2022-09-05 21:13:37 +01:00

69 lines
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app "static-site"
packages { pf: "platform/main.roc" }
imports [
pf.Html.{ html, head, body, div, text, a, ul, li, link, meta },
pf.Html.Attributes.{ httpEquiv, content, href, rel, lang, class, title },
provides [transformFileContent] to pf
NavLink : {
url : Str,
title : Str,
text : Str,
navLinks : List NavLink
navLinks = [
{ url: "apple.html", title: "Exempli Gratia Pagina Pomi", text: "Apple" },
{ url: "banana.html", title: "Exempli Gratia Pagina Musa", text: "Banana" },
{ url: "cherry.html", title: "Exempli Pagina Cerasus", text: "Cherry" },
transformFileContent : Str, Str -> Str
transformFileContent = \currentUrl, htmlContent ->
List.findFirst navLinks (\{ url } -> url == currentUrl)
|> (\currentNavLink -> view currentNavLink htmlContent)
|> Html.render
|> Result.withDefault ""
view : NavLink, Str -> Html.Node
view = \currentNavLink, htmlContent ->
html [lang "en"] [
head [] [
meta [httpEquiv "content-type", content "text/html; charset=utf-8"] [],
Html.title [] [text currentNavLink.title],
link [rel "stylesheet", href "style.css"] [],
body [] [
div [class "main"] [
div [class "navbar"] [
viewNavbar currentNavLink,
div [class "article"] [
# For now `text` is not escaped so we can use it to insert HTML
# We'll probably want something more explicit in the long term though!
text htmlContent,
viewNavbar : NavLink -> Html.Node
viewNavbar = \currentNavLink ->
( navLinks \nl -> viewNavLink (nl == currentNavLink) nl)
viewNavLink : Bool, NavLink -> Html.Node
viewNavLink = \isCurrent, navlink ->
if isCurrent then
li [class "nav-link nav-link--current"] [
text navlink.text,
li [class "nav-link"] [
[href navlink.url, title navlink.title]
[text navlink.text],