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interface Context
exposes [Context, Data, with, getChar, Option, pushStack, popStack, toStr, inWhileScope]
imports [pf.File, pf.Task.{ Task }, Variable.{ Variable }]
Option a : [Some a, None]
# The underlying context of the current location within the file
Data : [Lambda (List U8), Number I32, Var Variable]
# While loops are special and have their own Scope specific state.
WhileState : { cond : List U8, body : List U8, state : [InCond, InBody] }
Scope : { data : Option File.Handle, index : Nat, buf : List U8, whileInfo : Option WhileState }
State : [Executing, InComment, InLambda Nat (List U8), InString (List U8), InNumber I32, InSpecialChar, LoadChar]
Context : { scopes : List Scope, stack : List Data, vars : List Data, state : State }
pushStack : Context, Data -> Context
pushStack = \ctx, data ->
{ ctx & stack: List.append ctx.stack data }
# I think an open tag union should just work here.
# Instead at a call sites, I need to match on the error and then return the same error.
# Otherwise it hits unreachable code in
popStack : Context -> Result [T Context Data] [EmptyStack]
popStack = \ctx ->
when List.last ctx.stack is
Ok val ->
poppedCtx = { ctx & stack: List.dropAt ctx.stack (List.len ctx.stack - 1) }
Ok (T poppedCtx val)
Err ListWasEmpty ->
Err EmptyStack
toStrData : Data -> Str
toStrData = \data ->
when data is
Lambda _ -> "[]"
Number n -> Num.toStr (Num.intCast n)
Var v -> Variable.toStr v
toStrState : State -> Str
toStrState = \state ->
when state is
Executing -> "Executing"
InComment -> "InComment"
InString _ -> "InString"
InNumber _ -> "InNumber"
InLambda _ _ -> "InLambda"
InSpecialChar -> "InSpecialChar"
LoadChar -> "LoadChar"
toStr : Context -> Str
toStr = \{ scopes, stack, state, vars } ->
depth = Num.toStr (List.len scopes)
stateStr = toStrState state
stackStr = Str.joinWith ( stack toStrData) " "
varsStr = Str.joinWith ( vars toStrData) " "
"\n============\nDepth: \(depth)\nState: \(stateStr)\nStack: [\(stackStr)]\nVars: [\(varsStr)]\n============\n"
with : Str, (Context -> Task {} a) -> Task {} a
with = \path, callback ->
handle <- File.withOpen path
# I cant define scope here and put it in the list in callback. It breaks alias anaysis.
# Instead I have to inline this.
# root_scope = { data: Some handle, index: 0, buf: [], whileInfo: None }
callback { scopes: [{ data: Some handle, index: 0, buf: [], whileInfo: None }], state: Executing, stack: [], vars: List.repeat (Number 0) Variable.totalCount }
# I am pretty sure there is a syntax to destructure and keep a reference to the whole, but Im not sure what it is.
getChar : Context -> Task [T U8 Context] [EndOfData, NoScope]
getChar = \ctx ->
when List.last ctx.scopes is
Ok scope ->
(T val newScope) <- Task.await (getCharScope scope)
Task.succeed (T val { ctx & scopes: List.set ctx.scopes (List.len ctx.scopes - 1) newScope })
Err ListWasEmpty -> NoScope
getCharScope : Scope -> Task [T U8 Scope] [EndOfData, NoScope]
getCharScope = \scope ->
when List.get scope.buf scope.index is
Ok val ->
Task.succeed (T val { scope & index: scope.index + 1 })
Err OutOfBounds ->
when is
Some h ->
bytes <- Task.await (File.chunk h)
when List.first bytes is
Ok val ->
# This starts at 1 because the first character is already being returned.
Task.succeed (T val { scope & buf: bytes, index: 1 })
Err ListWasEmpty -> EndOfData
None -> EndOfData
inWhileScope : Context -> Bool
inWhileScope = \ctx ->
when List.last ctx.scopes is
Ok scope ->
scope.whileInfo != None
Err ListWasEmpty ->