use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use wasi_libc_sys::{WASI_COMPILER_RT_PATH, WASI_LIBC_PATH}; const PLATFORM_FILENAME: &str = "repl_platform"; fn main() { println!(""); let source_path = format!("src/{PLATFORM_FILENAME}.c"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={source_path}"); // Zig can produce *either* an object containing relocations OR an object containing libc code // But we want both, so we have to compile twice with different flags, then link them // Create an object file with relocations let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let platform_obj = build_wasm_platform(&out_dir, &source_path); let mut pre_linked_binary_path = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); pre_linked_binary_path.extend(["pre_linked_binary"]); pre_linked_binary_path.set_extension("wasm"); let builtins_host_tempfile = roc_bitcode::host_wasm_tempfile() .expect("failed to write host builtins object to tempfile"); let output = Command::new(zig_executable()) .args([ "wasm-ld", builtins_host_tempfile.path().to_str().unwrap(), platform_obj.to_str().unwrap(), WASI_COMPILER_RT_PATH, WASI_LIBC_PATH, "-o", pre_linked_binary_path.to_str().unwrap(), "--export-all", "--no-entry", "--relocatable", ]) .output() .unwrap(); // Extend the lifetime of the tempfile so it doesn't get dropped // (and thus deleted) before the Zig process is done using it! let _ = builtins_host_tempfile; assert!(output.status.success(), "{output:#?}"); assert!(output.stdout.is_empty(), "{output:#?}"); assert!(output.stderr.is_empty(), "{output:#?}"); } fn zig_executable() -> String { match std::env::var("ROC_ZIG") { Ok(path) => path, Err(_) => "zig".into(), } } fn build_wasm_platform(out_dir: &str, source_path: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut platform_obj = PathBuf::from(out_dir).join(PLATFORM_FILENAME); platform_obj.set_extension("wasm"); Command::new(zig_executable()) .args([ "build-lib", "-target", "wasm32-wasi", "-lc", source_path, &format!("-femit-bin={}", platform_obj.to_str().unwrap()), ]) .output() .unwrap(); platform_obj }