
271 lines
8.6 KiB

use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use std::str;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use tempfile::tempdir;
/// To debug the zig code with debug prints, we need to disable the wasm code gen
const DEBUG: bool = false;
fn zig_executable() -> String {
match std::env::var("ROC_ZIG") {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(_) => "zig".into(),
fn main() {
// "." is relative to where "" is
// dunce can be removed once ziglang/zig#5109 is fixed
let build_script_dir_path = dunce::canonicalize(Path::new(".")).unwrap();
let bitcode_path = build_script_dir_path.join("bitcode");
// workaround for
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
let zig_cache_dir = tempdir().expect("Failed to create temp directory for zig cache");
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
std::env::set_var("ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR", zig_cache_dir.path().as_os_str());
generate_bc_file(&bitcode_path, "ir", "builtins-host");
if !DEBUG {
generate_bc_file(&bitcode_path, "ir-wasm32", "builtins-wasm32");
generate_bc_file(&bitcode_path, "ir-i386", "builtins-i386");
generate_bc_file(&bitcode_path, "ir-x86_64", "builtins-x86_64");
const BUILTINS_HOST_FILE: &str = "builtins-host.obj";
const BUILTINS_HOST_FILE: &str = "builtins-host.o";
generate_object_file(&bitcode_path, "object", BUILTINS_HOST_FILE);
generate_object_file(&bitcode_path, "wasm32-object", "builtins-wasm32.o");
get_zig_files(bitcode_path.as_path(), &|path| {
let path: &Path = path;
path.to_str().expect("Failed to convert path to str")
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
.expect("Failed to delete temp dir zig_cache_dir.");
fn generate_object_file(bitcode_path: &Path, zig_object: &str, object_file_name: &str) {
let dest_obj_path = get_lib_dir().join(object_file_name);
let dest_obj = dest_obj_path.to_str().expect("Invalid dest object path");
let src_obj_path = bitcode_path.join(object_file_name);
let src_obj = src_obj_path.to_str().expect("Invalid src object path");
println!("Compiling zig object `{}` to: {}", zig_object, src_obj);
if !DEBUG {
&["build", zig_object, "-Drelease=true"],
println!("Moving zig object `{}` to: {}", zig_object, dest_obj);
// we store this .o file in rust's `target` folder (for wasm we need to leave a copy here too)
fs::copy(src_obj, dest_obj).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Failed to copy object file {} to {}: {:?}",
src_obj, dest_obj, err
fn generate_bc_file(bitcode_path: &Path, zig_object: &str, file_name: &str) {
let mut ll_path = bitcode_path.join(file_name);
let dest_ir_host = ll_path.to_str().expect("Invalid dest ir path");
println!("Compiling host ir to: {}", dest_ir_host);
let mut bc_path = bitcode_path.join(file_name);
let dest_bc_64bit = bc_path.to_str().expect("Invalid dest bc path");
println!("Compiling 64-bit bitcode to: {}", dest_bc_64bit);
// workaround for
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all("./bitcode/zig-cache");
&["build", zig_object, "-Drelease=true"],
pub fn get_lib_dir() -> PathBuf {
// Currently we have the OUT_DIR variable which points to `/target/debug/build/roc_builtins-*/out/`.
// So we just need to shed a 3 of the outer layers to get `/target/debug/` and then add `lib`.
let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let lib_path = Path::new(&out_dir)
.and_then(|path| path.parent())
.and_then(|path| path.parent())
// create dir of it does not exist
fs::create_dir_all(lib_path.clone()).expect("Failed to make lib dir.");
fn copy_zig_builtins_to_target_dir(bitcode_path: &Path) {
// To enable roc to find the zig biultins, we want them to be moved to a folder next to the roc executable.
// So if <roc_folder>/roc is the executable. The zig files will be in <roc_folder>/lib/*.zig
let target_profile_dir = get_lib_dir();
let zig_src_dir = bitcode_path.join("src");
cp_unless_zig_cache(&zig_src_dir, &target_profile_dir).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Failed to copy zig bitcode files {:?} to {:?}: {:?}",
zig_src_dir, target_profile_dir, err
// recursively copy all the .zig files from this directory, but do *not* recurse into zig-cache/
fn cp_unless_zig_cache(src_dir: &Path, target_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
// Make sure the destination directory exists before we try to copy anything into it.
std::fs::create_dir_all(&target_dir).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Failed to create output library directory for zig bitcode {:?}: {:?}",
target_dir, err
for entry in fs::read_dir(src_dir)? {
let src_path = entry?.path();
let src_filename = src_path.file_name().unwrap();
// Only copy individual files if they have the .zig extension
if src_path.extension().unwrap_or_default() == "zig" {
let dest = target_dir.join(src_filename);
fs::copy(&src_path, &dest).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Failed to copy zig bitcode file {:?} to {:?}: {:?}",
src_path, dest, err
} else if src_path.is_dir() && src_filename != "zig-cache" {
// Recursively copy all directories except zig-cache
cp_unless_zig_cache(&src_path, &target_dir.join(src_filename))?;
fn run_command<S, I: Copy, P: AsRef<Path> + Copy>(
path: P,
command_str: &str,
args: I,
flaky_fail_counter: usize,
) where
I: IntoIterator<Item = S>,
S: AsRef<OsStr>,
let output_result = Command::new(OsStr::new(&command_str))
match output_result {
Ok(output) => match output.status.success() {
true => (),
false => {
let error_str = match str::from_utf8(&output.stderr) {
Ok(stderr) => stderr.to_string(),
Err(_) => format!("Failed to run \"{}\"", command_str),
// flaky test error that only occurs sometimes inside MacOS ci run
if error_str.contains("FileNotFound")
|| error_str.contains("unable to save cached ZIR code")
if flaky_fail_counter == 10 {
panic!("{} failed 10 times in a row. The following error is unlikely to be a flaky error: {}", command_str, error_str);
} else {
run_command(path, command_str, args, flaky_fail_counter + 1)
} else {
panic!("{} failed: {}", command_str, error_str);
Err(reason) => panic!("{} failed: {}", command_str, reason),
fn get_zig_files(dir: &Path, cb: &dyn Fn(&Path)) -> io::Result<()> {
if dir.is_dir() {
for entry in fs::read_dir(dir)? {
let entry = entry?;
let path_buf = entry.path();
if path_buf.is_dir() {
if !path_buf.ends_with("zig-cache") {
get_zig_files(&path_buf, cb).unwrap();
} else {
let path = path_buf.as_path();
match path.extension() {
Some(osstr) if osstr == "zig" => {
_ => {}