2017-08-15 21:32:37 -07:00

71 lines
2.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module MasterPlan.ParserSpec (spec) where
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import MasterPlan.Arbitrary ()
import MasterPlan.Backend.Identity (render)
import MasterPlan.Data
import MasterPlan.Parser (runParser)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop)
import Test.QuickCheck
spec Spec
spec =
describe "parser" $ do
let allProps = [minBound :: ProjAttribute ..]
prop "rendered should be parseable" $ do
let renderedIsParseable ProjectSystem Property
renderedIsParseable sys =
let rendered = render sys allProps
in counterexample (T.unpack rendered) $ isRight (runParser "test1" rendered)
withMaxSuccess 50 renderedIsParseable
prop "identity backend output should parse into the same input" $ do
let propertyParseAndOutputIdentity ProjectSystem Property
propertyParseAndOutputIdentity sys =
let sys' = simplify sys
parsed = runParser "test2" (render sys' allProps)
in isRight parsed ==> parsed === Right sys'
withMaxSuccess 50 propertyParseAndOutputIdentity
it "should reject recursive equations" $ do
let expectedError _ (Right _) = False
expectedError key (Left s) =
let l = last $ lines s
in l == "definition of \"" ++ key ++ "\" is recursive"
let wrap = T.unlines . map (<> ";\n")
-- obvious
let program1 = wrap ["root = a + b + root"]
runParser "recursive1" program1 `shouldSatisfy` expectedError "root"
let program2 = wrap [ "root = a + b"
, "a = x * root" ]
runParser "recursive2" program2 `shouldSatisfy` expectedError "a"
let program3 = wrap [ "root = x + y"
, "a = b * c"
, "c = d -> a" ]
runParser "recursive3" program3 `shouldSatisfy` expectedError "c"
let program4 = wrap [ "root = a + y"
, "d = x + root"
, "a = b * c"
, "c = d -> e" ]
runParser "recursive4" program4 `shouldSatisfy` expectedError "c"