add version of wyhash to roc lib

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Hansknecht 2022-10-12 12:08:46 -07:00
parent 89a4522faa
commit 49c3fe1643
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 0EA784685083E75B

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@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ interface Dict
Bool.{ Bool, Eq },
Result.{ Result },
Num.{ Nat },
Num.{ Nat, U64, U8 },
Hash.{ Hasher },
## A [dictionary]( that lets you can associate keys with values.
@ -206,3 +207,250 @@ insertIfVacant = \dict, key, value ->
Dict.insert dict key value
# We have decided not to expose the standard roc hashing algorithm.
# This is to avoid external dependence and the need for versioning.
# For now, it will just live within the Dict file.
# If we add non-exposed roc standard library files, this should be moved to it's own file.
# The current implementation is a form of [Wyhash final3](
# It is 64bit and little endian specific currently.
LowLevelHasher := { originalSeed : U64, state : U64 } has [
Hasher {
createLowLevelHasher : { seed ?U64 } -> LowLevelHasher
createLowLevelHasher = \{ seed ? 0x526F_6352_616E_643F } ->
@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed: seed, state: seed }
combineState : LowLevelHasher, { a : U64, b : U64, seed : U64, length : U64 } -> LowLevelHasher
combineState = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, { a, b, seed, length } ->
tmp = wymix (Num.bitwiseXor wyp1 a) (Num.bitwiseXor seed b)
hash = wymix (Num.bitwiseXor wyp1 length) tmp
@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state: wymix state hash }
complete = \@LowLevelHasher { state } -> state
addI8 = \hasher, i8 ->
addU8 hasher (Num.toU8 i8)
addI16 = \hasher, i16 ->
addU16 hasher (Num.toU16 i16)
addI32 = \hasher, i32 ->
addU32 hasher (Num.toU32 i32)
addI64 = \hasher, i64 ->
addU64 hasher (Num.toU64 i64)
addI128 = \hasher, i128 ->
addU128 hasher (Num.toU128 i128)
# These implementations hash each value individually with the seed and then mix
# the resulting hash with the state. There are other options that may be faster
# like using the output of the last hash as the seed to the current hash.
# I am simply not sure the tradeoffs here. Theoretically this method is more sound.
# Either way, the performance will be similar and we can change this later.
addU8 = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, u8 ->
seed = Num.bitwiseXor originalSeed wyp0
p0 = Num.toU64 u8
a =
Num.shiftLeftBy p0 16
|> Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p0 8)
|> Num.bitwiseOr p0
b = 0
combineState (@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }) { a, b, seed, length: 8 }
addU16 = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, u16 ->
seed = Num.bitwiseXor originalSeed wyp0
p0 = Num.bitwiseAnd u16 0xFF |> Num.toU64
p1 = Num.shiftRightZfBy u16 8 |> Num.toU64
a =
Num.shiftLeftBy p0 16
|> Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p1 8)
|> Num.bitwiseOr p1
b = 0
combineState (@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }) { a, b, seed, length: 8 }
addU32 = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, u32 ->
seed = Num.bitwiseXor originalSeed wyp0
p0 = Num.toU64 u32
p1 = Num.toU64 u32
a = Num.shiftLeftBy p0 32 |> Num.bitwiseOr p1
b = Num.shiftLeftBy p1 32 |> Num.bitwiseOr p0
combineState (@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }) { a, b, seed, length: 8 }
addU64 = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, u64 ->
seed = Num.bitwiseXor originalSeed wyp0
p0 = Num.bitwiseAnd 0xFFFF_FFFF u64
p1 = Num.shiftRightZfBy u64 32
a = Num.shiftLeftBy p0 32 |> Num.bitwiseOr p1
b = Num.shiftLeftBy p1 32 |> Num.bitwiseOr p0
combineState (@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }) { a, b, seed, length: 8 }
addU128 = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, u128 ->
seed = Num.bitwiseXor originalSeed wyp0
lower = u128 |> Num.toU64
upper = Num.shiftRightZfBy u128 64 |> Num.toU64
p0 = Num.bitwiseAnd 0xFFFF_FFFF lower
p1 = Num.shiftRightZfBy lower 32 |> Num.bitwiseAnd 0xFFFF_FFFF
p2 = Num.bitwiseAnd 0xFFFF_FFFF upper
p3 = Num.shiftRightZfBy upper 32 |> Num.bitwiseAnd 0xFFFF_FFFF
a = Num.shiftLeftBy p0 32 |> Num.bitwiseOr p2
b = Num.shiftLeftBy p3 32 |> Num.bitwiseOr p1
combineState (@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }) { a, b, seed, length: 8 }
addBytes : LowLevelHasher, List U8 -> LowLevelHasher
addBytes = \@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }, list ->
length = List.len list
seed = Num.bitwiseXor originalSeed wyp0
abs =
if length <= 16 then
if length >= 4 then
x = Num.shiftRightZfBy length 3 |> Num.shiftLeftBy 2
a = Num.bitwiseOr (wyr4 list 0 |> Num.shiftLeftBy 32) (wyr4 list x)
b =
(wyr4 list (Num.subWrap length 4) |> Num.shiftLeftBy 32)
|> Num.bitwiseOr (wyr4 list (Num.subWrap length 4 |> Num.subWrap x))
{ a, b, seed }
else if length > 0 then
{ a: wyr3 list 0 length, b: 0, seed }
{ a: 0, b: 0, seed }
else if length <= 48 then
hashBytesHelper16 seed list 0 length
hashBytesHelper48 seed seed seed list 0 length
combineState (@LowLevelHasher { originalSeed, state }) { a: abs.a, b: abs.b, seed: abs.seed, length: Num.toU64 length }
hashBytesHelper48 : U64, U64, U64, List U8, Nat, Nat -> { a : U64, b : U64, seed : U64 }
hashBytesHelper48 = \seed, see1, see2, list, index, remaining ->
newSeed = wymix (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list index) wyp1) (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list (Num.addWrap index 8)) seed)
newSee1 = wymix (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list (Num.addWrap index 16)) wyp2) (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list (Num.addWrap index 24)) see1)
newSee2 = wymix (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list (Num.addWrap index 32)) wyp3) (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list (Num.addWrap index 40)) see2)
newRemaining = Num.subWrap remaining 48
newIndex = Num.addWrap index 48
if newRemaining > 48 then
hashBytesHelper48 newSeed newSee1 newSee2 list newIndex newRemaining
else if newRemaining > 16 then
finalSeed = Num.bitwiseXor newSee2 (Num.bitwiseXor newSee1 newSeed)
hashBytesHelper16 finalSeed list newIndex newRemaining
finalSeed = Num.bitwiseXor newSee2 (Num.bitwiseXor newSee1 newSeed)
{ a: wyr8 list (Num.subWrap newRemaining 16 |> Num.addWrap newIndex), b: wyr8 list (Num.subWrap newRemaining 8 |> Num.addWrap newIndex), seed: finalSeed }
hashBytesHelper16 : U64, List U8, Nat, Nat -> { a : U64, b : U64, seed : U64 }
hashBytesHelper16 = \seed, list, index, remaining ->
newSeed = wymix (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list index) wyp1) (Num.bitwiseXor (wyr8 list (Num.addWrap index 8)) seed)
newRemaining = Num.subWrap remaining 16
newIndex = Num.addWrap index 16
if newRemaining <= 16 then
{ a: wyr8 list (Num.subWrap newRemaining 16 |> Num.addWrap newIndex), b: wyr8 list (Num.subWrap newRemaining 8 |> Num.addWrap newIndex), seed: newSeed }
hashBytesHelper16 newSeed list newIndex newRemaining
wyp0 : U64
wyp0 = 0xa0761d6478bd642f
wyp1 : U64
wyp1 = 0xe7037ed1a0b428db
wyp2 : U64
wyp2 = 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3
wyp3 : U64
wyp3 = 0x589965cc75374cc3
wymix : U64, U64 -> U64
wymix = \a, b ->
{ lower, upper } = wymum a b
Num.bitwiseXor lower upper
wymum : U64, U64 -> { lower : U64, upper : U64 }
wymum = \a, b ->
r = Num.toU128 a * Num.toU128 b
lower = Num.toU64 r
upper = Num.shiftRightZfBy r 64 |> Num.toU64
# This is the more robust form.
# { lower: Num.bitwiseXor a lower, upper: Num.bitwiseXor b upper }
{ lower, upper }
# Get the next 8 bytes as a U64
wyr8 : List U8, Nat -> U64
wyr8 = \list, index ->
# With seamless slices and Num.fromBytes, this should be possible to make faster and nicer.
# It would also deal with the fact that on big endian systems we want to invert the order here.
# Without seamless slices, we would need fromBytes to take an index.
p1 = List.getUnsafe list index |> Num.toU64
p2 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 1) |> Num.toU64
p3 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 2) |> Num.toU64
p4 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 3) |> Num.toU64
p5 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 4) |> Num.toU64
p6 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 5) |> Num.toU64
p7 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 6) |> Num.toU64
p8 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 7) |> Num.toU64
a = Num.bitwiseOr p1 (Num.shiftLeftBy p2 8)
b = Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p3 16) (Num.shiftLeftBy p4 24)
c = Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p5 32) (Num.shiftLeftBy p6 40)
d = Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p7 48) (Num.shiftLeftBy p8 56)
Num.bitwiseOr (Num.bitwiseOr a b) (Num.bitwiseOr c d)
# Get the next 4 bytes as a U64 with some shifting.
wyr4 : List U8, Nat -> U64
wyr4 = \list, index ->
p1 = List.getUnsafe list index |> Num.toU64
p2 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 1) |> Num.toU64
p3 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 2) |> Num.toU64
p4 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.addWrap index 3) |> Num.toU64
a = Num.bitwiseOr p1 (Num.shiftLeftBy p2 8)
b = Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p3 16) (Num.shiftLeftBy p4 24)
Num.bitwiseOr a b
# Get the next K bytes with some shifting.
# K must be 3 or less.
wyr3 : List U8, Nat, Nat -> U64
wyr3 = \list, index, k ->
# ((uint64_t)p[0])<<16)|(((uint64_t)p[k>>1])<<8)|p[k-1]
p1 = List.getUnsafe list index |> Num.toU64
p2 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.shiftRightZfBy k 1 |> Num.addWrap index) |> Num.toU64
p3 = List.getUnsafe list (Num.subWrap k 1 |> Num.addWrap index) |> Num.toU64
a = Num.bitwiseOr (Num.shiftLeftBy p1 16) (Num.shiftLeftBy p2 8)
Num.bitwiseOr a p3
hash =
createLowLevelHasher {}
|> addU64 0xFEDC_BA98_7654_3210
|> complete
hash == 0xA133_4345_21E3_2C10
hash =
createLowLevelHasher {}
|> addBytes [0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76, 0x98, 0xBA, 0xDC, 0xFE]
|> complete
hash == 0xA133_4345_21E3_2C10