Segmented and initial letter

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2021-01-05 23:15:34 +01:00
parent ef89337707
commit 60ca4cdf0a

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
import Yoga.Compiler.Types (Compiler)
import Yoga.Editor (getValue, mkEditor, setValue)
type Props
= { initialCode ∷ String, height ∷ String, language ∷ String }
type Props =
{ initialCode ∷ String, height ∷ String, language ∷ String }
mkCompileEditor ∷ ∀ r. { | Compiler r } -> Effect (ReactComponent Props)
mkCompileEditor { compileAndRun } = do
@ -47,26 +47,19 @@ mkCompileEditor { compileAndRun } = do
compileResult /\ modifyCompileResult <- useState Nothing
showEditor = updateActiveIndex 0
showResult = updateActiveIndex 1
reset = resetCompileResult *> showEditor
run = compile *> showResult
resetCompileResult = do
setCompileResult Nothing
for_ maybeEditor (setValue initialCode)
compileResultToString ∷ Maybe (Either Error (Either CompileResult RunResult)) -> String
compileResultToString = case _ of
Nothing -> ""
Just (Right (Left cr)) -> cr.result <#> _.message # intercalate "/n"
Just (Right (Right r)) -> r.stdout
Just (Left e) -> message e
setCompileResult = modifyCompileResult <<< const
compile = do
for_ maybeEditor \ed -> do
setCompileResult Nothing
@ -74,66 +67,57 @@ mkCompileEditor { compileAndRun } = do
launchAff_ do
res <- try $ compileAndRun { code }
setCompileResult (Just res) # liftEffect
tabs ∷ JSX
tabs =
</> { activeIndex
, updateActiveIndex
, buttonContents:
{ id: "editor", value: "Editor" }
{ id: "Result", value: "Result" }
{ id: "editor", value: "Editor" }
{ id: "Result", value: "Result" }
editorView ∷ JSX
editorView = editor </> { onLoad, height, language }
buttons ∷ Array JSX -> JSX
buttons = Y.el Block.cluster { justify: "flex-end", space: "var(--s-1)" }
button =
Y.el motionButton
<<< M.motion
{ transition: M.transition $ { duration: 0.2 }
resetButton ∷ JSX
resetButton =
{ buttonType: BT.Generic, onClick: handler_ reset }
[ R.text "Reset" ]
runButton ∷ JSX
runButton =
{ buttonType: BT.Primary, onClick: handler_ run }
[ R.text "Run" ]
buttonControls ∷ Array JSX -> JSX
buttonControls = Y.el motionBox $ M.motion { layout: M.layout true } {}
tabContainer ∷ Array JSX -> JSX
tabContainer children =
Y.styled R.div'
{ className: "tabby"
, css:
{ background: E.str colour.backgroundLayer4
, borderTop: E.str $ "1px solid " <> colour.interfaceBackgroundHighlight
, borderRadius: E.str "14px 14px 0 0"
, paddingLeft: E.var "--s-1"
, paddingRight: E.var "--s-1"
, paddingTop: E.str "0"
, paddingBottom: E.str "0"
, marginBottom: E.str "0"
, zIndex: E.str "0"
{ background: E.str colour.backgroundLayer3
, borderTop: E.str $ "1px solid " <> colour.interfaceBackgroundHighlight
, borderRadius: E.str "14px 14px 0 0"
, paddingLeft: E.var "--s-1"
, paddingRight: E.var "--s-1"
, paddingTop: E.str "0"
, paddingBottom: E.str "0"
, marginBottom: E.str "0"
, zIndex: E.str "0"
[ Y.el Block.centre { andText: true } children
terminal ∷ Array JSX -> JSX
terminal =
Y.el motionBox1
@ -141,30 +125,26 @@ mkCompileEditor { compileAndRun } = do
{ layout: M.layout true
{ css:
{ background: E.str "rgb(42,42,59)"
, boxSizing: E.str "content-box"
, margin: E.str "0"
, minHeight: E.str "8em"
, padding: E.str "0"
, display: E.str "flex"
{ background: E.str "rgb(42,42,59)"
, boxSizing: E.str "content-box"
, margin: E.str "0"
, minHeight: E.str "8em"
, padding: E.str "0"
, display: E.str "flex"
container =
Y.el motionBox1
$ M.motion { layout: M.layout true }
{ css:
{ background: E.str colour.backgroundLayer4
, borderBottom: E.str $ "1px solid " <> colour.interfaceBackgroundShadow
, borderRadius: E.str "0 0 14px 14px"
, paddingLeft: E.str "0"
, paddingRight: E.str "0"
, paddingTop: E.str "0"
, paddingBottom: E.var "--s-1"
, zIndex: E.str "0"
{ background: E.str colour.backgroundLayer3
, borderBottom: E.str $ "1px solid " <> colour.interfaceBackgroundShadow
, borderRadius: E.str "0 0 14px 14px"
, padding: E.str "0"
, zIndex: E.str "0"
$ Y.el Block.stack { space: E.str "0" }