2022-08-31 23:32:32 +04:00

581 lines
17 KiB

module Test.TypeQuery where
import Docs.Search.TypeDecoder (Constraint(..), QualifiedName(..), Type(..))
import Docs.Search.TypeQuery (Substitution(..), TypeQuery(..), getFreeVariables, parseTypeQuery, penalty, typeVarPenalty)
import Docs.Search.TypeShape (ShapeChunk(..), shapeOfType, shapeOfTypeQuery)
import Docs.Search.Types (Identifier(..))
import Prelude
import Prim hiding (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable)
import Data.List (List(..), (:))
import Data.List as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmptyList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmptyList
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Test.Extra (assertRight)
import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual, shouldSatisfy)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
tests :: Spec Unit
tests = do
describe "TypeQuery parser" do
it "test #0" do
let input = "a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qVar "a")
it "test #1" do
let input = "ab"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qVar "ab")
it "test #2" do
let input = "a b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
it "test #3" do
let input = "a b c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b")) (qVar "c"))
it "test #4" do
let input = "a -> b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
it "test #5" do
let input = "a -> b c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "b") (qVar "c")))
it "test #6" do
let input = "a b -> c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b")) (qVar "c"))
it "test #7" do
let input = "a b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
it "test #8" do
let input = "a (b c)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "b") (qVar "c")))
it "test #9" do
let input = "(a b) (c d)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QApp (QApp (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
(QApp (qVar "c") (qVar "d"))
it "test #10" do
let input = "a ( b c )"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "b") (qVar "c")))
it "test #11" do
let input = "aaa"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qVar "aaa")
it "test #12" do
let input = "aaa ( bbb ccc )"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QApp (qVar "aaa") (QApp (qVar "bbb") (qVar "ccc")))
it "test #13" do
let input = "(a -> b) -> (c -> d)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QFun (QFun (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
(QFun (qVar "c") (qVar "d"))
it "test #14" do
let input = "a -> b -> c -> d"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QFun (qVar "a")
( QFun (qVar "b")
(QFun (qVar "c") (qVar "d"))
it "test #15" do
let input = "a -> b -> c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QFun (qVar "a")
( QFun (qVar "b")
(qVar "c")
it "test #16" do
let input = "forall a b c. c"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "a" [ "b", "c" ]) (qVar "c"))
it "test #17" do
let input = "forall a. Maybe a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QForAll (nl "a" $ []) (QApp (qConst "Maybe") (qVar "a")))
it "test #18" do
let input = "forall m a. Monad m => a -> m a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QForAll (nl "m" [ "a" ])
( qConstraint "Monad" (l [ qVar "m" ])
( QFun (qVar "a")
(QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a"))
it "test #19" do
let input = "{ a :: Int }"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (pure (Tuple (Identifier "a") (qConst "Int")))))
it "test #20" do
let input = "{a::Int}"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (pure (Tuple (Identifier "a") (qConst "Int")))))
it "test #21" do
let input = "Int"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (qConst "Int")
it "test #22" do
let input = "a->b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (qVar "a") (qVar "b"))
it "test #23" do
let input = "forall m a. MonadRec m => Process m a -> m a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QForAll (nl "m" ("a" : Nil))
( qConstraint "MonadRec" (l [ qVar "m" ])
( QFun
( QApp
( QApp (qConst "Process")
(qVar "m")
(qVar "a")
(QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a"))
it "test #24" do
let input = "forall t f a. Foldable1 t => Apply f => f"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QForAll (nl "t" [ "f", "a" ])
( qConstraint "Foldable1" (l [ qVar "t" ])
(qConstraint "Apply" (l [ qVar "f" ]) (qVar "f"))
it "test #25" do
let input = "forall m a.MonadRec m=>Process m a->m a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( ( QForAll (nl "m" ("a" : Nil))
( qConstraint "MonadRec" (l [ qVar "m" ])
( QFun
( QApp
( QApp (qConst "Process")
(qVar "m")
(qVar "a")
(QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a"))
it "test #26" do
let input = "m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input) (QFun (QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "a")) (QFun (QFun (qVar "a") (QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "b"))) (QApp (qVar "m") (qVar "b"))))
it "test #27" do
let input = "forall f a. Alternative f => Lazy (f (List a)) => f a -> f (List a)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( (QForAll (nl "f" [ "a" ]))
( qConstraint "Alternative" (l [ qVar "f" ])
( qConstraint "Lazy"
( l
[ QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a"))
( QFun (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))
( QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a"))
it "test #28" do
let input = "forall f a. Alternative f => Lazy(f (List a))=>f a -> f (List a)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( (QForAll (nl "f" [ "a" ]))
( qConstraint "Alternative" (l [ qVar "f" ])
( qConstraint "Lazy"
( l
[ QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a"))
( QFun (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))
( QApp (qVar "f")
(QApp (qConst "List") (qVar "a"))
it "test #29" do
let input = "{a::Int,b::Int}"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QApp (qConst "Record")
( QRow
( List.fromFoldable
[ Tuple (Identifier "a") (qConst "Int")
, Tuple (Identifier "b") (qConst "Int")
it "test #30" do
let input = "{record''' :: Int}"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple (Identifier "record'''") (qConst "Int") ])))
it "test #31" do
let input = "(row''' :: Int)"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(QRow (List.fromFoldable [ Tuple (Identifier "row'''") (qConst "Int") ]))
it "test #32" do
let input = "(row1 :: Int, row2 :: (),row3::(row4::{}))"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( QRow
( l
[ Tuple (Identifier "row1") (qConst "Int")
, Tuple (Identifier "row2") (QRow Nil)
, Tuple (Identifier "row3") (QRow (l [ Tuple (Identifier "row4") (QApp (qConst "Record") (QRow Nil)) ]))
it "test #33" do
let input = "Foldable1 t => Apply f => t (f a) -> f Unit"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(qConstraint "Foldable1" ((qVar "t") : Nil) (qConstraint "Apply" ((qVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (qVar "t") (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))) (QApp (qVar "f") (qConst "Unit")))))
it "test #34" do
let input = "Foldable1 t => Apply f => t (f a) -> f a"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
(qConstraint "Foldable1" ((qVar "t") : Nil) (qConstraint "Apply" ((qVar "f") : Nil) (QFun (QApp (qVar "t") (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a"))) (QApp (qVar "f") (qVar "a")))))
it "test #35" do
let input = "Generic a rep => GenericEq rep => a -> a -> Boolean"
assertRight (parseTypeQuery input)
( qConstraint "Generic" ((qVar "a") : (qVar "rep") : Nil)
( qConstraint "GenericEq" ((qVar "rep") : Nil)
(QFun (qVar "a") (QFun (qVar "a") (qConst "Boolean")))
describe "polish notation" do
it "test #1" do
let input = "(a -> b) -> (b -> ((a -> b) -> c))"
assertRight (shapeOfTypeQuery <$> parseTypeQuery input)
( l
[ PForAll 3
, PFun
, PFun
, PVar
, PVar
, PFun
, PVar
, PFun
, PFun
, PVar
, PVar
, PVar
it "test #2" do
let input = "forall a. (a -> b) -> (b -> ((a -> b) -> c))"
assertRight (shapeOfTypeQuery <$> parseTypeQuery input)
( l
[ PForAll 3
, PFun
, PFun
, PVar
, PVar
, PFun
, PVar
, PFun
, PFun
, PVar
, PVar
, PVar
it "test #3" do
let input = "forall a. (a -> b) -> (b -> ((a -> b) -> c))"
assertRight (shapeOfTypeQuery <$> parseTypeQuery input)
( l
[ PForAll 3
, PFun
, PFun
, PVar
, PVar
, PFun
, PVar
, PFun
, PFun
, PVar
, PVar
, PVar
it "test #4" do
let input = "forall a. (forall h. ST h (STArray h a)) -> Array a"
assertRight (shapeOfTypeQuery <$> parseTypeQuery input)
(l [ PForAll 1, PFun, PForAll 1, PApp, PApp, PVar, PVar, PApp, PApp, PVar, PVar, PVar, PApp, PVar, PVar ])
describe "type shapes" do
it "test #1" do
query = "Generic a rep => GenericEq rep => a -> a -> Boolean"
c1 = constr (qname [ "" ] "Generic") [ TypeVar "a", TypeVar "rep" ]
c2 = constr (qname [ "" ] "GenericEq") [ TypeVar "rep" ]
fun t1 t2 =
( TypeApp
( TypeConstructor
( QualifiedName
{ moduleNameParts: [ "Prim" ]
, name: Identifier "Function"
type_ =
ForAll "a" Nothing
$ ForAll "rep" Nothing
ConstrainedType c1
( ConstrainedType c2
( fun (TypeVar "a")
( fun (TypeVar "b")
(TypeConstructor $ qname [ "Prim", "Boolean" ] "Boolean")
shape = shapeOfTypeQuery <$> parseTypeQuery query
pure (shapeOfType type_) `shouldEqual` shape
describe "free variable counting" do
it "test #1" do
let input = "forall a. (a -> b) -> (b -> ((a -> b) -> c))"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 2
it "test #2" do
-- `b` is not bound on the left, `a` is not bound on the right
let input = "(forall a. (a -> b)) -> forall b. (b -> a)"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 2
it "test #3" do
let input = "a -> forall a. a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 1
it "test #4" do
let input = "(forall a. a) -> a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 1
it "test #5" do
let input = "forall a. a -> a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 0
it "test #6" do
let input = "a -> b -> c"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 3
it "test #7" do
let input = "forall m a. Monad m => a -> m a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 0
it "test #8" do
let input = "Monad m => a -> m a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 2
it "test #9" do
let input = "Monad m => a -> a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 2
it "test #10" do
let input = "forall a. (forall a. a) a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 0
it "test #11" do
let input = "forall a. (forall b. a) a"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 0
it "test #12" do
let input = "forall a. (forall b. a) a b"
assertRight (countFreeVars <$> parseTypeQuery input) 1
describe "typeVarPenalty" do
it "#0" do
0 `shouldEqual` (typeVarPenalty mempty)
it "#1" do
0 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "b" "a"
it "#2" do
0 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "b"
it "#3" do
1 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "c"
it "#4" do
1 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "b" "a"
, substitute "b" "c"
it "#5" do
0 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "b" "c"
, substitute "c" "a"
it "#6" do
2 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "c"
, substitute "a" "a"
it "#7" do
2 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "a"
, substitute "b" "a"
, substitute "c" "a"
it "#8" do
4 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "a"
, substitute "b" "a"
, substitute "c" "a"
, substitute "a" "b"
, substitute "a" "c"
, substitute "a" "a"
it "#9" do
0 `shouldEqual`
( typeVarPenalty $ l
[ substitute "a" "e"
, substitute "b" "d"
, substitute "c" "f"
describe "unification" do
it "instantiation #0" do
mVarQuery = qVar "m"
unitConstQuery = qConst "Unit"
(penalty unitConstQuery unitType)
(_ < penalty mVarQuery unitType)
it "generalization #0" do
query = qVar "m"
t1 = TypeVar "m"
(penalty query unitType)
(_ > penalty query t1)
l :: forall f. Foldable f => (forall a. f a -> List a)
l = List.fromFoldable
:: forall t
. Foldable t
=> Functor t
=> String
-> t String
-> NonEmptyList Identifier
nl x rst = NonEmptyList.cons' (Identifier x) $ List.fromFoldable (rst <#> Identifier)
unitType :: Type
unitType = TypeConstructor
( QualifiedName
{ moduleNameParts: []
, name: Identifier "Unit"
countFreeVars :: TypeQuery -> Int
countFreeVars = getFreeVariables >>> Set.size
qname :: Array String -> String -> QualifiedName
qname m n = QualifiedName { moduleNameParts: m, name: Identifier n }
constr :: QualifiedName -> Array Type -> Constraint
constr c a = Constraint { constraintClass: c, constraintArgs: a }
qVar :: String -> TypeQuery
qVar = QVar <<< Identifier
qConst :: String -> TypeQuery
qConst = QConst <<< Identifier
qConstraint :: String -> List TypeQuery -> TypeQuery -> TypeQuery
qConstraint = QConstraint <<< Identifier
substitute :: String -> String -> Substitution
substitute a b = Substitute (Identifier a) (Identifier b)