2022-12-03 13:17:36 -08:00

238 lines
10 KiB

extern crate pretty_assertions;
extern crate indoc;
extern crate dircpy;
extern crate roc_collections;
mod helpers;
mod glue_cli_run {
use crate::helpers::fixtures_dir;
use cli_utils::helpers::{run_glue, run_roc, Out};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
/// This macro does two things.
/// First, it generates and runs a separate test for each of the given
/// expected stdout endings. Each of these should test a particular .roc file
/// in the fixtures/ directory. The fixtures themselves run assertions too, but
/// the stdout check verifies that we're actually running the code we think we are;
/// without it, it would be possible that the fixtures are just exiting without running
/// any assertions, and we would have no way to find out!
/// Second, this generates an extra test which (non-recursively) traverses the
/// fixtures/ directory and verifies that each of the .roc files in there
/// has had a corresponding test generated in the previous step. This test
/// will fail if we ever add a new .roc file to fixtures/ and forget to
/// add a test for it here!
macro_rules! fixtures {
($($test_name:ident:$fixture_dir:expr => $ends_with:expr,)+) => {
fn $test_name() {
// TODO: fix and re-enable glue for dict and set.
if $fixture_dir == "dict" || $fixture_dir == "set" {
let dir = fixtures_dir($fixture_dir);
generate_glue_for(&dir, std::iter::empty());
let out = run_app(&dir.join("app.roc"), std::iter::empty());
let ignorable = "🔨 Rebuilding platform...\n";
let stderr = out.stderr.replacen(ignorable, "", 1);
assert_eq!(stderr, "");
"Unexpected stdout ending\n\n expected:\n\n {}\n\n but stdout was:\n\n {}",
fn all_fixtures_have_tests() {
use roc_collections::VecSet;
let mut all_fixtures: VecSet<String> = VecSet::default();
check_for_tests(&mut all_fixtures);
fixtures! {
basic_record:"basic-record" => "Record was: MyRcd { b: 42, a: 1995 }\n",
nested_record:"nested-record" => "Record was: Outer { y: \"foo\", z: [1, 2], x: Inner { b: 24.0, a: 5 } }\n",
dict:"dict" => indoc!(r#"
dict was: RocDict {"foo": "bar", "baz": "blah"}
set:"set" => indoc!(r#"
set was: RocSet {"foo", "bar", "baz"}
enumeration:"enumeration" => "tag_union was: MyEnum::Foo, Bar is: MyEnum::Bar, Baz is: MyEnum::Baz\n",
union_with_padding:"union-with-padding" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: NonRecursive::Foo("This is a test")
`Foo "small str"` is: NonRecursive::Foo("small str")
`Foo "A long enough string to not be small"` is: NonRecursive::Foo("A long enough string to not be small")
`Bar 123` is: NonRecursive::Bar(123)
`Baz` is: NonRecursive::Baz
`Blah 456` is: NonRecursive::Blah(456)
single_tag_union:"single-tag-union" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: SingleTagUnion::OneTag
union_without_padding:"union-without-padding" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: NonRecursive::Foo("This is a test")
`Foo "small str"` is: NonRecursive::Foo("small str")
`Bar 123` is: NonRecursive::Bar(123)
`Baz` is: NonRecursive::Baz
`Blah 456` is: NonRecursive::Blah(456)
nullable_wrapped:"nullable-wrapped" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: StrFingerTree::More("foo", StrFingerTree::More("bar", StrFingerTree::Empty))
`More "small str" (Single "other str")` is: StrFingerTree::More("small str", StrFingerTree::Single("other str"))
`More "small str" Empty` is: StrFingerTree::More("small str", StrFingerTree::Empty)
`Single "small str"` is: StrFingerTree::Single("small str")
`Empty` is: StrFingerTree::Empty
nullable_unwrapped:"nullable-unwrapped" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: StrConsList::Cons("World!", StrConsList::Cons("Hello ", StrConsList::Nil))
`Cons "small str" Nil` is: StrConsList::Cons("small str", StrConsList::Nil)
`Nil` is: StrConsList::Nil
nonnullable_unwrapped:"nonnullable-unwrapped" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: StrRoseTree::Tree(ManuallyDrop { value: StrRoseTree_Tree { f0: "root", f1: [StrRoseTree::Tree(ManuallyDrop { value: StrRoseTree_Tree { f0: "leaf1", f1: [] } }), StrRoseTree::Tree(ManuallyDrop { value: StrRoseTree_Tree { f0: "leaf2", f1: [] } })] } })
Tree "foo" [] is: StrRoseTree::Tree(ManuallyDrop { value: StrRoseTree_Tree { f0: "foo", f1: [] } })
basic_recursive_union:"basic-recursive-union" => indoc!(r#"
tag_union was: Expr::Concat(Expr::String("Hello, "), Expr::String("World!"))
`Concat (String "Hello, ") (String "World!")` is: Expr::Concat(Expr::String("Hello, "), Expr::String("World!"))
`String "this is a test"` is: Expr::String("this is a test")
advanced_recursive_union:"advanced-recursive-union" => indoc!(r#"
rbt was: Rbt { default: Job::Job(R1 { command: Command::Command(R2 { tool: Tool::SystemTool(R4 { name: "test", num: 42 }) }), inputFiles: ["foo"] }) }
list_recursive_union:"list-recursive-union" => indoc!(r#"
rbt was: Rbt { default: Job::Job(R1 { command: Command::Command(R2 { args: [], tool: Tool::SystemTool(R3 { name: "test" }) }), inputFiles: ["foo"], job: [] }) }
multiple_modules:"multiple-modules" => indoc!(r#"
combined was: Combined { s1: DepStr1::S("hello"), s2: DepStr2::R("world") }
fn check_for_tests(all_fixtures: &mut roc_collections::VecSet<String>) {
use roc_collections::VecSet;
let fixtures = fixtures_dir("");
let entries = std::fs::read_dir(fixtures.as_path()).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Error trying to read {} as a fixtures directory: {}",
for entry in entries {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() {
let fixture_dir_name = entry.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
if !all_fixtures.remove(&fixture_dir_name) {
"The glue fixture directory {} does not have any corresponding tests in test_glue_cli. Please add one, so if it ever stops working, we'll know about it right away!",
assert_eq!(all_fixtures, &mut VecSet::default());
fn generate_glue_for<'a, I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>>(
platform_dir: &'a Path,
args: I,
) -> Out {
let platform_module_path = platform_dir.join("platform.roc");
let glue_file = platform_dir.join("src").join("");
let fixture_templates_dir = platform_dir
// Copy the rust template from the templates directory into the fixture dir.
dircpy::CopyBuilder::new(fixture_templates_dir.join("rust"), platform_dir)
.overwrite(true) // overwrite any files that were already present
// Delete the glue file to make sure we're actually regenerating it!
if glue_file.exists() {
.expect("Unable to remove in order to regenerate it in the test");
// Generate a fresh for this platform
let glue_out = run_glue(
// converting these all to String avoids lifetime issues
args.into_iter().map(|arg| arg.to_string()).chain([
let ignorable = "🔨 Rebuilding platform...\n";
let stderr = glue_out.stderr.replacen(ignorable, "", 1);
let is_reporting_runtime = stderr.starts_with("runtime: ") && stderr.ends_with("ms\n");
if !(stderr.is_empty() || is_reporting_runtime) {
panic!("`roc glue` command had unexpected stderr: {}", stderr);
assert!(glue_out.status.success(), "bad status {:?}", glue_out);
fn run_app<'a, I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>>(app_file: &'a Path, args: I) -> Out {
// Generate for this platform
let compile_out = run_roc(
// converting these all to String avoids lifetime issues
.map(|arg| arg.to_string())
let ignorable = "🔨 Rebuilding platform...\n";
let stderr = compile_out.stderr.replacen(ignorable, "", 1);
let is_reporting_runtime = stderr.starts_with("runtime: ") && stderr.ends_with("ms\n");
if !(stderr.is_empty() || is_reporting_runtime) {
panic!("`roc` command had unexpected stderr: {}", stderr);
assert!(compile_out.status.success(), "bad status {:?}", compile_out);