app "breakout" packages { pf: "platform" } imports [ pf.Game.{ Bounds, Elem, Event } ] provides [ program ] { Model } to pf paddleWidth = 0.2# width of the paddle, as a % of screen width paddleHeight = 50# height of the paddle, in pixels paddleSpeed = 65# how many pixels the paddle moves per keypress blockHeight = 80# height of a block, in pixels blockBorder = 0.025# border of a block, as a % of its width ballSize = 55 numRows = 4 numCols = 8 numBlocks = numRows * numCols Model : { # Screen height and width height : F32, width : F32, # Paddle X-coordinate paddleX : F32, # Ball coordinates ballX : F32, ballY : F32, dBallX : F32, # delta x - how much it moves per tick dBallY : F32, # delta y - how much it moves per tick } init : Bounds -> Model init = \{ width, height } -> { # Screen height and width width, height, # Paddle X-coordinate paddleX: (width * 0.5) - (paddleWidth * width * 0.5), # Ball coordinates ballX: width * 0.5, ballY: height * 0.4, # Delta - how much ball moves in each tick dBallX: 4, dBallY: 4, } update : Model, Event -> Model update = \model, event -> when event is Resize size -> { model & width: size.width, height: size.height } KeyDown Left -> { model & paddleX: model.paddleX - paddleSpeed } KeyDown Right -> { model & paddleX: model.paddleX + paddleSpeed } Tick _ -> tick model _ -> model tick : Model -> Model tick = \model -> model |> moveBall moveBall : Model -> Model moveBall = \model -> ballX = model.ballX + model.dBallX ballY = model.ballY + model.dBallY paddleTop = model.height - blockHeight - (paddleHeight * 2) paddleLeft = model.paddleX paddleRight = paddleLeft + (model.width * paddleWidth) # If its y used to be less than the paddle, and now it's greater than or equal, # then this is the frame where the ball collided with it. crossingPaddle = model.ballY < paddleTop && ballY >= paddleTop # If it collided with the paddle, bounce off. directionChange = if crossingPaddle && (ballX >= paddleLeft && ballX <= paddleRight) then -1f32 else 1f32 dBallX = model.dBallX * directionChange dBallY = model.dBallY * directionChange { model & ballX, ballY, dBallX, dBallY } render : Model -> List Elem render = \model -> blocks = (List.range 0 numBlocks) \index -> col = Num.rem index numCols |> Num.toF32 row = index // numCols |> Num.toF32 red = col / Num.toF32 numCols green = row / Num.toF32 numRows blue = Num.toF32 index / Num.toF32 numBlocks color = { r: red * 0.8, g: 0.2 + green * 0.6, b: 0.2 + blue * 0.8, a: 1 } { row, col, color } blockWidth = model.width / numCols rects = List.joinMap blocks \{ row, col, color } -> left = Num.toF32 col * blockWidth top = Num.toF32 (row * blockHeight) border = blockBorder * blockWidth outer = Rect { left, top, width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight, color: { r: color.r * 0.8, g: color.g * 0.8, b: color.b * 0.8, a: 1 }, } inner = Rect { left: left + border, top: top + border, width: blockWidth - (border * 2), height: blockHeight - (border * 2), color, } [ outer, inner ] ball = color = { r: 0.7, g: 0.3, b: 0.9, a: 1.0 } width = ballSize height = ballSize left = model.ballX top = model.ballY Rect { left, top, width, height, color } paddle = color = { r: 0.8, g: 0.8, b: 0.8, a: 1.0 } width = model.width * paddleWidth height = paddleHeight left = model.paddleX top = model.height - blockHeight - height Rect { left, top, width, height, color } List.concat rects [ paddle, ball ] program = { init, update, render }