Changes to landing

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2021-01-20 15:43:34 +01:00
parent 2a33c3c9d2
commit 3fd5ecd86a

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
module Yoga.SVG.Image where
import Prelude
import Color (toHexString)
import Data.Array (elem, foldl, head, intercalate, snoc, uncons, zip, (:))
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NEA
import Data.Int (round, toNumber)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.String (codePointFromChar)
@ -12,114 +9,136 @@ import Data.String as String
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import JSS (jssClasses)
import Random.PseudoRandom (mkSeed, randomRs)
import React.Basic (JSX, element)
import React.Basic.DOM (unsafeCreateDOMComponent)
import React.Basic.DOM as HTML
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks (ReactComponent)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
import Yoga.DOM.Hook (useBoundingBox)
import Yoga.SVG.Icon (Raw)
import Yoga.Scroll.Hook (useScrollYPosition)
import Yoga.Theme.Styles (makeStylesJSS, useTheme)
import Yoga.Theme.Types (CSSTheme)
foreign import landingPageDarkRaw ∷ ∀ r. Raw r
foreign import landingPageLightRaw ∷ ∀ r. Raw r
animatedCursor =
E.keyframes -- [TODO] how?
{ "0%": E.css { opacity: E.str "0.0" }
, "50%": E.css { opacity: E.str "1.0" }
movingCloud1 =
{ "0%": E.css { transform: E.str "translate3d(-140%, 4%, 0)" }
, "100%": E.css { transform: E.str "translate3d(70%, -4%, 0)" }
movingCloud2 =
{ "0%": E.css { transform: E.str "translate3d(-10%, 0%, 0)" }
, "100%": E.css { transform: E.str "translate3d(10%, 0%, 0)" }
twinkle =
{ "0%": E.css { fill: E.str "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.2)" }
, "50%": E.css { fill: E.str "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.7)" }
, "70%": E.css { fill: E.str "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.4)" }
, "100%": E.css { fill: E.str "rgba(250, 250, 250, 1.0)" }
twinkleFast =
{ "0%": E.css { fill: E.str "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.7)" }
, "100%": E.css { fill: E.str "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.78)" }
rotateStars =
{ "0%": E.css { transform: E.str "rotate(0deg) scale(1,1)" }
, "100%": E.css { transform: E.str "rotate(1deg) scale(1.01, 1.01)" }
mkClasses theme =
{ laptopBackground:
{ fill: E.str colour.background
, lightEllipsis:
{ cx: E.str if theme.isLight then "721" else "175"
, cy: E.str if theme.isLight then "355" else "310"
, rx: E.str if theme.isLight then "647" else "330"
, ry: E.str if theme.isLight then "310" else "252"
, laptopBody:
{ fill: E.str if theme.isLight then "url(#_Linear9)" else "url(#_Linear12)"
, screenText:
{ fontFamily: E.var "--font-mono"
, fontSize: E.str "0.85em"
, fill: E.str colour.text
, keyword: E.css { fill: E.str "green" }
, typeName: E.css { fill: E.str "rebeccapurple" }
, cursor:
{ animation: E.str "$animatedCursor 0.5s linear infinite"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
, movingCloud1:
{ animation: E.str "$movingCloud1 200s linear infinite"
, animationDelay: E.str "-150s"
, movingCloud2:
{ animation: E.str "$movingCloud2 120s linear infinite"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
, movingCloud3:
{ animation: E.str "$movingCloud2 120s linear infinite"
, animationDelay: E.str "-120s"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
, twinklingStar1:
{ animation: E.str "$twinkleFast 0.2s ease-in-out infinite"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
, twinklingStar2:
{ animation: E.str "$twinkle 8s ease-in-out infinite"
, animationDelay: E.str "4s"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
, twinklingStar3:
{ animation: E.str "$twinkle 4s ease-in-out infinite"
, animationDelay: E.str "3s"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
, stars:
{ animation: E.str "$rotateStars 30s linear infinite"
, transformOrigin: E.str "top center"
, animationDirection: E.str "alternate"
mkLandingPageBackground ∷ Effect (ReactComponent { className ∷ String })
mkLandingPageBackground = do
useStyles <-
$ jssClasses \(theme ∷ CSSTheme) ->
{ laptopBackground:
{ fill: theme.backgroundColour # toHexString
, lightEllipsis:
{ cx: if theme.isLight then "721" else "175"
, cy: if theme.isLight then "355" else "310"
, rx: if theme.isLight then "647" else "330"
, ry: if theme.isLight then "310" else "252"
, laptopBody:
{ fill: if theme.isLight then "url(#_Linear9)" else "url(#_Linear12)"
, screenText:
{ fontFamily: NEA.head theme.codeFontFamily
, fontSize: "0.85em"
, fill: theme.textColour # toHexString
, keyword: { fill: # toHexString }
, typeName: { fill: theme.purple # toHexString }
, "@keyframes animatedCursor":
{ "0%": { opacity: "0.0" }
, "50%": { opacity: "1.0" }
, cursor:
{ animation: "$animatedCursor 0.5s linear infinite"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
, "@keyframes movingCloud1":
{ "0%": { transform: "translate3d(-140%, 4%, 0)" }
, "100%": { transform: "translate3d(70%, -4%, 0)" }
, movingCloud1:
{ animation: "$movingCloud1 200s linear infinite"
, animationDelay: "-150s"
, "@keyframes movingCloud2":
{ "0%": { transform: "translate3d(-10%, 0%, 0)" }
, "100%": { transform: "translate3d(10%, 0%, 0)" }
, movingCloud2:
{ animation: "$movingCloud2 120s linear infinite"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
, movingCloud3:
{ animation: "$movingCloud2 120s linear infinite"
, animationDelay: "-120s"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
, "@keyframes twinkle":
{ "0%": { fill: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.2)" }
, "50%": { fill: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.7)" }
, "70%": { fill: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.4)" }
, "100%": { fill: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 1.0)" }
, "@keyframes twinkleFast":
{ "0%": { fill: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.7)" }
, "100%": { fill: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.78)" }
, twinklingStar1:
{ animation: "$twinkleFast 0.2s ease-in-out infinite"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
, twinklingStar2:
{ animation: "$twinkle 8s ease-in-out infinite"
, animationDelay: "4s"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
, twinklingStar3:
{ animation: "$twinkle 4s ease-in-out infinite"
, animationDelay: "3s"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
, "@keyframes rotateStars":
{ "0%": { transform: "rotate(0deg) scale(1,1)" }
, "100%": { transform: "rotate(1deg) scale(1.01, 1.01)" }
, stars:
{ animation: "$rotateStars 30s linear infinite"
, transformOrigin: "top center"
, animationDirection: "alternate"
React.reactComponent "LandingPageBackground" \{ className } ->
theme <- useTheme
classes <- useStyles {}
let theme = { isLight: true } -- [TODO]
let classes = mkClasses theme
scrollY <- useScrollYPosition
bb /\ ref <- useBoundingBox
@ -157,37 +176,42 @@ mkLandingPageBackground = do
{ d: "M800.828 448.051V-3.513H-3.028v451.564h803.856z"
, fill: "url(#_Linear2)"
, SVG.ellipse
{ className: classes.lightEllipsis
, E.element SVG.ellipse'
{ className: "light-ellipsis"
, css: classes.lightEllipsis
, fill: "url(#_Radial3)"
, stars classes.stars classes
-- bgcloud
, SVG.path
, E.element SVG.path'
{ d: "M610.291 177.316c-35.879-.428-84.67-.691-138.392-.689-38.684.002-74.811.141-105.402.38-49.14-2.745-80.877-9.954-80.877-14.718 0-1.333 2.655.335 7.294-.896 96.772-.175 171.302-1.213 171.302-2.464 0-1.107-59.462-3.372-140.106-3.687 38.487-2.059 102.543-4.972 173.823-4.972 11.996 0 23.761.07 35.216.206 20.76-4.638 60.945-2.784 107.07-2.784 36.08 0 68.525-.075 90.882 2.983 32.491.899 72.142-1.186 114.922-.379 38.68.729 74.805 1.273 105.395 1.613 49.101 3.673 80.599 8.516 80.54 13.279-.016 1.334-2.504 2.58-7.158 3.723-96.763-1.654-171.297-2.024-171.312-.774-.013 1.108 58.473 3.15 139.105 4.989-38.514 3.085-101.653 4.38-172.925 3.033-11.995-.227-23.757-.52-35.209-.872-20.815 4.245-61.034 6.631-107.154 5.759-24.754-.468-47.786-1.809-67.014-3.73z"
, fill: if theme.isLight then "#ddf0fb" else "#240c3c"
, className: classes.movingCloud1
, css: classes.movingCloud1
, className: "moving-cloud-1"
, transform: "translate(0 " <> show (scrolled * 20.0) <> ")"
-- bgcloud
, SVG.path
, E.element SVG.path'
{ d: "M609.299 171.607c-35.88-.338-84.67-.545-138.392-.543-38.684.001-74.812.111-105.402.299-49.141-2.166-80.694-5.519-80.694-9.279 0-1.052 2.472-2.073 7.111-3.045 96.772-.137 171.302-.957 171.302-1.944-.001-.874-58.506-1.614-139.15-1.862 38.471-3.009 101.587-4.973 172.867-4.973 11.996 0 23.761.055 35.216.162 20.76-3.66 60.945-6.143 107.07-6.143 36.08 0 68.525 1.519 90.882 3.933 32.491.709 72.142 1.432 114.922 2.069 38.68.575 74.805 1.005 105.395 1.272 49.101 2.9 80.598 6.722 80.54 10.482-.017 1.052-2.505 2.036-7.158 2.938-96.763-1.305-171.297-1.597-171.312-.611-.014.875 58.473 2.486 139.104 3.938-38.514 2.435-101.653 3.457-172.924 2.394a3771.84 3771.84 0 01-35.21-.688c-20.814 3.35-61.033 5.234-107.153 4.545-24.754-.369-47.786-1.428-67.014-2.944z"
, fill: if theme.isLight then "#d8effd" else "#120b38"
, className: classes.movingCloud1
, css: classes.movingCloud1
, className: "moving-cloud-1"
, transform: "translate(0 " <> show (scrolled * 20.0) <> ")"
-- rightcloud
, SVG.path
, E.element SVG.path'
{ d: "M684.234 222.269c-12.108-1.642-29.721-2.832-29.76-5.218-.063-3.861 34.226-4.225 76.6-3.504 42.375.721 75.9-2.707 76.956 1.008 2.476 8.704-12.549 8.552-32.56 10.141-12.403-.58-28.24.216-44.434.479-16.193.263-35.197-1.331-46.802-2.906z"
, fill: if theme.isLight then "#d8effd" else "url(#_Linear4)"
, className: classes.movingCloud2
, css: classes.movingCloud2
, className: "moving-cloud-2"
, transform: "translate(0 " <> show (scrolled * 20.0) <> ")"
-- leftcloud
, SVG.path
, E.element SVG.path'
{ d: "M130.064 213.821c42.381 0 76.789.237 76.789 4.224 0 3.986-14.408 4.223-56.789 4.223-42.38 0-96.788.208-96.788-4.223s34.408-4.224 76.788-4.224z"
, fill: if theme.isLight then "#d8effd" else "#a7847d"
, className: classes.movingCloud3
, css: classes.movingCloud3
, className: "moving-cloud-3"
, transform: "translate(0 " <> show (scrolled * 20.0) <> ")"
, mountains theme.isLight scrolled
@ -195,7 +219,7 @@ mkLandingPageBackground = do
, buildings theme.isLight scrolled
-- bar
, SVG.path
{ fill: theme.backgroundColour # toHexString
{ fill: colour.background
, d: "M-3.028 431.298h826.844v20.006H-3.028z"
-- laptop
@ -208,16 +232,16 @@ mkLandingPageBackground = do
laptop ∷
∀ r.
{ cursor ∷ String
, keyword ∷ String
, laptopBackground ∷ String
, laptopBody ∷ String
, screenText ∷ String
, typeName ∷ String
{ cursor ∷ E.Style
, keyword ∷ E.Style
, laptopBackground ∷ E.Style
, laptopBody ∷ E.Style
, screenText ∷ E.Style
, typeName ∷ E.Style
| r
} ->
Number -> JSX
laptop classes scrolled =
laptop styles scrolled =
{ children:
[ SVG.path
@ -228,14 +252,16 @@ laptop classes scrolled =
{ d: "M606.064 273.603c0-6.261-5.076-11.337-11.337-11.337H399.673c-6.261 0-11.337 5.076-11.337 11.337v151.521a5.001 5.001 0 005 5h207.728a5.004 5.004 0 003.536-1.464 5.004 5.004 0 001.464-3.536V273.603z"
, fill: "#657390"
, SVG.path
, E.element SVG.path'
{ d: "M599.193 275.905a5.528 5.528 0 00-5.526-5.526H400.604a5.528 5.528 0 00-5.526 5.526v141.039a5.528 5.528 0 005.526 5.526h193.063a5.528 5.528 0 005.526-5.526V275.905z"
, fill: "#130c2b"
, className: classes.laptopBackground
, className: "laptop-background"
, css: styles.laptopBackground
, SVG.path
, E.element SVG.path'
{ d: "M655.04 427.228a.458.458 0 00-.457-.457H340.83v4.975a5 5 0 005 5h304.21a5 5 0 005-5v-4.518z"
, className: classes.laptopBody
, className: "laptop-body"
, css: styles.laptopBody
{ cx: "497.178"
@ -256,12 +282,13 @@ laptop classes scrolled =
, fill: "#102708"
, fillOpacity: ".45"
, SVG.text
, E.element SVG.text'
{ x: "407"
, y: "290"
, className: classes.screenText
, css: styles.screenText
, className: "screen-text"
, children:
textToTspans classes scrolled 407.0
textToTspans styles scrolled 407.0
$ intercalate "\n"
[ "hoistJoker "
, "\t∷ ∀ f g a b"
@ -374,13 +401,13 @@ mountains isLight scrolled =
textToTspans ∷
∀ r.
{ cursor ∷ String
, keyword ∷ String
, typeName ∷ String
{ cursor ∷ E.Style
, keyword ∷ E.Style
, typeName ∷ E.Style
| r
} ->
Number -> Number -> String -> Array JSX
textToTspans classes scrolled x str = (foldl toTspan { distance: 0.0, acc: [] } lines).acc <> [ cursor ]
textToTspans styles scrolled x str = (foldl toTspan { distance: 0.0, acc: [] } lines).acc <> [ cursor ]
toTspan { distance, acc } line = case uncons (words line) of
Nothing -> { distance: distance + 1.2, acc }
@ -389,7 +416,6 @@ textToTspans classes scrolled x str = (foldl toTspan { distance: 0.0, acc: [] }
newElems ∷ Array JSX
newElems = _.spans $ foldl mkNewElems { prefix: " ", spans: [] } tail
mkNewElems { prefix, spans } = case _ of
"" -> { prefix: prefix <> " ", spans }
word ->
@ -397,40 +423,40 @@ textToTspans classes scrolled x str = (foldl toTspan { distance: 0.0, acc: [] }
, spans:
E.element SVG.tspan'
{ children: [ HTML.text $ prefix <> word ]
, className: classNameForWord word
, className: "word"
, css: styleForWord word
first =
{ x: show x
, dy: show distance <> "em"
, children: [ HTML.text head ]
pimped ∷ Array JSX
pimped = first : newElems
{ distance: 1.2, acc: acc <> pimped }
classNameForWord = case _ of
styleForWord = case _ of
| elem keyword keywords -> classes.keyword
| elem keyword keywords -> styles.keyword
| isTypeName typeName -> classes.typeName
other -> ""
| isTypeName typeName -> styles.typeName
other -> mempty
isTypeName s =
firstLetter = String.take 1 s
inRange c1 c2 = between (codePointFromChar c1) (codePointFromChar c2)
isLetter =
>>> head
>>> maybe false (inRange 'a' 'z' || inRange 'A' 'Z')
String.toUpper firstLetter == firstLetter && isLetter firstLetter
keywords =
[ "module"
, "∷"
@ -454,21 +480,28 @@ textToTspans classes scrolled x str = (foldl toTspan { distance: 0.0, acc: [] }
, "else"
, "import"
words line = split
split = String.split (String.Pattern " ") line
lines = String.split (String.Pattern "\n") scrolledString
scrolledString = String.take charactersToTake str
doneAfterXPercent = 0.5 -- [WARN] Don't set to 0
charactersToTake = round $ scrolled * (1.0 / doneAfterXPercent) * len
len = toNumber $ String.length str
cursor =
E.element SVG.tspan'
{ dx: "0"
, dy: "0"
, children: [ HTML.text "█" ]
, className: classes.cursor
, css: styles.cursor
, className: "landing-page-cursor"
, id: "landing-page-cursor"
@ -894,43 +927,38 @@ darkDefs =
infixr 8 zip as <%>
stars ∷ ∀ css. String -> { twinklingStar1 ∷ String, twinklingStar2 ∷ String, twinklingStar3 ∷ String | css } -> JSX
stars className classes =
stars ∷ ∀ css. E.Style -> { twinklingStar1 ∷ E.Style, twinklingStar2 ∷ E.Style, twinklingStar3 ∷ E.Style | css } -> JSX
stars starStyle allStyles =
n = 30
xs = randomRs 0.0 800.0 n $ mkSeed 84
ys = randomRs (-20.0) 200.0 n $ mkSeed 4398
radiuses = randomRs 0.1 1.3 n (mkSeed 15)
opacities = randomRs 0.5 0.9 n (mkSeed 92)
classNames =
styles =
randomRs 1 50 n (mkSeed 3)
<#> case _ of
1 -> classes.twinklingStar1
2 -> classes.twinklingStar2
3 -> classes.twinklingStar2
_ -> ""
zipped = xs <%> ys <%> radiuses <%> classNames <%> opacities
1 -> allStyles.twinklingStar1
2 -> allStyles.twinklingStar2
3 -> allStyles.twinklingStar2
_ -> mempty
zipped = xs <%> ys <%> radiuses <%> styles <%> opacities
children = do
cx /\ cy /\ r /\ className' /\ opacity <- zipped
$ E.element'
{ cx: show cx
, cy: show cy
, r: show r
, fill: "#eeefff"
, className: className'
, css: className'
, className: "starry" -- [TODO]
, opacity: show (opacity - cy / 200.0)
E.element SVG.g'
{ fillOpacity: ".67"
, children
, className
, css: starStyle
, className: "star-g"