restore cfold

This commit is contained in:
Folkert 2021-07-13 00:42:02 +02:00
parent d80deb37cd
commit 3bf46ff662

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@ -8,42 +8,15 @@ app "cfold"
main : Task.Task {} []
main =
Task.after Task.getInt \n ->
e : Expr
e = (Add (Add ( Val 3) ( Val 1)) (Add ( Val 1) ( Var 1)))
# e = mkExpr n 1 # original koka n = 20 (set `ulimit -s unlimited` to avoid stack overflow for n = 20)
e = mkExpr n 1 # original koka n = 20 (set `ulimit -s unlimited` to avoid stack overflow for n = 20)
unoptimized = eval e
optimized = eval (constFolding (reassoc e))
# unoptimized = eval e
# optimized = eval (constFolding (reassoc e))
Task.putLine (show e)
# unoptimized
# |> Str.fromInt
# |> Str.concat " & "
# |> Str.concat (Str.fromInt optimized)
# |> Task.putLine
show : Expr -> Str
show = \expr ->
when expr is
Var v ->
"( Var "
|> Str.concat (Str.fromInt v)
|> Str.concat ")"
Val v ->
"( Val "
|> Str.concat (Str.fromInt v)
|> Str.concat ")"
Add l r -> "(Add "
|> Str.concat (show l)
|> Str.concat " "
|> Str.concat (show r)
|> Str.concat ")"
Mul l r -> "(Mul "
|> Str.concat (show l)
|> Str.concat " "
|> Str.concat (show r)
|> Str.concat ")"
|> Str.fromInt
|> Str.concat " & "
|> Str.concat (Str.fromInt optimized)
|> Task.putLine
Expr : [
Add Expr Expr,
@ -124,4 +97,3 @@ constFolding = \e ->
Pair y1 y2 -> Add y1 y2
_ -> e