target generated-docs zig-cache .direnv .envrc *.rs.bk *.o *.obj *.dll *.lib *.def *.tmp *.wasm *.exe *.pdb # llvm human-readable output *.ll *.bc # valgrind vgcore.* # roc cache files *.rh1 *.rm1 preprocessedhost metadata #editors .idea/ .vscode/ .ignore .exrc .vimrc .nvimrc #files too big to track in git editor/benches/resources/100000_lines.roc editor/benches/resources/10000_lines.roc editor/benches/resources/1000_lines.roc editor/benches/resources/100_lines.roc editor/benches/resources/25000000_lines.roc editor/benches/resources/50000_lines.roc editor/benches/resources/500_lines.roc # file editor creates when no arg is passed roc-projects # rust cache (sccache folder) sccache_dir # self-contained benchmark folder bench-folder* # earthly earthly_log.txt # created to test release roc_linux_x86_64.tar.gz # macOS .DS_Store files .DS_Store # files geneated when formatting fails *.roc-format-failed *.roc-format-failed-ast-after *.roc-format-failed-ast-before # nix result # tutorial www/src/roc-tutorial