesystem root, and means the path is absolute.
## * On Windows, `/` at the beginning of the path refers to the current disk drive, and means the path is relative.
PathRoot : [
WindowsSpecificRoot WindowsRoot, # e.g. "C:" on Windows
WindowsRoot : [
# TODO see
## Returns the root of the path.
root : Path -> PathRoot
components : Path -> (PathRoot, List PathComponent)
## Walk over the path's [components].
walk :
# None means it's a relative path
(PathRoot -> state),
(state, PathComponent -> state)
-> state
## Returns the path without its last [`component`](#components).
## If the path was empty or contained only a [root](#PathRoot), returns the original path.
dropLast : Path -> Path
# TODO see for
# the definition of the term "adjoin" - should we use that term?
append : Path, Path -> Path
append = \@Path prefix, @Path suffix ->
@Path when prefix is
NoInteriorNul prefixBytes ->
when suffix is
NoInteriorNul suffixBytes
List.append prefixBytes suffixBytes
# Neither prefix nor suffix had interior nuls, so the answer won't either.
|> NoInteriorNul
ArbitraryBytes suffixBytes ->
List.append prefixBytes suffixBytes
|> ArbitraryBytes
FromStr suffixStr ->
# Append suffixStr by writing it to the end of prefixBytes
Str.writeUtf8 suffixStr prefixBytes (List.len prefixBytes)
|> ArbitraryBytes
ArbitraryBytes prefixBytes ->
when suffix is
ArbitraryBytes suffixBytes | NoInteriorNul suffixBytes ->
List.append prefixBytes suffixBytes
|> ArbitraryBytes
FromStr suffixStr ->
# Append suffixStr by writing it to the end of prefixBytes
Str.writeUtf8 suffixStr prefixBytes (List.len prefixBytes)
|> ArbitraryBytes
FromStr prefixStr ->
when suffix is
ArbitraryBytes suffixBytes | NoInteriorNul suffixBytes ->
List.append (Str.toUtf8 prefixStr) suffixBytes
|> ArbitraryBytes
FromStr suffixStr ->
Str.append prefixStr suffixStr
|> FromStr
appendStr : Path, Str -> Path
appendStr = \@Path prefix, suffixStr ->
@Path when prefix is
NoInteriorNul prefixBytes | ArbitraryBytes prefixBytes ->
# Append suffixStr by writing it to the end of prefixBytes
Str.writeUtf8 suffixStr prefixBytes (List.len prefixBytes)
|> ArbitraryBytes
FromStr prefixStr ->
Str.append prefixStr suffixStr
|> FromStr
## Returns `True` if the first path begins with the second.
startsWith : Path, Path -> Bool
startsWith = \@Path path, @Path prefix ->
when path is
NoInteriorNul pathBytes | ArbitraryBytes pathBytes ->
when prefix is
NoInteriorNul prefixBytes | ArbitraryBytes prefixBytes ->
List.startsWith pathBytes prefixBytes
FromStr prefixStr ->
strLen = Str.byteCount str
if strLen == List.len pathBytes then
# Grab the first N bytes of the list, where N = byte length of string.
bytesPrefix = List.takeAt pathBytes 0 strLen
# Compare the two for equality.
Str.isEqUtf8 prefixStr bytesPrefix
FromStr pathStr ->
when prefix is
NoInteriorNul prefixBytes | ArbitraryBytes prefixBytes ->
Str.startsWithUtf8 pathStr prefixBytes
FromStr prefixStr ->
Str.startsWith pathStr prefixStr
## Returns `True` if the first path ends with the second.
endsWith : Path, Path -> Bool
endsWith = \@Path path, @Path prefix ->
when path is
NoInteriorNul pathBytes | ArbitraryBytes pathBytes ->
when suffix is
NoInteriorNul suffixBytes | ArbitraryBytes suffixBytes ->
List.endsWith pathBytes suffixBytes
FromStr suffixStr ->
strLen = Str.byteCount suffixStr
if strLen == List.len pathBytes then
# Grab the last N bytes of the list, where N = byte length of string.
bytesSuffix = List.takeAt pathBytes (strLen - 1) strLen
# Compare the two for equality.
Str.startsWithUtf8 suffixStr bytesSuffix
FromStr pathStr ->
when suffix is
NoInteriorNul suffixBytes | ArbitraryBytes suffixBytes ->
Str.endsWithUtf8 pathStr suffixBytes
FromStr suffixStr ->
Str.endsWith pathStr suffixStr
# TODO idea: what if it's File.openRead and File.openWrite? And then e.g. File.metadata,
# File.isDir, etc.
## If the last component of this path has no `.`, appends `.` followed by the given string.
## Otherwise, replaces everything after the last `.` with the given string.
## Examples:
## Path.fromStr "foo/bar/baz" |> Path.withExtension "txt" # foo/bar/baz.txt
## Path.fromStr "foo/bar/baz." |> Path.withExtension "txt" # foo/bar/baz.txt
## Path.fromStr "foo/bar/baz.xz" |> Path.withExtension "txt" # foo/bar/baz.txt
withExtension : Path, Str -> Path
withExtension = \@Path path, extension ->
when path is
NoInteriorNul bytes | ArbitraryBytes bytes ->
beforeDot =
when List.splitLast '.' is
Ok (before, _) -> before
Err NotFound -> list
|> List.reserve (1 + List.len bytes)
|> List.append '.'
|> List.concat bytes
FromStr str ->
beforeDot =
when Str.splitLast str "." is
Ok (before, _) -> before
Err NotFound -> str
|> Str.reserve (1 + Str.byteCount str)
|> Str.append "."
|> Str.concat str
# NOTE: no withExtensionBytes because it's too narrow. If you really need to get some
# non-Unicode in there, do it with
# Returns `True` if the path is absolute.
# A path is only absolute if it begins with an absolute root
# (see [PathRoot] for examples of roots) _and_ it contains neither `..` nor `.` path
# components.
# Note that an absolute path may contain unresolved symlinks, so even an absolute path
# may change when passed to [canonicalize].
# This returns a [Task] because the answer varies by operating system; on UNIX,
# `/blah` is an absolute path, but on Windows, `/blah` is a relative path. The
# task returns the appropriate answer for the operating system on which it's run.
# isAbsolute