Wrap package scores and identifiers in newtypes

This commit is contained in:
klntsky 2020-07-27 22:24:32 +03:00
parent fd2b46e83b
commit d502fcefc8
15 changed files with 299 additions and 275 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Docs.Search.BrowserEngine (PartialIndex, browserSearchEngine)
import Docs.Search.Config (config)
import Docs.Search.Declarations (DeclLevel(..), declLevelToHashAnchor)
import Docs.Search.DocsJson (DataDeclType(..))
import Docs.Search.Engine (Result(..))
import Docs.Search.Engine (Result(..), packageInfoToString)
import Docs.Search.Engine as Engine
import Docs.Search.Extra (homePageFromRepository, (>#>))
import Docs.Search.ModuleIndex (ModuleResult)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Docs.Search.PackageIndex (PackageResult)
import Docs.Search.SearchResult (ResultInfo(..), SearchResult(..))
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint(..), FunDep(..), FunDeps(..), Kind(..), QualifiedName(..), Type(..), TypeArgument(..), joinForAlls, joinRows)
import Docs.Search.TypeIndex (TypeIndex)
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName(..), packageInfoToString)
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName(..), Identifier(..))
import Prelude
@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ renderSearchResult markdownIt (SearchResult result) =
, HE.onClick $ const $ Just $ SearchResultClicked result.moduleName
, HP.href $
unwrap result.moduleName <> ".html#" <>
result.hashAnchor <> ":" <> result.name
result.hashAnchor <> ":" <> unwrap result.name
[ HH.text result.name ]
[ HH.text $ unwrap result.name ]
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ renderSearchResult markdownIt (SearchResult result) =
:: forall a rest
. { info :: ResultInfo
, name :: String
, name :: Identifier
, moduleName :: ModuleName
| rest
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ renderResultType result =
:: forall a rest
. { moduleName :: ModuleName
, name :: String
, name :: Identifier
| rest
-> Type
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ renderValueSignature
renderValueSignature result ty =
[ HH.a [ makeHref ValueLevel false result.moduleName result.name
, HE.onClick $ const $ Just $ SearchResultClicked result.moduleName ]
[ HH.text result.name ]
[ HH.text $ unwrap result.name ]
, HH.text " :: "
, renderType ty ]
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ renderTypeClassSignature
, arguments :: Array TypeArgument
, superclasses :: Array Constraint
-> { name :: String, moduleName :: ModuleName | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier, moduleName :: ModuleName | rest }
-> Array (HH.HTML a Action)
renderTypeClassSignature { fundeps, arguments, superclasses } { name, moduleName } =
[ keyword "class"
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ renderTypeClassSignature { fundeps, arguments, superclasses } { name, moduleName
, HE.onClick $ const $ Just $
SearchResultClicked moduleName
[ HH.text name ]
[ HH.text $ unwrap name ]
, space
] <> (
Array.intercalate [ space ] $
@ -444,10 +444,10 @@ renderTypeClassMemberSignature
, typeClass :: QualifiedName
, typeClassArguments :: Array TypeArgument
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> Array (HH.HTML a Action)
renderTypeClassMemberSignature { type: ty, typeClass, typeClassArguments } result =
[ HH.text result.name
[ HH.text $ unwrap result.name
, HH.text " :: "
, renderType ty
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ renderDataSignature
:: forall a rest
. { typeArguments :: Array TypeArgument
, dataDeclType :: DataDeclType }
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> Array (HH.HTML a Action)
renderDataSignature { typeArguments, dataDeclType } { name } =
[ keyword
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ renderDataSignature { typeArguments, dataDeclType } { name } =
NewtypeDataDecl -> "newtype"
DataDataDecl -> "data"
, space
, HH.text name
, HH.text $ unwrap name
, space
, HH.span_ $
Array.intercalate [ space ] $
@ -478,12 +478,12 @@ renderTypeSynonymSignature
. { type :: Type
, arguments :: Array TypeArgument
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> Array (HH.HTML a Action)
renderTypeSynonymSignature { type: ty, arguments } { name } =
[ keyword "type"
, space
, HH.text name
, HH.text $ unwrap name
, space
, HH.span_ $
Array.intercalate [ space ] $
@ -499,10 +499,10 @@ renderTypeArgument :: forall a. TypeArgument -> Array (HH.HTML a Action)
renderTypeArgument (TypeArgument { name, mbKind }) =
case mbKind of
Nothing ->
[ HH.text name ]
[ HH.text $ name ]
Just kind ->
[ HH.text "("
, HH.text name
, HH.text $ name
, HH.text " :: "
, renderKind kind
, HH.text ")"
@ -522,14 +522,14 @@ renderType = case _ of
TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor
(QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Function" })) t1) t2 ->
, name: Identifier "Function" })) t1) t2 ->
HH.span_ [ renderType t1
, syntax " -> "
, renderType t2
TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Record" }))
, name: Identifier "Record" }))
row ->
renderRow false row
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ renderRow asRow =
( Array.intercalate [ HH.text ", " ] $ Array.fromFoldable $ rows <#>
\entry ->
[ HH.span_ [ HH.text $ entry.row <> " :: "
[ HH.span_ [ HH.text $ unwrap entry.row <> " :: "
, renderType entry.ty ] ]
) <>
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ renderRow asRow =
closing = if asRow then " )" else " }"
primRecord :: QualifiedName
primRecord = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ], name: "Record" }
primRecord = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ], name: Identifier "Record" }
@ -658,13 +658,13 @@ renderQualifiedName
-> HH.HTML a Action
renderQualifiedName isInfix level (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts, name })
= if isBuiltIn then
HH.text name
HH.text $ unwrap name
HH.a [ HE.onClick $ const $ Just $
SearchResultClicked $ moduleName
, makeHref level isInfix moduleName name
[ HH.text name ]
[ HH.text $ unwrap name ]
moduleName = ModuleName $ Array.intercalate "." $ moduleNameParts
isBuiltIn = moduleNameParts !! 0 == Just "Prim"
@ -686,13 +686,13 @@ makeHref
. DeclLevel
-> Boolean
-> ModuleName
-> String
-> Identifier
-> HH.IProp ( href :: String | rest ) t
makeHref level isInfix moduleName name =
HP.href $
unwrap moduleName <> ".html#" <>
declLevelToHashAnchor level <> ":" <>
if isInfix then "type (" <> name <> ")" else name
if isInfix then "type (" <> unwrap name <> ")" else unwrap name

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Docs.Search.DocsJson (ChildDeclType(..), ChildDeclaration(..), DeclType(.
import Docs.Search.Score (Scores, getPackageScore, getPackageScoreForPackageName)
import Docs.Search.SearchResult (ResultInfo(..), SearchResult(..))
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint(..), QualifiedName(..), Type(..), Kind, joinForAlls)
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName(..), PackageName(..), PackageInfo(..))
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName(..), PackageName(..), PackageInfo(..), Identifier(..))
import Prelude
@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ resultsForDeclaration scores moduleName indexEntry@(Declaration entry) =
case mkInfo declLevel indexEntry of
Nothing -> mempty
Just info' ->
let result = SearchResult { name: title
let result = SearchResult { name: Identifier title
, comments
, hashAnchor: declLevelToHashAnchor declLevel
, moduleName
, sourceSpan
, packageInfo
, score:
fromMaybe 0 $ getPackageScoreForPackageName scores <$> mbPackageName
fromMaybe zero $ getPackageScoreForPackageName scores <$> mbPackageName
, info: info'
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ resultsForChildDeclaration scores packageInfo moduleName parentResult
child@(ChildDeclaration { title, info, comments, mbSourceSpan })
| Just resultInfo <- mkChildInfo parentResult child =
{ path: title
, result: SearchResult { name: title
, result: SearchResult { name: Identifier title
, comments
-- `ChildDeclaration`s are always either data
-- constructors, type class members or instances.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Docs.Search.PackageIndex (PackageIndex, PackageResult)
import Docs.Search.Score (Scores)
import Docs.Search.SearchResult (SearchResult, typeOfResult)
import Docs.Search.TypeQuery (TypeQuery(..), parseTypeQuery, penalty)
import Docs.Search.Types (PackageInfo(..), PackageName(..), ModuleName(..))
import Docs.Search.Types (PackageInfo(..), ModuleName(..), PackageName(..), PackageScore)
import Prelude
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ data Result
| MdlResult ModuleResult
getResultScore :: Result -> Int
getResultScore :: Result -> PackageScore
getResultScore (DeclResult r) = (unwrap r).score
getResultScore (TypeResult r) = (unwrap r).score
getResultScore (PackResult r) = r.score
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ getResultModuleName (MdlResult r) = r.name
getResultName :: Result -> String
getResultName (DeclResult r) = (unwrap r).name
getResultName (TypeResult r) = (unwrap r).name
getResultName (DeclResult r) = unwrap (unwrap r).name
getResultName (TypeResult r) = unwrap (unwrap r).name
getResultName (PackResult r) = unwrap r.name
getResultName (MdlResult r) = unwrap r.name
@ -158,3 +158,10 @@ sortByDistance
-> Array SearchResult
sortByDistance typeQuery =
Array.sortWith (map (penalty typeQuery) <<< typeOfResult)
packageInfoToString :: PackageInfo -> String
packageInfoToString (Package (PackageName p)) = p
packageInfoToString Builtin = "<builtin>"
packageInfoToString LocalPackage = "<local package>"
packageInfoToString UnknownPackage = "<unknown package>"

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Docs.Search.Interactive where
import Docs.Search.Declarations (Declarations, mkDeclarations)
import Docs.Search.DocsJson (DataDeclType(..))
import Docs.Search.Engine (mkEngineState, Result(..))
import Docs.Search.Engine (mkEngineState, packageInfoToString, Result(..))
import Docs.Search.Engine as Engine
import Docs.Search.Extra (listToString, stringToList, (>#>))
import Docs.Search.IndexBuilder as IndexBuilder
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Docs.Search.Terminal (bold, cyan, green, yellow)
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint, FunDeps, Kind, QualifiedName, Type, TypeArgument)
import Docs.Search.TypeIndex (resultsWithTypes)
import Docs.Search.TypePrinter (keyword, showConstraint, showFunDeps, showKind, showType, showTypeArgument, space, syntax)
import Docs.Search.Types (PackageName, ModuleName, PackageInfo, packageInfoToString)
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName, PackageInfo, Identifier)
import Prelude
@ -150,19 +150,19 @@ showModuleResult { name, package } =
bold (cyan "module") <> " " <> bold (green $ unwrap name)
showSignature ::
forall rest.
{ name :: String
, moduleName :: ModuleName
, packageInfo :: PackageInfo
, info :: ResultInfo
| rest
:: forall rest
. { name :: Identifier
, moduleName :: ModuleName
, packageInfo :: PackageInfo
, info :: ResultInfo
| rest
-> String
showSignature result@{ name, info } =
case info of
ValueResult { type: ty } ->
yellow name <> syntax " :: " <> showType ty
yellow (unwrap name) <> syntax " :: " <> showType ty
TypeClassResult info' ->
showTypeClassSignature info' result
@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ showSignature result@{ name, info } =
showExternDataSignature info' result
ValueAliasResult ->
yellow ("(" <> name <> ")")
yellow ("(" <> unwrap name <> ")")
_ -> yellow name
_ -> yellow $ unwrap name
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ showTypeClassSignature
, arguments :: Array TypeArgument
, superclasses :: Array Constraint
-> { name :: String, moduleName :: ModuleName | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier, moduleName :: ModuleName | rest }
-> String
showTypeClassSignature { fundeps, arguments, superclasses } { name, moduleName } =
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ showTypeClassSignature { fundeps, arguments, superclasses } { name, moduleName }
syntax "<="
) <>
space <>
yellow name <>
yellow (unwrap name) <>
space <> (
Array.intercalate space $
arguments <#> showTypeArgument
@ -221,14 +221,14 @@ showTypeClassSignature { fundeps, arguments, superclasses } { name, moduleName }
:: forall rest
. { type :: Type
. { "type" :: Type
, typeClass :: QualifiedName
, typeClassArguments :: Array TypeArgument
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> String
showTypeClassMemberSignature { type: ty, typeClass, typeClassArguments } result =
yellow result.name <>
showTypeClassMemberSignature { "type": ty, typeClass, typeClassArguments } result =
yellow (unwrap result.name) <>
syntax " :: " <>
showType ty
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ showDataSignature
:: forall rest
. { typeArguments :: Array TypeArgument
, dataDeclType :: DataDeclType }
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> String
showDataSignature { typeArguments, dataDeclType } { name } =
( keyword
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ showDataSignature { typeArguments, dataDeclType } { name } =
DataDataDecl -> "data"
) <>
space <>
yellow name <>
yellow (unwrap name) <>
space <> (
Array.intercalate space $
typeArguments <#> showTypeArgument
@ -258,12 +258,12 @@ showTypeSynonymSignature
. { type :: Type
, arguments :: Array TypeArgument
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> String
showTypeSynonymSignature { type: ty, arguments } { name } =
keyword "type" <>
space <>
yellow name <>
yellow (unwrap name) <>
space <> (
Array.intercalate space $
arguments <#> showTypeArgument
@ -277,12 +277,12 @@ showTypeSynonymSignature { type: ty, arguments } { name } =
:: forall rest
. { kind :: Kind }
-> { name :: String | rest }
-> { name :: Identifier | rest }
-> String
showExternDataSignature { kind } { name } =
keyword "foreign data" <>
space <>
yellow name <>
yellow (unwrap name) <>
space <>
syntax " :: " <>
showKind kind

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module Docs.Search.ModuleIndex where
import Docs.Search.Config (config)
import Docs.Search.Declarations (Declarations(..))
import Docs.Search.SearchResult (SearchResult(..))
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName, PackageName, PackageInfo(..))
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName, PackageName, PackageInfo(..), PackageScore)
import Docs.Search.Extra (stringToList)
import Docs.Search.Score (Scores)
import Docs.Search.Score (Scores, getPackageScoreForPackageName)
import Prelude
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ type ModuleIndex = { packageModules :: Map PackageName (Set ModuleName)
type ModuleResult
= { name :: ModuleName
, package :: PackageName
, score :: Int
, score :: PackageScore
@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ queryModuleIndex scores { index, modulePackages } query =
Array.nub <#>
(\name -> do
package <- Map.lookup name modulePackages
pure { name, package, score: fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup package scores }) #
pure { name, package
, score: getPackageScoreForPackageName scores package }) #

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Docs.Search.PackageIndex where
import Docs.Search.Config (config)
import Docs.Search.Extra (stringToList)
import Docs.Search.Score (Scores, getPackageScoreForPackageName, normalizePackageName)
import Docs.Search.Types (PackageName, RawPackageName(..))
import Docs.Search.Types (PackageName, RawPackageName(..), PackageScore)
import Prelude
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Web.Bower.PackageMeta (PackageMeta(..))
type PackageResult
= { name :: PackageName
, description :: Maybe String
, score :: Int
, score :: PackageScore
, dependencies :: Array PackageName
, repository :: Maybe String

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Docs.Search.Score where
import Docs.Search.Types (RawPackageName(..), PackageName(..), PackageInfo(..))
import Docs.Search.Types (RawPackageName(..), PackageName(..), PackageInfo(..), PackageScore(..))
import Prelude
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.String.CodeUnits as String
import Web.Bower.PackageMeta (Dependencies, PackageMeta)
type Scores = Map PackageName Int
type Scores = Map PackageName PackageScore
normalizePackageName :: RawPackageName -> PackageName
normalizePackageName (RawPackageName p) =
@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ mkScores =
updateScoresFor :: Dependencies -> Scores -> Scores
updateScoresFor deps scores =
(\dep -> Map.insertWith add dep 1)
(\dep -> Map.insertWith add dep one)
(deps # unwrap >>> map (_.packageName >>> RawPackageName >>> normalizePackageName))
getPackageScore :: Scores -> PackageInfo -> Int
getPackageScore :: Scores -> PackageInfo -> PackageScore
getPackageScore scores = case _ of
Package p -> getPackageScoreForPackageName scores p
Builtin -> 100000
LocalPackage -> 200000
UnknownPackage -> 0
Builtin -> PackageScore 100000
LocalPackage -> PackageScore 200000
UnknownPackage -> zero
getPackageScoreForPackageName :: Scores -> PackageName -> Int
getPackageScoreForPackageName scores p = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup p scores
getPackageScoreForPackageName :: Scores -> PackageName -> PackageScore
getPackageScoreForPackageName scores p = fromMaybe zero $ Map.lookup p scores

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Docs.Search.SearchResult where
import Docs.Search.DocsJson (DataDeclType)
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint, FunDeps, Kind, QualifiedName, Type, TypeArgument)
import Docs.Search.Types (PackageName, PackageInfo, ModuleName)
import Docs.Search.Types (ModuleName, PackageInfo, Identifier, PackageScore)
import Prelude
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ typeOf _ = Nothing
-- | Common metadata for all types of search results.
newtype SearchResult
= SearchResult
{ name :: String
{ name :: Identifier
, comments :: Maybe String
, hashAnchor :: String
, moduleName :: ModuleName
, packageInfo :: PackageInfo
, score :: Int
, score :: PackageScore
, sourceSpan :: Maybe { start :: Array Int
, end :: Array Int
, name :: String

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Docs.Search.TypeDecoder where
import Docs.Search.Types (Identifier)
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ instance showQualifiedName :: Show QualifiedName where
newtype QualifiedName
= QualifiedName { moduleNameParts :: Array String
, name :: String
, name :: Identifier
instance decodeJsonQualifiedName :: DecodeJson QualifiedName where
@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ data Type
-- | An empty row
| REmpty
-- | A non-empty row
| RCons String Type Type
| RCons Identifier Type Type
-- | A type with a kind annotation
| Kinded Type Kind
@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ joinForAlls ty = go Nil ty
go ({ name, mbKind } : acc) ty'
go acc ty' = { binders: acc, ty: ty' }
joinRows :: Type -> { rows :: List { row :: String
joinRows :: Type -> { rows :: List { row :: Identifier
, ty :: Type
, ty :: Maybe Type }
@ -428,7 +430,7 @@ joinRows = go Nil
-- | Only returns a list of type class names (lists of arguments are omitted).
joinConstraints :: Type -> { constraints :: List String
joinConstraints :: Type -> { constraints :: List Identifier
, ty :: Type }
joinConstraints = go Nil

View File

@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ import Prelude
import Docs.Search.Extra ((>#>))
import Docs.Search.Terminal (cyan)
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint(..), FunDep(..), FunDeps(..), Kind(..), QualifiedName(..), Type(..), TypeArgument(..), joinForAlls, joinRows)
import Docs.Search.Types (Identifier(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
-- | A pretty-printer for types, for TTY with colors.
@ -22,13 +24,13 @@ showType = case _ of
TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor
(QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Function" }))
, name: Identifier "Function" }))
t2 ->
showType t1 <> syntax " -> " <> showType t2
TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Record" }))
, name: Identifier "Record" }))
row ->
showRow false row
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ showQualifiedName
:: QualifiedName
-> String
showQualifiedName (QualifiedName { name })
= name
= unwrap name
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ showRow asRow =
opening <>
( Array.intercalate ", " $ Array.fromFoldable $ rows <#>
\entry ->
entry.row <> syntax " :: " <> showType entry.ty
unwrap entry.row <> syntax " :: " <> showType entry.ty
) <>
(ty >#> \ty' -> " | " <> showType ty') <>

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ where
import Docs.Search.Config (config)
import Docs.Search.Extra (foldl1, foldr1)
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (QualifiedName(..), Type(..), joinConstraints, joinRows)
import Docs.Search.Types (Identifier(..))
import Prelude
@ -41,13 +42,13 @@ import Text.Parsing.StringParser.Combinators (fix, sepBy, sepBy1, sepEndBy, sepE
-- | We need type queries because we don't have a full-featured type parser
-- | available.
data TypeQuery
= QVar String
| QConst String
= QVar Identifier
| QConst Identifier
| QFun TypeQuery TypeQuery
| QApp TypeQuery TypeQuery
| QForAll (NonEmptyList String) TypeQuery
| QConstraint String (List TypeQuery) TypeQuery
| QRow (List (Tuple String TypeQuery))
| QForAll (NonEmptyList Identifier) TypeQuery
| QConstraint Identifier (List TypeQuery) TypeQuery
| QRow (List (Tuple Identifier TypeQuery))
derive instance eqTypeQuery :: Eq TypeQuery
derive instance genericTypeQuery :: Generic TypeQuery _
@ -69,7 +70,8 @@ typeQueryParser = fix \typeQuery ->
row = string "(" *> rowFields <* string ")"
record = QApp (QConst "Record") <$> (string "{" *> rowFields <* string "}")
record = QApp (QConst $ Identifier "Record") <$>
(string "{" *> rowFields <* string "}")
binders =
string "forall" *> some space *> sepEndBy1 ident skipSpaces <* string "." <* skipSpaces
@ -111,32 +113,32 @@ concrete :: Parser TypeQuery
concrete =
QConst <$> upperCaseIdent
ident :: Parser String
ident :: Parser Identifier
ident = do
head <- anyLetter
rest <- Array.many (alphaNum <|> char '\'')
pure $ fromCharArray $ pure head <> rest
pure $ Identifier <$> fromCharArray $ pure head <> rest
upperCaseIdent :: Parser String
upperCaseIdent :: Parser Identifier
upperCaseIdent = do
head <- upperCaseChar
rest <- Array.many (alphaNum <|> char '\'')
pure $ fromCharArray $ pure head <> rest
pure $ Identifier $ fromCharArray $ pure head <> rest
lowerCaseIdent :: Parser String
lowerCaseIdent :: Parser Identifier
lowerCaseIdent = do
head <- lowerCaseChar
rest <- Array.many (alphaNum <|> char '\'')
pure $ fromCharArray $ pure head <> rest
pure $ Identifier $ fromCharArray $ pure head <> rest
space :: Parser Char
space = char ' '
-- | Used only in `getFreeVariables`.
data FreeVarCounterQueueEntry = Unbind (Set.Set String) | Next TypeQuery
data FreeVarCounterQueueEntry = Unbind (Set.Set Identifier) | Next TypeQuery
getFreeVariables :: TypeQuery -> Set.Set String
getFreeVariables :: TypeQuery -> Set.Set Identifier
getFreeVariables query = go Set.empty Set.empty (List.singleton $ Next query)
insertIfUnbound bound var free =
@ -172,11 +174,11 @@ getFreeVariables query = go Set.empty Set.empty (List.singleton $ Next query)
data Substitution
= Instantiate String Type
| Match String String
| Generalize TypeQuery String
| Substitute String String
| MatchConstraints (Set String) (Set String)
= Instantiate Identifier Type
| Match Identifier Identifier
| Generalize TypeQuery Identifier
| Substitute Identifier Identifier
| MatchConstraints (Set Identifier) (Set Identifier)
| MissingConstraint
| ExcessiveConstraint
| RowsMismatch Int Int
@ -225,9 +227,9 @@ unify query type_ = go Nil (List.singleton { q: query, t: type_ })
-- * Type variables
go acc ({ q: QVar q, t: TypeVar v } : rest) =
go (Substitute q v : acc) rest
go (Substitute q (Identifier v) : acc) rest
go acc ({ q, t: TypeVar v } : rest ) =
go (Generalize q v : acc) rest
go (Generalize q (Identifier v) : acc) rest
go acc ({ q: QVar v, t } : rest) =
go (Instantiate v t : acc) rest
@ -249,16 +251,16 @@ unify query type_ = go Nil (List.singleton { q: query, t: type_ })
go acc ({ q: QFun q1 q2
, t: TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor
(QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Function" })) t1) t2 } : rest) =
, name: Identifier "Function" })) t1) t2 } : rest) =
go acc ({ q: q1, t: t1 } : { q: q2, t: t2 } : rest)
go acc ({ q: q@(QFun q1 q2), t } : rest) =
go (Mismatch q t : acc) rest
-- * Rows
go acc ({ q: QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow qRows)
go acc ({ q: QApp (QConst (Identifier "Record")) (QRow qRows)
, t: TypeApp (TypeConstructor
(QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Record" })) row } : rest) =
, name: Identifier "Record" })) row } : rest) =
let { rows, ty } = joinRows row
qRowsLength = List.length qRows
rowsLength = List.length rows in
@ -319,8 +321,11 @@ typeVarPenalty substs =
insertion v1 v2 = Map.insertWith append v1 (Set.singleton v2)
:: (String -> String -> Map String (Set String) -> Map String (Set String))
-> Map String (Set String)
:: (Identifier ->
Identifier ->
Map Identifier (Set Identifier) ->
Map Identifier (Set Identifier))
-> Map Identifier (Set Identifier)
varSubstMapWith f =
List.foldr (case _ of
Substitute v1 v2 ->
@ -363,7 +368,7 @@ mismatchPenalty = go 0
-- | Only returns a list of type class names (lists of arguments are omitted).
joinQueryConstraints :: TypeQuery -> { constraints :: List String
joinQueryConstraints :: TypeQuery -> { constraints :: List Identifier
, ty :: TypeQuery }
joinQueryConstraints = go Nil
@ -408,7 +413,7 @@ typeSize = go 0 <<< List.singleton
go (n + 1) rest
go n (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor
(QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: "Function" })) t1) t2 : rest) =
, name: Identifier "Function" })) t1) t2 : rest) =
go (n + 1) (t1 : t2 : rest)
go n (TypeApp q1 q2 : rest) =
go (n + 1) (q1 : q2 : rest)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Docs.Search.TypeShape where
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (QualifiedName(..), Type(..), joinForAlls, joinRows)
import Docs.Search.TypeQuery (TypeQuery(..), getFreeVariables)
import Docs.Search.Types (Identifier(..))
import Prelude
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ shapeOfType ty = List.reverse $ go (pure ty) Nil
go rest (PVar : acc)
TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Function" })) t1) t2 ->
, name: Identifier "Function" })) t1) t2 ->
go (t1 : t2 : rest) (PFun : acc)
TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { name }) ->

View File

@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
newtype Identifier = Identifier String
derive instance newtypeIdentifier :: Newtype Identifier _
derive instance genericIdentifier :: Generic Identifier _
derive newtype instance eqIdentifier :: Eq Identifier
derive newtype instance ordIdentifier :: Ord Identifier
derive newtype instance showIdentifier :: Show Identifier
derive newtype instance decodeJsonIdentifier :: DecodeJson Identifier
derive newtype instance encodeJsonIdentifier :: EncodeJson Identifier
newtype ModuleName = ModuleName String
derive instance newtypeModuleName :: Newtype ModuleName _
@ -52,8 +63,14 @@ instance decodeJsonPackageInfo :: DecodeJson PackageInfo where
instance encodeJsonPackageInfo :: EncodeJson PackageInfo where
encodeJson = genericEncodeJson
packageInfoToString :: PackageInfo -> String
packageInfoToString (Package (PackageName p)) = p
packageInfoToString Builtin = "<builtin>"
packageInfoToString LocalPackage = "<local package>"
packageInfoToString UnknownPackage = "<unknown package>"
newtype PackageScore = PackageScore Int
derive instance newtypePackageScore :: Newtype PackageScore _
derive instance genericPackageScore :: Generic PackageScore _
derive newtype instance eqPackageScore :: Eq PackageScore
derive newtype instance ordPackageScore :: Ord PackageScore
derive newtype instance semiringPackageScore :: Semiring PackageScore
derive newtype instance ringPackageScore :: Ring PackageScore
derive newtype instance showPackageScore :: Show PackageScore
derive newtype instance decodeJsonPackageScore :: DecodeJson PackageScore
derive newtype instance encodeJsonPackageScore :: EncodeJson PackageScore

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint(..), FunDep(..), FunDeps(..), Kind(..), QualifiedName(..), Type(..))
import Docs.Search.Types
import Test.TypeQuery as TypeQuery
import Test.IndexBuilder as IndexBuilder
import Test.Declarations as Declarations
@ -67,10 +68,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson qualifiedName)
(QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Type"
(qualified ["Prim"] "Type")
test "NamedKind" do
let namedKind = mkJson """
@ -87,10 +85,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson namedKind)
(NamedKind $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Type"
(NamedKind $ qualified ["Prim"] "Type")
test "Row" do
let row = mkJson """
@ -110,11 +105,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson row)
(Row $ NamedKind $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Type"
assertRight (decodeJson row) (Row $ NamedKind $ qualified ["Prim"] "Type")
test "FunKind" do
let funKind = mkJson """
@ -154,14 +145,8 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson funKind)
(FunKind (Row $ NamedKind $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Type"
(Row $ NamedKind $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Type"
(FunKind (Row $ NamedKind $ qualified ["Prim"] "Type")
(Row $ NamedKind $ qualified ["Prim"] "Type")
@ -181,9 +166,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson constraint)
(Constraint { constraintClass: QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Partial"
(Constraint { constraintClass: qualified ["Prim"] "Partial"
, constraintArgs: []
@ -230,14 +213,12 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson typeApp1) $
(TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts:
[ "Control"
, "Monad"
, "ST"
, "Internal"
name: "ST"
(TypeConstructor (qualified [ "Control"
, "Monad"
, "ST"
, "Internal"
(TypeVar "h")
@ -256,9 +237,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson typeOp) $
TypeOp $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Data", "NaturalTransformation" ]
, name: "~>"
TypeOp $ qualified [ "Data", "NaturalTransformation" ] "~>"
test "BinaryNoParens" do
let binaryNoParens = mkJson """
@ -293,7 +272,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson binaryNoParens) $
(TypeOp $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Data", "NaturalTransformation"], name: "~>" })
(TypeOp $ qualified ["Data", "NaturalTransformation"] "~>")
(TypeVar "m")
(TypeVar "n")
@ -335,19 +314,8 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson parensInType) $
ParensInType $
(TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts:
[ "Data"
, "Maybe"
name: "Maybe"
(TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts:
[ "Prim"
name: "String"
(TypeConstructor (qualified [ "Data", "Maybe" ] "Maybe"))
(TypeConstructor (qualified [ "Prim" ] "String"))
test "RCons" do
let rcons = mkJson """
@ -388,8 +356,8 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson rcons) $
(TypeApp (TypeConstructor $ QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: [ "Data", "Symbol" ], name: "SProxy" })
(Identifier "tail")
(TypeApp (TypeConstructor $ qualified [ "Data", "Symbol" ] "SProxy")
(TypeVar "t"))
@ -545,8 +513,8 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson forallJson) $
ForAll "f"
(Just (FunKind (NamedKind (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim","RowList"], name: "RowList" })) (NamedKind (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: "Type" }))))
(TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeVar "f") (TypeVar "l"))) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Data","List","Types"], name: "List" })) (ParensInType (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Data","Tuple"], name: "Tuple" })) (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: "String" }))) (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: "String" }))))))
(Just (FunKind (NamedKind (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim","RowList"], name: Identifier "RowList" })) (NamedKind (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: Identifier "Type" }))))
(TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: Identifier "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeVar "f") (TypeVar "l"))) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Data","List","Types"], name: Identifier "List" })) (ParensInType (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Data","Tuple"], name: Identifier "Tuple" })) (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: Identifier "String" }))) (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: Identifier "String" }))))))
@ -558,7 +526,7 @@ mainTest = do
assertRight (decodeJson json) $ (ForAll "o" Nothing (ForAll "r" Nothing (ForAll "l" Nothing (ConstrainedType (Constraint { constraintArgs: [(TypeVar "l"),(TypeVar "r"),(TypeVar "o")], constraintClass: (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "And" }) }) (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "l"))) (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "r"))) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "o"))))))))
assertRight (decodeJson json) $ (ForAll "o" Nothing (ForAll "r" Nothing (ForAll "l" Nothing (ConstrainedType (Constraint { constraintArgs: [(TypeVar "l"),(TypeVar "r"),(TypeVar "o")], constraintClass: (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: Identifier "And" }) }) (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: Identifier "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: Identifier "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "l"))) (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"], name: Identifier "Function" })) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: Identifier "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "r"))) (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Type","Data","Boolean"], name: Identifier "BProxy" })) (TypeVar "o"))))))))
suite "Kind encoder" do
test "FunKind" do
@ -570,4 +538,4 @@ mainTest = do
qualified :: Array String -> String -> QualifiedName
qualified moduleNameParts name = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts, name }
qualified moduleNameParts name = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts, name: Identifier name }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Test.TypeQuery where
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint(..), QualifiedName(..), Type(..))
import Docs.Search.TypeQuery (Substitution(..), TypeQuery(..), getFreeVariables, parseTypeQuery, penalty, typeVarPenalty)
import Docs.Search.TypeShape (ShapeChunk(..), shapeOfType, shapeOfTypeQuery)
import Docs.Search.Types (Identifier(..))
import Prelude
@ -25,193 +26,195 @@ tests = do
test "test #0" do
let input = "a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QVar "a")
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qVar "a")
test "test #1" do
let input = "ab"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QVar "ab")
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qVar "ab")
test "test #2" do
let input = "a b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QVar "a") (QVar "b"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
test "test #3" do
let input = "a b c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QApp (QVar "a") (QVar "b")) (QVar "c"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b")) (qVar "c"))
test "test #4" do
let input = "a -> b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QVar "a") (QVar "b"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
test "test #5" do
let input = "a -> b c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QVar "a") (QApp (QVar "b") (QVar "c")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "b") (qVar "c")))
test "test #6" do
let input = "a b -> c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QApp (QVar "a") (QVar "b")) (QVar "c"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b")) (qVar "c"))
test "test #7" do
let input = "a b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QVar "a") (QVar "b"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
test "test #8" do
let input = "a (b c)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QVar "a") (QApp (QVar "b") (QVar "c")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "b") (qVar "c")))
test "test #9" do
let input = "(a b) (c d)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (QApp (QVar "a") (QVar "b"))
(QApp (QVar "c") (QVar "d")))
(QApp (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
(QApp (qVar "c") (qVar "d")))
test "test #10" do
let input = "a ( b c )"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QVar "a") (QApp (QVar "b") (QVar "c")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "b") (qVar "c")))
test "test #11" do
let input = "aaa"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QVar "aaa")
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qVar "aaa")
test "test #12" do
let input = "aaa ( bbb ccc )"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QVar "aaa") (QApp (QVar "bbb") (QVar "ccc")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "aaa") (QApp (qVar "bbb") (qVar "ccc")))
test "test #13" do
let input = "(a -> b) -> (c -> d)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QFun (QVar "a") (QVar "b"))
(QFun (QVar "c") (QVar "d")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QFun (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
(QFun (qVar "c") (qVar "d")))
test "test #14" do
let input = "a -> b -> c -> d"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QVar "a")
(QFun (QVar "b")
(QFun (QVar "c") (QVar "d"))))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a")
(QFun (qVar "b")
(QFun (qVar "c") (qVar "d"))))
test "test #15" do
let input = "a -> b -> c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QVar "a")
(QFun (QVar "b")
(QVar "c")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a")
(QFun (qVar "b")
(qVar "c")))
test "test #16" do
let input = "forall a b c. c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "a" ["b", "c"]) (QVar "c"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "a" ["b", "c"]) (qVar "c"))
test "test #17" do
let input = "forall a. Maybe a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "a" $ []) (QApp (QConst "Maybe") (QVar "a")))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "a" $ []) (QApp (qConst "Maybe") (qVar "a")))
test "test #18" do
let input = "forall m a. Monad m => a -> m a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QForAll (nl "m" ["a"])
(QConstraint "Monad" (l [QVar "m"])
(QFun (QVar "a")
(QApp (QVar "m") (QVar "a")))))
(qConstraint "Monad" (l [qVar "m"])
(QFun (qVar "a")
(QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a")))))
test "test #19" do
let input = "{ a :: Int }"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow (pure (Tuple "a" (QConst "Int")))))
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (pure (Tuple (Identifier "a") (qConst "Int")))))
test "test #20" do
let input = "{a::Int}"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow (pure (Tuple "a" (QConst "Int")))))
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (pure (Tuple (Identifier "a") (qConst "Int")))))
test "test #21" do
let input = "Int"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QConst "Int")
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qConst "Int")
test "test #22" do
let input = "a->b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QVar "a") (QVar "b"))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
test "test #23" do
let input = "forall m a. MonadRec m => Process m a -> m a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "m" ("a" : Nil))
(QConstraint "MonadRec" (l [QVar "m"])
(QFun (QApp (QApp (QConst "Process")
(QVar "m")) (QVar "a"))
(QApp (QVar "m") (QVar "a")))))
(qConstraint "MonadRec" (l [qVar "m"])
(QFun (QApp (QApp (qConst "Process")
(qVar "m")) (qVar "a"))
(QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a")))))
test "test #24" do
let input = "forall t f a. Foldable1 t => Apply f => f"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "t" ["f", "a"])
(QConstraint "Foldable1" (l [QVar "t"])
(QConstraint "Apply" (l [QVar "f"]) (QVar "f"))))
(qConstraint "Foldable1" (l [qVar "t"])
(qConstraint "Apply" (l [qVar "f"]) (qVar "f"))))
test "test #25" do
let input = "forall m a.MonadRec m=>Process m a->m a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) ((QForAll (nl "m" ("a" : Nil))
(QConstraint "MonadRec" (l [QVar "m"])
(QFun (QApp (QApp (QConst "Process")
(QVar "m")) (QVar "a"))
(QApp (QVar "m") (QVar "a"))))))
(qConstraint "MonadRec" (l [qVar "m"])
(QFun (QApp (QApp (qConst "Process")
(qVar "m")) (qVar "a"))
(QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a"))))))
test "test #26" do
let input = "m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QApp (QVar "m") (QVar "a")) (QFun (QFun (QVar "a") (QApp (QVar "m") (QVar "b"))) (QApp (QVar "m") (QVar "b"))))
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a")) (QFun (QFun (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "b"))) (QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "b"))))
test "test #27" do
let input = "forall f a. Alternative f => Lazy (f (List a)) => f a -> f (List a)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) ((QForAll (nl "f" ["a"]))
(QConstraint "Alternative" (l [QVar "f"])
(QConstraint "Lazy" (l [QApp (QVar "f")
(QApp (QConst "List") (QVar "a"))])
(QFun (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a"))
(QApp (QVar "f")
(QApp (QConst "List") (QVar "a")))))))
(qConstraint "Alternative" (l [qVar "f"])
(qConstraint "Lazy" (l [QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a"))])
(QFun (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))
(QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a")))))))
test "test #28" do
let input = "forall f a. Alternative f => Lazy(f (List a))=>f a -> f (List a)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) ((QForAll (nl "f" ["a"]))
(QConstraint "Alternative" (l [QVar "f"])
(QConstraint "Lazy" (l [QApp (QVar "f")
(QApp (QConst "List") (QVar "a"))])
(QFun (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a"))
(QApp (QVar "f")
(QApp (QConst "List") (QVar "a")))))))
(qConstraint "Alternative" (l [qVar "f"])
(qConstraint "Lazy" (l [QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a"))])
(QFun (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))
(QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a")))))))
test "test #29" do
let input = "{a::Int,b::Int}"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" (QConst "Int"), Tuple "b" (QConst "Int")])))
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (List.fromFoldable
[ Tuple (Identifier "a") (qConst "Int")
, Tuple (Identifier "b") (qConst "Int")])))
test "test #30" do
let input = "{record''' :: Int}"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple "record'''" (QConst "Int")])))
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple (Identifier "record'''") (qConst "Int")])))
test "test #31" do
let input = "(row''' :: Int)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple "row'''" (QConst "Int")]))
(QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple (Identifier "row'''") (qConst "Int")]))
test "test #32" do
let input = "(row1 :: Int, row2 :: (),row3::(row4::{}))"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QRow (l [ Tuple "row1" (QConst "Int")
, Tuple "row2" (QRow Nil)
, Tuple "row3" (QRow (l [ Tuple "row4" (QApp (QConst "Record") (QRow Nil)) ])) ]))
(QRow (l [ Tuple (Identifier "row1") (qConst "Int")
, Tuple (Identifier "row2") (QRow Nil)
, Tuple (Identifier "row3") (QRow (l [ Tuple (Identifier "row4") (QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow Nil)) ])) ]))
test "test #33" do
let input = "Foldable1 t => Apply f => t (f a) -> f Unit"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QConstraint "Foldable1" ((QVar "t") : Nil) (QConstraint "Apply" ((QVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (QVar "t") (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a"))) (QApp (QVar "f") (QConst "Unit")))))
(qConstraint "Foldable1" ((qVar "t") : Nil) (qConstraint "Apply" ((qVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (qVar "t") (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))) (QApp (qVar "f") (qConst "Unit")))))
test "test #34" do
let input = "Foldable1 t => Apply f => t (f a) -> f a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QConstraint "Foldable1" ((QVar "t") : Nil) (QConstraint "Apply" ((QVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (QVar "t") (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a"))) (QApp (QVar "f") (QVar "a")))))
(qConstraint "Foldable1" ((qVar "t") : Nil) (qConstraint "Apply" ((qVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (qVar "t") (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))) (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a")))))
test "test #35" do
let input = "Generic a rep => GenericEq rep => a -> a -> Boolean"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QConstraint "Generic" ((QVar "a") : (QVar "rep") : Nil)
(QConstraint "GenericEq" ((QVar "rep") : Nil)
(QFun (QVar "a") (QFun (QVar "a") (QConst "Boolean")))))
(qConstraint "Generic" ((qVar "a") : (qVar "rep") : Nil)
(qConstraint "GenericEq" ((qVar "rep") : Nil)
(QFun (qVar "a") (QFun (qVar "a") (qConst "Boolean")))))
suite "polish notation" do
@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ tests = do
fun t1 t2 =
TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: ["Prim"]
, name: "Function" })) t1) t2
, name: Identifier "Function" })) t1) t2
type_ =
ForAll "a" Nothing $
ForAll "rep" Nothing $
@ -314,70 +317,70 @@ tests = do
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty mempty)
test "#1" do
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "b" "a"
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "b" "a"
test "#2" do
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "a" "b"
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "b"
test "#3" do
Assert.equal 1 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "a" "c"
Assert.equal 1 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "c"
test "#4" do
Assert.equal 1 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "b" "a"
, Substitute "b" "c"
Assert.equal 1 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "b" "a"
, substitute "b" "c"
test "#5" do
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "b" "c"
, Substitute "c" "a"
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "b" "c"
, substitute "c" "a"
test "#6" do
Assert.equal 2 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "a" "c"
, Substitute "a" "a"
Assert.equal 2 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "c"
, substitute "a" "a"
test "#7" do
Assert.equal 2 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "a"
, Substitute "b" "a"
, Substitute "c" "a"
Assert.equal 2 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "a"
, substitute "b" "a"
, substitute "c" "a"
test "#8" do
Assert.equal 4 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "a"
, Substitute "b" "a"
, Substitute "c" "a"
, Substitute "a" "b"
, Substitute "a" "c"
, Substitute "a" "a"
Assert.equal 4 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "a"
, substitute "b" "a"
, substitute "c" "a"
, substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "c"
, substitute "a" "a"
test "#9" do
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ Substitute "a" "e"
, Substitute "b" "d"
, Substitute "c" "f"
Assert.equal 0 (typeVarPenalty $ l [ substitute "a" "e"
, substitute "b" "d"
, substitute "c" "f"
suite "unification" do
test "instantiation #0" do
let mVarQuery = QVar "m"
unitConstQuery = QConst "Unit"
let mVarQuery = qVar "m"
unitConstQuery = qConst "Unit"
Assert.assert "instantiation #0" $
(penalty unitConstQuery unitType < penalty mVarQuery unitType)
test "generalization #0" do
let query = QVar "m"
let query = qVar "m"
t1 = TypeVar "m"
Assert.assert "qeneralization #0" $
@ -387,19 +390,37 @@ tests = do
l :: forall f. Foldable f => (forall a. f a -> List a)
l = List.fromFoldable
nl :: forall t5 t6. Foldable t6 => t5 -> t6 t5 -> NonEmptyList t5
nl x rst = NonEmptyList.cons' x $ List.fromFoldable rst
:: forall t
. Foldable t
=> Functor t
=> String
-> t String
-> NonEmptyList Identifier
nl x rst = NonEmptyList.cons' (Identifier x) $ List.fromFoldable (rst <#> Identifier)
unitType :: Type
unitType = TypeConstructor (QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: []
, name: "Unit"
, name: Identifier "Unit"
countFreeVars :: TypeQuery -> Int
countFreeVars = getFreeVariables >>> Set.size
qname :: Array String -> String -> QualifiedName
qname m n = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: m, name: n }
qname m n = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: m, name: Identifier n }
constr :: QualifiedName -> Array Type -> Constraint
constr c a = Constraint { constraintClass: c, constraintArgs: a }
qVar :: String -> TypeQuery
qVar = QVar <<< Identifier
qConst :: String -> TypeQuery
qConst = QConst <<< Identifier
qConstraint :: String -> List TypeQuery -> TypeQuery -> TypeQuery
qConstraint = QConstraint <<< Identifier
substitute :: String -> String -> Substitution
substitute a b = Substitute (Identifier a) (Identifier b)