on: schedule: - cron: '0 9 * * *' name: Nightly Release macOS Apple Silicon jobs: test-and-build: name: Rust tests, build and package nightly release runs-on: [self-hosted, macOS, ARM64] timeout-minutes: 90 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: zig version run: zig version - name: llvm version run: llc --version | grep LLVM - name: run tests run: cargo test --locked # no --release yet until #3166 is fixed - name: write version to file run: ./ci/write_version.sh - name: build nightly release run: cargo build --locked --release - name: package release run: ./ci/package_release.sh roc_darwin_apple_silicon.tar.gz - name: Create pre-release with test_archive.tar.gz uses: Anton-4/deploy-nightly@1609d8dfe211b078674801113ab7a2ec2938b2a9 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # automatically provided by github actions with: upload_url: https://uploads.github.com/repos/rtfeldman/roc/releases/51880579/assets{?name,label} release_id: 51880579 asset_path: ./roc_darwin_apple_silicon.tar.gz asset_name: roc_nightly-macos_apple_silicon-$$.tar.gz # $$ inserts 6 char commit hash and date (YYYY-MM-DD) asset_content_type: application/gzip max_releases: 3