jeffnm b585080ebf
move getting started guide to website
Signed-off-by: jeffnm <>
2024-05-31 09:26:02 -05:00

223 lines
12 KiB

app [main] { pf: platform "" }
import pf.Task exposing [Task]
import pf.SSG
import pf.Types exposing [Args]
import pf.Html exposing [header, nav, div, link, attribute, text, a, span, html, head, body, meta, script, footer, br]
import pf.Html.Attributes exposing [id, ariaLabel, ariaHidden, title, href, class, rel, type, content, lang, charset, name, color]
import InteractiveExample
main : Args -> Task {} _
main = \{ inputDir, outputDir } ->
# get the path and url of markdown files in content directory
files = SSG.files! inputDir
# helper Task to process each file
processFile = \{ path, relpath, url } ->
inHtml = SSG.parseMarkdown! path
outHtml = transform url inHtml
SSG.writeFile { outputDir, relpath, content: outHtml }
## process each file
Task.forEach! files processFile
pageData =
Dict.empty {}
|> Dict.insert "/abilities.html" { title: "Abilities | Roc", description: "Learn about abilities in the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/bdfn.html" { title: "Governance | Roc", description: "Learn about the governance model of the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/community.html" { title: "Community | Roc", description: "Connect with the community of the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/docs.html" { title: "Docs | Roc", description: "Documentation for the Roc programming language, including builtins." }
|> Dict.insert "/donate.html" { title: "Donate | Roc", description: "Support the Roc programming language by donating or sponsoring." }
|> Dict.insert "/faq.html" { title: "FAQ | Roc", description: "Frequently asked questions about the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/fast.html" { title: "Fast | Roc", description: "What does it mean that the Roc programming language is fast?" }
|> Dict.insert "/friendly.html" { title: "Friendly | Roc", description: "What does it mean that the Roc programming language is friendly?" }
|> Dict.insert "/functional.html" { title: "Functional | Roc", description: "What does it mean that the Roc programming language is functional?" }
|> Dict.insert "/index.html" { title: "The Roc Programming Language", description: "A fast, friendly, functional language." }
|> Dict.insert "/install/index.html" { title: "Install | Roc", description: "How to install the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/plans.html" { title: "Planned Changes | Roc", description: "Planned changes to the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/platforms.html" { title: "Platforms and Apps | Roc", description: "Learn about the platforms and applications architecture in the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/tutorial.html" { title: "Tutorial | Roc", description: "Learn the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/repl/index.html" { title: "REPL | Roc", description: "Try the Roc programming language in an online REPL." }
|> Dict.insert "/examples/index.html" { title: "Examples | Roc", description: "All kinds of examples implemented in the Roc programming language." }
|> Dict.insert "/install/other.html" { title: "Getting started on other systems | Roc", description: "Roc installation guide for other systems" }
|> Dict.insert "/install/linux_x86_64.html" { title: "Getting started on Linux x86_64 | Roc", description: "Roc installation guide for Linux x86_64" }
|> Dict.insert "/install/macos_apple_silicon.html" { title: "Getting started on MacOS Apple Silicon | Roc", description: "Roc installation guide for MacOS Apple Silicon" }
|> Dict.insert "/install/macos_x86_64.html" { title: "Getting started on MacOS x86_64 | Roc", description: "Roc installation guide for MacOS x86_64" }
|> Dict.insert "/install/windows.html" { title: "Getting started on Windows | Roc", description: "Roc installation guide for Windows" }
|> Dict.insert "/install/nix.html" { title: "Getting started with Nix | Roc", description: "Roc installation guide for Nix" }
|> Dict.insert "/install/getting_started.html" { title: "Getting started | Roc", description: "How to get started with Roc" }
getPageInfo : Str -> { title : Str, description : Str }
getPageInfo = \pagePathStr ->
when Dict.get pageData pagePathStr is
Ok pageInfo -> pageInfo
Err KeyNotFound ->
if Str.contains pagePathStr "/examples/" then
Str.split pagePathStr "/"
|> List.takeLast 2
|> List.first # we use the folder for name for the page title, e.g. Json from examples/Json/README.html
|> unwrapOrCrash "This List.first should never fail. pagePathStr ($(pagePathStr)) did not contain any `/`."
|> (\pageTitle ->
{ title: "$(pageTitle) | Roc", description: "$(pageTitle) example in the Roc programming language." })
crash "Web page $(pagePathStr) did not have a title and description specified in the pageData Dict. Please add one."
unwrapOrCrash : Result a b, Str -> a where b implements Inspect
unwrapOrCrash = \result, errorMsg ->
when result is
Ok val ->
Err err ->
crash "$(Inspect.toStr err): $(errorMsg)"
transform : Str, Str -> Str
transform = \pagePathStr, htmlContent ->
Html.render (view pagePathStr htmlContent)
preloadWoff2 : Str -> Html.Node
preloadWoff2 = \url ->
link [
rel "preload",
(attribute "as") "font",
type "font/woff2",
href url,
# Necessary for preloading fonts, even if the request won't be cross-origin
(attribute "crossorigin") "anonymous",
view : Str, Str -> Html.Node
view = \pagePathStr, htmlContent ->
mainBody =
if pagePathStr == "/index.html" then
when Str.splitFirst htmlContent "<!-- THIS COMMENT WILL BE REPLACED BY THE LARGER EXAMPLE -->" is
Ok { before, after } -> [text before, InteractiveExample.view, text after]
Err NotFound -> crash "Could not find the comment where the larger example on the homepage should have been inserted. Was it removed or edited?"
[text htmlContent]
bodyAttrs =
when pagePathStr is
"/index.html" -> [id "homepage-main"]
"/tutorial.html" -> [id "tutorial-main", class "article-layout"]
_ ->
if Str.startsWith pagePathStr "/examples/" && pagePathStr != "/examples/index.html" then
# Individual examples should render wider than articles.
# Otherwise the width is unreasonably low for the code blocks,
# and those pages don't tend to have big paragraphs anyway.
# Keep the article width on examples/index.html though,
# because otherwise when you're clicking through the top nav links,
# /examples has a surprisingly different width from the other links.
[id "example-main"]
[class "article-layout"]
pageInfo = getPageInfo pagePathStr
html [lang "en", class "no-js"] [
head [] [
meta [charset "utf-8"],
Html.title [] [text (pageInfo.title)],
meta [name "description", content (pageInfo.description)],
meta [name "viewport", content "width=device-width"],
link [rel "icon", href "/favicon.svg"],
# Preload the latin-regular (but not latin-ext) unicode ranges of our fonts.
# The homepage doesn't actually use latin-ext
preloadWoff2 "/fonts/lato-v23-latin/lato-v23-latin-regular.woff2",
preloadWoff2 "/fonts/source-code-pro-v22-latin/source-code-pro-v22-latin-regular.woff2",
preloadWoff2 "/fonts/permanent-marker-v16-latin/permanent-marker-v16-latin-regular.woff2",
link [rel "prefetch", href "/repl/roc_repl_wasm.js"],
link [rel "stylesheet", href "/site.css"],
# Safari ignores rel="icon" and only respects rel="mask-icon". It will render the SVG with
# fill="#000" unless this `color` attribute here is hardcoded (not a CSS `var()`) to override it.
link [rel "mask-icon", href "/favicon.svg", color "#7d59dd"],
# Remove the .no-js class from <html> before the body renders, so anything
# hidden via CSS using a .no-js selector will apply to the initial layout
# of the body instead of having a flash of content that immediately gets hidden.
# WARNING: Updating this requires updating its sha256 in netlify.toml under Content-Security-Policy.
# Otherwise, this will work locally and then fail in production!
script [] [text "document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace('no-js', '');"],
body bodyAttrs [
viewNavbar pagePathStr,
Html.main [] mainBody,
footer [] [
div [id "footer"] [
div [id "gh-link"] [
a [id "gh-centered-link", href ""] [
span [id "gh-link-text"] [text "roc-lang/roc"],
br [] [],
text " powered by ",
a [href ""] [text "Netlify"],
viewNavbar : Str -> Html.Node
viewNavbar = \pagePathStr ->
isHomepage = pagePathStr == "/index.html"
homeLinkAttrs =
[id "nav-home-link", href "/", title "The Roc Programming Language Homepage"]
|> List.concat (if isHomepage then [ariaHidden "true"] else [])
header [id "top-bar"] [
nav [ariaLabel "primary"] [
a homeLinkAttrs [rocLogo, span [class "home-link-text"] [text "Roc"]],
div [id "top-bar-links"] [
a [href "/tutorial"] [text "tutorial"],
a [href "/install"] [text "install"],
a [href "/examples"] [text "examples"],
a [href "/community"] [text "community"],
a [href "/docs"] [text "docs"],
a [href "/donate"] [text "donate"],
rocLogo : Html.Node
rocLogo =
(Html.element "svg")
(Html.attribute "viewBox") "0 -6 51 58",
(Html.attribute "xmlns") "",
(Html.attribute "aria-labelledby") "logo-link",
(Html.attribute "role") "img",
class "roc-logo",
(Html.element "title") [id "logo-link"] [text "Return to Roc Home"],
(Html.element "polygon")
(Html.attribute "role") "presentation",
(Html.attribute "points") "0,0 23.8834,3.21052 37.2438,19.0101 45.9665,16.6324 50.5,22 45,22 44.0315,26.3689 26.4673,39.3424 27.4527,45.2132 17.655,53 23.6751,22.7086",
ghLogo : Html.Node
ghLogo =
(Html.element "svg")
(Html.attribute "viewBox") "0 0 98 96",
(Html.attribute "height") "25",
(Html.attribute "xmlns") "",
(Html.attribute "fill-rule") "evenodd",
(Html.attribute "clip-rule") "evenodd",
(Html.attribute "role") "img",
id "gh-logo",
(Html.element "path") [(Html.attribute "d") "M48.854 0C21.839 0 0 22 0 49.217c0 21.756 13.993 40.172 33.405 46.69 2.427.49 3.316-1.059 3.316-2.362 0-1.141-.08-5.052-.08-9.127-13.59 2.934-16.42-5.867-16.42-5.867-2.184-5.704-5.42-7.17-5.42-7.17-4.448-3.015.324-3.015.324-3.015 4.934.326 7.523 5.052 7.523 5.052 4.367 7.496 11.404 5.378 14.235 4.074.404-3.178 1.699-5.378 3.074-6.6-10.839-1.141-22.243-5.378-22.243-24.283 0-5.378 1.94-9.778 5.014-13.2-.485-1.222-2.184-6.275.486-13.038 0 0 4.125-1.304 13.426 5.052a46.97 46.97 0 0 1 12.214-1.63c4.125 0 8.33.571 12.213 1.63 9.302-6.356 13.427-5.052 13.427-5.052 2.67 6.763.97 11.816.485 13.038 3.155 3.422 5.015 7.822 5.015 13.2 0 18.905-11.404 23.06-22.324 24.283 1.78 1.548 3.316 4.481 3.316 9.126 0 6.6-.08 11.897-.08 13.526 0 1.304.89 2.853 3.316 2.364 19.412-6.52 33.405-24.935 33.405-46.691C97.707 22 75.788 0 48.854 0z"] [],