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synced 2024-11-22 04:13:26 +03:00
refactor data structures
Refactor data structures that represent projects to have a simple expression and an associated bindings in a project system type
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ test-suite spec
, master-plan
, random
, mtl
, containers
, hspec
, QuickCheck
other-modules: MasterPlan.DataSpec
@ -3,122 +3,144 @@ module MasterPlan.Data where
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List (find, inits)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
type Percentage = Float
type Trust = Float
type Cost = Float
-- | properties that common to composed and atomic projects
data ProjectProperties = ProjectProperties {
name :: String,
description :: Maybe[String],
url :: Maybe[String],
owner :: Maybe[String]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Progress = Float
data Status = Ready | Blocked | InProgress | Done | Cancelled
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |Structure of a project expression
data Project = SumProj {
props :: ProjectProperties,
subprojects :: NE.NonEmpty Project
} |
ProductProj {
props :: ProjectProperties,
subprojects :: NE.NonEmpty Project
} |
SequenceProj {
props :: ProjectProperties,
subprojects :: NE.NonEmpty Project
} |
TaskProj {
props :: ProjectProperties,
reportedCost :: Cost,
reportedConfidence :: Percentage,
reportedStatus :: Status,
reportedProgress :: Percentage
RefProj {
name :: String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |A binding of a name can refer to an expression. If there are no
-- associated expressions (i.e. equation) then it can have task-level
-- properties
data ProjectBinding = TaskProj { props :: ProjectProperties
, reportedCost :: Cost
, reportedTrust :: Trust
, reportedStatus :: Status
, reportedProgress :: Progress
} |
ExpressionProj { props :: ProjectProperties
, expression :: Project
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |Any binding (with a name) may have associated properties
data ProjectProperties = ProjectProperties { title :: String
, description :: Maybe[String]
, url :: Maybe[String]
, owner :: Maybe[String]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |A project system defines the bindins (mapping from names to expressions or tasks)
-- and properties, which can be associated to any binding
newtype ProjectSystem = ProjectSystem { bindings :: M.Map String ProjectBinding }
deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultProjectProps :: ProjectProperties
defaultProjectProps = ProjectProperties { name = "root"
defaultProjectProps = ProjectProperties { title = "root"
, description = Nothing
, url = Nothing
, owner = Nothing }
defaultTaskProj :: Project
defaultTaskProj = TaskProj { props = defaultProjectProps
, reportedCost = 0
, reportedConfidence = 1
, reportedStatus = Ready
, reportedProgress = 0 }
isOpen :: ProjectSystem -> Project -> Bool
isOpen sys p = status sys p `elem` [InProgress, Ready, Blocked]
isOpen :: Project -> Bool
isOpen p = status p `elem` [InProgress, Ready, Blocked]
isClosed :: Project -> Bool
isClosed = not . isOpen
isClosed :: ProjectSystem -> Project -> Bool
isClosed sys p = not $ isOpen sys p
-- | Expected cost
cost :: Project -> Cost
cost TaskProj { reportedCost=c } = c
cost SequenceProj { subprojects=ps } = costConjunction $ NE.dropWhile isClosed ps
cost ProductProj { subprojects=ps } = costConjunction $ NE.filter isOpen ps
cost SumProj { subprojects=s } =
cost :: ProjectSystem -> Project -> Cost
cost sys (RefProj n) =
case M.lookup n (bindings sys) of
Just TaskProj { reportedCost=c } -> c
Just ExpressionProj { expression=p} -> cost sys p -- TODO: avoid cyclic
Nothing -> 0 -- should not happen
cost sys SequenceProj { subprojects=ps } = costConjunction sys $ NE.dropWhile (isClosed sys) ps
cost sys ProductProj { subprojects=ps } = costConjunction sys $ NE.filter (isOpen sys) ps
cost sys SumProj { subprojects=s } =
sum $ map (\x -> (1 - snd x) * fst x) $ zip costs accTrusts
final_prob = scanl (\a b -> a + b*(1-a)) 0 $ map confidence opens
final_cost = sum $ map (\x -> (1 - snd x) * fst x) $ zip costs final_prob
costs = map cost opens
opens = NE.filter isOpen s
accTrusts = scanl (\a b -> a + b*(1-a)) 0 $ map (trust sys) opens
costs = map (cost sys) opens
opens = NE.filter (isOpen sys) s
costConjunction :: [Project] -> Cost
costConjunction ps =
sum $ zipWith (*) costs accConfidences
costConjunction :: ProjectSystem -> [Project] -> Cost
costConjunction sys ps =
sum $ zipWith (*) costs accTrusts
costs = map cost ps
accConfidences = map product $ inits $ map confidence ps
costs = map (cost sys) ps
accTrusts = map product $ inits $ map (trust sys) ps
-- | Expected confidence probability
confidence :: Project -> Percentage
confidence TaskProj { reportedConfidence=c } = c
confidence SequenceProj { subprojects=ps } = confidenceConjunction $ NE.dropWhile isClosed ps
confidence ProductProj { subprojects=ps } = confidenceConjunction $ NE.filter isOpen ps
confidence SumProj { subprojects=s } =
if null opens then 1 else final_prob
-- | Expected trust probability
trust :: ProjectSystem -> Project -> Trust
trust sys (RefProj n) =
case M.lookup n (bindings sys) of
Just TaskProj { reportedTrust=t } -> t
Just ExpressionProj { expression=p} -> trust sys p -- TODO: avoid cyclic
Nothing -> 0 -- should not happen
trust sys SequenceProj { subprojects=ps } = trustConjunction sys $ NE.dropWhile (isClosed sys) ps
trust sys ProductProj { subprojects=ps } = trustConjunction sys $ NE.filter (isOpen sys) ps
trust sys SumProj { subprojects=s } =
if null opens then 1 else accTrusts
final_prob = foldl (\a b -> a + b*(1-a)) 0 $ map confidence opens
opens = NE.filter isOpen s
accTrusts = foldl (\a b -> a + b*(1-a)) 0 $ map (trust sys) opens
opens = NE.filter (isOpen sys) s
confidenceConjunction :: [Project] -> Percentage
confidenceConjunction ps = product $ map confidence ps
trustConjunction :: ProjectSystem -> [Project] -> Trust
trustConjunction sys ps = product $ map (trust sys) ps
progress :: Project -> Percentage
progress TaskProj { reportedProgress=p, reportedStatus=s } = if s == Done then 1 else p
progress SequenceProj { subprojects=s } = progressConjunction s
progress ProductProj { subprojects=s } = progressConjunction s
progress SumProj { subprojects=s } = maximum $ NE.map progress s
progress ::ProjectSystem -> Project -> Progress
progress sys (RefProj n) =
case M.lookup n (bindings sys) of
Just TaskProj { reportedStatus=Done } -> 1
Just TaskProj { reportedProgress=p } -> p
Just ExpressionProj { expression=p} -> progress sys p -- TODO: avoid cyclic
Nothing -> 0 -- should not happen
progress sys SequenceProj { subprojects=s } = progressConjunction sys s
progress sys ProductProj { subprojects=s } = progressConjunction sys s
progress sys SumProj { subprojects=s } = maximum $ NE.map (progress sys) s
progressConjunction :: NE.NonEmpty Project -> Percentage
progressConjunction ps =
let opens = NE.filter isOpen ps
progressConjunction :: ProjectSystem -> NE.NonEmpty Project -> Progress
progressConjunction sys ps =
let opens = NE.filter (isOpen sys) ps
in if null opens
then 1
else sum (map progress opens) / fromIntegral (length opens)
else sum (map (progress sys) opens) / fromIntegral (length opens)
status :: Project -> Status
status TaskProj { reportedProgress=p, reportedStatus=s } = if p >= 1 then Done else s
status SequenceProj { subprojects=s } =
let rest = NE.dropWhile isClosed s
in case rest of (p : _) -> status p
status :: ProjectSystem -> Project -> Status
status sys (RefProj n) =
case M.lookup n (bindings sys) of
Just TaskProj { reportedProgress=p, reportedStatus=s } -> if p>=1 then Done else s
Just ExpressionProj { expression=p} -> status sys p -- TODO: avoid cyclic
Nothing -> Cancelled -- should not happen
status sys SequenceProj { subprojects=s } =
let rest = NE.dropWhile (isClosed sys) s
in case rest of (p : _) -> status sys p
[] -> Done
status ProductProj { subprojects=ps } =
statusPriority [InProgress, Ready, Blocked, Cancelled, Done] ps
status SumProj { subprojects=ps } =
statusPriority [Done, InProgress, Ready, Blocked, Cancelled] ps
status sys ProductProj { subprojects=ps } =
statusPriority [InProgress, Ready, Blocked, Cancelled, Done] sys ps
status sys SumProj { subprojects=ps } =
statusPriority [Done, InProgress, Ready, Blocked, Cancelled] sys ps
statusPriority :: [Status] -> NE.NonEmpty Project -> Status
statusPriority priority ps =
let ss = NE.map status ps
statusPriority :: [Status] -> ProjectSystem -> NE.NonEmpty Project -> Status
statusPriority priority sys ps =
let ss = NE.map (status sys) ps
in fromMaybe Done $ asum $ map (\x -> find (x ==) ss) priority
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module MasterPlan.DataSpec where
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import MasterPlan.Data
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (sample)
@ -29,63 +30,96 @@ instance Arbitrary Status where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure Ready, pure Blocked, pure InProgress, pure Done, pure Cancelled ]
testingKeys :: [String]
testingKeys = ["a","b","c","d"]
rootKey :: String
rootKey = "root"
instance Arbitrary ProjectSystem where
arbitrary = do bs <- replicateM (length testingKeys) arbitrary
let arbitraryExpr = ExpressionProj <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
rootB <- frequency [ (1, arbitrary), (10, arbitraryExpr) ]
let bindings = M.insert rootKey rootB $ M.fromList $ zip testingKeys bs
pure $ ProjectSystem bindings
shrink (ProjectSystem bs) =
map ProjectSystem $ concatMap shrinkOne testingKeys
shrinkOne :: String -> [M.Map String ProjectBinding]
shrinkOne k = case M.lookup k bs of
Nothing -> []
Just b -> map (\s -> M.adjust (const s) k bs) $ shrink b
instance Arbitrary ProjectBinding where
-- NOTE: ProjectBinding arbitrary are always tasks (no expression)
-- to avoid generating cycles
arbitrary =
let unitGen = choose (0.0, 1.0)
in TaskProj <$> arbitrary
<*> unitGen
<*> unitGen
<*> arbitrary
<*> unitGen
instance Arbitrary Project where
arbitrary =
let shrinkFactor n = 2 * n `quot` 5
unitGen = choose (0.0, 1.0)
in oneof [ SumProj <$> arbitrary <*> scale shrinkFactor arbitrary
, ProductProj <$> arbitrary <*> scale shrinkFactor arbitrary
, SequenceProj <$> arbitrary <*> scale shrinkFactor arbitrary
, TaskProj <$> arbitrary
<*> unitGen
<*> unitGen
<*> arbitrary
<*> unitGen ]
in oneof [ SumProj <$> scale shrinkFactor arbitrary
, ProductProj <$> scale shrinkFactor arbitrary
, SequenceProj <$> scale shrinkFactor arbitrary
, RefProj <$> elements testingKeys ]
shrink (SumProj p ps) = map (SumProj p) (shrink ps) ++ NE.toList ps
shrink (ProductProj p ps) = map (ProductProj p) (shrink ps) ++ NE.toList ps
shrink (SequenceProj p ps) = map (SequenceProj p) (shrink ps) ++ NE.toList ps
shrink TaskProj {} = []
shrink (SumProj ps) = map SumProj (shrink ps) ++ NE.toList ps
shrink (ProductProj ps) = map ProductProj (shrink ps) ++ NE.toList ps
shrink (SequenceProj ps) = map SequenceProj (shrink ps) ++ NE.toList ps
shrink (RefProj _) = []
average :: RandomGen g => State g Float -> Int -> State g Float
average sample n = do total <- replicateM n sample
pure $ sum total / fromIntegral n
simulate :: RandomGen g => Project -> State g (Bool, Cost)
simulate TaskProj { reportedConfidence=t, reportedCost=c } =
do n <- state $ randomR (0, 1)
pure (t > n, c)
simulate :: RandomGen g => ProjectSystem -> Project -> State g (Bool, Cost)
simulate sys (RefProj n) =
case M.lookup n (bindings sys) of
Just TaskProj { reportedTrust=t, reportedCost=c } ->
do r <- state $ randomR (0, 1)
pure (t > r, c)
Just ExpressionProj { expression=p} -> simulate sys p -- TODO: avoid cyclic
Nothing -> pure (False, 0) -- should not happen
simulate SequenceProj { subprojects=ps } = simulateConjunction $ NE.dropWhile isClosed ps
simulate ProductProj { subprojects=ps } = simulateConjunction $ NE.filter isOpen ps
simulate SumProj { subprojects=ps } =
simulate sys SequenceProj { subprojects=ps } = simulateConjunction sys $ NE.dropWhile (isClosed sys) ps
simulate sys ProductProj { subprojects=ps } = simulateConjunction sys $ NE.filter (isOpen sys) ps
simulate sys SumProj { subprojects=ps } =
if null opens then pure (True, 0) else simulate' opens
opens = NE.filter isOpen ps
opens = NE.filter (isOpen sys) ps
simulate' :: RandomGen g => [Project] -> State g (Bool, Cost)
simulate' [] = pure (False, 0)
simulate' (p:rest) = do (success, c) <- simulate p
simulate' (p:rest) = do (success, c) <- simulate sys p
if success then
pure (True, c)
do (success', c') <- simulate' rest
pure (success', c + c')
simulateConjunction :: RandomGen g => [Project] -> State g (Bool, Cost)
simulateConjunction [] = pure (True, 0)
simulateConjunction (p:rest) = do (success, c) <- simulate p
if success then do
(success', c') <- simulateConjunction rest
pure (success', c + c')
pure (False, c)
simulateConjunction :: RandomGen g => ProjectSystem -> [Project] -> State g (Bool, Cost)
simulateConjunction _ [] = pure (True, 0)
simulateConjunction sys (p:rest) = do (success, c) <- simulate sys p
if success then do
(success', c') <- simulateConjunction sys rest
pure (success', c + c')
pure (False, c)
monteCarloConfidenceAndCost :: RandomGen g => Int -> Project -> State g (Percentage, Cost)
monteCarloConfidenceAndCost n p = do results <- replicateM n $ simulate p
let confidences = map (bool 0 1 . fst) results
monteCarloTrusteAndCost :: RandomGen g => Int -> ProjectSystem -> Project -> State g (Trust, Cost)
monteCarloTrusteAndCost n sys p = do results <- replicateM n $ simulate sys p
let trusts = map (bool 0 1 . fst) results
let costs = map snd results
pure (sum confidences / fromIntegral n,
pure (sum trusts / fromIntegral n,
sum costs / fromIntegral n)
aproximatelyEqual :: Float -> Float -> Property
@ -101,45 +135,53 @@ spec = do
let g = mkStdGen 837183
it "monte-carlo and analytical implementations should agree on cost" $ do
let propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq :: Project -> Property
propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq p =
cost' `aproximatelyEqual` cost p
let propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq :: ProjectSystem -> Property
propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq sys =
cost' `aproximatelyEqual` cost sys p
(_, cost') = evalState (monteCarloConfidenceAndCost 10000 p) g
p = RefProj rootKey
(_, cost') = evalState (monteCarloTrusteAndCost 10000 sys p) g
property propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq
it "monte-carlo and analytical implementations should agree on confidence" $ do
let propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq :: Project -> Property
propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq p =
confidence' `aproximatelyEqual` confidence p
it "monte-carlo and analytical implementations should agree on trust" $ do
let propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq :: ProjectSystem -> Property
propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq sys =
trust' `aproximatelyEqual` trust sys p
(confidence', _) = evalState (monteCarloConfidenceAndCost 10000 p) g
p = RefProj rootKey
(trust', _) = evalState (monteCarloTrusteAndCost 10000 sys p) g
property propertyMCAndAnalyticalEq
describe "cost" $ do
let p1 = defaultTaskProj { reportedCost = 10
, reportedConfidence = 0.8
, reportedProgress=1
, reportedStatus = Done }
let p2 = defaultTaskProj { reportedCost = 5
, reportedConfidence = 1
, reportedProgress = 0.2
, reportedStatus = InProgress }
let p3 = defaultTaskProj { reportedCost = 7
, reportedConfidence = 1
, reportedProgress = 0
, reportedStatus = Ready }
let p4 = defaultTaskProj { reportedCost = 2
, reportedConfidence = 1
, reportedProgress = 0
, reportedStatus = Ready }
let p1 = TaskProj { props=defaultProjectProps
, reportedCost = 10
, reportedTrust = 0.8
, reportedProgress=1
, reportedStatus = Done }
let p2 = TaskProj { props=defaultProjectProps
, reportedCost = 5
, reportedTrust = 1
, reportedProgress = 0.2
, reportedStatus = InProgress }
let p3 = TaskProj { props=defaultProjectProps
, reportedCost = 7
, reportedTrust = 1
, reportedProgress = 0
, reportedStatus = Ready }
let p4 = TaskProj { props=defaultProjectProps
, reportedCost = 2
, reportedTrust = 1
, reportedProgress = 0
, reportedStatus = Ready }
it "is correct for sequences" $ do
let p = SequenceProj defaultProjectProps $ NE.fromList [p1, p2, p3, p4]
cost p `shouldBe` 14
let p = SequenceProj $ NE.fromList $ map RefProj ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]
sys = ProjectSystem $ M.fromList $ zip ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"] [p1, p2, p3, p4]
cost sys p `shouldBe` 14
it "is correct for products" $ do
let p = ProductProj defaultProjectProps $ NE.fromList [p1, p2, p3, p4]
cost p `shouldBe` 14
let p = ProductProj $ NE.fromList $ map RefProj ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]
sys = ProjectSystem $ M.fromList $ zip ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"] [p1, p2, p3, p4]
cost sys p `shouldBe` 14
Reference in New Issue
Block a user