2022-07-21 09:02:04 -04:00

218 lines
6.6 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const str = @import("str");
const RocStr = str.RocStr;
const testing = std.testing;
const expectEqual = testing.expectEqual;
const expect = testing.expect;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
comptime {
// This is a workaround for
// which is only necessary on macOS.
// Once that issue is fixed, we can undo the changes in
// 177cf12e0555147faa4d436e52fc15175c2c4ff0 and go back to passing
// -fcompiler-rt in instead of doing this. Note that this
// workaround is present in many host.zig files, so make sure to undo
// it everywhere!
const builtin = @import("builtin");
if (builtin.os.tag == .macos) {
_ = @import("compiler_rt");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
extern fn roc__mainForHost_1_exposed_generic([*]u8) void;
extern fn roc__mainForHost_size() i64;
extern fn roc__mainForHost_1__Fx_caller(*const u8, [*]u8, [*]u8) void;
extern fn roc__mainForHost_1__Fx_size() i64;
extern fn roc__mainForHost_1__Fx_result_size() i64;
const Align = 2 * @alignOf(usize);
extern fn malloc(size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*align(Align) anyopaque;
extern fn realloc(c_ptr: [*]align(Align) u8, size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque;
extern fn free(c_ptr: [*]align(Align) u8) callconv(.C) void;
extern fn memcpy(dst: [*]u8, src: [*]u8, size: usize) callconv(.C) void;
extern fn memset(dst: [*]u8, value: i32, size: usize) callconv(.C) void;
const DEBUG: bool = false;
export fn roc_alloc(size: usize, alignment: u32) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque {
if (DEBUG) {
var ptr = malloc(size);
const stdout =;
stdout.print("alloc: {d} (alignment {d}, size {d})\n", .{ ptr, alignment, size }) catch unreachable;
return ptr;
} else {
return malloc(size);
export fn roc_realloc(c_ptr: *anyopaque, new_size: usize, old_size: usize, alignment: u32) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque {
if (DEBUG) {
const stdout =;
stdout.print("realloc: {d} (alignment {d}, old_size {d})\n", .{ c_ptr, alignment, old_size }) catch unreachable;
return realloc(@alignCast(Align, @ptrCast([*]u8, c_ptr)), new_size);
export fn roc_dealloc(c_ptr: *anyopaque, alignment: u32) callconv(.C) void {
if (DEBUG) {
const stdout =;
stdout.print("dealloc: {d} (alignment {d})\n", .{ c_ptr, alignment }) catch unreachable;
free(@alignCast(Align, @ptrCast([*]u8, c_ptr)));
export fn roc_panic(c_ptr: *anyopaque, tag_id: u32) callconv(.C) void {
_ = tag_id;
const stderr =;
const msg = @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, c_ptr);
stderr.print("Application crashed with message\n\n {s}\n\nShutting down\n", .{msg}) catch unreachable;
export fn roc_memcpy(dst: [*]u8, src: [*]u8, size: usize) callconv(.C) void {
return memcpy(dst, src, size);
export fn roc_memset(dst: [*]u8, value: i32, size: usize) callconv(.C) void {
return memset(dst, value, size);
const Unit = extern struct {};
pub export fn main() callconv(.C) u8 {
const size = @intCast(usize, roc__mainForHost_size());
const raw_output = roc_alloc(@intCast(usize, size), @alignOf(u64)).?;
var output = @ptrCast([*]u8, raw_output);
defer {
roc_dealloc(raw_output, @alignOf(u64));
var ts1: std.os.timespec = undefined;
std.os.clock_gettime(std.os.CLOCK.REALTIME, &ts1) catch unreachable;
const closure_data_pointer = @ptrCast([*]u8, output);
var ts2: std.os.timespec = undefined;
std.os.clock_gettime(std.os.CLOCK.REALTIME, &ts2) catch unreachable;
const delta = to_seconds(ts2) - to_seconds(ts1);
const stderr =;
stderr.print("runtime: {d:.3}ms\n", .{delta * 1000}) catch unreachable;
return 0;
fn to_seconds(tms: std.os.timespec) f64 {
return @intToFloat(f64, tms.tv_sec) + (@intToFloat(f64, tms.tv_nsec) / 1_000_000_000.0);
fn call_the_closure(closure_data_pointer: [*]u8) void {
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
const size = roc__mainForHost_1__Fx_result_size();
const raw_output = allocator.allocAdvanced(u8, @alignOf(u64), @intCast(usize, size), .at_least) catch unreachable;
var output = @ptrCast([*]u8, raw_output);
defer {;
const flags: u8 = 0;
roc__mainForHost_1__Fx_caller(&flags, closure_data_pointer, output);
// The closure returns result, nothing interesting to do with it
pub export fn roc_fx_putInt(int: i64) i64 {
const stdout =;
stdout.print("{d}", .{int}) catch unreachable;
stdout.print("\n", .{}) catch unreachable;
return 0;
export fn roc_fx_putLine(rocPath: *str.RocStr) callconv(.C) void {
const stdout =;
for (rocPath.asSlice()) |char| {
stdout.print("{c}", .{char}) catch unreachable;
stdout.print("\n", .{}) catch unreachable;
const GetInt = extern struct {
value: i64,
is_error: bool,
comptime {
if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) {
@export(roc_fx_getInt_64bit, .{ .name = "roc_fx_getInt" });
} else {
@export(roc_fx_getInt_32bit, .{ .name = "roc_fx_getInt" });
fn roc_fx_getInt_64bit() callconv(.C) GetInt {
if (roc_fx_getInt_help()) |value| {
const get_int = GetInt{ .is_error = false, .value = value };
return get_int;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
return GetInt{ .is_error = true, .value = 0 };
else => {
return GetInt{ .is_error = true, .value = 0 };
return 0;
fn roc_fx_getInt_32bit(output: *GetInt) callconv(.C) void {
if (roc_fx_getInt_help()) |value| {
const get_int = GetInt{ .is_error = false, .value = value, .error_code = false };
output.* = get_int;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
output.* = GetInt{ .is_error = true, .value = 0, .error_code = false };
else => {
output.* = GetInt{ .is_error = true, .value = 0, .error_code = true };
fn roc_fx_getInt_help() !i64 {
const stdout =;
stdout.print("Please enter an integer\n", .{}) catch unreachable;
const stdin =;
var buf: [40]u8 = undefined;
const line: []u8 = (try stdin.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n')) orelse "";
return std.fmt.parseInt(i64, line, 10);