implement list literals

This commit is contained in:
Folkert 2020-08-05 16:27:49 +02:00
parent 4e55a4bf92
commit 34f6417fae
3 changed files with 156 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -206,7 +206,45 @@ pub fn build_exp_literal<'a, 'ctx, 'env>(
Float(num) => env.context.f64_type().const_float(*num).into(),
Bool(b) => env.context.bool_type().const_int(*b as u64, false).into(),
Byte(b) => env.context.i8_type().const_int(*b as u64, false).into(),
_ => todo!("unsupported literal {:?}", literal),
Str(str_literal) => {
if str_literal.is_empty() {
panic!("TODO build an empty string in LLVM");
} else {
let ctx = env.context;
let builder = env.builder;
let str_len = str_literal.len() + 1/* TODO drop the +1 when we have structs and this is no longer a NUL-terminated CString.*/;
let byte_type = ctx.i8_type();
let nul_terminator = byte_type.const_zero();
let len_val = ctx.i64_type().const_int(str_len as u64, false);
let ptr = env
.build_array_malloc(ctx.i8_type(), len_val, "str_ptr")
// TODO check if malloc returned null; if so, runtime error for OOM!
// Copy the bytes from the string literal into the array
for (index, byte) in str_literal.bytes().enumerate() {
let index_val = ctx.i64_type().const_int(index as u64, false);
let elem_ptr =
unsafe { builder.build_in_bounds_gep(ptr, &[index_val], "byte") };
builder.build_store(elem_ptr, byte_type.const_int(byte as u64, false));
// Add a NUL terminator at the end.
// TODO: Instead of NUL-terminating, return a struct
// with the pointer and also the length and capacity.
let index_val = ctx.i64_type().const_int(str_len as u64 - 1, false);
let elem_ptr =
unsafe { builder.build_in_bounds_gep(ptr, &[index_val], "nul_terminator") };
builder.build_store(elem_ptr, nul_terminator);
@ -258,6 +296,12 @@ pub fn build_exp_expr<'a, 'ctx, 'env>(
FunctionCall {
call_type: ByPointer(name),
} => todo!(),
Struct(sorted_fields) => {
let ctx = env.context;
let builder = env.builder;
@ -517,7 +561,12 @@ pub fn build_exp_expr<'a, 'ctx, 'env>(
.build_extract_value(struct_value, *index as u32, "")
.expect("desired field did not decode")
_ => todo!("unsupported literal {:?}", expr),
EmptyArray => empty_polymorphic_list(env),
Array { elem_layout, elems } => {
list_literal2(env, layout_ids, scope, parent, elem_layout, elems)
FunctionPointer(_, _) => todo!(),
RuntimeErrorFunction(_) => todo!(),
@ -2456,6 +2505,69 @@ fn list_literal<'a, 'ctx, 'env>(
fn list_literal2<'a, 'ctx, 'env>(
env: &Env<'a, 'ctx, 'env>,
layout_ids: &mut LayoutIds<'a>,
scope: &Scope<'a, 'ctx>,
parent: FunctionValue<'ctx>,
elem_layout: &Layout<'a>,
elems: &&[Symbol],
) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> {
let ctx = env.context;
let builder = env.builder;
let len_u64 = elems.len() as u64;
let elem_bytes = elem_layout.stack_size(env.ptr_bytes) as u64;
let ptr = {
let bytes_len = elem_bytes * len_u64;
let len_type = env.ptr_int();
let len = len_type.const_int(bytes_len, false);
allocate_list(env, elem_layout, len)
// TODO check if malloc returned null; if so, runtime error for OOM!
// Copy the elements from the list literal into the array
for (index, symbol) in elems.iter().enumerate() {
let val = load_symbol(env, scope, symbol);
let index_val = ctx.i64_type().const_int(index as u64, false);
let elem_ptr = unsafe { builder.build_in_bounds_gep(ptr, &[index_val], "index") };
builder.build_store(elem_ptr, val);
let ptr_bytes = env.ptr_bytes;
let int_type = ptr_int(ctx, ptr_bytes);
let ptr_as_int = builder.build_ptr_to_int(ptr, int_type, "list_cast_ptr");
let struct_type = collection(ctx, ptr_bytes);
let len = BasicValueEnum::IntValue(env.ptr_int().const_int(len_u64, false));
let mut struct_val;
// Store the pointer
struct_val = builder
// Store the length
struct_val = builder
.build_insert_value(struct_val, len, Builtin::WRAPPER_LEN, "insert_len")
// Bitcast to an array of raw bytes
collection(ctx, ptr_bytes),
fn bounds_check_comparison<'ctx>(
builder: &Builder<'ctx>,
elem_index: IntValue<'ctx>,

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@ -1190,15 +1190,10 @@ fn decide_to_branching<'a>(
let fail = &*env.arena.alloc(fail_expr);
let pass = &*env.arena.alloc(pass_expr);
let mut symbol = cond_symbol;
// TODO not assigned
// TODO totally wrong
let condition = Expr::Literal(Literal::Int(42));
let branching_symbol = env.unique_symbol();
let mut stores = vec![(branching_symbol, Layout::Builtin(Builtin::Int1), condition)];
let branching_layout = Layout::Builtin(Builtin::Int1);

View File

@ -1281,7 +1281,48 @@ pub fn with_hole<'a>(
When { .. } | If { .. } => todo!("when or if in expression requires join points"),
List { .. } => todo!("list"),
List {
} => {
let mut arg_symbols = Vec::with_capacity_in(loc_elems.len(), env.arena);
for arg_expr in loc_elems.iter() {
if let roc_can::expr::Expr::Var(symbol) = arg_expr.value {
} else {
let arg_symbols = arg_symbols.into_bump_slice();
let elem_layout = layout_cache
.from_var(env.arena, elem_var, env.subs, env.pointer_size)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("TODO turn fn_var into a RuntimeError {:?}", err));
let expr = Expr::Array {
elem_layout: elem_layout.clone(),
elems: arg_symbols,
let mut stmt = Stmt::Let(assigned, expr, elem_layout, hole);
for (arg_expr, symbol) in loc_elems.into_iter().rev().zip(arg_symbols.iter().rev()) {
// if this argument is already a symbol, we don't need to re-define it
if let roc_can::expr::Expr::Var(_) = arg_expr.value {
stmt = with_hole(
LetRec(_, _, _, _) | LetNonRec(_, _, _, _) => todo!("lets"),
Access {