added: proper sorting for type queries

minor UI improvement
This commit is contained in:
klntsky 2019-07-13 11:53:21 +03:00
parent 410a14eb1f
commit 35bcbe8690
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 612281040BC67F9E
6 changed files with 134 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ insertStyle doc = do
.result__body .keyword, .result__body .syntax {
color: #0B71B4;
.badge {
/* Add a margin between badge icons and package/module names. */
margin-right: 0.25em;
mbHead <-
ParentNode.querySelector (wrap "head") (Document.toParentNode doc)

View File

@ -628,5 +628,5 @@ sortByDistance typeQuery results =
comparePenalties r1 r2 = compare r1.penalty r2.penalty
resultsWithPenalties = results <#>
\result -> { penalty: typeOf (unwrap result).info >>= penalty typeQuery
\result -> { penalty: typeOf (unwrap result).info <#> penalty typeQuery
, result }

View File

@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ config =
\(partId :: Int) -> "../index/declarations/" <> show partId <> ".js"
, resultsCount: 25
-- ^ How many results to show by default?
, penalties: { typeVars: 2
, penalties: { typeVars: 6
, match: 2
, matchConstraint: 2
, instantiate: 3
, generalize: 1
, matchConstraint: 1
, instantiate: 1
, generalize: 4
, rowsMismatch: 6
, mismatch: 10
, missingConstraint: 1
, excessiveConstraint: 5
, excessiveConstraint: 1

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@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import Data.Array ((!!))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.List (List(..), (:))
import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Data.List (List(..), (:))
import Data.List as List
derive instance eqQualifiedName :: Eq QualifiedName
derive instance genericQualifiedName :: Generic QualifiedName _
@ -372,3 +372,12 @@ joinRows = go Nil
REmpty -> Nothing
ty' -> Just ty'
-- | Only returns a list of type class names (lists of arguments are omitted).
joinConstraints :: Type -> { constraints :: List String
, ty :: Type }
joinConstraints = go Nil
go acc (ConstrainedType (Constraint { constraintClass: QualifiedName { name } }) ty) =
go (name : acc) ty
go acc ty = { constraints: List.sort acc, ty }

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@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ where
import Prelude
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder
import Docs.Search.Config
import Docs.Search.DocsJson
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Array as Array
@ -183,20 +184,24 @@ data Substitution
| Match String String
| Generalize TypeQuery String
| Substitute String String
| MatchConstraints String String
| MatchConstraints (Set String) (Set String)
| MissingConstraint
| ExcessiveConstraint
| RowsMismatch Int Int
| Mismatch
derive instance genericSubstitution :: Generic Substitution _
instance showSubstitution :: Show Substitution where
show x = genericShow x
unify :: TypeQuery -> Type -> Maybe (List Substitution)
unify :: TypeQuery -> Type -> List Substitution
unify query type_ = go Nil (List.singleton { q: query, t: type_ })
go :: List Substitution -> List { q :: TypeQuery, t :: Type } -> Maybe (List Substitution)
go acc Nil = Just acc
go :: List Substitution -> List { q :: TypeQuery, t :: Type } -> List Substitution
go acc Nil = acc
go acc ({ q, t: ParensInType t } : rest) =
go acc ({ q, t } : rest)
-- * ForAll
go acc ({ q: (QForAll queryBinders q), t:type_1@(ForAll _ _ _) } : rest) =
@ -218,6 +223,16 @@ unify query type_ = go Nil (List.singleton { q: query, t: type_ })
-- * Names
go acc ({ q: QConst qname, t: TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { name }) } : rest) =
go (Match qname name : acc) rest
go acc ({ q: QConst qname, t } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
go acc ({ q, t: TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { name }) } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
-- type operators can't appear in type queries: this is always a mismatch
go acc ({ q, t: TypeOp (QualifiedName { name }) } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
go acc ({ q, t: BinaryNoParensType _ _ _ } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
-- * Functions
go acc ({ q: QFun q1 q2
@ -225,17 +240,20 @@ unify query type_ = go Nil (List.singleton { q: query, t: type_ })
(QualifiedName { moduleName: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Function" })) t1) t2 } : rest) =
go acc ({ q: q1, t: t1 } : { q: q2, t: t2 } : rest)
go acc ({ q: QFun q1 q2, t } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
-- * Constraints
go acc ({ q: QConstraint className args q
, t: ConstrainedType cnstr t } : rest) =
go (MatchConstraints className typeClassName : acc) ({ q, t } : rest)
where typeClassName = (unwrap (unwrap cnstr).constraintClass).name
go acc ({ q: QConstraint _ _ q
, t } : rest) =
go acc ({ q: q@(QConstraint _ _ _)
, t: t@(ConstrainedType _ _) } : rest) =
let qcs = Set.fromFoldable (joinQueryConstraints q).constraints
tcs = Set.fromFoldable (joinConstraints t).constraints
-- TODO: use edit distance instead
go (MatchConstraints qcs tcs : acc) rest
go acc ({ q: QConstraint _ _ q, t } : rest) =
go (ExcessiveConstraint : acc) ({ q, t } : rest)
go acc ({ q
, t: ConstrainedType cnstr t } : rest) =
go acc ({ q, t: ConstrainedType _ t } : rest) =
go (MissingConstraint : acc) ({ q, t } : rest)
-- * Rows
@ -243,25 +261,45 @@ unify query type_ = go Nil (List.singleton { q: query, t: type_ })
, t: TypeApp (TypeConstructor
(QualifiedName { moduleName: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Record" })) row } : rest) =
let { rows, ty } = joinRows row in
if List.length rows == List.length qRows then
let { rows, ty } = joinRows row
qRowsLength = List.length qRows
rowsLength = List.length rows in
if rowsLength == qRowsLength then
sortedQRows = List.sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst x) (fst y)) qRows
sortedRows = List.sortBy (\x y -> compare x.row y.row) rows in
go acc $
(List.zipWith (\(Tuple _ q) { ty: t } -> { q, t }) sortedQRows sortedRows <> rest)
-- match row names
(List.zipWith (\(Tuple qRowName _) { row: rowName } ->
Match qRowName rowName) sortedQRows sortedRows <> acc)
-- match row types
(List.zipWith (\(Tuple _ q) { ty: t } ->
{ q, t }) sortedQRows sortedRows <> rest)
go (RowsMismatch qRowsLength rowsLength : acc) rest
go acc ({ q: QRow _ } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
-- * Type application
go acc ({ q: QApp q1 q2, t: TypeApp t1 t2 } : rest) =
go acc ({ q: q1, t: t1 } : { q: q2, t: t2 } : rest)
go acc _ = Nothing
go acc ({ q, t: TypeLevelString _ } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
penalty :: TypeQuery -> Type -> Maybe Int
go acc ({ q, t: TypeWildcard } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
go acc ({ q, t: RCons _ _ _ } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
go acc ({ q, t: REmpty } : rest) =
go (Mismatch : acc) rest
penalty :: TypeQuery -> Type -> Int
penalty typeQuery ty =
unify typeQuery ty <#> \substs ->
let substs = unify typeQuery ty in
typeVarPenalty substs * config.penalties.typeVars +
namesPenalty substs +
mismatchPenalty substs
@ -293,14 +331,17 @@ typeVarPenalty substs =
namesPenalty :: List Substitution -> Int
namesPenalty = go 0
go n Nil = n
go n (Match a b : rest)
| a == b = go n rest
| otherwise = go (n + config.penalties.match) rest
go n (MatchConstraints a b : rest)
| a == b = go n rest
| otherwise = go (n + config.penalties.matchConstraint) rest
go n (_ : rest) = go n rest
go p Nil = p
go p (Mismatch : rest) = go (p + config.penalties.mismatch) rest
go p (Match a b : rest)
| a == b = go p rest
| otherwise = go (p + config.penalties.match) rest
go p (MatchConstraints qcs tcs : rest)
= let p' = Set.size (Set.union qcs tcs) -
Set.size (Set.intersection qcs tcs) in
go (p + config.penalties.matchConstraint * p') rest
go p (RowsMismatch n m : rest) = go (config.penalties.rowsMismatch * abs (n - m)) rest
go p (_ : rest) = go p rest
-- | Penalty for generalization and instantiation.
mismatchPenalty :: List Substitution -> Int
@ -312,3 +353,12 @@ mismatchPenalty = go 0
go n (ExcessiveConstraint : rest) = go (n + config.penalties.excessiveConstraint) rest
go n (MissingConstraint : rest) = go (n + config.penalties.missingConstraint) rest
go n (_ : rest) = go n rest
-- | Only returns a list of type class names (lists of arguments are omitted).
joinQueryConstraints :: TypeQuery -> { constraints :: List String
, ty :: TypeQuery }
joinQueryConstraints = go Nil
go acc (QConstraint name _ query) =
go (name : acc) query
go acc ty = { constraints: List.sort acc, ty }

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ module Test.TypeQuery where
import Prelude
import Docs.Search.TypeQuery (TypeQuery(..), Substitution(..), getFreeVariables, parseTypeQuery, typeVarPenalty)
import Docs.Search.TypeQuery (Substitution(..), TypeQuery(..), getFreeVariables, parseTypeQuery, penalty, typeVarPenalty)
import Docs.Search.TypeShape (ShapeChunk(..), shapeOfTypeQuery)
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (QualifiedName(..), Type(..))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable)
@ -195,6 +195,15 @@ tests = do
, Tuple "row2" (QRow Nil)
, Tuple "row3" (QRow (l [ Tuple "row4" (QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow Nil)) ])) ]))
test "test #33" do
let input = "Foldable1 t => Apply f => t (f a) -> f Unit"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QConstraint "Foldable1" ((QVar "t") : Nil) (QConstraint "Apply" ((QVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (QVar "t") (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a"))) (QApp (QVar "f") (QConst "Unit")))))
test "test #34" do
let input = "Foldable1 t => Apply f => t (f a) -> f a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QConstraint "Foldable1" ((QVar "t") : Nil) (QConstraint "Apply" ((QVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (QVar "t") (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a"))) (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a")))))
suite "polish notation" do
@ -332,12 +341,33 @@ tests = do
, Substitute "c" "f"
suite "unification" do
test "instantiation #0" do
let mVarQuery = QVar "m"
unitConstQuery = QConst "Unit"
Assert.assert "instantiation #0" $
(penalty unitConstQuery unitType < penalty mVarQuery unitType)
test "generalization #0" do
let query = QVar "m"
t1 = TypeVar "m"
Assert.assert "qeneralization #0" $
(penalty query unitType > penalty query t1)
l :: forall f. Foldable f => (forall a. f a -> List a)
l = List.fromFoldable
nl :: forall t5 t6. Foldable t6 => t5 -> t6 t5 -> NonEmptyList t5
nl x rst = NonEmptyList.cons' x $ List.fromFoldable rst
unitType :: Type
unitType = TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleName: []
, name: "Unit"
:: forall a b
. Show a