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interface InteractiveExample
exposes [view]
imports [pf.Html.{ pre, samp }, pf.Html.Attributes.{ class }]
Section : [Desc (List Token) Str, Indent, Outdent, Newline]
Token : [
Kw Str,
Ident Str,
Str Str,
Num Str,
Comment Str,
Literal Str,
ParensAround (List Token),
Lambda (List Str),
StrInterpolation Str Str Str,
view : Html.Node
view =
output =
# # Select anything here to see an explanation.
# main =
# Path.fromStr "url.txt"
# |> storeEmail
# |> Task.onErr handleErr
# storeEmail = \filename ->
# url <- File.readUtf8 filename |> Task.await
# { name, email } <- Http.get url Json.codec |> Task.await
# File.writeUtf8 (Path.fromStr "\(name).txt") email
# handleUrl = \err ->
# when err is
# HttpErr url _ -> Stderr.line "Error fetching URL \(url)"
# FileReadErr path _ -> Stderr.line "Error reading \(Path.display path)"
# FileWriteErr path _ -> Stderr.line "Error writing \(Path.display path)"
sectionsToStr [
Desc [Comment "<span class='desktop'>Click anything here to see an explanation.</span><span class='mobile'>Tap anything here to\n# see an explanation.</span>"] "<p><a href=\"/tutorial#comments\">Comments</a> in Roc begin with a <code>#</code> and go to the end of the line.</p>",
Desc [Ident "main", Kw "="] "<p>This defines <code class=\"ident\">main</code>, which is where our program will begin.</p><p>In Roc, <a href=\"/tutorial#\">all definitions are constant</a>, so writing <code class=\"ident\">main =</code> again in the same scope would give an error.</p>",
Desc [Ident "Path.fromStr", Str "\"url.txt\""] "<p>This converts the string <code>\"url.txt\"</code> into a <code>Path</code> by passing it to <code>Path.fromStr</code>.</p><p>Function arguments are separated with whitespace. Parentheses are only needed in <a href=\"/tutorial#calling-functions\">nested function calls</a>.</p>",
Desc [Kw "|>", Ident "storeEmail"] "<p>The <a href=\"/tutorial#the-pipe-operator\">pipe operator</a> (<code>|></code>) is syntax sugar for passing the previous value to the next function in the “pipeline.”</p><p>Here, we're taking the value returned by <code>Path.fromStr \"url.txt\"</code> and passing it to <code>storeEmail</code>.</p><p>The next <code>|></code> continues the pipeline.</p>",
Desc [Kw "|>", Ident "Task.onErr", Ident "handleErr"] "<p>If the task returned by the previous step in the pipeline fails, pass its error to <code>handleErr</code>.</p><p>The pipeline essentially does this:</p><pre><code>val1 = Path.fromStr \"url.txt\"\nval2 = storeEmail val1\n\nTask.onErr val2 handleErr</code></pre><p>It creates a <code>Path</code> from a string, stores an email based on that path, and then does error handling.</p>",
Desc [Ident "storeEmail", Kw "=", Lambda ["filename"]] "<p>This <a href=\"/tutorial#defining-functions\">defines a function</a> named <code>storeEmail</code>.</p><p>In Roc, functions are ordinary values, so we assign names to them using <code>=</code> like with any other value.</p><p>The <code>\\arg1, arg2 -&gt;</code> syntax begins a function, and the part after <code>-&gt;</code> is the function's body.</p>",
Desc [Ident "url", Kw "<-", Ident "File.readUtf8", Ident "filename", Kw "|>", Ident "Task.await"] "<p>This reads the contents of the file (as a <a href=\"\">UTF-8</a> string) into <code>url</code>.</p><p>The <code>&lt;-</code> does <a href=\"/tutorial#backpassing\">backpassing</a>, which is syntax sugar for defining a function. This whole line desugars to:</p><pre><code>Task.await\n (File.readUtf8 filename)\n \\url -&gt;</code></pre><p>The lines after this one form the body of the <code>\\url -&gt;</code> <a href=\"\">callback</a>, which runs if the file read succeeds.</p>",
Desc [Ident "user", Kw "<-", Ident "Http.get", Ident "url", Ident "Json.codec", Kw "|>", Ident "Task.await"] "<p>This fetches the contents of the URL and decodes them as <a href=\"\">JSON</a>.</p><p>If the shape of the JSON isnt compatible with the type of <code>user</code> (based on type inference), this will give a decoding error immediately.</p><p>As with all the other lines ending in <code>|> Task.await</code>, if theres an error, nothing else in <code>storeEmail</code> will be run, and <code>handleErr</code> will end up handling the error.</p>",
Desc [Ident "dest", Kw "=", StrInterpolation "\"" "" ".txt\""] "<p>The <code>\\(</code> in this string literal will be replaced with the value in <code>name</code>. This is <a href=\"/tutorial#string-interpolation\">string interpolation</a>.</p><p>Note that this line doesn't end with <code>|> Task.await</code>. Earlier lines needed that because they were I/O <a href=\"/tutorial#tasks\">tasks</a>, but this is a plain old <a href=\"/tutorial#defs\">definition</a>, so there's no task to await.</p>",
Desc [Literal "_"] "<p>In Roc, if you dont want to bother naming something, you can always choose the name <code>_</code>.</p><p>You can name as many things as you like <code>_</code>, but you can never reference anything named <code>_</code>.</p><p>So its only useful for when you dont want to choose a name.</p>",
Desc [Kw "<-", Ident "File.writeUtf8", ParensAround [Ident "Path.fromStr dest"], Ident "", Kw "|>", Ident "Task.await"] "<p>This writes the <code></code> string to the file encoded as <a href=\"\">UTF-8</a>.</p><p>The parentheses here show where the nested call to <code>Path.fromStr</code> begins and ends.</p>",
Desc [Ident "Stdout.line", StrInterpolation "\"Wrote email to " "dest" "\""] "<p>This prints what we did to <a href=\"\">stdout</a>.</p><p>Note that this line doesn't end with <code>|> Task.await</code>. Thats because, although <code>Stdout.line</code> returns a <a href=\"/tutorial#tasks\">task</a>, we dont need to await it because nothing happens after it.</p>",
Desc [Ident "handleErr", Kw "=", Lambda ["err"]] "<p>Like <code>storeEmail</code>, <code>handleErr</code> is also a function.</p><p>Although type annotations are optional everywhere in Roc—because the language has 100% type inference—you could add type annotations to <code>main</code>, <code>storeEmail</code>, and <code>handleErr</code> if you wanted to.</p>",
Desc [Kw "when", Ident "err", Kw "is"] "<p>This will run one of the following lines depending on what value the <code>err</code> argument has.</p><p>Each line does a <a href=\"/tutorial#tags-with-payloads\">pattern match</a> on the shape of the error to decide whether to run, or to move on and try the next line's pattern.</p><p>Roc will do compile-time <a href=\"/tutorial#exhaustiveness\">exhaustiveness checking</a> and tell you if you forgot to handle any error cases here that could have occurred, based on the tasks that were run in <code>storeEmail</code>.</p>",
Desc [Literal "HttpErr", Ident "url", Kw "_", Kw "->", Ident "Stderr.line", StrInterpolation "\"Error fetching URL " "url" "\""] "<p>This line will run if the <code>Http.get</code> request from earlier encountered an HTTP error.</p><p>It handles the error by printing an error message to <a href=\"\">stderr</a>.</p>",
Desc [Literal "FileReadErr", Ident "path", Kw "_", Kw "->", Ident "Stderr.line", StrInterpolation "\"Error reading from " "Path.display path" "\""] "<p>This line will run if the <code>File.readUtf8</code> from earlier encountered a file I/O error.</p><p>It handles the error by printing an error message to <a href=\"\">stderr</a>.</p>",
Desc [Literal "FileWriteErr", Ident "path", Kw "_", Kw "->", Ident "Stderr.line", StrInterpolation "\"Error writing to " "Path.display path" "\""] "<p>This line will run if the <code>File.writeUtf8</code> from earlier encountered a file I/O error.</p><p>It handles the error by printing an error message to <a href=\"\">stderr</a>.</p>",
pre [class "interactive-example"] [
samp [] [
Html.text output,
tokensToStr : List Token -> Str
tokensToStr = \tokens ->
List.walk tokens "" \buf, token ->
bufWithSpace =
if Str.isEmpty buf || token == Literal "," then
Str.concat buf " "
when token is
ParensAround wrapped ->
# Don't put spaces after opening parens or before closing parens
|> Str.concat "<span class=\"kw\">(</span>"
|> Str.concat (tokensToStr wrapped)
|> Str.concat "<span class=\"kw\">)</span>"
Lambda args ->
# Don't put spaces after opening parens or before closing parens
argsWithCommas =
|> \ident -> "<span class=\"ident\">\(ident)</span>"
|> Str.joinWith "<span class=\"literal\">,</span> "
|> Str.concat "<span class=\"kw\">\\</span>"
|> Str.concat argsWithCommas
|> Str.concat "<span class=\"kw\"> -></span>"
Kw str ->
Str.concat bufWithSpace "<span class=\"kw\">\(str)</span>"
Num str | Str str | Literal str -> # We may render these differently in the future
Str.concat bufWithSpace "<span class=\"literal\">\(str)</span>"
Comment str ->
Str.concat bufWithSpace "<span class=\"comment\"># \(str)</span>"
Ident str ->
Str.concat bufWithSpace (identToHtml str)
StrInterpolation before interp after ->
|> Str.concat (if Str.isEmpty before then "" else "<span class=\"literal\">\(before)</span>")
|> Str.concat "<span class=\"kw\">\\(</span>\(identToHtml interp)<span class=\"kw\">)</span>"
|> Str.concat (if Str.isEmpty after then "" else "<span class=\"literal\">\(after)</span>")
identToHtml : Str -> Str
identToHtml = \str ->
List.walk (Str.split str ".") "" \accum, ident ->
identHtml = "<span class=\"ident\">\(ident)</span>"
if Str.isEmpty accum then
"\(accum)<span class=\"kw\">.</span>\(identHtml)"
sectionsToStr : List Section -> Str
sectionsToStr = \sections ->
answer = List.walk sections { buf: "", count: 0, indent: 0 } \{ buf, count, indent }, section ->
bufWithSpace =
if Str.isEmpty buf then
else if buf |> Str.endsWith "\n" then
Str.concat buf (Str.repeat " " indent)
Str.concat buf " "
(afterSpaces, nextCount) =
when section is
Newline | Indent | Outdent ->
# Indent and outdent changes happen on the next iteration,
# so we only need a newline for them here.
(Str.concat buf "\n", count)
Desc tokens str ->
html = radio count (tokensToStr tokens) str
(Str.concat bufWithSpace html, count + 1)
nextIndent =
when section is
Indent -> indent + 4
Outdent -> indent - 4
Newline | Desc _ _ -> indent
buf: afterSpaces,
count: nextCount,
indent: nextIndent,
radio : U16, Str, Str -> Str
radio = \index, labelHtml, descHtml ->
# The first radio button should always be checked, and none of the others should be.
checkedHtml = if index == 0 then " checked" else ""
<input class="interactive-radio" type="radio" name="r" id="r\(Num.toStr index)" autocomplete=\"off\"\(checkedHtml)><label for="r\(Num.toStr index)" title="Tap to learn about this syntax">\(labelHtml)</label><div class="interactive-desc">\(descHtml)</div>