2022-10-08 20:30:43 -06:00

68 lines
2.1 KiB

app "args"
packages { pf: "cli-platform/main.roc" }
imports [pf.Stdout, pf.Arg, pf.Program.{ Program }]
provides [main] to pf
main : Program
main = Program.withArgs \args ->
parser =
divCmd =
Arg.succeed (\dividend -> \divisor -> Div (Num.toF64 dividend) (Num.toF64 divisor))
|> Arg.withParser
Arg.i64Option {
long: "dividend",
short: "n",
help: "the number to divide; corresponds to a numerator",
|> Arg.withParser
Arg.i64Option {
long: "divisor",
short: "d",
help: "the number to divide by; corresponds to a denominator",
|> Arg.subCommand "div"
logCmd =
Arg.succeed (\base -> \num -> Log (Num.toF64 base) (Num.toF64 num))
|> Arg.withParser
Arg.i64Option {
long: "base",
short: "b",
help: "base of the logarithm",
|> Arg.withParser
Arg.i64Option {
long: "num",
help: "the number to take the logarithm of",
|> Arg.subCommand "log"
Arg.choice [divCmd, logCmd]
|> Arg.program { name: "args-example", help: "A calculator example of the CLI platform argument parser" }
when Arg.parseFormatted parser args is
Ok cmd ->
runCmd cmd
|> Num.toStr
|> Stdout.line
|> Program.exit 0
Err helpMenu ->
Stdout.line helpMenu
|> Program.exit 1
runCmd = \cmd ->
when cmd is
Div n d -> n / d
Log b n ->
# log_b(n) = log_x(n) / log_x(b) for all x
runCmd (Div (Num.log n) (Num.log b))