finished type encoding & decoding

This commit is contained in:
klntsky 2019-06-26 11:17:59 +03:00
parent 5d24954f8f
commit a81a4d9630
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 612281040BC67F9E
3 changed files with 166 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Spago.Search.Declarations where
import Prelude
import Spago.Search.TypeParser (Kind, Type)
import Control.Promise (Promise, toAffE)
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json, fromString, stringify, toString)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.:), (.:?))
@ -87,6 +89,8 @@ newtype IndexEntry
= IndexEntry { title :: String
, comments :: Maybe String
, info :: { declType :: DeclType
, kind :: Maybe Kind
, type :: Maybe Type
, sourceSpan :: { start :: Array Int
, end :: Array Int
@ -108,7 +112,11 @@ instance decodeJsonIndexEntry :: DecodeJson IndexEntry where
title <- handle .: "title"
comments <- handle .:? "comments"
children <- handle .: "children"
info <- handle .: "info"
info <- handle .: "info" >>= \ihandle -> do
ty <- ihandle .:? "type"
kind <- ihandle .:? "kind"
declType <- ihandle .: "declType"
pure { type: ty, kind, declType }
sourceSpan <- handle .: "sourceSpan"
pure { title, comments, info, sourceSpan, children }

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
module Spago.Search.TypeParser where
import Control.Alt
import Data.Argonaut.Core
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Newtype
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude
import Data.Argonaut.Decode (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.:), (.:?))
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json, caseJsonObject, fromArray, fromObject, jsonEmptyObject, stringify, toArray)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.:))
import Data.Argonaut.Encode (class EncodeJson, encodeJson)
import Data.Array ((!!))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Foreign.Object as Object
derive instance eqQualifiedName :: Eq QualifiedName
@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ instance decodeJsonQualifiedName :: DecodeJson QualifiedName where
(mkJsonError "QualifiedName" json)
instance encodeJsonQualifiedName :: EncodeJson QualifiedName where
encodeJson (QualifiedName { moduleName, name }) =
encodeTuple moduleName name
mkJsonError :: String -> Json -> (forall i. i -> String)
mkJsonError name json _ =
"Couldn't parse " <> name <> " from " <> stringify json
@ -57,23 +61,6 @@ instance showKind :: Show Kind where
FunKind k1 k2 -> "(FunKind " <> show k1 <> " " <> show k2 <> ")"
NamedKind name -> "(NamedKind " <> show name <> ")"
newtype MaybeSingle a = MaybeSingle (Either a (Array a))
derive instance eqMaybeSingle :: Eq a => Eq (MaybeSingle a)
derive instance genericMaybeSingle :: Generic (MaybeSingle a) _
derive instance newtypeMaybeSingle :: Newtype (MaybeSingle a) _
instance showMaybeSingle :: Show a => Show (MaybeSingle a) where
show = genericShow
instance decodeJsonMaybeSingle :: DecodeJson a => DecodeJson (MaybeSingle a) where
decodeJson json =
MaybeSingle <$> (Left <$> decodeJson json <|> Right <$> decodeJson json)
fromMaybeSingle :: forall a. MaybeSingle a -> Array a
fromMaybeSingle (MaybeSingle (Left a)) = Array.singleton a
fromMaybeSingle (MaybeSingle (Right a)) = a
instance decodeJsonKind :: DecodeJson Kind where
decodeJson json = do
handle <- decodeJson json
@ -93,11 +80,20 @@ instance decodeJsonKind :: DecodeJson Kind where
_ -> Left $ mkJsonError' "FunKind" json
_ -> Left $ mkJsonError' "Kind" json
instance encodeJsonKind :: EncodeJson Kind where
encodeJson = case _ of
Row k ->
encodeTaggedContents "Row" (encodeJson k)
FunKind k1 k2 ->
encodeTaggedContents "FunKind" (encodeTuple k1 k2)
NamedKind qname ->
encodeTaggedContents "NamedKind" (encodeJson qname)
-- | A typeclass constraint
newtype Constraint = Constraint
{ constraintClass :: QualifiedName
-- ^ constraint class name
, constraintArgs :: Array Unit
, constraintArgs :: Array Type
-- ^ type arguments
@ -111,7 +107,14 @@ instance showConstraint :: Show Constraint where
instance decodeJsonConstraint :: DecodeJson Constraint where
decodeJson json = Constraint <$> decodeJson json
type ConstraintData = Unit
instance encodeJsonConstraint :: EncodeJson Constraint where
encodeJson (Constraint { constraintClass
, constraintArgs
= fromObject $ Object.fromFoldable
[ Tuple "constraintClass" (encodeJson constraintClass)
, Tuple "constraintArgs" (encodeJson constraintArgs)
-- |
-- The type of types
@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ data Type
-- | A type-level string
| TypeLevelString String
-- | A type wildcard, as would appear in a partial type synonym
| TypeWildcard (Maybe String)
| TypeWildcard
-- | A type constructor
| TypeConstructor QualifiedName
-- | A type operator. This will be desugared into a type constructor during the
@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ data Type
-- | A type application
| TypeApp Type Type
-- | Forall quantifier
| ForAll String {- (Maybe Kind) -} Type {- (Maybe SkolemScope) -}
| ForAll String (Maybe Kind) Type (Maybe SkolemScope)
-- | A type withset of type class constraints
| ConstrainedType Constraint Type
@ -152,11 +155,13 @@ data Type
-- | Binary operator application. During the rebracketing phase of desugaring,
-- this data constructor will be removed.
| BinaryNoParens Type Type Type
| BinaryNoParensType Type Type Type
-- | Explicit parentheses. During the rebracketing phase of desugaring, this
-- data constructor will be removed.
| ParensInType Type
type SkolemScope = Unit
derive instance eqType :: Eq Type
derive instance genericType :: Generic Type _
@ -166,31 +171,23 @@ instance showType :: Show Type where
"(TypeVar " <> show _String <> ")"
TypeLevelString _String ->
"(TypeLevelString " <> show _String <> ")"
TypeWildcard _Maybe_String ->
"(TypeWildcard " <> show _Maybe_String <> ")"
TypeWildcard ->
TypeConstructor _QualifiedName ->
"(TypeConstructor " <> show _QualifiedName <> ")"
TypeOp _QualifiedName ->
"(TypeOp " <> show _QualifiedName <> ")"
TypeApp _Type1 _Type2 ->
"(TypeApp " <> show _Type1 <> " " <> show _Type2 <> ")"
ForAll _String _Type ->
"(ForAll " <> show _String <> " " <> show _Type <> ")"
ForAll _String _Maybe_Kind _Type _Maybe_SkolemScope ->
"(ForAll " <> show _String <> " " <> show _Maybe_Kind <> " " <> show _Type <> " " <> show _Maybe_SkolemScope <> ")"
ConstrainedType _Constraint _Type ->
"(ConstrainedType " <> show _Constraint <> " " <> show _Type <> ")"
SkolemText _Int _SkolemScope ->
"(SkolemText " <> show _Int <> " " <> show _SkolemScope <> ")"
REmpty ->
RCons _String _Type1 _Type2 ->
"(RConsLabel " <> show _String <> " " <> show _Type1 <> " " <> show _Type2 <> ")"
Kinded _Type _Kind ->
"(KindedTypeType " <> show _Type <> " " <> show _Kind <> ")"
BinaryNoParens _Type1 _Type2 _Type3 ->
BinaryNoParensType _Type1 _Type2 _Type3 ->
"(BinaryNoParensTypeType " <> show _Type1 <> " " <> show _Type2 <> " " <> show _Type3 <> ")"
ParensInType _Type ->
"(ParensInType " <> show _Type <> ")"
@ -200,62 +197,48 @@ instance decodeJsonType :: DecodeJson Type where
handle <- decodeJson json
tag <- handle .: "tag"
case tag of
"TypeVar" -> do
contents <- handle .: "contents"
pure $ TypeVar contents
"TypeLevelString" -> do
contents <- handle .: "contents"
pure $ TypeLevelString contents
"TypeWildCard" -> do
contents <- handle .:? "contents"
pure $ TypeWildcard contents
"TypeConstructor" -> do
contents <- handle .: "contents"
pure $ TypeConstructor contents
"TypeOp" -> do
contents <- handle .: "contents"
pure $ TypeOp contents
"TypeApp" -> do
contents <- handle .: "contents"
case contents of
[t1, t2] -> do
pure $ TypeApp t1 t2
_ ->
Left $ mkJsonError' "TypeApp" json
"TypeVar" -> handle .: "contents" >>= TypeVar >>> pure
"TypeLevelString" -> handle .: "contents" >>= TypeLevelString >>> pure
"TypeConstructor" -> handle .: "contents" >>= TypeConstructor >>> pure
"TypeOp" -> handle .: "contents" >>= TypeOp >>> pure
"TypeApp" ->
decodeContents (decodeTuple TypeApp (const err)) (Left err) json
where err = mkJsonError' "TypeApp" json
"ForAll" ->
(decodeTuple ForAll (mkJsonError "ForAll" json))
(Left $ mkJsonError' "ForAll" json)
decodeContents (decodeTuple (\str ty -> ForAll str Nothing ty Nothing) err) (Left $ err unit) json
where err = mkJsonError "ForAll" json
"ConstrainedType" ->
let err = mkJsonError "ForAll" json in
decodeContents (decodeTuple ConstrainedType err) (Left $ err unit) json
"REmpty" ->
Right REmpty
where err = mkJsonError "ForAll" json
"REmpty" -> Right REmpty
"RCons" ->
let err = mkJsonError' "RCons" json in
(\label ty rest ->
RCons label ty rest)
(const err))
(Left $ err)
"BinaryNoParensType" -> do
contents <- handle .: "contents"
case contents of
[ t1, t2, t3 ] -> do
pure $ BinaryNoParens t1 t2 t3
_ -> Left $ mkJsonError' "BinaryNoParens" json
"ParensInType" ->
(map ParensInType <<< decodeJson)
(Left $ mkJsonError' "ParensInType" json)
decodeContents (decodeTriple RCons (const err)) (Left err) json
where err = mkJsonError' "RCons" json
"BinaryNoParensType" ->
decodeContents (decodeTriple BinaryNoParensType (const err)) (Left err) json
where err = mkJsonError' "BinaryNoParens" json
"ParensInType" -> decodeContents
(map ParensInType <<< decodeJson)
(Left $ mkJsonError' "ParensInType" json)
"TypeWildcard" -> Right TypeWildcard
_ -> Left $ mkJsonError' "Type" json
type SkolemScope = Unit
instance encodeJsonType :: EncodeJson Type where
encodeJson = case _ of
TypeVar val -> encodeTaggedContents "TypeVar" (encodeJson val)
TypeLevelString val -> encodeTaggedContents "TypeLevelString" (encodeJson val)
TypeConstructor val -> encodeTaggedContents "TypeConstructor" (encodeJson val)
TypeOp val -> encodeTaggedContents "TypeOp" (encodeJson val)
TypeApp t1 t2 -> encodeTaggedContents "TypeApp" (encodeTuple t1 t2)
ForAll str _ ty _ -> encodeTaggedContents "ForAll" (encodeTuple str ty) -- TODO
ConstrainedType c t -> encodeTaggedContents "ConstrainedType" (encodeTuple c t)
REmpty -> encodeTaggedContents "REmpty" jsonEmptyObject
RCons s t1 t2 -> encodeTaggedContents "RCons" (encodeTriple s t1 t2)
BinaryNoParensType t1 t2 t3 ->
encodeTaggedContents "BinaryNoParensType" (encodeTriple t1 t2 t3)
ParensInType t -> encodeTaggedContents "ParensInType" (encodeJson t)
TypeWildcard -> encodeTaggedContents "TypeWildcard" jsonEmptyObject
-- | Decode a heterogeneous tuple, serialized as an array.
-- | e.g. `[0, ""]` to `Tuple 0 ""`
@ -268,40 +251,34 @@ decodeTuple
-> Json
-> Either String res
decodeTuple cont err json =
case toArray json of
Nothing -> Left $ err unit
Just arrOfJsons -> do
let arrayOfVariants =
arrOfJsons <#> \variantJson ->
Left <$> decodeJson variantJson <|>
Right <$> decodeJson variantJson
case arrayOfVariants of
[ Right (Left a), Right (Right b) ] ->
Right $ cont a b
_ -> Left $ err unit
fromMaybe (Left $ err unit) $
toArray json >>= \jsons ->
jsons !! 0 >>= \json1 ->
jsons !! 1 >>= \json2 -> pure $ do
fst <- decodeJson json1
sec <- decodeJson json2
pure $ cont fst sec
-- | Decode a heterogeneous triple.
:: forall fst sec res
:: forall fst sec trd res
. DecodeJson fst
=> DecodeJson sec
=> (fst -> sec -> sec -> res)
=> DecodeJson trd
=> (fst -> sec -> trd -> res)
-> (forall a. a -> String)
-> Json
-> Either String res
decodeTriple cont err json =
case toArray json of
Nothing -> Left $ err unit
Just arrOfJsons -> do
let arrayOfVariants =
arrOfJsons <#> \variantJson ->
Left <$> decodeJson variantJson <|>
Right <$> decodeJson variantJson <|>
Right <$> decodeJson variantJson
case arrayOfVariants of
[ Right (Left a), Right (Right b), Right (Right c) ] ->
Right $ cont a b c
_ -> Left $ err unit
Just [ json1, json2, json3 ] -> do
fst <- decodeJson json1
sec <- decodeJson json2
trd <- decodeJson json3
pure $ cont fst sec trd
_ -> Left $ err unit
-- | Decode a `.contents` property.
decodeContents :: forall r. (Json -> r) -> r -> Json -> r
decodeContents go err json =
caseJsonObject err
@ -311,3 +288,32 @@ decodeContents go err json =
Just contentsJson -> go contentsJson
:: forall fst sec
. EncodeJson fst
=> EncodeJson sec
=> fst
-> sec
-> Json
encodeTuple fst sec =
fromArray [ encodeJson fst, encodeJson sec ]
:: forall fst sec trd
. EncodeJson fst
=> EncodeJson sec
=> EncodeJson trd
=> fst
-> sec
-> trd
-> Json
encodeTriple fst sec trd =
fromArray [ encodeJson fst, encodeJson sec, encodeJson trd ]
encodeTaggedContents :: String -> Json -> Json
encodeTaggedContents tag contents =
fromObject $ Object.fromFoldable
[ Tuple "tag" (encodeJson tag)
, Tuple "contents" contents

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@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
module Test.Main where
import Data.Argonaut.Decode
import Data.Argonaut.Encode
import Data.Argonaut.Parser
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff
import Effect.Console (log)
import Partial.Unsafe
import Prelude
import Spago.Search.Declarations
import Spago.Search.TypeParser
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Test.Unit (suite, test, timeout)
import Test.Unit.Assert as Assert
import Test.Unit.Main (runTest)
main :: Effect Unit
main = runTest do
let mkJson x = unsafePartial $ fromRight $ jsonParser x
let mkJson x = unsafePartial $ fromRight $ jsonParser x
suite "Kind parser" do
test "QualifiedName" do
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ main = runTest do
assertRight (decodeJson binaryNoParens) $
(TypeOp $ QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Data", "NaturalTransformation"], name: "~>" })
(TypeVar "m")
(TypeVar "n")
@ -358,6 +359,34 @@ main = runTest do
(TypeVar "t"))
test "ForAll" do
let forallJson = mkJson """
assertRight (decodeJson forallJson) $
ForAll "a" Nothing (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor $ qualified ["Prim"] "Function")
(TypeConstructor $ qualified ["Prim"] "String"))
(TypeVar "a")) Nothing
suite "jsons" do
test "jsons #1" do
let json = mkJson """
assertRight (decodeJson json) $ (ForAll "o" Nothing (ForAll "r" Nothing (ForAll "l" Nothing (ConstrainedType (Constraint { constraintArgs: [(TypeVar "l"),(TypeVar "r"),(TypeVar "o")], constraintClass: (QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "And" }) }) (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Prim"], name: "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "l"))) (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Prim"], name: "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "r"))) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleName: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "o"))))) Nothing) Nothing) Nothing)
suite "Kind encoder" do
test "FunKind" do
let k1 =
FunKind (Row (NamedKind $ qualified [] "a"))
(FunKind (NamedKind $ qualified [] "b")
(NamedKind $ qualified [] "b"))
assertRight (decodeJson $ encodeJson $ k1) k1
qualified moduleName name = QualifiedName { moduleName, name }
assertRight :: forall a. Show a => Eq a => Either String a -> a -> Aff Unit
assertRight eiActual expected =
case eiActual of