2019-11-04 21:25:55 -05:00

906 lines
26 KiB

extern crate pretty_assertions;
// #[macro_use]
// extern crate indoc;
extern crate bumpalo;
extern crate roc;
mod helpers;
mod test_canonicalize {
use bumpalo::Bump;
use helpers::can_expr_with;
use roc::can::expr::Expr::{self, *};
use roc::can::problem::RuntimeError;
use roc::collections::ImMap;
use std::{f64, i64};
// fn sym(name: &str) -> Symbol {
// Symbol::new("Test$blah$", name)
// }
// fn unqualified(string: &str) -> Ident {
// Ident::Unqualified(string.to_string())
// }
// fn unqualifieds(strings: Vec<&str>) -> Vec<Ident> {
// strings.into_iter().map(unqualified).collect()
// }
// fn loc_unqualifieds(strings: Vec<&str>) -> Vec<Located<Ident>> {
// strings
// .into_iter()
// .map(|string| loc(unqualified(string)))
// .collect()
// }
// fn unused(string: &str) -> Problem {
// Problem::UnusedAssignment(loc(unqualified(string)))
// }
// struct Out<'a> {
// locals: Vec<&'a str>,
// globals: Vec<&'a str>,
// variants: Vec<&'a str>,
// calls: Vec<&'a str>,
// tail_call: Option<&'a str>,
// }
// impl<'a> Into<Output> for Out<'a> {
// fn into(self) -> Output {
// let references = References {
// locals: vec_to_set(self.locals),
// globals: vec_to_set(self.globals),
// variants: vec_to_set(self.variants),
// calls: vec_to_set(self.calls),
// };
// let tail_call =;
// Output {
// references,
// tail_call,
// }
// }
// }
// fn vec_to_set<'a>(vec: Vec<&'a str>) -> ImSet<Symbol> {
// ImSet::from(vec.into_iter().map(sym).collect::<Vec<_>>())
// }
fn assert_can(input: &str, expected: Expr) {
let arena = Bump::new();
let (actual, _, _, _, _, _) =
can_expr_with(&arena, "Blah", input, &ImMap::default(), &ImMap::default());
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn int_too_large() {
let string = (i64::MAX as i128 + 1).to_string();
fn int_too_small() {
let string = (i64::MIN as i128 - 1).to_string();
fn float_too_large() {
let string = format!("{}1.0", f64::MAX);
fn float_too_small() {
let string = format!("{}1.0", f64::MIN);
//fn closure_args_are_not_locals() {
// // "arg" shouldn't make it into output.locals, because
// // it only exists in the closure's arguments.
// let (_, output, problems, procedures) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// func = \arg -> arg + 1
// 3 + func 2
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![]);
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["func"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec!["func"],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
// assert_eq!(
// procedures,
// mut_map_from_pairs(vec![(
// sym("func"),
// Procedure {
// name: Some("func".to_string()),
// is_self_tail_recursive: false,
// definition: Region::zero(),
// args: vec![loc(Pattern::Identifier(sym("arg")))],
// body: loc(Expr::BinOp(
// loc_box(Expr::Var(sym("arg"))),
// loc(BinOp::Plus),
// loc_box(Expr::Int(1))
// )),
// references: References {
// locals: vec_to_set(vec![]),
// globals: vec_to_set(vec![]),
// variants: vec_to_set(vec![]),
// calls: vec_to_set(vec![]),
// }
// }
// )])
// );
//fn closing_over_locals() {
// // "local" should be used, because the closure used it.
// // However, "unused" should be unused.
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// local = 5
// unused = 6
// func = \arg -> arg + local
// 3 + func 2
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(
// problems,
// vec![Problem::UnusedAssignment(loc(Ident::Unqualified(
// "unused".to_string()
// )))]
// );
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["func", "local"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec!["func"],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn unused_closure() {
// // "unused" should be unused because it's in func, which is unused.
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// local = 5
// unused = 6
// func = \arg -> arg + unused
// local
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(
// problems,
// vec![
// Problem::UnusedAssignment(loc(Ident::Unqualified("unused".to_string()))),
// Problem::UnusedAssignment(loc(Ident::Unqualified("func".to_string()))),
// ]
// );
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["local"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec![],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn basic_unrecognized_constant() {
// let (expr, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// x
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(
// problems,
// vec![Problem::UnrecognizedConstant(loc(Ident::Unqualified(
// "x".to_string()
// )))]
// );
// assert_eq!(
// expr,
// UnrecognizedConstant(loc(Ident::Unqualified("x".to_string())))
// );
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec![],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec![],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn complex_unrecognized_constant() {
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// a = 5
// b = 6
// a + b * z
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(
// problems,
// vec![Problem::UnrecognizedConstant(loc(Ident::Unqualified(
// "z".to_string()
// )))]
// );
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["a", "b"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec![],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn mutual_unused_circular_vars() {
// // This should report that both a and b are unused, since the return expr never references them.
// // It should not report them as circular, since we haven't solved the halting problem here.
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// a = \arg -> if arg > 0 then b 7 else 0
// b = \arg -> if arg > 0 then a (arg - 1) else 0
// c = 5
// c
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![unused("a"), unused("b")]);
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["c"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec![],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn can_fibonacci() {
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// fibonacci = \num ->
// if num < 2 then
// num
// else
// fibonacci (num - 1) + fibonacci (num - 2)
// fibonacci 9
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![]);
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["fibonacci"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec!["fibonacci"],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn can_tail_call() {
// // TODO check the global params - make sure this
// // is considered a tail call, even though it only
// // calls itself from one branch!
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// factorial = \num ->
// factorialHelp num 0
// factorialHelp = \num total ->
// if num == 0 then
// total
// else
// factorialHelp (num - 1) (total * num)
// factorial 9
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![]);
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["factorial", "factorialHelp"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec!["factorial", "factorialHelp"],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn transitively_used_function() {
// // This should report that neither a nor b are unused,
// // since if you never call a function but do return it, that's okay!
// let (_, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// a = \_ -> 42
// b = a
// b
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, Vec::new());
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["a", "b"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec![],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
//fn reorder_assignments() {
// let (expr, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// increment = \arg -> arg + 1
// z = (increment 2) + y
// y = x + 1
// x = 9
// z * 3
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![]);
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["increment", "x", "y", "z"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec!["increment"],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
// let symbols = assigned_symbols(expr);
// // In code gen, for everything to have been set before it gets read,
// // the following must be true about when things are assigned:
// //
// // x must be assigned before y
// // y must be assigned before z
// //
// // The order of the increment function doesn't matter.
// assert_before("x", "y", &symbols);
// assert_before("y", "z", &symbols);
//fn reorder_closed_over_assignments() {
// let (expr, output, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// z = func1 x
// x = 9
// y = func2 3
// func1 = \arg -> func2 arg + y
// func2 = \arg -> arg + x
// z
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![]);
// assert_eq!(
// output,
// Out {
// locals: vec!["func1", "func2", "x", "y", "z"],
// globals: vec![],
// variants: vec![],
// calls: vec!["func1", "func2"],
// tail_call: None
// }
// .into()
// );
// let symbols = assigned_symbols(expr);
// // In code gen, for everything to have been set before it gets read,
// // the following must be true about when things are assigned:
// //
// // x and func2 must be assigned (in either order) before y
// // y and func1 must be assigned (in either order) before z
// assert_before("x", "y", &symbols);
// assert_before("func2", "y", &symbols);
// assert_before("func1", "z", &symbols);
// assert_before("y", "z", &symbols);
//fn assert_before(before: &str, after: &str, symbols: &Vec<Symbol>) {
// assert_ne!(before, after);
// let before_symbol = sym(before);
// let after_symbol = sym(after);
// let before_index = symbols
// .iter()
// .position(|symbol| symbol == &before_symbol)
// .unwrap_or_else(|| {
// panic!(
// "error in assert_before({:?}, {:?}): {:?} could not be found in {:?}",
// before,
// after,
// sym(before),
// symbols
// )
// });
// let after_index = symbols
// .iter()
// .position(|symbol| symbol == &after_symbol)
// .unwrap_or_else(|| {
// panic!(
// "error in assert_before({:?}, {:?}): {:?} could not be found in {:?}",
// before,
// after,
// sym(after),
// symbols
// )
// });
// if before_index == after_index {
// panic!(
// "error in assert_before({:?}, {:?}): both were at index {} in {:?}",
// before, after, after_index, symbols
// );
// } else if before_index > after_index {
// panic!("error in assert_before: {:?} appeared *after* {:?} (not before, as expected) in {:?}", before, after, symbols);
// }
//fn assigned_symbols(expr: Expr) -> Vec<Symbol> {
// match expr {
// Assign(assignments, _) => {
// assignments.into_iter().map(|(pattern, _)| {
// match pattern.value {
// Identifier(symbol) => {
// symbol
// },
// _ => {
// panic!("Called assigned_symbols passing an Assign expr with non-Identifier patterns!");
// }
// }
// }).collect()
// },
// _ => {
// panic!("Called assigned_symbols passing a non-Assign expr!");
// }
// }
//fn circular_assignment() {
// let (_, _, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// c = d + 3
// b = 2 + c
// d = a + 7
// a = b + 1
// 2 + d
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(
// problems,
// vec![Problem::CircularAssignment(vec![
// // c should appear first because it's assigned first in the original expression.
// loc(unqualified("c")),
// loc(unqualified("d")),
// loc(unqualified("a")),
// loc(unqualified("b")),
// ])]
// );
//fn always_function() {
// // There was a bug where this reported UnusedArgument("val")
// // since it was used only in the returned function only.
// let (_, _, problems, _) = can_expr(indoc!(
// r#"
// \val -> \_ -> val
// "#
// ));
// assert_eq!(problems, vec![]);
//// TODO verify that Apply handles output.references.calls correctly
//// TODO verify that in closures and assignments, you can't assign to int/string/underscore/etc
//// fn parse_with_precedence(input: &str) -> Result<(Expr, &str), easy::Errors<char, &str, IndentablePosition>> {
//// parse_without_loc(input)
//// .map(|(expr, remaining)| (expr::apply_precedence_and_associativity(loc(expr)).unwrap().value, remaining))
//// }
//// #[test]
//// fn two_operator_precedence() {
//// assert_eq!(
//// parse_with_precedence("x + y * 5"),
//// Ok((BinOp(
//// loc_box(var("x")),
//// loc(Plus),
//// loc_box(
//// BinOp(
//// loc_box(var("y")),
//// loc(Star),
//// loc_box(Int(5))
//// )
//// ),
//// ),
//// ""))
//// );
//// assert_eq!(
//// parse_with_precedence("x * y + 5"),
//// Ok((BinOp(
//// loc_box(
//// BinOp(
//// loc_box(var("x")),
//// loc(Star),
//// loc_box(var("y")),
//// )
//// ),
//// loc(Plus),
//// loc_box(Int(5))
//// ),
//// ""))
//// );
//// }
//// #[test]
//// fn compare_and() {
//// assert_eq!(
//// parse_with_precedence("x > 1 || True"),
//// Ok((BinOp(
//// loc_box(
//// BinOp(
//// loc_box(var("x")),
//// loc(GreaterThan),
//// loc_box(Int(1))
//// )
//// ),
//// loc(Or),
//// loc_box(ApplyVariant(vname("True"), None))
//// ),
//// ""))
//// );
//// }
//fn sort_cyclic_idents() {
// let assigned_idents = unqualifieds(vec!["blah", "c", "b", "d", "a"]);
// assert_eq!(
// can::sort_cyclic_idents(
// loc_unqualifieds(vec!["a", "b", "c", "d"]),
// &mut assigned_idents.iter()
// ),
// loc_unqualifieds(vec!["c", "d", "a", "b"])
// );
// #[test]
// fn string_with_valid_unicode_escapes() {
// expect_parsed_str("x\u{00A0}x", r#""x\u{00A0}x""#);
// expect_parsed_str("x\u{101010}x", r#""x\u{101010}x""#);
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_too_large_unicode_escape() {
// // Should be too big - max size should be 10FFFF.
// // (Rust has this restriction. I assume it's a good idea.)
// assert_malformed_str(
// r#""abc\u{110000}def""#,
// vec![Located::new(0, 7, 0, 12, Problem::UnicodeCodePointTooLarge)],
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_no_unicode_digits() {
// // No digits specified
// assert_malformed_str(
// r#""blah\u{}foo""#,
// vec![Located::new(0, 5, 0, 8, Problem::NoUnicodeDigits)],
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_no_unicode_opening_brace() {
// // No opening curly brace. It can't be sure if the closing brace
// // was intended to be a closing brace for the unicode escape, so
// // report that there were no digits specified.
// assert_malformed_str(
// r#""abc\u00A0}def""#,
// vec![Located::new(0, 4, 0, 5, Problem::NoUnicodeDigits)],
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_no_unicode_closing_brace() {
// // No closing curly brace
// assert_malformed_str(
// r#""blah\u{stuff""#,
// vec![Located::new(0, 5, 0, 12, Problem::MalformedEscapedUnicode)],
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_no_unicode_braces() {
// // No curly braces
// assert_malformed_str(
// r#""zzzz\uzzzzz""#,
// vec![Located::new(0, 5, 0, 6, Problem::NoUnicodeDigits)],
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_interpolation_at_start() {
// let input = indoc!(
// r#"
// "\(abc)defg"
// "#
// );
// let (args, ret) = (vec![("", Located::new(0, 2, 0, 4, Var("abc")))], "defg");
// let arena = Bump::new();
// let actual = parse_with(&arena, input);
// assert_eq!(
// Ok(InterpolatedStr(&(arena.alloc_slice_clone(&args), ret))),
// actual
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_interpolation_at_end() {
// let input = indoc!(
// r#"
// "abcd\(efg)"
// "#
// );
// let (args, ret) = (vec![("abcd", Located::new(0, 6, 0, 8, Var("efg")))], "");
// let arena = Bump::new();
// let actual = parse_with(&arena, input);
// assert_eq!(
// Ok(InterpolatedStr(&(arena.alloc_slice_clone(&args), ret))),
// actual
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_interpolation_in_middle() {
// let input = indoc!(
// r#"
// "abc\(defg)hij"
// "#
// );
// let (args, ret) = (vec![("abc", Located::new(0, 5, 0, 8, Var("defg")))], "hij");
// let arena = Bump::new();
// let actual = parse_with(&arena, input);
// assert_eq!(
// Ok(InterpolatedStr(&(arena.alloc_slice_clone(&args), ret))),
// actual
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_two_interpolations_in_middle() {
// let input = indoc!(
// r#"
// "abc\(defg)hi\(jkl)mn"
// "#
// );
// let (args, ret) = (
// vec![
// ("abc", Located::new(0, 5, 0, 8, Var("defg"))),
// ("hi", Located::new(0, 14, 0, 16, Var("jkl"))),
// ],
// "mn",
// );
// let arena = Bump::new();
// let actual = parse_with(&arena, input);
// assert_eq!(
// Ok(InterpolatedStr(&(arena.alloc_slice_clone(&args), ret))),
// actual
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_four_interpolations() {
// let input = indoc!(
// r#"
// "\(abc)def\(ghi)jkl\(mno)pqrs\(tuv)"
// "#
// );
// let (args, ret) = (
// vec![
// ("", Located::new(0, 2, 0, 4, Var("abc"))),
// ("def", Located::new(0, 11, 0, 13, Var("ghi"))),
// ("jkl", Located::new(0, 20, 0, 22, Var("mno"))),
// ("pqrs", Located::new(0, 30, 0, 32, Var("tuv"))),
// ],
// "",
// );
// let arena = Bump::new();
// let actual = parse_with(&arena, input);
// assert_eq!(
// Ok(InterpolatedStr(&(arena.alloc_slice_clone(&args), ret))),
// actual
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_escaped_interpolation() {
// assert_parses_to(
// // This should NOT be string interpolation, because of the \\
// indoc!(
// r#"
// "abcd\\(efg)hij"
// "#
// ),
// Str(r#"abcd\(efg)hij"#.into()),
// );
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_without_escape() {
// expect_parsed_str("a", r#""a""#);
// expect_parsed_str("ab", r#""ab""#);
// expect_parsed_str("abc", r#""abc""#);
// expect_parsed_str("123", r#""123""#);
// expect_parsed_str("abc123", r#""abc123""#);
// expect_parsed_str("123abc", r#""123abc""#);
// expect_parsed_str("123 abc 456 def", r#""123 abc 456 def""#);
// }
// #[test]
// fn string_with_special_escapes() {
// expect_parsed_str(r#"x\x"#, r#""x\\x""#);
// expect_parsed_str(r#"x"x"#, r#""x\"x""#);
// expect_parsed_str("x\tx", r#""x\tx""#);
// expect_parsed_str("x\rx", r#""x\rx""#);
// expect_parsed_str("x\nx", r#""x\nx""#);
// }
// fn assert_malformed_str<'a>(input: &'a str, expected_probs: Vec<Located<Problem>>) {
// let arena = Bump::new();
// let actual = parse_with(&arena, input);
// assert_eq!(
// Ok(Expr::MalformedStr(expected_probs.into_boxed_slice())),
// actual
// );
// }
// TODO test what happens when interpolated strings contain 1+ malformed idents
// TODO test hex/oct/binary conversion to numbers
// TODO test for \t \r and \n in string literals *outside* unicode escape sequence!