target generated-docs zig-cache .direnv .envrc *.rs.bk *.o *.so *.so.* *.obj *.dll *.dylib *.lib *.def *.tmp *.wasm *.exe *.pdb # llvm human-readable output *.ll *.bc # valgrind vgcore.* # roc cache files *.rh* *.rm* preprocessedhost metadata #editors .idea/ .vscode/ .ignore .exrc .vimrc .nvimrc # rust cache (sccache folder) sccache_dir # self-contained benchmark folder bench-folder* # earthly earthly_log.txt # created to test release roc_linux_x86_64.tar.gz # macOS .DS_Store files .DS_Store # files geneated when formatting fails *.roc-format-failed *.roc-format-failed-ast-after *.roc-format-failed-ast-before # nix result # Only keep Cargo.lock dependencies for the main compiler. # Examples and test only crates should be fine to be unlocked. # This remove unneccessary lock file versioning. # It also ensures the compiler can always pull in 1 version of things and doesn't get restricted by sub lockfiles. /**/Cargo.lock !/Cargo.lock # snapshot tests temp file *.pending-snap # checkmate checkmate_*.json www/build/ www/main www/dist # ignore the examples folder in the WIP website, this is copied from roc-lang/examples in when building the site www/content/examples www/ www/examples-main