#!/usr/bin/env bash # run from root of repo with `./www/build.sh` # check www/README.md to run a test server # https://vaneyckt.io/posts/safer_bash_scripts_with_set_euxo_pipefail/ set -euxo pipefail # check if jq is installed jq --version # cd into the directory where this script lives. # This allows us to run this script from the root project directory, # which is what Netlify wants to do. SCRIPT_RELATIVE_DIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") cd $SCRIPT_RELATIVE_DIR rm -rf build/ cp -r public/ build/ rm -rf content/examples/ # download the latest code for the examples echo 'Downloading latest examples...' curl -fL -o examples-main.zip https://github.com/roc-lang/examples/archive/refs/heads/main.zip rm -rf examples-main/ unzip -o -q examples-main.zip cp -R examples-main/examples/ content/examples/ # relace links in content/examples/index.md to work on the WIP site perl -pi -e 's|\]\(/|\]\(/examples/|g' content/examples/index.md # clean up examples artifacts rm -rf examples-main examples-main.zip # download fonts just-in-time so we don't have to bloat the repo with them. DESIGN_ASSETS_COMMIT="4d949642ebc56ca455cf270b288382788bce5873" DESIGN_ASSETS_TARFILE="roc-lang-design-assets-4d94964.tar.gz" DESIGN_ASSETS_DIR="roc-lang-design-assets-4d94964" curl -fLJO https://github.com/roc-lang/design-assets/tarball/$DESIGN_ASSETS_COMMIT tar -xzf $DESIGN_ASSETS_TARFILE mv $DESIGN_ASSETS_DIR/fonts build/ rm -rf $DESIGN_ASSETS_TARFILE $DESIGN_ASSETS_DIR # grab the source code and copy it to Netlify's server; if it's not there, fail the build. pushd build curl -fLJO https://github.com/roc-lang/roc/archive/www.tar.gz # Download the latest pre-built Web REPL as a zip file. (Build takes longer than Netlify's timeout.) REPL_TARFILE="roc_repl_wasm.tar.gz" curl -fLJO https://github.com/roc-lang/roc/releases/download/nightly/$REPL_TARFILE mkdir repl tar -xzf $REPL_TARFILE -C repl rm $REPL_TARFILE ls -lh repl popd pushd .. cargo --version # We set ROC_DOCS_ROOT_DIR=builtins so that links will be generated relative to # "/builtins/" rather than "/" - which is what we want based on how the server # is set up to serve them. export ROC_DOCS_URL_ROOT=/builtins cargo run --release --bin roc-docs crates/compiler/builtins/roc/main.roc mv generated-docs/ www/build/builtins # move everything to build/builtins/ # Manually add this tip to all the builtin docs. find www/build/builtins -type f -name 'index.html' -exec sed -i 's!!
Tip: Some names differ from other languages.
!' {} \; # cleanup files that could have stayed behind if the script failed rm -rf roc_nightly roc_releases.json # we use `! [ -v GITHUB_TOKEN_READ_ONLY ];` to check if we're on a netlify server if ! [ -v GITHUB_TOKEN_READ_ONLY ]; then cargo build --release --bin roc roc=target/release/roc else echo 'Fetching latest roc nightly...' # get roc release archive curl -fOL https://github.com/roc-lang/roc/releases/download/nightly/roc_nightly-linux_x86_64-latest.tar.gz # extract archive ls | grep "roc_nightly" | xargs tar -xzvf # delete archive ls | grep "roc_nightly.*tar.gz" | xargs rm # simplify dir name mv roc_nightly* roc_nightly roc='./roc_nightly/roc' fi $roc version echo 'Building site markdown content' $roc dev www/main.roc -- www/content/ www/build/ echo "Adding github link to examples' html..." source www/scripts/add-github-link-to-examples.sh add_github_link_to_examples www/build/examples # cleanup rm -rf roc_nightly roc_releases.json echo 'Generating CLI example platform docs...' # Change ROC_DOCS_ROOT_DIR=builtins so that links will be generated relative to # "/packages/basic-cli/" rather than "/builtins/" export ROC_DOCS_URL_ROOT=/packages/basic-cli rm -rf ./downloaded-basic-cli git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli.git downloaded-basic-cli cargo run --bin roc-docs downloaded-basic-cli/platform/main.roc rm -rf ./downloaded-basic-cli BASIC_CLI_PACKAGE_DIR="www/build/packages/basic-cli" mkdir -p $BASIC_CLI_PACKAGE_DIR mv generated-docs/* $BASIC_CLI_PACKAGE_DIR # move all the folders to build/packages/basic-cli # set up docs for older basic-cli versions # we need a github token if [ -v GITHUB_TOKEN_READ_ONLY ]; then curl -v -H "Authorization: $GITHUB_TOKEN_READ_ONLY" -fL -o basic_cli_releases.json "https://api.github.com/repos/roc-lang/basic-cli/releases" DOCS_LINKS=$(cat basic_cli_releases.json | jq -r '.[] | .assets[] | select(.name=="docs.tar.gz") | .browser_download_url') rm basic_cli_releases.json VERSION_NUMBERS=$(echo "$DOCS_LINKS" | grep -oP '(?<=/download/)[^/]+(?=/docs.tar.gz)') while read -r VERSION_NR; do echo $VERSION_NR BASIC_CLI_DIR=$BASIC_CLI_PACKAGE_DIR/$VERSION_NR mkdir -p $BASIC_CLI_DIR curl -fL --output $BASIC_CLI_DIR/docs.tar.gz https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/releases/download/$VERSION_NR/docs.tar.gz tar -xf $BASIC_CLI_DIR/docs.tar.gz -C $BASIC_CLI_DIR/ rm $BASIC_CLI_DIR/docs.tar.gz mv $BASIC_CLI_DIR/generated-docs/* $BASIC_CLI_DIR rm -rf $BASIC_CLI_DIR/generated-docs done <<< "$VERSION_NUMBERS" fi