Fix tutorial table formatting

This commit is contained in:
Richard Feldman 2022-01-06 22:18:07 -05:00
parent febb9c974a
commit 46d36ed942
2 changed files with 22 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -1076,37 +1076,18 @@ Choosing a size depends on your performance needs and the range of numbers you w
Here are the different fixed-size integer types that Roc supports:
| Range | Type | Size |
| ` -128` | #I8 | 1 Byte |
| ` 127` | | |
| ` 0` | #U8 | 1 Byte |
| ` 255` | | |
| ` -32_768` | #I16 | 2 Bytes |
| ` 32_767` | | |
| ` 0` | #U16 | 2 Bytes |
| ` 65_535` | | |
| ` -2_147_483_648` | #I32 | 4 Bytes |
| ` 2_147_483_647` | | |
| ` 0` | #U32 | 4 Bytes |
| ` (over 4 billion) 4_294_967_295` | | |
| ` -9_223_372_036_854_775_808` | #I64 | 8 Bytes |
| ` 9_223_372_036_854_775_807` | | |
| ` 0` | #U64 | 8 Bytes |
| ` (over 18 quintillion) 18_446_744_073_709_551_615` | | |
| `-170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_728` | #I128 | 16 Bytes |
| ` 170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_727` | | |
| ` (over 340 undecillion) 0` | #U128 | 16 Bytes |
| ` 340_282_366_920_938_463_463_374_607_431_768_211_455` | | |
| Range | Type | Size |
| -----------------------------------------------------------: | :---- | :------- |
| `-128`<br/>`127` | `I8` | 1 Byte |
| `0`<br/>`255` | `U8` | 1 Byte |
| `-32_768`<br/>`32_767` | `I16` | 2 Bytes |
| `0`<br/>`65_535` | `U16` | 2 Bytes |
| `-2_147_483_648`<br/>`2_147_483_647` | `I32` | 4 Bytes |
| `0`<br/>(over 4 billion) `4_294_967_295` | `U32` | 4 Bytes |
| `-9_223_372_036_854_775_808`<br/>`9_223_372_036_854_775_807` | `I64` | 8 Bytes |
| `0`<br/>(over 18 quintillion) `18_446_744_073_709_551_615` | `U64` | 8 Bytes |
| `-170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_728`<br/>`170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_727` | `I128` | 16 Bytes |
| `0`<br/>(over 340 undecillion) `340_282_366_920_938_463_463_374_607_431_768_211_455` | `U128` | 16 Bytes |
Roc also has one variable-size integer type: [Nat]. The size of [Nat] is equal
to the size of a memory address, which varies by system. For example, when

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@ -359,34 +359,34 @@ Nat : Int [ @Natural ]
## | Range | Type | Size |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` -128` | #I8 | 1 Byte |
## | ` -128` | [I8] | 1 Byte |
## | ` 127` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` 0` | #U8 | 1 Byte |
## | ` 0` | [U8] | 1 Byte |
## | ` 255` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` -32_768` | #I16 | 2 Bytes |
## | ` -32_768` | [I16] | 2 Bytes |
## | ` 32_767` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` 0` | #U16 | 2 Bytes |
## | ` 0` | [U16] | 2 Bytes |
## | ` 65_535` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` -2_147_483_648` | #I32 | 4 Bytes |
## | ` -2_147_483_648` | [I32] | 4 Bytes |
## | ` 2_147_483_647` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` 0` | #U32 | 4 Bytes |
## | ` 0` | [U32] | 4 Bytes |
## | ` (over 4 billion) 4_294_967_295` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` -9_223_372_036_854_775_808` | #I64 | 8 Bytes |
## | ` -9_223_372_036_854_775_808` | [I64] | 8 Bytes |
## | ` 9_223_372_036_854_775_807` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` 0` | #U64 | 8 Bytes |
## | ` 0` | [U64] | 8 Bytes |
## | ` (over 18 quintillion) 18_446_744_073_709_551_615` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | `-170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_728` | #I128 | 16 Bytes |
## | `-170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_728` | [I128]| 16 Bytes |
## | ` 170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_727` | | |
## |--------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------|
## | ` (over 340 undecillion) 0` | #U128 | 16 Bytes |
## | ` (over 340 undecillion) 0` | [U128]| 16 Bytes |
## | ` 340_282_366_920_938_463_463_374_607_431_768_211_455` | | |
## Roc also has one variable-size integer type: [Nat]. The size of [Nat] is equal