FROM rust:1.49-slim-buster WORKDIR /earthbuild prep-debian: RUN apt -y update install-other-libs: FROM +prep-debian RUN apt -y install wget git RUN apt -y install libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev # for editor clipboard RUN apt -y install libc++-dev libc++abi-dev libunwind-dev pkg-config libx11-dev zlib1g-dev install-zig-llvm-valgrind-clippy-rustfmt: FROM +install-other-libs # zig RUN wget -c --no-check-certificate RUN tar -xf zig-linux-x86_64-0.7.1.tar.xz RUN ln -s /earthbuild/zig-linux-x86_64-0.7.1/zig /usr/bin/zig # llvm RUN apt -y install lsb-release software-properties-common gnupg RUN wget RUN chmod +x RUN ./ 10 RUN ln -s /usr/bin/clang-10 /usr/bin/clang # use lld as linker RUN ln -s /usr/bin/lld-10 /usr/bin/ld.lld RUN echo "[build]" > $CARGO_HOME/config.toml RUN echo "rustflags = [\"-C\", \"link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld\", \"-C\", \"target-cpu=native\"]" >> $CARGO_HOME/config.tom # valgrind RUN apt -y install autotools-dev cmake automake libc6-dbg RUN wget RUN tar -xf valgrind-3.16.1.tar.bz2 # need to cd every time, every command starts at WORKDIR RUN cd valgrind-3.16.1; ./ RUN cd valgrind-3.16.1; ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking RUN cd valgrind-3.16.1; make -j`nproc` RUN cd valgrind-3.16.1; make install # clippy RUN rustup component add clippy # rustfmt RUN rustup component add rustfmt # sccache RUN apt install libssl-dev RUN cargo install sccache RUN sccache -V deps-image: FROM +install-zig-llvm-valgrind-clippy-rustfmt SAVE IMAGE roc-deps:latest copy-dirs-and-cache: FROM +install-zig-llvm-valgrind-clippy-rustfmt # cache COPY --dir sccache_dir ./ # roc dirs COPY --dir cli compiler docs editor roc_std vendor examples Cargo.toml Cargo.lock ./ test-zig: FROM +install-zig-llvm-valgrind-clippy-rustfmt COPY --dir compiler/builtins/bitcode ./ RUN cd bitcode; ./; build-rust: FROM +copy-dirs-and-cache ARG RUSTC_WRAPPER=/usr/local/cargo/bin/sccache ARG SCCACHE_DIR=/earthbuild/sccache_dir ARG CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 # no need to recompile package when using new function RUN cargo build; sccache --show-stats # for clippy RUN cargo test --release --no-run; sccache --show-stats check-clippy: FROM +build-rust RUN cargo clippy -V RUN cargo clippy -- -D warnings check-rustfmt: FROM +copy-dirs-and-cache RUN cargo fmt --version RUN cargo fmt --all -- --check save-cache: FROM +build-rust SAVE ARTIFACT sccache_dir AS LOCAL sccache_dir test-rust: FROM +build-rust ARG RUSTC_WRAPPER=/usr/local/cargo/bin/sccache ARG SCCACHE_DIR=/earthbuild/sccache_dir ARG RUST_BACKTRACE=1 # TODO reenable: RUN cargo test --release RUN cargo run run examples/benchmarks/AStar.roc test-all: BUILD +check-clippy BUILD +check-rustfmt BUILD +save-cache BUILD +test-zig BUILD +test-rust