#[macro_use] extern crate pretty_assertions; #[macro_use] extern crate indoc; extern crate bumpalo; extern crate inkwell; extern crate roc; mod helpers; #[cfg(test)] mod test_gen { use crate::helpers::{can_expr, CanExprOut}; use bumpalo::Bump; use cranelift::prelude::{AbiParam, ExternalName, FunctionBuilder, FunctionBuilderContext}; use cranelift_codegen::ir::InstBuilder; use cranelift_codegen::settings; use cranelift_codegen::verifier::verify_function; use cranelift_module::{default_libcall_names, Linkage, Module}; use cranelift_simplejit::{SimpleJITBackend, SimpleJITBuilder}; use inkwell::context::Context; use inkwell::execution_engine::JitFunction; use inkwell::passes::PassManager; use inkwell::types::BasicType; use inkwell::OptimizationLevel; use roc::collections::{ImMap, MutMap}; use roc::crane::build::{declare_proc, define_proc_body, ScopeEntry}; use roc::crane::convert::type_from_layout; use roc::crane::imports::define_malloc; use roc::infer::infer_expr; use roc::llvm::build::{build_proc, build_proc_header}; use roc::llvm::convert::basic_type_from_layout; use roc::mono::expr::Expr; use roc::mono::layout::Layout; use roc::subs::Subs; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::mem; use std::os::raw::c_char; macro_rules! assert_crane_evals_to { ($src:expr, $expected:expr, $ty:ty, $transform:expr) => { let arena = Bump::new(); let CanExprOut { loc_expr, var_store, var, constraint, home, interns, .. } = can_expr($src); let subs = Subs::new(var_store.into()); let mut unify_problems = Vec::new(); let (content, solved) = infer_expr(subs, &mut unify_problems, &constraint, var); let shared_builder = settings::builder(); let shared_flags = settings::Flags::new(shared_builder); let mut module: Module = Module::new(SimpleJITBuilder::new(default_libcall_names())); let cfg = module.target_config(); let mut ctx = module.make_context(); let malloc = define_malloc(&mut module, &mut ctx); let mut func_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new(); let main_fn_name = "$Test.main"; // Compute main_fn_ret_type before moving subs to Env let subs = solved.into_inner(); let layout = Layout::from_content(&arena, content, &subs) .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Code gen error in test: could not convert content to layout. Err was {:?} and Subs were {:?}", err, subs)); let main_ret_type = type_from_layout(cfg, &layout); // Compile and add all the Procs before adding main let mut procs = MutMap::default(); let mut env = roc::crane::build::Env { arena: &arena, subs, interns, cfg, malloc }; let mut ident_ids = env.interns.all_ident_ids.remove(&home).unwrap(); // Populate Procs and Subs, and get the low-level Expr from the canonical Expr let mono_expr = Expr::new(&arena, &env.subs, loc_expr.value, &mut procs, home, &mut ident_ids); // Put this module's ident_ids back in the interns env.interns.all_ident_ids.insert(home, ident_ids); let mut scope = ImMap::default(); let mut declared = Vec::with_capacity(procs.len()); // Declare all the Procs, then insert them into scope so their bodies // can look up their Funcs in scope later when calling each other by value. for (name, opt_proc) in procs.iter() { if let Some(proc) = opt_proc { let (func_id, sig) = declare_proc(&env, &mut module, name.clone(), proc); declared.push((proc.clone(), sig.clone(), func_id)); scope.insert(name.clone(), ScopeEntry::Func { func_id, sig }); } } for (proc, sig, fn_id) in declared { define_proc_body( &env, &mut ctx, &mut module, fn_id, &scope, sig, proc, &procs, ); // Verify the function we just defined if let Err(errors) = verify_function(&ctx.func, &shared_flags) { // NOTE: We don't include proc here because it's already // been moved. If you need to know which proc failed, go back // and add some logging. panic!("Errors defining proc: {}", errors); } } // Add main itself let mut sig = module.make_signature(); sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(main_ret_type)); let main_fn = module .declare_function(main_fn_name, Linkage::Local, &sig) .unwrap(); ctx.func.signature = sig; ctx.func.name = ExternalName::user(0, main_fn.as_u32()); { let mut builder: FunctionBuilder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut ctx.func, &mut func_ctx); let block = builder.create_block(); builder.switch_to_block(block); // TODO try deleting this line and seeing if everything still works. builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block); let main_body = roc::crane::build::build_expr(&env, &scope, &mut module, &mut builder, &mono_expr, &procs); builder.ins().return_(&[main_body]); // TODO re-enable this once Switch stops making unsealed blocks, e.g. // https://docs.rs/cranelift-frontend/0.59.0/src/cranelift_frontend/switch.rs.html#152 // builder.seal_block(block); builder.seal_all_blocks(); builder.finalize(); } module.define_function(main_fn, &mut ctx).expect("declare main"); module.clear_context(&mut ctx); // Perform linking module.finalize_definitions(); // Verify the main function if let Err(errors) = verify_function(&ctx.func, &shared_flags) { panic!("Errors defining {} - {}", main_fn_name, errors); } let main_ptr = module.get_finalized_function(main_fn); unsafe { let run_main = mem::transmute::<_, fn() -> $ty>(main_ptr) ; assert_eq!($transform(run_main()), $expected); } }; } macro_rules! assert_llvm_evals_to { ($src:expr, $expected:expr, $ty:ty, $transform:expr) => { let arena = Bump::new(); let CanExprOut { loc_expr, var_store, var, constraint, home, interns, .. } = can_expr($src); let subs = Subs::new(var_store.into()); let mut unify_problems = Vec::new(); let (content, solved) = infer_expr(subs, &mut unify_problems, &constraint, var); let context = Context::create(); let module = context.create_module("app"); let builder = context.create_builder(); let fpm = PassManager::create(&module); // Enable optimizations when running cargo test --release if !cfg!(debug_assertions) { fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass(); fpm.add_reassociate_pass(); fpm.add_basic_alias_analysis_pass(); fpm.add_promote_memory_to_register_pass(); fpm.add_cfg_simplification_pass(); fpm.add_gvn_pass(); // TODO figure out why enabling any of these (even alone) causes LLVM to segfault // fpm.add_strip_dead_prototypes_pass(); // fpm.add_dead_arg_elimination_pass(); // fpm.add_function_inlining_pass(); } fpm.initialize(); // Compute main_fn_type before moving subs to Env let subs = solved.into_inner(); let layout = Layout::from_content(&arena, content, &subs) .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Code gen error in test: could not convert to layout. Err was {:?} and Subs were {:?}", err, subs)); let main_fn_type = basic_type_from_layout(&context, &layout) .fn_type(&[], false); let main_fn_name = "$Test.main"; // Compile and add all the Procs before adding main let mut env = roc::llvm::build::Env { arena: &arena, subs, builder: &builder, context: &context, interns, module: arena.alloc(module), }; let mut procs = MutMap::default(); let mut ident_ids = env.interns.all_ident_ids.remove(&home).unwrap(); // Populate Procs and get the low-level Expr from the canonical Expr let main_body = Expr::new(&arena, &env.subs, loc_expr.value, &mut procs, home, &mut ident_ids); // Put this module's ident_ids back in the interns, so we can use them in Env. env.interns.all_ident_ids.insert(home, ident_ids); let mut headers = Vec::with_capacity(procs.len()); // Add all the Proc headers to the module. // We have to do this in a separate pass first, // because their bodies may reference each other. for (symbol, opt_proc) in procs.clone().into_iter() { if let Some(proc) = opt_proc { let (fn_val, arg_basic_types) = build_proc_header(&env, symbol, &proc); headers.push((proc, fn_val, arg_basic_types)); } } // Build each proc using its header info. for (proc, fn_val, arg_basic_types) in headers { // NOTE: This is here to be uncommented in case verification fails. // (This approach means we don't have to defensively clone name here.) // // println!("\n\nBuilding and then verifying function {}\n\n", name); build_proc(&env, proc, &procs, fn_val, arg_basic_types); if fn_val.verify(true) { fpm.run_on(&fn_val); } else { // NOTE: If this fails, uncomment the above println to debug. panic!("Non-main function failed LLVM verification. Uncomment the above println to debug!"); } } // Add main to the module. let main_fn = env.module.add_function(main_fn_name, main_fn_type, None); // Add main's body let basic_block = context.append_basic_block(main_fn, "entry"); builder.position_at_end(basic_block); let ret = roc::llvm::build::build_expr( &env, &ImMap::default(), main_fn, &main_body, &mut MutMap::default(), ); builder.build_return(Some(&ret)); // Uncomment this to see the module's un-optimized LLVM instruction output: // env.module.print_to_stderr(); if main_fn.verify(true) { fpm.run_on(&main_fn); } else { panic!("Function {} failed LLVM verification.", main_fn_name); } // Uncomment this to see the module's optimized LLVM instruction output: // env.module.print_to_stderr(); let execution_engine = env .module .create_jit_execution_engine(OptimizationLevel::None) .expect("Error creating JIT execution engine for test"); unsafe { let main: JitFunction $ty> = execution_engine .get_function(main_fn_name) .ok() .ok_or(format!("Unable to JIT compile `{}`", main_fn_name)) .expect("errored"); assert_eq!($transform(main.call()), $expected); } }; } macro_rules! assert_evals_to { ($src:expr, $expected:expr, $ty:ty) => { // Run Cranelift tests, then LLVM tests, in separate scopes. // These each rebuild everything from scratch, starting with // parsing the source, so that there's no chance their passing // or failing depends on leftover state from the previous one. { assert_crane_evals_to!($src, $expected, $ty, (|val| val)); } { assert_llvm_evals_to!($src, $expected, $ty, (|val| val)); } }; ($src:expr, $expected:expr, $ty:ty, $transform:expr) => { // Same as above, except with an additional transformation argument. { assert_crane_evals_to!($src, $expected, $ty, $transform); } { assert_llvm_evals_to!($src, $expected, $ty, $transform); } }; } #[test] fn basic_str() { assert_evals_to!( "\"shirt and hat\"", CString::new("shirt and hat").unwrap().as_c_str(), *const c_char, CStr::from_ptr ); } #[test] fn basic_int() { assert_evals_to!("123", 123, i64); } #[test] fn basic_float() { assert_evals_to!("1234.0", 1234.0, f64); } #[test] fn branch_first_float() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" when 1.23 is 1.23 -> 12 _ -> 34 "# ), 12, i64 ); } #[test] fn branch_second_float() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" when 2.34 is 1.23 -> 63 _ -> 48 "# ), 48, i64 ); } #[test] fn branch_first_int() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" when 1 is 1 -> 12 _ -> 34 "# ), 12, i64 ); } #[test] fn branch_second_int() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" when 2 is 1 -> 63 _ -> 48 "# ), 48, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_when_one_branch() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" when 3.14 is _ -> 23 "# ), 23, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_large_when_int() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" foo = \num -> when num is 0 -> 200 -3 -> 111 # TODO adding more negative numbers reproduces parsing bugs here 3 -> 789 1 -> 123 2 -> 456 _ -> 1000 foo -3 "# ), 111, i64 ); } // #[test] // fn gen_large_when_float() { // assert_evals_to!( // indoc!( // r#" // foo = \num -> // when num is // 0.5 -> 200.1 // -3.6 -> 111.2 # TODO adding more negative numbers reproduces parsing bugs here // 3.6 -> 789.5 // 1.7 -> 123.3 // 2.8 -> 456.4 // _ -> 1000.6 // foo -3.6 // "# // ), // 111.2, // f64 // ); // } #[test] fn gen_basic_def() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" answer = 42 answer "# ), 42, i64 ); assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" pi = 3.14 pi "# ), 3.14, f64 ); } #[test] fn gen_multiple_defs() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" answer = 42 pi = 3.14 answer "# ), 42, i64 ); assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" answer = 42 pi = 3.14 pi "# ), 3.14, f64 ); } #[test] fn gen_chained_defs() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" x = i1 i3 = i2 i1 = 1337 i2 = i1 y = 12.4 i3 "# ), 1337, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_nested_defs() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" x = 5 answer = i3 = i2 nested = a = 1.0 b = 5 i1 i1 = 1337 i2 = i1 nested # None of this should affect anything, even though names # overlap with the previous nested defs unused = nested = 17 i1 = 84.2 nested y = 12.4 answer "# ), 1337, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_basic_fn() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" always42 : Num.Num Int.Integer -> Num.Num Int.Integer always42 = \num -> 42 always42 5 "# ), 42, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_when_fn() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" limitedNegate = \num -> when num is 1 -> -1 -1 -> 1 _ -> num limitedNegate 1 "# ), -1, i64 ); } #[test] fn apply_unnamed_fn() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" (\a -> a) 5 "# ), 5, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_add_i64() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" 1 + 2 + 3 "# ), 6, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_sub_i64() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" 1 - 2 - 3 "# ), -4, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_mul_i64() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" 2 * 4 * 6 "# ), 48, i64 ); } #[test] fn gen_order_of_arithmetic_ops() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" 1 + 3 * 7 - 2 "# ), 20, i64 ); } #[test] fn return_unnamed_fn() { assert_evals_to!( indoc!( r#" alwaysIdentity : Num.Num Int.Integer -> (Num.Num Float.FloatingPoint -> Num.Num Float.FloatingPoint) alwaysIdentity = \num -> (\a -> a) (alwaysIdentity 2) 3.14 "# ), 3.14, f64 ); } // #[test] // fn basic_record() { // assert_evals_to!( // indoc!( // r#" // point = { x: 15, y: 17, z: 19 } // point.x // "# // ), // 15, // i64 // ); // assert_evals_to!( // indoc!( // r#" // point = { x: 15, y: 17, z: 19 } // point.y // "# // ), // 17, // i64 // ); // assert_evals_to!( // indoc!( // r#" // point = { x: 15, y: 17, z: 19 } // point.z // "# // ), // 19, // i64 // ); // } }