Fix call to str split; Move some comments around

This commit is contained in:
Jared Ramirez 2020-12-04 14:16:07 -07:00
parent 7e9cf27d94
commit 5697ec209b
2 changed files with 37 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ const RocStr = extern struct {
// Str.numberOfBytes
pub fn strNumberOfBytes(string: RocStr) callconv(.C) usize {
return string.len();
// Str.fromInt
// When we actually use this in Roc, libc will be linked so we have access to std.heap.c_allocator
pub fn strFromIntC(int: i64) callconv(.C) RocStr {
return strFromInt(std.heap.c_allocator, int);
@ -257,6 +257,10 @@ fn strFromIntHelp(allocator: *Allocator, comptime T: type, int: T) RocStr {
// Str.split
// When we actually use this in Roc, libc will be linked so we have access to std.heap.c_allocator
pub fn strSplitInPlaceC(array: [*]RocStr, string: RocStr, delimiter: RocStr) callconv(.C) void {
strSplitInPlace(std.heap.c_allocator, array, string, delimiter);
inline fn strSplitInPlace(allocator: *Allocator, array: [*]RocStr, string: RocStr, delimiter: RocStr) void {
var ret_array_index: usize = 0;
@ -303,10 +307,6 @@ inline fn strSplitInPlace(allocator: *Allocator, array: [*]RocStr, string: RocSt
array[ret_array_index] = RocStr.init(allocator, str_bytes + slice_start_index, str_len - slice_start_index);
// When we actually use this in Roc, libc will be linked so we have access to std.heap.c_allocator
pub fn strSplitInPlaceC(array: [*]RocStr, string: RocStr, delimiter: RocStr) callconv(.C) void {
strSplitInPlace(std.heap.c_allocator, array, string, delimiter);
test "strSplitInPlace: no delimiter" {
// Str.split "abc" "!" == [ "abc" ]
@ -571,7 +571,6 @@ test "countSegments: delimiter interspered" {
// Str.countGraphemeClusters
const grapheme = @import("helpers/grapheme.zig");
pub fn countGraphemeClusters(string: RocStr) callconv(.C) usize {
if (string.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
@ -665,7 +664,6 @@ test "countGraphemeClusters: emojis, ut8, and ascii characters" {
// Str.startsWith
pub fn startsWith(string: RocStr, prefix: RocStr) callconv(.C) bool {
const bytes_len = string.len();
const bytes_ptr = string.asU8ptr();
@ -710,7 +708,6 @@ test "startsWith: 12345678912345678910 starts with 123456789123456789" {
// Str.endsWith
pub fn endsWith(string: RocStr, suffix: RocStr) callconv(.C) bool {
const bytes_len = string.len();
const bytes_ptr = string.asU8ptr();
@ -767,36 +764,7 @@ test "endsWith: hello world ends with world" {
// Str.concat
test "RocStr.concat: small concat small" {
const str1_len = 3;
var str1: [str1_len]u8 = "foo".*;
const str1_ptr: [*]u8 = &str1;
var roc_str1 = RocStr.init(testing.allocator, str1_ptr, str1_len);
const str2_len = 3;
var str2: [str2_len]u8 = "abc".*;
const str2_ptr: [*]u8 = &str2;
var roc_str2 = RocStr.init(testing.allocator, str2_ptr, str2_len);
const str3_len = 6;
var str3: [str3_len]u8 = "fooabc".*;
const str3_ptr: [*]u8 = &str3;
var roc_str3 = RocStr.init(testing.allocator, str3_ptr, str3_len);
defer {
const result = strConcat(testing.allocator, 8, InPlace.Clone, roc_str1, roc_str2);
defer result.deinit(testing.allocator);
// When we actually use this in Roc, libc will be linked so we have access to std.heap.c_allocator
pub fn strConcatC(ptr_size: u32, result_in_place: InPlace, arg1: RocStr, arg2: RocStr) callconv(.C) RocStr {
return strConcat(std.heap.c_allocator, ptr_size, result_in_place, arg1, arg2);
@ -914,3 +882,33 @@ fn allocateStr(allocator: *Allocator, comptime T: type, in_place: InPlace, numbe
.str_len = number_of_chars,
test "RocStr.concat: small concat small" {
const str1_len = 3;
var str1: [str1_len]u8 = "foo".*;
const str1_ptr: [*]u8 = &str1;
var roc_str1 = RocStr.init(testing.allocator, str1_ptr, str1_len);
const str2_len = 3;
var str2: [str2_len]u8 = "abc".*;
const str2_ptr: [*]u8 = &str2;
var roc_str2 = RocStr.init(testing.allocator, str2_ptr, str2_len);
const str3_len = 6;
var str3: [str3_len]u8 = "fooabc".*;
const str3_ptr: [*]u8 = &str3;
var roc_str3 = RocStr.init(testing.allocator, str3_ptr, str3_len);
defer {
const result = strConcat(testing.allocator, 8, InPlace.Clone, roc_str1, roc_str2);
defer result.deinit(testing.allocator);

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@ -49,12 +49,7 @@ pub fn str_split<'a, 'ctx, 'env>(
&[ret_list_ptr_zig_rocstr, str_i128.into(), delim_i128.into()],