Richard Feldman 34ef8436b5
Reproduce roc check bug
To repro: run `roc check` in www/wip_new_website/
2023-10-29 21:56:27 -04:00

108 lines
4.2 KiB

app "roc-website"
packages { pf: "../../examples/static-site-gen/platform/main.roc" }
imports [
pf.Html.{ html, head, body, footer, div, main, text, nav, a, link, meta },
pf.Html.Attributes.{ content, name, id, href, rel, lang, class, title, charset, color },
provides [transformFileContent] to pf
pageData =
Dict.empty {}
|> Dict.insert "community.html" { title: "Community", description: "The Roc community" }
|> Dict.insert "design_goals.html" { title: "Design Goals", description: "Roc's design goals" }
|> Dict.insert "docs.html" { title: "Documentation", description: "Learn the Roc programming language" }
|> Dict.insert "home.html" { title: "Roc", description: "The Roc programming language" }
|> Dict.insert "install.html" { title: "Install", description: "Getting started with the Roc programming language" }
|> Dict.insert "donate.html" { title: "Donate", description: "Sponsor Roc" }
|> Dict.insert "tutorial.html" { title: "Tutorial", description: "The Roc tutorial" }
getPage : Str -> { title : Str, description : Str }
getPage = \current ->
Dict.get pageData current
|> Result.withDefault { title: "", description: "" }
getTitle : Str -> Str
getTitle = \current ->
getPage current |> .title
getDescription : Str -> Str
getDescription = \current ->
getPage current |> .description
transformFileContent : Str, Str -> Str
transformFileContent = \page, htmlContent ->
Html.render (view page htmlContent)
view : Str, Str -> Html.Node
view = \page, htmlContent ->
mainBody =
if page == "index.html" then
[text htmlContent, InteractiveExample.view]
[text htmlContent]
html [lang "en"] [
head [] [
meta [charset "utf-8"] [],
Html.title [] [text (getTitle page)],
meta [name "description", content (getDescription page)] [],
meta [name "viewport", content "width=device-width"] [],
link [rel "stylesheet", href "/wip/site.css"] [],
link [rel "stylesheet", href "/wip/repl.css"] [],
link [rel "icon", href "/favicon.svg"] [],
# Safari ignores rel="icon" and only respects rel="mask-icon". It will render the SVG with
# fill="#000" unless this `color` attribute here is hardcoded (not a CSS `var()`) to override it.
link [rel "mask-icon", href "/favicon.svg", color "#7d59dd"] [],
body [] [
viewNavbar page,
main [] mainBody,
footer [] [
div [id "footer"] [
text " powered by ",
a [href ""] [text "Netlify"],
# TODO - add site.js if needed
# script [src "/site.js"] [],
viewNavbar : Str -> Html.Node
viewNavbar = \page ->
logo = if page == "index.html" then [] else [rocLogo]
div [id "top-bar"] [
nav [] [
a [id "nav-home-link", href "/wip/index.html", title "The Roc Programming Language"] logo,
div [id "top-bar-links"] [
a [href "/wip/tutorial.html"] [text "tutorial"],
a [href "/wip/install.html"] [text "install"],
a [href "/wip/community.html"] [text "community"],
a [href "/wip/docs.html"] [text "docs"],
a [href "/wip/donate.html"] [text "donate"],
rocLogo : Html.Node
rocLogo =
(Html.element "svg")
(Html.attribute "viewBox") "0 -6 51 58",
(Html.attribute "xmlns") "",
(Html.attribute "aria-labelledby") "logo-link",
(Html.attribute "role") "img",
class "roc-logo",
(Html.element "title") [id "logo-link"] [text "Return to Roc Home"],
(Html.element "polygon")
(Html.attribute "role") "presentation",
(Html.attribute "points") "0,0 23.8834,3.21052 37.2438,19.0101 45.9665,16.6324 50.5,22 45,22 44.0315,26.3689 26.4673,39.3424 27.4527,45.2132 17.655,53 23.6751,22.7086",