2022-08-11 17:15:07 -04:00

140 lines
3.5 KiB

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ruby.h>
#include "extconf.h"
void *roc_alloc(size_t size, unsigned int alignment) { return malloc(size); }
void *roc_realloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size, size_t old_size,
unsigned int alignment)
return realloc(ptr, new_size);
void roc_dealloc(void *ptr, unsigned int alignment) { free(ptr); }
__attribute__((noreturn)) void roc_panic(void *ptr, unsigned int alignment)
char *msg = (char *)ptr;
"Application crashed with message\n\n %s\n\nShutting down\n", msg);
void *roc_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
return memcpy(dest, src, n);
void *roc_memset(void *str, int c, size_t n) { return memset(str, c, n); }
struct RocStr
char *bytes;
size_t len;
size_t capacity;
struct RocStr init_rocstr(char *bytes, size_t len)
struct RocStr ret;
if (len < sizeof(struct RocStr))
// This is a small string. TODO do small string things.
size_t refcount_size = sizeof(size_t);
char *new_content = (char *)roc_alloc(len + refcount_size, alignof(size_t)) - refcount_size;
roc_memcpy(new_content, bytes, len);
ret.bytes = new_content;
ret.len = len;
ret.capacity = len;
size_t refcount_size = sizeof(size_t);
char *new_content = (char *)roc_alloc(len + refcount_size, alignof(size_t)) - refcount_size;
roc_memcpy(new_content, bytes, len);
ret.bytes = new_content;
ret.len = len;
ret.capacity = len;
return ret;
bool is_small_str(struct RocStr str) { return ((ssize_t)str.capacity) < 0; }
// Determine the length of the string, taking into
// account the small string optimization
size_t roc_str_len(struct RocStr str)
char *bytes = (char *)&str;
char last_byte = bytes[sizeof(str) - 1];
char last_byte_xored = last_byte ^ 0b10000000;
size_t small_len = (size_t)(last_byte_xored);
size_t big_len = str.len;
// Avoid branch misprediction costs by always
// determining both small_len and big_len,
// so this compiles to a cmov instruction.
if (is_small_str(str))
return small_len;
return big_len;
extern void roc__mainForHost_1_exposed_generic(struct RocStr *ret, struct RocStr *arg);
VALUE hello(VALUE self, VALUE rb_arg)
// Verify the argument is a Ruby string; raise a type error if not.
if (TYPE(rb_arg) != T_STRING)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "`hello` only accepts strings.");
struct RocStr arg = init_rocstr(RSTRING_PTR(rb_arg), RSTRING_LEN(rb_arg));
struct RocStr ret;
roc__mainForHost_1_exposed_generic(&ret, &arg);
// Determine str_len and the str_bytes pointer,
// taking into account the small string optimization.
size_t str_len = roc_str_len(ret);
VALUE ruby_str;
if (is_small_str(ret))
ruby_str = rb_utf8_str_new((char *)&ret, str_len);
ruby_str = rb_utf8_str_new(ret.bytes, str_len);
// TODO decrement refcount and then only dealloc if that was the last reference
roc_dealloc(ret.bytes - sizeof(size_t), alignof(char *));
return ruby_str;
void Init_demo()
printf("Ruby just required Roc. Let's get READY TO ROC.\n");
VALUE roc_stuff = rb_define_module("RocStuff");
rb_define_module_function(roc_stuff, "hello", &hello, 1);