Small improvements

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2020-05-12 21:45:04 +02:00
parent 8e9130c624
commit fd4a42d47f
5 changed files with 62 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Data.Traversable (for, sequence)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Debug.Trace (spy)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
import Justifill (justifill)
@ -88,6 +87,19 @@ swap i j arr = swapped # orDie "Couldn't swap"
valueJ <- arr !! j
pure $ (set (ix i) valueJ <<< set (ix j) valueI) arr
regularScale = "scale3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)"
scaledUp = "scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)"
defaultSprings =
{ x: 0.0
, y: 0.0
, shadow: 5
, zIndex: 0
, immediate: const true
, transform: "scale3d(1.0,1.0,1.0)"
springsteen init rectsRef positionsRef arg mx my down springs = do
rects <- readRef rectsRef
@ -96,55 +108,43 @@ springsteen init rectsRef positionsRef arg mx my down springs = do
rectDragged = rects !!! (positionsBefore !!! arg)
currentPosDragged = rectDragged # translate (mx /\ my)
orderedRectsBefore = positionsBefore <#> (rects !!! _)
overlapsOtherBefore = orderedRectsBefore # findWithIndex \i rect -> i /= arg && overlaps currentPosDragged rect
case down, overlapsOtherBefore of
overlapsOther = orderedRectsBefore # findWithIndex \i rect -> i /= arg && overlaps currentPosDragged rect
case down, overlapsOther of
false, Just { index } -> do
newPositions = swap arg index positionsBefore
writeRef positionsRef $ spy "new posis" newPositions
writeRef positionsRef newPositions
_, _ -> mempty
-- alles gut bis hierher, glaube ich
positions <- readRef positionsRef
springs.set \i -> do
j = positions !!! i
isTheDraggedOne = i == arg
originalRect = rects !!! i
currentRect = rects !!! j
currentRect = rects !!! (positions !!! i)
leftOffset = currentRect.left - originalRect.left
topOffset = -
case isTheDraggedOne, down, overlapsOtherBefore of
case i == arg, down, overlapsOther of
true, true, _ ->
{ x: mx + leftOffset
, y: my + topOffset
, zIndex: 1
, transform: "scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)"
, borderRadius: "var(--s-2)"
, height: "100px"
, shadow: 20
, immediate: \n -> n == "x" || n == "y" || n == "zIndex"
{ x = mx + leftOffset
, y = my + topOffset
, zIndex = 1
, transform = scaledUp
, shadow = 20
, immediate = \n -> n == "x" || n == "y" || n == "zIndex"
false, true, Just { index, value }
| index == i ->
{ x: rectDragged.left - currentRect.left + leftOffset
, y: - + topOffset
, zIndex: 0
, shadow: 2
, height: "100px"
, transform: "scale3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)"
, borderRadius: "var(--s-2)"
, immediate: const false
{ x = rectDragged.left - currentRect.left + leftOffset
, y = - + topOffset
, immediate = const false
_, _, _ ->
{ x: leftOffset
, y: topOffset
, shadow: 2
, height: "100px"
, borderRadius: "var(--s-2)"
, zIndex: 0
, transform: "scale3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)"
, immediate: const false
{ x = leftOffset
, y = topOffset
, immediate = const false
makeComponent ∷ Effect (ReactComponent Props)
makeComponent = do
@ -152,19 +152,8 @@ makeComponent = do
spellComponent <- GrimoireSpell.makeComponent
useStyles <- makeStylesJSS styles
component "Grimoire" \(props ∷ Props) ->
{} <- useStyles (pick props)
defaultSprings = \_ ->
{ x: 0.0
, y: 0.0
, height: "100px"
, shadow: 2
, borderRadius: "var(--s-2)"
, zIndex: 0
, immediate: const true
, transform: "scale3d(1.0,1.0,1.0)"
springs <- useSprings (Array.length props.spells) defaultSprings
classes <- useStyles (pick props)
springs <- useSprings (Array.length props.spells) (const defaultSprings)
nodeRefs ∷ Ref (Array (Nullable (_))) <- useRef (props.spells $> Nullable.null)
spells /\ updateSpells <- useState props.spells
positionsRef <- useRef ([] ∷ _ Int)
@ -184,7 +173,7 @@ makeComponent = do
writeRef rectsRef rects
writeRef initialisedRef true
useLayoutEffect windowSize do
springs.set defaultSprings
springs.set (const defaultSprings)
positionsBefore <- readRef positionsRef
when (positionsBefore == []) do
log "resetting positions"
@ -204,15 +193,14 @@ makeComponent = do
renderSpells =
mapWithIndex \i (spell /\ style) ->
$ { style: css (Record.insert (SProxy ∷ _ "boxShadow") ((unsafeCoerce (style.shadow ∷ Int)).interpolate (\s -> Interp.i "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px " s "px " (2 * s) "px 0px" ∷ String)) style)
$ { style:
$ Record.insert (SProxy ∷ _ "boxShadow")
((unsafeCoerce (style.shadow ∷ Int)).interpolate (\s -> Interp.i "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px " s "px " (2 * s) "px 0px" ∷ String))
, className: classes.container
, ref: unsafeCoerce (unsafeUpdateRefs nodeRefs i)
, children:
[ element
{ spell
, cardRef: Nothing
, children: [ element spellComponent { spell } ]
bindDragProps i

View File

@ -3,16 +3,13 @@ module Yoga.Grimoire.Spell.Component where
import Prelude
import CSS (AlignItemsValue, JustifyContentValue, spaceBetween)
import CSS.Common (baseline)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Effect (Effect)
import React.Basic (ReactComponent)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Helpers (classSpan, jsx)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Ref, component)
import React.Basic.Hooks (component)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Record.Extra (pick)
import Web.DOM (Node)
import Yoga.Box.Component as Box
import Yoga.Card.Component (mkCard)
import Yoga.Centre.Component as Centre
@ -27,7 +24,6 @@ import Yoga.Theme.Types (CSSTheme)
type Props
= { spell ∷ Spell
, cardRef ∷ Maybe (Ref (Nullable Node))
| Style.PropsR
@ -56,7 +52,7 @@ makeComponent = do
$ jsx card { divRef: props.cardRef, className: style.card }
$ jsx card { className: style.card }
[ jsx box { className: style.container, padding: "var(--s-1)" }
[ jsx stack { space: "var(--s-3)" }
[ headerCluster

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Yoga.Grimoire.Spell.Styles where
import Prelude hiding (top)
import CSS (backgroundColor, black, block, boxShadow, color, display, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fromString, height, inlineBlock, key, lineHeight, maxHeight, pct, px, sansSerif, textOverflow, textWhitespace, unitless, whitespaceNoWrap, width)
import CSS (backgroundColor, black, boxShadow, color, darken, display, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fromString, height, inlineBlock, key, pct, rgba, sansSerif, textOverflow, textWhitespace, unitless, white, whitespaceNoWrap, width)
import CSS.FontStyle (italic)
import CSS.Overflow (overflow, overflowY)
import CSS.Overflow (overflow)
import CSS.Overflow as Overflow
import CSS.Text.Overflow (ellipsis)
import CSS.TextAlign (rightTextAlign, textAlign)
@ -34,10 +34,12 @@ styles =
width (100.0 # pct)
height (100.0 # pct)
boxShadow (0.0 # unitless) (0.0 # unitless) (0.0 # unitless) black
boxShadow (0.0 # unitless) (0.0 # unitless) (0.0 # unitless) white
backgroundColor $ rgba 0 0 0 0.0
, container:
jss do
backgroundColor theme.backgroundColourLighter
backgroundColor $ rgba 0 0 0 0.0
width (100.0 # pct)
(key $ fromString "user-select") "none"
height (100.0 # pct)
, signature:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Yoga.Grimoire.Styles where
import Prelude hiding (top)
import CSS (backgroundColor, borderRadius)
import CSS (backgroundColor, borderRadius, height, px)
import JSS (JSSClasses, JSSElem, jssClasses)
import Yoga.Theme.Types (YogaTheme)
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ type Classes a
styles ∷ JSSClasses YogaTheme Props (Classes (JSSElem Props))
styles =
jssClasses \theme@{ s0 } ->
jssClasses \theme@{ s0, s_2 } ->
{ container:
borderRadius s0 s0 s0 s0
backgroundColor theme.backgroundColourDarker
height (100.0 # px)
borderRadius s_2 s_2 s_2 s_2
backgroundColor $ theme.interfaceColour

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ darkTheme ∷ Theme
darkTheme =
{ backgroundColour: Color.hsl 238.0 0.18 0.30
, textColour: Color.hsl 225.0 0.28 0.90
, interfaceColour: Color.hsl 225.0 0.48 0.12
, interfaceColour: Color.hsl 235.0 0.22 0.28
, highlightColour: Color.hsl 285.0 0.88 0.72
, altHighlightColour: Color.hsl 84.0 0.617 0.631
, textFontFamily: cons' "Rubik" systemFontStack
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ lightTheme ∷ Theme
lightTheme =
{ textColour = Color.hsl 220.0 0.18 0.30
, backgroundColour = Color.hsl 30.0 0.50 0.96
, interfaceColour = Color.hsl 210.0 0.10 0.89
, backgroundColour = Color.hsl 30.0 0.50 0.97
, interfaceColour = Color.hsl 350.0 0.40 0.97
, highlightColour = Color.hsl 350.0 0.93 0.67
, altHighlightColour = Color.hsl 84.0 0.617 0.631
, green = Color.hsl 170.0 0.39 0.40