add new functions to match Data.Int

add functions odd, even, parity, toStringAs
add dependency to integers in spago.dhall
import and reexports Parity, Radix, binary, octal decimal, hexadecimal from Data.Int
add new tests for div, mod, odd, even and toStringAs
remove unnecessary depedencies spec and spec-discovery from test.dhall
add a script for testing in package.json
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Bagan 2023-01-01 16:40:06 +01:00
parent 6a83ed64e1
commit c7d92cdfd7
6 changed files with 55 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"test": "spago -x test.dhall test"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ name = "js-bigints"
, dependencies = [ "maybe", "prelude" ]
, dependencies = [ "integers", "maybe", "prelude" ]
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src/**/*.purs" ]
, license = "MIT"

View File

@ -71,3 +71,5 @@ export const toString = (x) => x.toString();
export const asIntN = (bits) => (n) => BigInt.asIntN(bits, n);
export const asUintN = (bits) => (n) => BigInt.asUintN(bits, n);
export const toStringAs = (radix) => (i) => i.toString(radix);

View File

@ -14,11 +14,18 @@ module Js.BigInt.BigInt
, shr
, toString
, xor
, even
, odd
, parity
, toStringAs
, module Exports
import Prelude
import Data.Int (Parity(..), Radix)
import Data.Int (Parity(..), Radix, binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal) as Exports
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Reflectable (class Reflectable, reflectType)
import Prim.Int (class ToString)
@ -148,3 +155,32 @@ foreign import asIntN :: Int -> BigInt -> BigInt
-- | Clamps a BigInt value to the given number of bits, and returns that value as an unsigned integer.
foreign import asUintN :: Int -> BigInt -> BigInt
-- | Returns whether an `BigInt` is `Even` or `Odd`.
-- |
-- | ``` purescript
-- | parity (fromInt 0) == Even
-- | parity (fromInt 1) == Odd
-- | ```
parity :: BigInt -> Parity
parity n = if even n then Even else Odd
-- | Returns whether an `BigInt` is an even number.
-- |
-- | ``` purescript
-- | even (fromInt 0) == true
-- | even (fromInt 1) == false
-- | ```
even :: BigInt -> Boolean
even x = x `and` one == zero
-- | The negation of `even`.
-- |
-- | ``` purescript
-- | odd (fromInt 0) == false
-- | odd (fromInt 1) == true
-- | ```
odd :: BigInt -> Boolean
odd x = x `and` one /= zero
foreign import toStringAs :: Radix -> BigInt -> String

View File

@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ in conf
// { sources = conf.sources # [ "test/**/*.purs" ]
, dependencies =
# [ "spec"
, "debug"
, "spec-discovery"
# [ "debug"
, "effect"
, "quickcheck"
, "assert"
, "quickcheck-laws"

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Debug (spy)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Js.BigInt.BigInt (BigInt, and, fromInt, fromString, fromTLInt, not, or, pow, shl, shr, toString, xor)
import Prelude (class CommutativeRing, class Eq, class EuclideanRing, class Ord, class Ring, class Semiring, Unit, bind, compare, discard, identity, map, negate, one, pure, show, zero, ($), (*), (+), (-), (<$>), (<<<), (==))
import Js.BigInt.BigInt (BigInt, and, fromInt, fromString, fromTLInt, not, or, pow, shl, shr, toString, xor, even, odd, parity, toStringAs, binary, octal)
import Prelude (class CommutativeRing, class Eq, class EuclideanRing, class Ord, class Ring, class Semiring, Unit, bind, compare, discard, identity, map, mod, negate, one, pure, show, zero, ($), (*), (+), (-), (/), (<$>), (<<<), (==))
import Test.Assert (assert)
import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (class Arbitrary)
@ -82,10 +82,15 @@ main = do
log "Conversions between String, Int and BigInt should not loose precision"
quickCheck (\n -> fromString (show n) == Just (fromInt n))
assert $ toStringAs binary (fromInt 9) == "1001"
assert $ toStringAs octal (fromInt 10) == "12"
log "Binary relations between integers should hold before and after converting to BigInt"
testBinary (+) (+)
testBinary (-) (-)
-- testBinary (*) (*)
testBinary mod mod
testBinary (/) (/)
-- To test the multiplication, we need to make sure that Int does not overflow
quickCheck (\x y -> fromSmallInt x * fromSmallInt y == fromInt (runSmallInt x * runSmallInt y))
@ -141,3 +146,9 @@ main = do
log "Type Level Int creation"
assert $ toString (fromTLInt (Proxy :: Proxy 921231231322337203685124775809)) == "921231231322337203685124775809"
assert $ toString (fromTLInt (Proxy :: Proxy (-921231231322337203685124775809))) == "-921231231322337203685124775809"
log "Parity"
assert $ even (fromInt 42)
assert $ odd (fromInt 42) == false
assert $ odd (fromInt 31)
assert $ even (fromInt 31) == false