This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2020-05-06 00:27:31 +02:00
parent 4669fb5dc7
commit c8302a6470
3 changed files with 107 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Data.Array ((!!))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromMaybe')
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Debug.Trace (spy)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff.Compat (runEffectFn2)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn2)
@ -22,10 +21,10 @@ import Yoga.Helpers ((?||))
foreign import data UseDrag ∷ Type -> Type -> Type
type DragHandler a
= { arg ∷ a, down ∷ Boolean, movement ∷ Number /\ Number } -> Effect Unit
= { arg ∷ a, down ∷ Boolean, movement ∷ Number /\ Number, xy ∷ Number /\ Number } -> Effect Unit
type DragHandlerImpl a
= { args ∷ Array a, down ∷ Boolean, movement ∷ Array Number } -> Unit
= { args ∷ Array a, down ∷ Boolean, movement ∷ Array Number, xy ∷ Array Number } -> Unit
type DragProps
= { onMouseDown ∷ EventHandler, onTouchStart ∷ EventHandler }
@ -53,12 +52,14 @@ useDrag dragOptions dragHandler = unsafeHook (runEffectFn2 useDragImpl dragHandl
dragHandlerImpl ∷ DragHandlerImpl a
dragHandlerImpl x =
(unsafePerformEffect <<< dragHandler)
{ arg, down: x.down, movement: mx /\ my
{ arg, down: x.down, movement: mx /\ my, xy: xyX /\ xyY
arg = x.args !! 0 # fromMaybe' (\_ -> unsafeCrashWith "Bollox")
mx = x.movement !! 0 ?|| 0.0
my = x.movement !! 1 ?|| 0.0
xyX = x.xy !! 0 ?|| 0.0
xyY = x.xy !! 1 ?|| 0.0
withDragProps ∷
∀ attrs.

View File

@ -1,27 +1,35 @@
module Yoga.Grimoire.Component where
import Prelude
import Data.Array (mapWithIndex, zip)
import Data.Array (mapWithIndex, zip, (!!))
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (findWithIndex)
import Data.Lens (set)
import Data.Lens.Index (ix)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.Traversable (for, sequence)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Debug.Trace (spy)
import Effect (Effect)
import Justifill (justifill)
import React.Basic (ReactComponent)
import React.Basic.DOM (css)
import React.Basic.Helpers (jsx)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Ref, component, element)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Ref, component, element, readRef, useLayoutEffect, useRef, writeRef)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import React.Basic.Hooks.Spring (animatedDiv, useSprings)
import React.Basic.Hooks.UseGesture (useDrag, withDragProps)
import Record.Extra (pick)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Web.DOM (Node)
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement (DOMRect, getBoundingClientRect)
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement as HTMLElement
import Yoga.Grid.Component as Grid
import Yoga.Grimoire.Spell.Component as GrimoireSpell
import Yoga.Grimoire.Styles (styles)
import Yoga.Helpers ((?||))
import Yoga.Spell.Types (Spell)
import Yoga.Theme.Styles (makeStylesJSS, useTheme)
import Yoga.Theme.Types (CSSTheme)
@ -30,6 +38,40 @@ type Props
= { spells ∷ Array Spell
getRects ref = do
refNodes <- readRef ref
refNodes \nullinger ->
sequence do
Nullable.toMaybe nullinger >>= HTMLElement.fromNode <#> getBoundingClientRect
center ∷ DOMRect -> (Number /\ Number)
center { left, top, width, height } = (left + width / 2.0) /\ (top + height / 2.0)
overlaps ∷ DOMRect -> DOMRect -> Boolean
overlaps r1 { left, top, right, bottom } = between left right x && between top bottom y
x /\ y = center r1
emptyDomRect ∷ DOMRect
emptyDomRect = { top: 0.0, right: 0.0, bottom: 0.0, left: 0.0, width: 0.0, height: 0.0 }
translate ∷ (Number /\ Number) -> DOMRect -> DOMRect
translate (x /\ y) { top, right, bottom, left, width, height } =
{ top: top + y
, right: right + x
, bottom: bottom + y
, left: left + x
, width
, height
swap ∷ ∀ a. Int -> Int -> Array a -> Maybe (Array a)
swap i j arr = do
valueI <- arr !! i
valueJ <- arr !! j
pure $ (set (ix i) valueJ <<< set (ix j) valueI) arr
makeComponent ∷ Effect (ReactComponent Props)
makeComponent = do
grid <- Grid.makeComponent
@ -38,21 +80,56 @@ makeComponent = do
component "Grimoire" \(props ∷ Props) ->
{} <- useStyles (pick props)
springs <- useSprings (Array.length props.spells) \_ -> { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, zIndex: 0, immediate: false, transform: "scale3d(1.0,1.0,1.0)" }
_ = spy "springs" springs
nodeRefs <- useRef (props.spells $> (Nullable.null ∷ (_ Node)))
positionsRef <- useRef ([] ∷ _ DOMRect)
originalPositionsRef <- useRef ([] ∷ _ DOMRect)
useLayoutEffect unit do
rects <- getRects nodeRefs
writeRef positionsRef (rects <#> fromMaybe emptyDomRect)
writeRef originalPositionsRef (rects <#> fromMaybe emptyDomRect)
theme ∷ CSSTheme <- useTheme
bindDragProps <-
useDrag (justifill {}) \{ arg, down, movement: mx /\ my } -> do
springs.set \i ->
if i == arg && down then
{ x: mx, y: my, zIndex: 1, transform: "scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)", immediate: \n -> n == "x" || n == "y" || n == "zIndex" }
{ x: 0.0, y: 0.0, zIndex: 0, transform: "scale3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)", immediate: const false }
useDrag (justifill {}) \{ arg, down, movement: mx /\ my, xy: x /\ y } -> do
rects <- getRects nodeRefs
originalPositions <- readRef originalPositionsRef
positionsBefore <- readRef positionsRef
originalPosDraggedBefore = positionsBefore !! arg ?|| emptyDomRect
currentPosDraggedBefore = originalPosDraggedBefore # translate (mx /\ my)
overlapsOtherBefore = positionsBefore # findWithIndex \i' pos -> i' /= arg && overlaps currentPosDraggedBefore pos
case down, overlapsOtherBefore of
false, Just { index, value } -> writeRef positionsRef (swap arg index positionsBefore ?|| positionsBefore)
_, _ -> mempty
positions <- readRef positionsRef
originalPosDragged = positions !! arg ?|| emptyDomRect
currentPosDragged = originalPosDragged # translate (mx /\ my)
overlapsOther = positions # findWithIndex \i' pos -> i' /= arg && overlaps currentPosDragged pos
springs.set \i -> do
iPos = positions !! i ?|| emptyDomRect
origIPos = originalPositions !! i ?|| emptyDomRect
leftOffset = if iPos == origIPos then 0.0 else iPos.left - origIPos.left
topOffset = if iPos == origIPos then 0.0 else -
case i == arg, down, overlapsOther of
false, true, Just { index, value }
| index == i -> { x: originalPosDragged.left - value.left + leftOffset, y: - + topOffset, zIndex: 0, transform: "scale3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)", immediate: const false }
true, true, _ -> { x: mx + leftOffset, y: my + topOffset, zIndex: 1, transform: "scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)", immediate: \n -> n == "x" || n == "y" || n == "zIndex" }
_, _, _ -> { x: leftOffset, y: topOffset, zIndex: 0, transform: "scale3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)", immediate: const false }
renderSpells =
mapWithIndex \i (spell /\ style) ->
$ { style: css style
, ref: unsafeCoerce (unsafeUpdateRefs nodeRefs i)
, children:
[ element

View File

@ -21,4 +21,17 @@ spells =
[ { name: "cast", signature: "String -> Effect Unit", description: "Casts an incantation" }
, { name: "take", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Takes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "append", signature: "a -> a -> a", description: "Takes two values and produces one" }
, { name: "drop", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Removes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "cast", signature: "String -> Effect Unit", description: "Casts an incantation" }
, { name: "take", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Takes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "append", signature: "a -> a -> a", description: "Takes two values and produces one" }
, { name: "drop", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Removes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "cast", signature: "String -> Effect Unit", description: "Casts an incantation" }
, { name: "take", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Takes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "append", signature: "a -> a -> a", description: "Takes two values and produces one" }
, { name: "drop", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Removes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "cast", signature: "String -> Effect Unit", description: "Casts an incantation" }
, { name: "take", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Takes the first characters of a string" }
, { name: "append", signature: "a -> a -> a", description: "Takes two values and produces one" }
, { name: "drop", signature: "Int -> String -> String", description: "Removes the first characters of a string" }