diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 30efe19..39af3d6 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ /.purs* /.psa* /.spago +index.js diff --git a/index.js b/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index 540e4f4..0000000 --- a/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24071 +0,0 @@ -(() => { - var __create = Object.create; - var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; - var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; - var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; - var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; - var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var __commonJS = (cb, mod2) => function __require() { - return mod2 || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod2 = { exports: {} }).exports, mod2), mod2.exports; - }; - var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { - if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { - for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) - if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) - __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); - } - return to; - }; - var __toESM = (mod2, isNodeMode, target5) => (target5 = mod2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod2)) : {}, __copyProps( - isNodeMode || !mod2 || !mod2.__esModule ? __defProp(target5, "default", { value: mod2, enumerable: true }) : target5, - mod2 - )); - - // node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js - var require_react_development = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - if (true) { - (function() { - "use strict"; - if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart === "function") { - __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error()); - } - var ReactVersion = "18.2.0"; - var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.element"); - var REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal"); - var REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); - var REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"); - var REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler"); - var REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.provider"); - var REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.context"); - var REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"); - var REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense"); - var REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"); - var REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo"); - var REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy"); - var REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"); - var MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator; - var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = "@@iterator"; - function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) { - if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== "object") { - return null; - } - var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]; - if (typeof maybeIterator === "function") { - return maybeIterator; - } - return null; - } - var ReactCurrentDispatcher = { - current: null - }; - var ReactCurrentBatchConfig = { - transition: null - }; - var ReactCurrentActQueue = { - current: null, - isBatchingLegacy: false, - didScheduleLegacyUpdate: false - }; - var ReactCurrentOwner = { - current: null - }; - var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = {}; - var currentExtraStackFrame = null; - function setExtraStackFrame(stack) { - { - currentExtraStackFrame = stack; - } - } - { - ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame = function(stack) { - { - currentExtraStackFrame = stack; - } - }; - ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = null; - ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum = function() { - var stack = ""; - if (currentExtraStackFrame) { - stack += currentExtraStackFrame; - } - var impl = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack; - if (impl) { - stack += impl() || ""; - } - return stack; - }; - } - var enableScopeAPI = false; - var enableCacheElement = false; - var enableTransitionTracing = false; - var enableLegacyHidden = false; - var enableDebugTracing = false; - var ReactSharedInternals = { - ReactCurrentDispatcher, - ReactCurrentBatchConfig, - ReactCurrentOwner - }; - { - ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentActQueue = ReactCurrentActQueue; - } - function warn(format) { - { - { - for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { - args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; - } - printWarning("warn", format, args); - } - } - } - function error(format) { - { - { - for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { - args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; - } - printWarning("error", format, args); - } - } - } - function printWarning(level, format, args) { - { - var ReactDebugCurrentFrame2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame2.getStackAddendum(); - if (stack !== "") { - format += "%s"; - args = args.concat([stack]); - } - var argsWithFormat = args.map(function(item) { - return String(item); - }); - argsWithFormat.unshift("Warning: " + format); - Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat); - } - } - var didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent = {}; - function warnNoop(publicInstance, callerName) { - { - var _constructor = publicInstance.constructor; - var componentName = _constructor && (_constructor.displayName || _constructor.name) || "ReactClass"; - var warningKey = componentName + "." + callerName; - if (didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent[warningKey]) { - return; - } - error("Can't call %s on a component that is not yet mounted. This is a no-op, but it might indicate a bug in your application. Instead, assign to `this.state` directly or define a `state = {};` class property with the desired state in the %s component.", callerName, componentName); - didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent[warningKey] = true; - } - } - var ReactNoopUpdateQueue = { - isMounted: function(publicInstance) { - return false; - }, - enqueueForceUpdate: function(publicInstance, callback, callerName) { - warnNoop(publicInstance, "forceUpdate"); - }, - enqueueReplaceState: function(publicInstance, completeState, callback, callerName) { - warnNoop(publicInstance, "replaceState"); - }, - enqueueSetState: function(publicInstance, partialState, callback, callerName) { - warnNoop(publicInstance, "setState"); - } - }; - var assign2 = Object.assign; - var emptyObject = {}; - { - Object.freeze(emptyObject); - } - function Component(props, context, updater) { - this.props = props; - this.context = context; - this.refs = emptyObject; - this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue; - } - Component.prototype.isReactComponent = {}; - Component.prototype.setState = function(partialState, callback) { - if (typeof partialState !== "object" && typeof partialState !== "function" && partialState != null) { - throw new Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables."); - } - this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, partialState, callback, "setState"); - }; - Component.prototype.forceUpdate = function(callback) { - this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, callback, "forceUpdate"); - }; - { - var deprecatedAPIs = { - isMounted: ["isMounted", "Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks."], - replaceState: ["replaceState", "Refactor your code to use setState instead (see https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/3236)."] - }; - var defineDeprecationWarning = function(methodName, info) { - Object.defineProperty(Component.prototype, methodName, { - get: function() { - warn("%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s", info[0], info[1]); - return void 0; - } - }); - }; - for (var fnName in deprecatedAPIs) { - if (deprecatedAPIs.hasOwnProperty(fnName)) { - defineDeprecationWarning(fnName, deprecatedAPIs[fnName]); - } - } - } - function ComponentDummy() { - } - ComponentDummy.prototype = Component.prototype; - function PureComponent(props, context, updater) { - this.props = props; - this.context = context; - this.refs = emptyObject; - this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue; - } - var pureComponentPrototype = PureComponent.prototype = new ComponentDummy(); - pureComponentPrototype.constructor = PureComponent; - assign2(pureComponentPrototype, Component.prototype); - pureComponentPrototype.isPureReactComponent = true; - function createRef() { - var refObject = { - current: null - }; - { - Object.seal(refObject); - } - return refObject; - } - var isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; - function isArray(a2) { - return isArrayImpl(a2); - } - function typeName(value12) { - { - var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.toStringTag; - var type = hasToStringTag && value12[Symbol.toStringTag] || value12.constructor.name || "Object"; - return type; - } - } - function willCoercionThrow(value12) { - { - try { - testStringCoercion(value12); - return false; - } catch (e) { - return true; - } - } - } - function testStringCoercion(value12) { - return "" + value12; - } - function checkKeyStringCoercion(value12) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - function getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) { - var displayName2 = outerType.displayName; - if (displayName2) { - return displayName2; - } - var functionName = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || ""; - return functionName !== "" ? wrapperName + "(" + functionName + ")" : wrapperName; - } - function getContextName(type) { - return type.displayName || "Context"; - } - function getComponentNameFromType(type) { - if (type == null) { - return null; - } - { - if (typeof type.tag === "number") { - error("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - if (typeof type === "function") { - return type.displayName || type.name || null; - } - if (typeof type === "string") { - return type; - } - switch (type) { - case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE: - return "Fragment"; - case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE: - return "Portal"; - case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE: - return "Profiler"; - case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE: - return "StrictMode"; - case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE: - return "Suspense"; - case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof type === "object") { - switch (type.$$typeof) { - case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE: - var context = type; - return getContextName(context) + ".Consumer"; - case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE: - var provider2 = type; - return getContextName(provider2._context) + ".Provider"; - case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE: - return getWrappedName(type, type.render, "ForwardRef"); - case REACT_MEMO_TYPE: - var outerName = type.displayName || null; - if (outerName !== null) { - return outerName; - } - return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || "Memo"; - case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { - var lazyComponent = type; - var payload = lazyComponent._payload; - var init = lazyComponent._init; - try { - return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload)); - } catch (x) { - return null; - } - } - } - } - return null; - } - var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var RESERVED_PROPS = { - key: true, - ref: true, - __self: true, - __source: true - }; - var specialPropKeyWarningShown, specialPropRefWarningShown, didWarnAboutStringRefs; - { - didWarnAboutStringRefs = {}; - } - function hasValidRef(config) { - { - if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, "ref")) { - var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, "ref").get; - if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) { - return false; - } - } - } - return config.ref !== void 0; - } - function hasValidKey(config) { - { - if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, "key")) { - var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, "key").get; - if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) { - return false; - } - } - } - return config.key !== void 0; - } - function defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName2) { - var warnAboutAccessingKey = function() { - { - if (!specialPropKeyWarningShown) { - specialPropKeyWarningShown = true; - error("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", displayName2); - } - } - }; - warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = true; - Object.defineProperty(props, "key", { - get: warnAboutAccessingKey, - configurable: true - }); - } - function defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName2) { - var warnAboutAccessingRef = function() { - { - if (!specialPropRefWarningShown) { - specialPropRefWarningShown = true; - error("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", displayName2); - } - } - }; - warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = true; - Object.defineProperty(props, "ref", { - get: warnAboutAccessingRef, - configurable: true - }); - } - function warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config) { - { - if (typeof config.ref === "string" && ReactCurrentOwner.current && config.__self && ReactCurrentOwner.current.stateNode !== config.__self) { - var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type); - if (!didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName]) { - error('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', componentName, config.ref); - didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName] = true; - } - } - } - } - var ReactElement = function(type, key, ref, self, source2, owner, props) { - var element2 = { - $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, - type, - key, - ref, - props, - _owner: owner - }; - { - element2._store = {}; - Object.defineProperty(element2._store, "validated", { - configurable: false, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: false - }); - Object.defineProperty(element2, "_self", { - configurable: false, - enumerable: false, - writable: false, - value: self - }); - Object.defineProperty(element2, "_source", { - configurable: false, - enumerable: false, - writable: false, - value: source2 - }); - if (Object.freeze) { - Object.freeze(element2.props); - Object.freeze(element2); - } - } - return element2; - }; - function createElement2(type, config, children) { - var propName; - var props = {}; - var key = null; - var ref = null; - var self = null; - var source2 = null; - if (config != null) { - if (hasValidRef(config)) { - ref = config.ref; - { - warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config); - } - } - if (hasValidKey(config)) { - { - checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key); - } - key = "" + config.key; - } - self = config.__self === void 0 ? null : config.__self; - source2 = config.__source === void 0 ? null : config.__source; - for (propName in config) { - if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { - props[propName] = config[propName]; - } - } - } - var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2; - if (childrenLength === 1) { - props.children = children; - } else if (childrenLength > 1) { - var childArray = Array(childrenLength); - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < childrenLength; i2++) { - childArray[i2] = arguments[i2 + 2]; - } - { - if (Object.freeze) { - Object.freeze(childArray); - } - } - props.children = childArray; - } - if (type && type.defaultProps) { - var defaultProps = type.defaultProps; - for (propName in defaultProps) { - if (props[propName] === void 0) { - props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]; - } - } - } - { - if (key || ref) { - var displayName2 = typeof type === "function" ? type.displayName || type.name || "Unknown" : type; - if (key) { - defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName2); - } - if (ref) { - defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName2); - } - } - } - return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source2, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props); - } - function cloneAndReplaceKey(oldElement, newKey) { - var newElement = ReactElement(oldElement.type, newKey, oldElement.ref, oldElement._self, oldElement._source, oldElement._owner, oldElement.props); - return newElement; - } - function cloneElement(element2, config, children) { - if (element2 === null || element2 === void 0) { - throw new Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + element2 + "."); - } - var propName; - var props = assign2({}, element2.props); - var key = element2.key; - var ref = element2.ref; - var self = element2._self; - var source2 = element2._source; - var owner = element2._owner; - if (config != null) { - if (hasValidRef(config)) { - ref = config.ref; - owner = ReactCurrentOwner.current; - } - if (hasValidKey(config)) { - { - checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key); - } - key = "" + config.key; - } - var defaultProps; - if (element2.type && element2.type.defaultProps) { - defaultProps = element2.type.defaultProps; - } - for (propName in config) { - if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { - if (config[propName] === void 0 && defaultProps !== void 0) { - props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]; - } else { - props[propName] = config[propName]; - } - } - } - } - var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2; - if (childrenLength === 1) { - props.children = children; - } else if (childrenLength > 1) { - var childArray = Array(childrenLength); - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < childrenLength; i2++) { - childArray[i2] = arguments[i2 + 2]; - } - props.children = childArray; - } - return ReactElement(element2.type, key, ref, self, source2, owner, props); - } - function isValidElement(object) { - return typeof object === "object" && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE; - } - var SEPARATOR = "."; - var SUBSEPARATOR = ":"; - function escape(key) { - var escapeRegex = /[=:]/g; - var escaperLookup = { - "=": "=0", - ":": "=2" - }; - var escapedString = key.replace(escapeRegex, function(match) { - return escaperLookup[match]; - }); - return "$" + escapedString; - } - var didWarnAboutMaps = false; - var userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex = /\/+/g; - function escapeUserProvidedKey(text6) { - return text6.replace(userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex, "$&/"); - } - function getElementKey(element2, index2) { - if (typeof element2 === "object" && element2 !== null && element2.key != null) { - { - checkKeyStringCoercion(element2.key); - } - return escape("" + element2.key); - } - return index2.toString(36); - } - function mapIntoArray(children, array, escapedPrefix, nameSoFar, callback) { - var type = typeof children; - if (type === "undefined" || type === "boolean") { - children = null; - } - var invokeCallback = false; - if (children === null) { - invokeCallback = true; - } else { - switch (type) { - case "string": - case "number": - invokeCallback = true; - break; - case "object": - switch (children.$$typeof) { - case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE: - case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE: - invokeCallback = true; - } - } - } - if (invokeCallback) { - var _child = children; - var mappedChild = callback(_child); - var childKey = nameSoFar === "" ? SEPARATOR + getElementKey(_child, 0) : nameSoFar; - if (isArray(mappedChild)) { - var escapedChildKey = ""; - if (childKey != null) { - escapedChildKey = escapeUserProvidedKey(childKey) + "/"; - } - mapIntoArray(mappedChild, array, escapedChildKey, "", function(c) { - return c; - }); - } else if (mappedChild != null) { - if (isValidElement(mappedChild)) { - { - if (mappedChild.key && (!_child || _child.key !== mappedChild.key)) { - checkKeyStringCoercion(mappedChild.key); - } - } - mappedChild = cloneAndReplaceKey( - mappedChild, - escapedPrefix + (mappedChild.key && (!_child || _child.key !== mappedChild.key) ? escapeUserProvidedKey("" + mappedChild.key) + "/" : "") + childKey - ); - } - array.push(mappedChild); - } - return 1; - } - var child; - var nextName; - var subtreeCount = 0; - var nextNamePrefix = nameSoFar === "" ? SEPARATOR : nameSoFar + SUBSEPARATOR; - if (isArray(children)) { - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < children.length; i2++) { - child = children[i2]; - nextName = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(child, i2); - subtreeCount += mapIntoArray(child, array, escapedPrefix, nextName, callback); - } - } else { - var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(children); - if (typeof iteratorFn === "function") { - var iterableChildren = children; - { - if (iteratorFn === iterableChildren.entries) { - if (!didWarnAboutMaps) { - warn("Using Maps as children is not supported. Use an array of keyed ReactElements instead."); - } - didWarnAboutMaps = true; - } - } - var iterator = iteratorFn.call(iterableChildren); - var step2; - var ii = 0; - while (!(step2 = iterator.next()).done) { - child = step2.value; - nextName = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(child, ii++); - subtreeCount += mapIntoArray(child, array, escapedPrefix, nextName, callback); - } - } else if (type === "object") { - var childrenString = String(children); - throw new Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + (childrenString === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(children).join(", ") + "}" : childrenString) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."); - } - } - return subtreeCount; - } - function mapChildren(children, func, context) { - if (children == null) { - return children; - } - var result = []; - var count = 0; - mapIntoArray(children, result, "", "", function(child) { - return func.call(context, child, count++); - }); - return result; - } - function countChildren(children) { - var n = 0; - mapChildren(children, function() { - n++; - }); - return n; - } - function forEachChildren(children, forEachFunc, forEachContext) { - mapChildren(children, function() { - forEachFunc.apply(this, arguments); - }, forEachContext); - } - function toArray(children) { - return mapChildren(children, function(child) { - return child; - }) || []; - } - function onlyChild(children) { - if (!isValidElement(children)) { - throw new Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child."); - } - return children; - } - function createContext2(defaultValue4) { - var context = { - $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE, - _currentValue: defaultValue4, - _currentValue2: defaultValue4, - _threadCount: 0, - Provider: null, - Consumer: null, - _defaultValue: null, - _globalName: null - }; - context.Provider = { - $$typeof: REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE, - _context: context - }; - var hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers = false; - var hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider = false; - var hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer = false; - { - var Consumer = { - $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE, - _context: context - }; - Object.defineProperties(Consumer, { - Provider: { - get: function() { - if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider) { - hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider = true; - error("Rendering is not supported and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?"); - } - return context.Provider; - }, - set: function(_Provider) { - context.Provider = _Provider; - } - }, - _currentValue: { - get: function() { - return context._currentValue; - }, - set: function(_currentValue) { - context._currentValue = _currentValue; - } - }, - _currentValue2: { - get: function() { - return context._currentValue2; - }, - set: function(_currentValue2) { - context._currentValue2 = _currentValue2; - } - }, - _threadCount: { - get: function() { - return context._threadCount; - }, - set: function(_threadCount) { - context._threadCount = _threadCount; - } - }, - Consumer: { - get: function() { - if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers) { - hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers = true; - error("Rendering is not supported and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to render instead?"); - } - return context.Consumer; - } - }, - displayName: { - get: function() { - return context.displayName; - }, - set: function(displayName2) { - if (!hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer) { - warn("Setting `displayName` on Context.Consumer has no effect. You should set it directly on the context with Context.displayName = '%s'.", displayName2); - hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer = true; - } - } - } - }); - context.Consumer = Consumer; - } - { - context._currentRenderer = null; - context._currentRenderer2 = null; - } - return context; - } - var Uninitialized = -1; - var Pending = 0; - var Resolved = 1; - var Rejected = 2; - function lazyInitializer(payload) { - if (payload._status === Uninitialized) { - var ctor = payload._result; - var thenable = ctor(); - thenable.then(function(moduleObject2) { - if (payload._status === Pending || payload._status === Uninitialized) { - var resolved = payload; - resolved._status = Resolved; - resolved._result = moduleObject2; - } - }, function(error2) { - if (payload._status === Pending || payload._status === Uninitialized) { - var rejected = payload; - rejected._status = Rejected; - rejected._result = error2; - } - }); - if (payload._status === Uninitialized) { - var pending = payload; - pending._status = Pending; - pending._result = thenable; - } - } - if (payload._status === Resolved) { - var moduleObject = payload._result; - { - if (moduleObject === void 0) { - error("lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: %s\n\nYour code should look like: \n const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent'))\n\nDid you accidentally put curly braces around the import?", moduleObject); - } - } - { - if (!("default" in moduleObject)) { - error("lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: %s\n\nYour code should look like: \n const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent'))", moduleObject); - } - } - return moduleObject.default; - } else { - throw payload._result; - } - } - function lazy(ctor) { - var payload = { - _status: Uninitialized, - _result: ctor - }; - var lazyType = { - $$typeof: REACT_LAZY_TYPE, - _payload: payload, - _init: lazyInitializer - }; - { - var defaultProps; - var propTypes; - Object.defineProperties(lazyType, { - defaultProps: { - configurable: true, - get: function() { - return defaultProps; - }, - set: function(newDefaultProps) { - error("React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `defaultProps` to a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component is defined, or create a wrapping component around it."); - defaultProps = newDefaultProps; - Object.defineProperty(lazyType, "defaultProps", { - enumerable: true - }); - } - }, - propTypes: { - configurable: true, - get: function() { - return propTypes; - }, - set: function(newPropTypes) { - error("React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `propTypes` to a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component is defined, or create a wrapping component around it."); - propTypes = newPropTypes; - Object.defineProperty(lazyType, "propTypes", { - enumerable: true - }); - } - } - }); - } - return lazyType; - } - function forwardRef(render) { - { - if (render != null && render.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) { - error("forwardRef requires a render function but received a `memo` component. Instead of forwardRef(memo(...)), use memo(forwardRef(...))."); - } else if (typeof render !== "function") { - error("forwardRef requires a render function but was given %s.", render === null ? "null" : typeof render); - } else { - if (render.length !== 0 && render.length !== 2) { - error("forwardRef render functions accept exactly two parameters: props and ref. %s", render.length === 1 ? "Did you forget to use the ref parameter?" : "Any additional parameter will be undefined."); - } - } - if (render != null) { - if (render.defaultProps != null || render.propTypes != null) { - error("forwardRef render functions do not support propTypes or defaultProps. Did you accidentally pass a React component?"); - } - } - } - var elementType = { - $$typeof: REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE, - render - }; - { - var ownName; - Object.defineProperty(elementType, "displayName", { - enumerable: false, - configurable: true, - get: function() { - return ownName; - }, - set: function(name14) { - ownName = name14; - if (!render.name && !render.displayName) { - render.displayName = name14; - } - } - }); - } - return elementType; - } - var REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE; - { - REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - } - function isValidElementType(type) { - if (typeof type === "string" || typeof type === "function") { - return true; - } - if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || enableDebugTracing || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || enableLegacyHidden || type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE || enableScopeAPI || enableCacheElement || enableTransitionTracing) { - return true; - } - if (typeof type === "object" && type !== null) { - if (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE || type.getModuleId !== void 0) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - function memo(type, compare2) { - { - if (!isValidElementType(type)) { - error("memo: The first argument must be a component. Instead received: %s", type === null ? "null" : typeof type); - } - } - var elementType = { - $$typeof: REACT_MEMO_TYPE, - type, - compare: compare2 === void 0 ? null : compare2 - }; - { - var ownName; - Object.defineProperty(elementType, "displayName", { - enumerable: false, - configurable: true, - get: function() { - return ownName; - }, - set: function(name14) { - ownName = name14; - if (!type.name && !type.displayName) { - type.displayName = name14; - } - } - }); - } - return elementType; - } - function resolveDispatcher() { - var dispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current; - { - if (dispatcher === null) { - error("Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\n1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\n2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\n3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\nSee https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem."); - } - } - return dispatcher; - } - function useContext(Context) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - { - if (Context._context !== void 0) { - var realContext = Context._context; - if (realContext.Consumer === Context) { - error("Calling useContext(Context.Consumer) is not supported, may cause bugs, and will be removed in a future major release. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?"); - } else if (realContext.Provider === Context) { - error("Calling useContext(Context.Provider) is not supported. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?"); - } - } - } - return dispatcher.useContext(Context); - } - function useState2(initialState) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useState(initialState); - } - function useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init); - } - function useRef(initialValue) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useRef(initialValue); - } - function useEffect(create3, deps) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useEffect(create3, deps); - } - function useInsertionEffect(create3, deps) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useInsertionEffect(create3, deps); - } - function useLayoutEffect(create3, deps) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useLayoutEffect(create3, deps); - } - function useCallback(callback, deps) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useCallback(callback, deps); - } - function useMemo(create3, deps) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useMemo(create3, deps); - } - function useImperativeHandle(ref, create3, deps) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useImperativeHandle(ref, create3, deps); - } - function useDebugValue(value12, formatterFn) { - { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useDebugValue(value12, formatterFn); - } - } - function useTransition() { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useTransition(); - } - function useDeferredValue(value12) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useDeferredValue(value12); - } - function useId() { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useId(); - } - function useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) { - var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher(); - return dispatcher.useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot); - } - var disabledDepth = 0; - var prevLog; - var prevInfo; - var prevWarn; - var prevError; - var prevGroup; - var prevGroupCollapsed; - var prevGroupEnd; - function disabledLog() { - } - disabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true; - function disableLogs() { - { - if (disabledDepth === 0) { - prevLog = console.log; - prevInfo = console.info; - prevWarn = console.warn; - prevError = console.error; - prevGroup = console.group; - prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed; - prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; - var props = { - configurable: true, - enumerable: true, - value: disabledLog, - writable: true - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: props, - log: props, - warn: props, - error: props, - group: props, - groupCollapsed: props, - groupEnd: props - }); - } - disabledDepth++; - } - } - function reenableLogs() { - { - disabledDepth--; - if (disabledDepth === 0) { - var props = { - configurable: true, - enumerable: true, - writable: true - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevLog - }), - info: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevInfo - }), - warn: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevWarn - }), - error: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevError - }), - group: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevGroup - }), - groupCollapsed: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevGroupCollapsed - }), - groupEnd: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevGroupEnd - }) - }); - } - if (disabledDepth < 0) { - error("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - } - var ReactCurrentDispatcher$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher; - var prefix; - function describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name14, source2, ownerFn) { - { - if (prefix === void 0) { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (x) { - var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - prefix = match && match[1] || ""; - } - } - return "\n" + prefix + name14; - } - } - var reentry = false; - var componentFrameCache; - { - var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap(); - } - function describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) { - if (!fn || reentry) { - return ""; - } - { - var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn); - if (frame !== void 0) { - return frame; - } - } - var control; - reentry = true; - var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var previousDispatcher; - { - previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current; - ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = null; - disableLogs(); - } - try { - if (construct) { - var Fake = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }); - if (typeof Reflect === "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(Fake, []); - } catch (x) { - control = x; - } - Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake); - } else { - try { - Fake.call(); - } catch (x) { - control = x; - } - fn.call(Fake.prototype); - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (x) { - control = x; - } - fn(); - } - } catch (sample) { - if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === "string") { - var sampleLines = sample.stack.split("\n"); - var controlLines = control.stack.split("\n"); - var s = sampleLines.length - 1; - var c = controlLines.length - 1; - while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) { - c--; - } - for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) { - if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) { - if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) { - do { - s--; - c--; - if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) { - var _frame = "\n" + sampleLines[s].replace(" at new ", " at "); - if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes("")) { - _frame = _frame.replace("", fn.displayName); - } - { - if (typeof fn === "function") { - componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame); - } - } - return _frame; - } - } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0); - } - break; - } - } - } - } finally { - reentry = false; - { - ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = previousDispatcher; - reenableLogs(); - } - Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace; - } - var name14 = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : ""; - var syntheticFrame = name14 ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name14) : ""; - { - if (typeof fn === "function") { - componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame); - } - } - return syntheticFrame; - } - function describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source2, ownerFn) { - { - return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false); - } - } - function shouldConstruct(Component2) { - var prototype = Component2.prototype; - return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent); - } - function describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source2, ownerFn) { - if (type == null) { - return ""; - } - if (typeof type === "function") { - { - return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type)); - } - } - if (typeof type === "string") { - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type); - } - switch (type) { - case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Suspense"); - case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof type === "object") { - switch (type.$$typeof) { - case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE: - return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render); - case REACT_MEMO_TYPE: - return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source2, ownerFn); - case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { - var lazyComponent = type; - var payload = lazyComponent._payload; - var init = lazyComponent._init; - try { - return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source2, ownerFn); - } catch (x) { - } - } - } - } - return ""; - } - var loggedTypeFailures = {}; - var ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element2) { - { - if (element2) { - var owner = element2._owner; - var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element2.type, element2._source, owner ? owner.type : null); - ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(stack); - } else { - ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - } - } - function checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location2, componentName, element2) { - { - var has = Function.call.bind(hasOwnProperty); - for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) { - if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) { - var error$1 = void 0; - try { - if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== "function") { - var err = Error((componentName || "React class") + ": " + location2 + " type `" + typeSpecName + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`."); - err.name = "Invariant Violation"; - throw err; - } - error$1 = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location2, null, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"); - } catch (ex) { - error$1 = ex; - } - if (error$1 && !(error$1 instanceof Error)) { - setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element2); - error("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", componentName || "React class", location2, typeSpecName, typeof error$1); - setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null); - } - if (error$1 instanceof Error && !(error$1.message in loggedTypeFailures)) { - loggedTypeFailures[error$1.message] = true; - setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element2); - error("Failed %s type: %s", location2, error$1.message); - setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null); - } - } - } - } - } - function setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element2) { - { - if (element2) { - var owner = element2._owner; - var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element2.type, element2._source, owner ? owner.type : null); - setExtraStackFrame(stack); - } else { - setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - } - } - var propTypesMisspellWarningShown; - { - propTypesMisspellWarningShown = false; - } - function getDeclarationErrorAddendum() { - if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) { - var name14 = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type); - if (name14) { - return "\n\nCheck the render method of `" + name14 + "`."; - } - } - return ""; - } - function getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source2) { - if (source2 !== void 0) { - var fileName = source2.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""); - var lineNumber = source2.lineNumber; - return "\n\nCheck your code at " + fileName + ":" + lineNumber + "."; - } - return ""; - } - function getSourceInfoErrorAddendumForProps(elementProps) { - if (elementProps !== null && elementProps !== void 0) { - return getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(elementProps.__source); - } - return ""; - } - var ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {}; - function getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) { - var info = getDeclarationErrorAddendum(); - if (!info) { - var parentName = typeof parentType === "string" ? parentType : parentType.displayName || parentType.name; - if (parentName) { - info = "\n\nCheck the top-level render call using <" + parentName + ">."; - } - } - return info; - } - function validateExplicitKey(element2, parentType) { - if (!element2._store || element2._store.validated || element2.key != null) { - return; - } - element2._store.validated = true; - var currentComponentErrorInfo = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType); - if (ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo]) { - return; - } - ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo] = true; - var childOwner = ""; - if (element2 && element2._owner && element2._owner !== ReactCurrentOwner.current) { - childOwner = " It was passed a child from " + getComponentNameFromType(element2._owner.type) + "."; - } - { - setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element2); - error('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', currentComponentErrorInfo, childOwner); - setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null); - } - } - function validateChildKeys(node, parentType) { - if (typeof node !== "object") { - return; - } - if (isArray(node)) { - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < node.length; i2++) { - var child = node[i2]; - if (isValidElement(child)) { - validateExplicitKey(child, parentType); - } - } - } else if (isValidElement(node)) { - if (node._store) { - node._store.validated = true; - } - } else if (node) { - var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(node); - if (typeof iteratorFn === "function") { - if (iteratorFn !== node.entries) { - var iterator = iteratorFn.call(node); - var step2; - while (!(step2 = iterator.next()).done) { - if (isValidElement(step2.value)) { - validateExplicitKey(step2.value, parentType); - } - } - } - } - } - } - function validatePropTypes(element2) { - { - var type = element2.type; - if (type === null || type === void 0 || typeof type === "string") { - return; - } - var propTypes; - if (typeof type === "function") { - propTypes = type.propTypes; - } else if (typeof type === "object" && (type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE)) { - propTypes = type.propTypes; - } else { - return; - } - if (propTypes) { - var name14 = getComponentNameFromType(type); - checkPropTypes(propTypes, element2.props, "prop", name14, element2); - } else if (type.PropTypes !== void 0 && !propTypesMisspellWarningShown) { - propTypesMisspellWarningShown = true; - var _name = getComponentNameFromType(type); - error("Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", _name || "Unknown"); - } - if (typeof type.getDefaultProps === "function" && !type.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved) { - error("getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead."); - } - } - } - function validateFragmentProps(fragment2) { - { - var keys = Object.keys(fragment2.props); - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < keys.length; i2++) { - var key = keys[i2]; - if (key !== "children" && key !== "key") { - setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment2); - error("Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.", key); - setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null); - break; - } - } - if (fragment2.ref !== null) { - setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment2); - error("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."); - setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null); - } - } - } - function createElementWithValidation(type, props, children) { - var validType = isValidElementType(type); - if (!validType) { - var info = ""; - if (type === void 0 || typeof type === "object" && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) { - info += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."; - } - var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendumForProps(props); - if (sourceInfo) { - info += sourceInfo; - } else { - info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum(); - } - var typeString; - if (type === null) { - typeString = "null"; - } else if (isArray(type)) { - typeString = "array"; - } else if (type !== void 0 && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) { - typeString = "<" + (getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || "Unknown") + " />"; - info = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?"; - } else { - typeString = typeof type; - } - { - error("React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", typeString, info); - } - } - var element2 = createElement2.apply(this, arguments); - if (element2 == null) { - return element2; - } - if (validType) { - for (var i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) { - validateChildKeys(arguments[i2], type); - } - } - if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) { - validateFragmentProps(element2); - } else { - validatePropTypes(element2); - } - return element2; - } - var didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory = false; - function createFactoryWithValidation(type) { - var validatedFactory = createElementWithValidation.bind(null, type); - validatedFactory.type = type; - { - if (!didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory) { - didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory = true; - warn("React.createFactory() is deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Consider using JSX or use React.createElement() directly instead."); - } - Object.defineProperty(validatedFactory, "type", { - enumerable: false, - get: function() { - warn("Factory.type is deprecated. Access the class directly before passing it to createFactory."); - Object.defineProperty(this, "type", { - value: type - }); - return type; - } - }); - } - return validatedFactory; - } - function cloneElementWithValidation(element2, props, children) { - var newElement = cloneElement.apply(this, arguments); - for (var i2 = 2; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) { - validateChildKeys(arguments[i2], newElement.type); - } - validatePropTypes(newElement); - return newElement; - } - function startTransition(scope2, options2) { - var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition; - ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = {}; - var currentTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition; - { - ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition._updatedFibers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - } - try { - scope2(); - } finally { - ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition; - { - if (prevTransition === null && currentTransition._updatedFibers) { - var updatedFibersCount = currentTransition._updatedFibers.size; - if (updatedFibersCount > 10) { - warn("Detected a large number of updates inside startTransition. If this is due to a subscription please re-write it to use React provided hooks. Otherwise concurrent mode guarantees are off the table."); - } - currentTransition._updatedFibers.clear(); - } - } - } - } - var didWarnAboutMessageChannel = false; - var enqueueTaskImpl = null; - function enqueueTask(task) { - if (enqueueTaskImpl === null) { - try { - var requireString = ("require" + Math.random()).slice(0, 7); - var nodeRequire = module && module[requireString]; - enqueueTaskImpl = nodeRequire.call(module, "timers").setImmediate; - } catch (_err) { - enqueueTaskImpl = function(callback) { - { - if (didWarnAboutMessageChannel === false) { - didWarnAboutMessageChannel = true; - if (typeof MessageChannel === "undefined") { - error("This browser does not have a MessageChannel implementation, so enqueuing tasks via await act(async () => ...) will fail. Please file an issue at https://github.com/facebook/react/issues if you encounter this warning."); - } - } - } - var channel = new MessageChannel(); - channel.port1.onmessage = callback; - channel.port2.postMessage(void 0); - }; - } - } - return enqueueTaskImpl(task); - } - var actScopeDepth = 0; - var didWarnNoAwaitAct = false; - function act(callback) { - { - var prevActScopeDepth = actScopeDepth; - actScopeDepth++; - if (ReactCurrentActQueue.current === null) { - ReactCurrentActQueue.current = []; - } - var prevIsBatchingLegacy = ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy; - var result; - try { - ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy = true; - result = callback(); - if (!prevIsBatchingLegacy && ReactCurrentActQueue.didScheduleLegacyUpdate) { - var queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current; - if (queue !== null) { - ReactCurrentActQueue.didScheduleLegacyUpdate = false; - flushActQueue(queue); - } - } - } catch (error2) { - popActScope(prevActScopeDepth); - throw error2; - } finally { - ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy = prevIsBatchingLegacy; - } - if (result !== null && typeof result === "object" && typeof result.then === "function") { - var thenableResult = result; - var wasAwaited = false; - var thenable = { - then: function(resolve, reject) { - wasAwaited = true; - thenableResult.then(function(returnValue2) { - popActScope(prevActScopeDepth); - if (actScopeDepth === 0) { - recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue2, resolve, reject); - } else { - resolve(returnValue2); - } - }, function(error2) { - popActScope(prevActScopeDepth); - reject(error2); - }); - } - }; - { - if (!didWarnNoAwaitAct && typeof Promise !== "undefined") { - Promise.resolve().then(function() { - }).then(function() { - if (!wasAwaited) { - didWarnNoAwaitAct = true; - error("You called act(async () => ...) without await. This could lead to unexpected testing behaviour, interleaving multiple act calls and mixing their scopes. You should - await act(async () => ...);"); - } - }); - } - } - return thenable; - } else { - var returnValue = result; - popActScope(prevActScopeDepth); - if (actScopeDepth === 0) { - var _queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current; - if (_queue !== null) { - flushActQueue(_queue); - ReactCurrentActQueue.current = null; - } - var _thenable = { - then: function(resolve, reject) { - if (ReactCurrentActQueue.current === null) { - ReactCurrentActQueue.current = []; - recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject); - } else { - resolve(returnValue); - } - } - }; - return _thenable; - } else { - var _thenable2 = { - then: function(resolve, reject) { - resolve(returnValue); - } - }; - return _thenable2; - } - } - } - } - function popActScope(prevActScopeDepth) { - { - if (prevActScopeDepth !== actScopeDepth - 1) { - error("You seem to have overlapping act() calls, this is not supported. Be sure to await previous act() calls before making a new one. "); - } - actScopeDepth = prevActScopeDepth; - } - } - function recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject) { - { - var queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current; - if (queue !== null) { - try { - flushActQueue(queue); - enqueueTask(function() { - if (queue.length === 0) { - ReactCurrentActQueue.current = null; - resolve(returnValue); - } else { - recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject); - } - }); - } catch (error2) { - reject(error2); - } - } else { - resolve(returnValue); - } - } - } - var isFlushing = false; - function flushActQueue(queue) { - { - if (!isFlushing) { - isFlushing = true; - var i2 = 0; - try { - for (; i2 < queue.length; i2++) { - var callback = queue[i2]; - do { - callback = callback(true); - } while (callback !== null); - } - queue.length = 0; - } catch (error2) { - queue = queue.slice(i2 + 1); - throw error2; - } finally { - isFlushing = false; - } - } - } - } - var createElement$1 = createElementWithValidation; - var cloneElement$1 = cloneElementWithValidation; - var createFactory = createFactoryWithValidation; - var Children = { - map: mapChildren, - forEach: forEachChildren, - count: countChildren, - toArray, - only: onlyChild - }; - exports.Children = Children; - exports.Component = Component; - exports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE; - exports.Profiler = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE; - exports.PureComponent = PureComponent; - exports.StrictMode = REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE; - exports.Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE; - exports.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = ReactSharedInternals; - exports.cloneElement = cloneElement$1; - exports.createContext = createContext2; - exports.createElement = createElement$1; - exports.createFactory = createFactory; - exports.createRef = createRef; - exports.forwardRef = forwardRef; - exports.isValidElement = isValidElement; - exports.lazy = lazy; - exports.memo = memo; - exports.startTransition = startTransition; - exports.unstable_act = act; - exports.useCallback = useCallback; - exports.useContext = useContext; - exports.useDebugValue = useDebugValue; - exports.useDeferredValue = useDeferredValue; - exports.useEffect = useEffect; - exports.useId = useId; - exports.useImperativeHandle = useImperativeHandle; - exports.useInsertionEffect = useInsertionEffect; - exports.useLayoutEffect = useLayoutEffect; - exports.useMemo = useMemo; - exports.useReducer = useReducer; - exports.useRef = useRef; - exports.useState = useState2; - exports.useSyncExternalStore = useSyncExternalStore; - exports.useTransition = useTransition; - exports.version = ReactVersion; - if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop === "function") { - __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error()); - } - })(); - } - } - }); - - // node_modules/react/index.js - var require_react = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/react/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - if (false) { - module.exports = null; - } else { - module.exports = require_react_development(); - } - } - }); - - // node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js - var require_scheduler_development = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js"(exports) { - "use strict"; - if (true) { - (function() { - "use strict"; - if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart === "function") { - __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error()); - } - var enableSchedulerDebugging = false; - var enableProfiling = false; - var frameYieldMs = 5; - function push(heap, node) { - var index2 = heap.length; - heap.push(node); - siftUp(heap, node, index2); - } - function peek(heap) { - return heap.length === 0 ? null : heap[0]; - } - function pop(heap) { - if (heap.length === 0) { - return null; - } - var first = heap[0]; - var last = heap.pop(); - if (last !== first) { - heap[0] = last; - siftDown(heap, last, 0); - } - return first; - } - function siftUp(heap, node, i2) { - var index2 = i2; - while (index2 > 0) { - var parentIndex = index2 - 1 >>> 1; - var parent2 = heap[parentIndex]; - if (compare2(parent2, node) > 0) { - heap[parentIndex] = node; - heap[index2] = parent2; - index2 = parentIndex; - } else { - return; - } - } - } - function siftDown(heap, node, i2) { - var index2 = i2; - var length3 = heap.length; - var halfLength = length3 >>> 1; - while (index2 < halfLength) { - var leftIndex = (index2 + 1) * 2 - 1; - var left = heap[leftIndex]; - var rightIndex = leftIndex + 1; - var right = heap[rightIndex]; - if (compare2(left, node) < 0) { - if (rightIndex < length3 && compare2(right, left) < 0) { - heap[index2] = right; - heap[rightIndex] = node; - index2 = rightIndex; - } else { - heap[index2] = left; - heap[leftIndex] = node; - index2 = leftIndex; - } - } else if (rightIndex < length3 && compare2(right, node) < 0) { - heap[index2] = right; - heap[rightIndex] = node; - index2 = rightIndex; - } else { - return; - } - } - } - function compare2(a2, b3) { - var diff = a2.sortIndex - b3.sortIndex; - return diff !== 0 ? diff : a2.id - b3.id; - } - var ImmediatePriority = 1; - var UserBlockingPriority = 2; - var NormalPriority = 3; - var LowPriority = 4; - var IdlePriority = 5; - function markTaskErrored(task, ms) { - } - var hasPerformanceNow = typeof performance === "object" && typeof performance.now === "function"; - if (hasPerformanceNow) { - var localPerformance = performance; - exports.unstable_now = function() { - return localPerformance.now(); - }; - } else { - var localDate = Date; - var initialTime = localDate.now(); - exports.unstable_now = function() { - return localDate.now() - initialTime; - }; - } - var maxSigned31BitInt = 1073741823; - var IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = -1; - var USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 250; - var NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 5e3; - var LOW_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 1e4; - var IDLE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = maxSigned31BitInt; - var taskQueue = []; - var timerQueue = []; - var taskIdCounter = 1; - var currentTask = null; - var currentPriorityLevel = NormalPriority; - var isPerformingWork = false; - var isHostCallbackScheduled = false; - var isHostTimeoutScheduled = false; - var localSetTimeout = typeof setTimeout === "function" ? setTimeout : null; - var localClearTimeout = typeof clearTimeout === "function" ? clearTimeout : null; - var localSetImmediate = typeof setImmediate !== "undefined" ? setImmediate : null; - var isInputPending = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.scheduling !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== void 0 ? navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling) : null; - function advanceTimers(currentTime2) { - var timer = peek(timerQueue); - while (timer !== null) { - if (timer.callback === null) { - pop(timerQueue); - } else if (timer.startTime <= currentTime2) { - pop(timerQueue); - timer.sortIndex = timer.expirationTime; - push(taskQueue, timer); - } else { - return; - } - timer = peek(timerQueue); - } - } - function handleTimeout(currentTime2) { - isHostTimeoutScheduled = false; - advanceTimers(currentTime2); - if (!isHostCallbackScheduled) { - if (peek(taskQueue) !== null) { - isHostCallbackScheduled = true; - requestHostCallback(flushWork); - } else { - var firstTimer = peek(timerQueue); - if (firstTimer !== null) { - requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime2); - } - } - } - } - function flushWork(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime2) { - isHostCallbackScheduled = false; - if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) { - isHostTimeoutScheduled = false; - cancelHostTimeout(); - } - isPerformingWork = true; - var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; - try { - if (enableProfiling) { - try { - return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime2); - } catch (error) { - if (currentTask !== null) { - var currentTime2 = exports.unstable_now(); - markTaskErrored(currentTask, currentTime2); - currentTask.isQueued = false; - } - throw error; - } - } else { - return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime2); - } - } finally { - currentTask = null; - currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel; - isPerformingWork = false; - } - } - function workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime2) { - var currentTime2 = initialTime2; - advanceTimers(currentTime2); - currentTask = peek(taskQueue); - while (currentTask !== null && !enableSchedulerDebugging) { - if (currentTask.expirationTime > currentTime2 && (!hasTimeRemaining || shouldYieldToHost())) { - break; - } - var callback = currentTask.callback; - if (typeof callback === "function") { - currentTask.callback = null; - currentPriorityLevel = currentTask.priorityLevel; - var didUserCallbackTimeout = currentTask.expirationTime <= currentTime2; - var continuationCallback = callback(didUserCallbackTimeout); - currentTime2 = exports.unstable_now(); - if (typeof continuationCallback === "function") { - currentTask.callback = continuationCallback; - } else { - if (currentTask === peek(taskQueue)) { - pop(taskQueue); - } - } - advanceTimers(currentTime2); - } else { - pop(taskQueue); - } - currentTask = peek(taskQueue); - } - if (currentTask !== null) { - return true; - } else { - var firstTimer = peek(timerQueue); - if (firstTimer !== null) { - requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime2); - } - return false; - } - } - function unstable_runWithPriority(priorityLevel, eventHandler) { - switch (priorityLevel) { - case ImmediatePriority: - case UserBlockingPriority: - case NormalPriority: - case LowPriority: - case IdlePriority: - break; - default: - priorityLevel = NormalPriority; - } - var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; - currentPriorityLevel = priorityLevel; - try { - return eventHandler(); - } finally { - currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel; - } - } - function unstable_next(eventHandler) { - var priorityLevel; - switch (currentPriorityLevel) { - case ImmediatePriority: - case UserBlockingPriority: - case NormalPriority: - priorityLevel = NormalPriority; - break; - default: - priorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; - break; - } - var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; - currentPriorityLevel = priorityLevel; - try { - return eventHandler(); - } finally { - currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel; - } - } - function unstable_wrapCallback(callback) { - var parentPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; - return function() { - var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; - currentPriorityLevel = parentPriorityLevel; - try { - return callback.apply(this, arguments); - } finally { - currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel; - } - }; - } - function unstable_scheduleCallback(priorityLevel, callback, options2) { - var currentTime2 = exports.unstable_now(); - var startTime2; - if (typeof options2 === "object" && options2 !== null) { - var delay = options2.delay; - if (typeof delay === "number" && delay > 0) { - startTime2 = currentTime2 + delay; - } else { - startTime2 = currentTime2; - } - } else { - startTime2 = currentTime2; - } - var timeout; - switch (priorityLevel) { - case ImmediatePriority: - timeout = IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; - break; - case UserBlockingPriority: - timeout = USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; - break; - case IdlePriority: - timeout = IDLE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; - break; - case LowPriority: - timeout = LOW_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; - break; - case NormalPriority: - default: - timeout = NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; - break; - } - var expirationTime = startTime2 + timeout; - var newTask = { - id: taskIdCounter++, - callback, - priorityLevel, - startTime: startTime2, - expirationTime, - sortIndex: -1 - }; - if (startTime2 > currentTime2) { - newTask.sortIndex = startTime2; - push(timerQueue, newTask); - if (peek(taskQueue) === null && newTask === peek(timerQueue)) { - if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) { - cancelHostTimeout(); - } else { - isHostTimeoutScheduled = true; - } - requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, startTime2 - currentTime2); - } - } else { - newTask.sortIndex = expirationTime; - push(taskQueue, newTask); - if (!isHostCallbackScheduled && !isPerformingWork) { - isHostCallbackScheduled = true; - requestHostCallback(flushWork); - } - } - return newTask; - } - function unstable_pauseExecution() { - } - function unstable_continueExecution() { - if (!isHostCallbackScheduled && !isPerformingWork) { - isHostCallbackScheduled = true; - requestHostCallback(flushWork); - } - } - function unstable_getFirstCallbackNode() { - return peek(taskQueue); - } - function unstable_cancelCallback(task) { - task.callback = null; - } - function unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel() { - return currentPriorityLevel; - } - var isMessageLoopRunning = false; - var scheduledHostCallback = null; - var taskTimeoutID = -1; - var frameInterval = frameYieldMs; - var startTime = -1; - function shouldYieldToHost() { - var timeElapsed = exports.unstable_now() - startTime; - if (timeElapsed < frameInterval) { - return false; - } - return true; - } - function requestPaint() { - } - function forceFrameRate(fps) { - if (fps < 0 || fps > 125) { - console["error"]("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported"); - return; - } - if (fps > 0) { - frameInterval = Math.floor(1e3 / fps); - } else { - frameInterval = frameYieldMs; - } - } - var performWorkUntilDeadline = function() { - if (scheduledHostCallback !== null) { - var currentTime2 = exports.unstable_now(); - startTime = currentTime2; - var hasTimeRemaining = true; - var hasMoreWork = true; - try { - hasMoreWork = scheduledHostCallback(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime2); - } finally { - if (hasMoreWork) { - schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline(); - } else { - isMessageLoopRunning = false; - scheduledHostCallback = null; - } - } - } else { - isMessageLoopRunning = false; - } - }; - var schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline; - if (typeof localSetImmediate === "function") { - schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = function() { - localSetImmediate(performWorkUntilDeadline); - }; - } else if (typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined") { - var channel = new MessageChannel(); - var port2 = channel.port2; - channel.port1.onmessage = performWorkUntilDeadline; - schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = function() { - port2.postMessage(null); - }; - } else { - schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = function() { - localSetTimeout(performWorkUntilDeadline, 0); - }; - } - function requestHostCallback(callback) { - scheduledHostCallback = callback; - if (!isMessageLoopRunning) { - isMessageLoopRunning = true; - schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline(); - } - } - function requestHostTimeout(callback, ms) { - taskTimeoutID = localSetTimeout(function() { - callback(exports.unstable_now()); - }, ms); - } - function cancelHostTimeout() { - localClearTimeout(taskTimeoutID); - taskTimeoutID = -1; - } - var unstable_requestPaint = requestPaint; - var unstable_Profiling = null; - exports.unstable_IdlePriority = IdlePriority; - exports.unstable_ImmediatePriority = ImmediatePriority; - exports.unstable_LowPriority = LowPriority; - exports.unstable_NormalPriority = NormalPriority; - exports.unstable_Profiling = unstable_Profiling; - exports.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = UserBlockingPriority; - exports.unstable_cancelCallback = unstable_cancelCallback; - exports.unstable_continueExecution = unstable_continueExecution; - exports.unstable_forceFrameRate = forceFrameRate; - exports.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel; - exports.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = unstable_getFirstCallbackNode; - exports.unstable_next = unstable_next; - exports.unstable_pauseExecution = unstable_pauseExecution; - exports.unstable_requestPaint = unstable_requestPaint; - exports.unstable_runWithPriority = unstable_runWithPriority; - exports.unstable_scheduleCallback = unstable_scheduleCallback; - exports.unstable_shouldYield = shouldYieldToHost; - exports.unstable_wrapCallback = unstable_wrapCallback; - if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop === "function") { - __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error()); - } - })(); - } - } - }); - - // node_modules/scheduler/index.js - var require_scheduler = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/scheduler/index.js"(exports, module) { - "use strict"; - if (false) { - module.exports = null; - } else { - module.exports = require_scheduler_development(); - } - } - }); - - // node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js - var require_react_dom_development = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js"(exports) { - "use strict"; - if (true) { - (function() { - "use strict"; - if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== "undefined" && typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart === "function") { - __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error()); - } - var React4 = require_react(); - var Scheduler = require_scheduler(); - var ReactSharedInternals = React4.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; - var suppressWarning = false; - function setSuppressWarning(newSuppressWarning) { - { - suppressWarning = newSuppressWarning; - } - } - function warn(format) { - { - if (!suppressWarning) { - for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { - args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; - } - printWarning("warn", format, args); - } - } - } - function error(format) { - { - if (!suppressWarning) { - for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { - args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; - } - printWarning("error", format, args); - } - } - } - function printWarning(level, format, args) { - { - var ReactDebugCurrentFrame2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame2.getStackAddendum(); - if (stack !== "") { - format += "%s"; - args = args.concat([stack]); - } - var argsWithFormat = args.map(function(item) { - return String(item); - }); - argsWithFormat.unshift("Warning: " + format); - Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat); - } - } - var FunctionComponent = 0; - var ClassComponent = 1; - var IndeterminateComponent = 2; - var HostRoot = 3; - var HostPortal = 4; - var HostComponent = 5; - var HostText = 6; - var Fragment2 = 7; - var Mode = 8; - var ContextConsumer = 9; - var ContextProvider = 10; - var ForwardRef = 11; - var Profiler = 12; - var SuspenseComponent = 13; - var MemoComponent = 14; - var SimpleMemoComponent = 15; - var LazyComponent = 16; - var IncompleteClassComponent = 17; - var DehydratedFragment = 18; - var SuspenseListComponent = 19; - var ScopeComponent = 21; - var OffscreenComponent = 22; - var LegacyHiddenComponent = 23; - var CacheComponent = 24; - var TracingMarkerComponent = 25; - var enableClientRenderFallbackOnTextMismatch = true; - var enableNewReconciler = false; - var enableLazyContextPropagation = false; - var enableLegacyHidden = false; - var enableSuspenseAvoidThisFallback = false; - var disableCommentsAsDOMContainers = true; - var enableCustomElementPropertySupport = false; - var warnAboutStringRefs = false; - var enableSchedulingProfiler = true; - var enableProfilerTimer = true; - var enableProfilerCommitHooks = true; - var allNativeEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - var registrationNameDependencies = {}; - var possibleRegistrationNames = {}; - function registerTwoPhaseEvent(registrationName, dependencies) { - registerDirectEvent(registrationName, dependencies); - registerDirectEvent(registrationName + "Capture", dependencies); - } - function registerDirectEvent(registrationName, dependencies) { - { - if (registrationNameDependencies[registrationName]) { - error("EventRegistry: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `%s`.", registrationName); - } - } - registrationNameDependencies[registrationName] = dependencies; - { - var lowerCasedName = registrationName.toLowerCase(); - possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName] = registrationName; - if (registrationName === "onDoubleClick") { - possibleRegistrationNames.ondblclick = registrationName; - } - } - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < dependencies.length; i2++) { - allNativeEvents.add(dependencies[i2]); - } - } - var canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.document !== "undefined" && typeof window.document.createElement !== "undefined"); - var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - function typeName(value12) { - { - var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.toStringTag; - var type = hasToStringTag && value12[Symbol.toStringTag] || value12.constructor.name || "Object"; - return type; - } - } - function willCoercionThrow(value12) { - { - try { - testStringCoercion(value12); - return false; - } catch (e) { - return true; - } - } - } - function testStringCoercion(value12) { - return "" + value12; - } - function checkAttributeStringCoercion(value12, attributeName) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("The provided `%s` attribute is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", attributeName, typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - function checkKeyStringCoercion(value12) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - function checkPropStringCoercion(value12, propName) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("The provided `%s` prop is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", propName, typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - function checkCSSPropertyStringCoercion(value12, propName) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("The provided `%s` CSS property is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", propName, typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - function checkHtmlStringCoercion(value12) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("The provided HTML markup uses a value of unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - function checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value12) { - { - if (willCoercionThrow(value12)) { - error("Form field values (value, checked, defaultValue, or defaultChecked props) must be strings, not %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", typeName(value12)); - return testStringCoercion(value12); - } - } - } - var RESERVED = 0; - var STRING = 1; - var BOOLEANISH_STRING = 2; - var BOOLEAN = 3; - var OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN = 4; - var NUMERIC = 5; - var POSITIVE_NUMERIC = 6; - var ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR = ":A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD"; - var ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + "\\-.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040"; - var VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX = new RegExp("^[" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + "][" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + "]*$"); - var illegalAttributeNameCache = {}; - var validatedAttributeNameCache = {}; - function isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) { - if (hasOwnProperty.call(validatedAttributeNameCache, attributeName)) { - return true; - } - if (hasOwnProperty.call(illegalAttributeNameCache, attributeName)) { - return false; - } - if (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName)) { - validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true; - return true; - } - illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true; - { - error("Invalid attribute name: `%s`", attributeName); - } - return false; - } - function shouldIgnoreAttribute(name14, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) { - if (propertyInfo !== null) { - return propertyInfo.type === RESERVED; - } - if (isCustomComponentTag) { - return false; - } - if (name14.length > 2 && (name14[0] === "o" || name14[0] === "O") && (name14[1] === "n" || name14[1] === "N")) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - function shouldRemoveAttributeWithWarning(name14, value12, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) { - if (propertyInfo !== null && propertyInfo.type === RESERVED) { - return false; - } - switch (typeof value12) { - case "function": - case "symbol": - return true; - case "boolean": { - if (isCustomComponentTag) { - return false; - } - if (propertyInfo !== null) { - return !propertyInfo.acceptsBooleans; - } else { - var prefix2 = name14.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5); - return prefix2 !== "data-" && prefix2 !== "aria-"; - } - } - default: - return false; - } - } - function shouldRemoveAttribute(name14, value12, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) { - if (value12 === null || typeof value12 === "undefined") { - return true; - } - if (shouldRemoveAttributeWithWarning(name14, value12, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) { - return true; - } - if (isCustomComponentTag) { - return false; - } - if (propertyInfo !== null) { - switch (propertyInfo.type) { - case BOOLEAN: - return !value12; - case OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN: - return value12 === false; - case NUMERIC: - return isNaN(value12); - case POSITIVE_NUMERIC: - return isNaN(value12) || value12 < 1; - } - } - return false; - } - function getPropertyInfo(name14) { - return properties.hasOwnProperty(name14) ? properties[name14] : null; - } - function PropertyInfoRecord(name14, type, mustUseProperty, attributeName, attributeNamespace, sanitizeURL2, removeEmptyString) { - this.acceptsBooleans = type === BOOLEANISH_STRING || type === BOOLEAN || type === OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN; - this.attributeName = attributeName; - this.attributeNamespace = attributeNamespace; - this.mustUseProperty = mustUseProperty; - this.propertyName = name14; - this.type = type; - this.sanitizeURL = sanitizeURL2; - this.removeEmptyString = removeEmptyString; - } - var properties = {}; - var reservedProps = [ - "children", - "dangerouslySetInnerHTML", - "defaultValue", - "defaultChecked", - "innerHTML", - "suppressContentEditableWarning", - "suppressHydrationWarning", - "style" - ]; - reservedProps.forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - RESERVED, - false, - name14, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - [["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]].forEach(function(_ref) { - var name14 = _ref[0], attributeName = _ref[1]; - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - STRING, - false, - attributeName, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - BOOLEANISH_STRING, - false, - name14.toLowerCase(), - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - BOOLEANISH_STRING, - false, - name14, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - [ - "allowFullScreen", - "async", - "autoFocus", - "autoPlay", - "controls", - "default", - "defer", - "disabled", - "disablePictureInPicture", - "disableRemotePlayback", - "formNoValidate", - "hidden", - "loop", - "noModule", - "noValidate", - "open", - "playsInline", - "readOnly", - "required", - "reversed", - "scoped", - "seamless", - "itemScope" - ].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - BOOLEAN, - false, - name14.toLowerCase(), - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - [ - "checked", - "multiple", - "muted", - "selected" - ].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - BOOLEAN, - true, - name14, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - [ - "capture", - "download" - ].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN, - false, - name14, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - [ - "cols", - "rows", - "size", - "span" - ].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - POSITIVE_NUMERIC, - false, - name14, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function(name14) { - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - NUMERIC, - false, - name14.toLowerCase(), - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - var CAMELIZE = /[\-\:]([a-z])/g; - var capitalize = function(token) { - return token[1].toUpperCase(); - }; - [ - "accent-height", - "alignment-baseline", - "arabic-form", - "baseline-shift", - "cap-height", - "clip-path", - "clip-rule", - "color-interpolation", - "color-interpolation-filters", - "color-profile", - "color-rendering", - "dominant-baseline", - "enable-background", - "fill-opacity", - "fill-rule", - "flood-color", - "flood-opacity", - "font-family", - "font-size", - "font-size-adjust", - "font-stretch", - "font-style", - "font-variant", - "font-weight", - "glyph-name", - "glyph-orientation-horizontal", - "glyph-orientation-vertical", - "horiz-adv-x", - "horiz-origin-x", - "image-rendering", - "letter-spacing", - "lighting-color", - "marker-end", - "marker-mid", - "marker-start", - "overline-position", - "overline-thickness", - "paint-order", - "panose-1", - "pointer-events", - "rendering-intent", - "shape-rendering", - "stop-color", - "stop-opacity", - "strikethrough-position", - "strikethrough-thickness", - "stroke-dasharray", - "stroke-dashoffset", - "stroke-linecap", - "stroke-linejoin", - "stroke-miterlimit", - "stroke-opacity", - "stroke-width", - "text-anchor", - "text-decoration", - "text-rendering", - "underline-position", - "underline-thickness", - "unicode-bidi", - "unicode-range", - "units-per-em", - "v-alphabetic", - "v-hanging", - "v-ideographic", - "v-mathematical", - "vector-effect", - "vert-adv-y", - "vert-origin-x", - "vert-origin-y", - "word-spacing", - "writing-mode", - "xmlns:xlink", - "x-height" - ].forEach(function(attributeName) { - var name14 = attributeName.replace(CAMELIZE, capitalize); - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - STRING, - false, - attributeName, - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - [ - "xlink:actuate", - "xlink:arcrole", - "xlink:role", - "xlink:show", - "xlink:title", - "xlink:type" - ].forEach(function(attributeName) { - var name14 = attributeName.replace(CAMELIZE, capitalize); - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - STRING, - false, - attributeName, - "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", - false, - false - ); - }); - [ - "xml:base", - "xml:lang", - "xml:space" - ].forEach(function(attributeName) { - var name14 = attributeName.replace(CAMELIZE, capitalize); - properties[name14] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - name14, - STRING, - false, - attributeName, - "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", - false, - false - ); - }); - ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function(attributeName) { - properties[attributeName] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - attributeName, - STRING, - false, - attributeName.toLowerCase(), - null, - false, - false - ); - }); - var xlinkHref = "xlinkHref"; - properties[xlinkHref] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - "xlinkHref", - STRING, - false, - "xlink:href", - "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", - true, - false - ); - ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function(attributeName) { - properties[attributeName] = new PropertyInfoRecord( - attributeName, - STRING, - false, - attributeName.toLowerCase(), - null, - true, - true - ); - }); - var isJavaScriptProtocol = /^[\u0000-\u001F ]*j[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*v[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*s[\r\n\t]*c[\r\n\t]*r[\r\n\t]*i[\r\n\t]*p[\r\n\t]*t[\r\n\t]*\:/i; - var didWarn = false; - function sanitizeURL(url) { - { - if (!didWarn && isJavaScriptProtocol.test(url)) { - didWarn = true; - error("A future version of React will block javascript: URLs as a security precaution. Use event handlers instead if you can. If you need to generate unsafe HTML try using dangerouslySetInnerHTML instead. React was passed %s.", JSON.stringify(url)); - } - } - } - function getValueForProperty(node, name14, expected, propertyInfo) { - { - if (propertyInfo.mustUseProperty) { - var propertyName = propertyInfo.propertyName; - return node[propertyName]; - } else { - { - checkAttributeStringCoercion(expected, name14); - } - if (propertyInfo.sanitizeURL) { - sanitizeURL("" + expected); - } - var attributeName = propertyInfo.attributeName; - var stringValue = null; - if (propertyInfo.type === OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN) { - if (node.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { - var value12 = node.getAttribute(attributeName); - if (value12 === "") { - return true; - } - if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name14, expected, propertyInfo, false)) { - return value12; - } - if (value12 === "" + expected) { - return expected; - } - return value12; - } - } else if (node.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { - if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name14, expected, propertyInfo, false)) { - return node.getAttribute(attributeName); - } - if (propertyInfo.type === BOOLEAN) { - return expected; - } - stringValue = node.getAttribute(attributeName); - } - if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name14, expected, propertyInfo, false)) { - return stringValue === null ? expected : stringValue; - } else if (stringValue === "" + expected) { - return expected; - } else { - return stringValue; - } - } - } - } - function getValueForAttribute(node, name14, expected, isCustomComponentTag) { - { - if (!isAttributeNameSafe(name14)) { - return; - } - if (!node.hasAttribute(name14)) { - return expected === void 0 ? void 0 : null; - } - var value12 = node.getAttribute(name14); - { - checkAttributeStringCoercion(expected, name14); - } - if (value12 === "" + expected) { - return expected; - } - return value12; - } - } - function setValueForProperty(node, name14, value12, isCustomComponentTag) { - var propertyInfo = getPropertyInfo(name14); - if (shouldIgnoreAttribute(name14, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) { - return; - } - if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name14, value12, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) { - value12 = null; - } - if (isCustomComponentTag || propertyInfo === null) { - if (isAttributeNameSafe(name14)) { - var _attributeName = name14; - if (value12 === null) { - node.removeAttribute(_attributeName); - } else { - { - checkAttributeStringCoercion(value12, name14); - } - node.setAttribute(_attributeName, "" + value12); - } - } - return; - } - var mustUseProperty = propertyInfo.mustUseProperty; - if (mustUseProperty) { - var propertyName = propertyInfo.propertyName; - if (value12 === null) { - var type = propertyInfo.type; - node[propertyName] = type === BOOLEAN ? false : ""; - } else { - node[propertyName] = value12; - } - return; - } - var attributeName = propertyInfo.attributeName, attributeNamespace = propertyInfo.attributeNamespace; - if (value12 === null) { - node.removeAttribute(attributeName); - } else { - var _type = propertyInfo.type; - var attributeValue; - if (_type === BOOLEAN || _type === OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN && value12 === true) { - attributeValue = ""; - } else { - { - { - checkAttributeStringCoercion(value12, attributeName); - } - attributeValue = "" + value12; - } - if (propertyInfo.sanitizeURL) { - sanitizeURL(attributeValue.toString()); - } - } - if (attributeNamespace) { - node.setAttributeNS(attributeNamespace, attributeName, attributeValue); - } else { - node.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); - } - } - } - var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.element"); - var REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal"); - var REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); - var REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"); - var REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler"); - var REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.provider"); - var REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.context"); - var REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"); - var REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense"); - var REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"); - var REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo"); - var REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy"); - var REACT_SCOPE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.scope"); - var REACT_DEBUG_TRACING_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.debug_trace_mode"); - var REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"); - var REACT_LEGACY_HIDDEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.legacy_hidden"); - var REACT_CACHE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.cache"); - var REACT_TRACING_MARKER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.tracing_marker"); - var MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator; - var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = "@@iterator"; - function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) { - if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== "object") { - return null; - } - var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]; - if (typeof maybeIterator === "function") { - return maybeIterator; - } - return null; - } - var assign2 = Object.assign; - var disabledDepth = 0; - var prevLog; - var prevInfo; - var prevWarn; - var prevError; - var prevGroup; - var prevGroupCollapsed; - var prevGroupEnd; - function disabledLog() { - } - disabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true; - function disableLogs() { - { - if (disabledDepth === 0) { - prevLog = console.log; - prevInfo = console.info; - prevWarn = console.warn; - prevError = console.error; - prevGroup = console.group; - prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed; - prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; - var props = { - configurable: true, - enumerable: true, - value: disabledLog, - writable: true - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: props, - log: props, - warn: props, - error: props, - group: props, - groupCollapsed: props, - groupEnd: props - }); - } - disabledDepth++; - } - } - function reenableLogs() { - { - disabledDepth--; - if (disabledDepth === 0) { - var props = { - configurable: true, - enumerable: true, - writable: true - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevLog - }), - info: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevInfo - }), - warn: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevWarn - }), - error: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevError - }), - group: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevGroup - }), - groupCollapsed: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevGroupCollapsed - }), - groupEnd: assign2({}, props, { - value: prevGroupEnd - }) - }); - } - if (disabledDepth < 0) { - error("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - } - var ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher; - var prefix; - function describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name14, source2, ownerFn) { - { - if (prefix === void 0) { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (x) { - var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - prefix = match && match[1] || ""; - } - } - return "\n" + prefix + name14; - } - } - var reentry = false; - var componentFrameCache; - { - var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap(); - } - function describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) { - if (!fn || reentry) { - return ""; - } - { - var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn); - if (frame !== void 0) { - return frame; - } - } - var control; - reentry = true; - var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var previousDispatcher; - { - previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current; - ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = null; - disableLogs(); - } - try { - if (construct) { - var Fake = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }); - if (typeof Reflect === "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(Fake, []); - } catch (x) { - control = x; - } - Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake); - } else { - try { - Fake.call(); - } catch (x) { - control = x; - } - fn.call(Fake.prototype); - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (x) { - control = x; - } - fn(); - } - } catch (sample) { - if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === "string") { - var sampleLines = sample.stack.split("\n"); - var controlLines = control.stack.split("\n"); - var s = sampleLines.length - 1; - var c = controlLines.length - 1; - while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) { - c--; - } - for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) { - if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) { - if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) { - do { - s--; - c--; - if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) { - var _frame = "\n" + sampleLines[s].replace(" at new ", " at "); - if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes("")) { - _frame = _frame.replace("", fn.displayName); - } - { - if (typeof fn === "function") { - componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame); - } - } - return _frame; - } - } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0); - } - break; - } - } - } - } finally { - reentry = false; - { - ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = previousDispatcher; - reenableLogs(); - } - Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace; - } - var name14 = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : ""; - var syntheticFrame = name14 ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name14) : ""; - { - if (typeof fn === "function") { - componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame); - } - } - return syntheticFrame; - } - function describeClassComponentFrame(ctor, source2, ownerFn) { - { - return describeNativeComponentFrame(ctor, true); - } - } - function describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source2, ownerFn) { - { - return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false); - } - } - function shouldConstruct(Component) { - var prototype = Component.prototype; - return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent); - } - function describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source2, ownerFn) { - if (type == null) { - return ""; - } - if (typeof type === "function") { - { - return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type)); - } - } - if (typeof type === "string") { - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type); - } - switch (type) { - case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Suspense"); - case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof type === "object") { - switch (type.$$typeof) { - case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE: - return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render); - case REACT_MEMO_TYPE: - return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source2, ownerFn); - case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { - var lazyComponent = type; - var payload = lazyComponent._payload; - var init = lazyComponent._init; - try { - return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source2, ownerFn); - } catch (x) { - } - } - } - } - return ""; - } - function describeFiber(fiber) { - var owner = fiber._debugOwner ? fiber._debugOwner.type : null; - var source2 = fiber._debugSource; - switch (fiber.tag) { - case HostComponent: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(fiber.type); - case LazyComponent: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Lazy"); - case SuspenseComponent: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Suspense"); - case SuspenseListComponent: - return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("SuspenseList"); - case FunctionComponent: - case IndeterminateComponent: - case SimpleMemoComponent: - return describeFunctionComponentFrame(fiber.type); - case ForwardRef: - return describeFunctionComponentFrame(fiber.type.render); - case ClassComponent: - return describeClassComponentFrame(fiber.type); - default: - return ""; - } - } - function getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(workInProgress2) { - try { - var info = ""; - var node = workInProgress2; - do { - info += describeFiber(node); - node = node.return; - } while (node); - return info; - } catch (x) { - return "\nError generating stack: " + x.message + "\n" + x.stack; - } - } - function getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) { - var displayName2 = outerType.displayName; - if (displayName2) { - return displayName2; - } - var functionName = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || ""; - return functionName !== "" ? wrapperName + "(" + functionName + ")" : wrapperName; - } - function getContextName(type) { - return type.displayName || "Context"; - } - function getComponentNameFromType(type) { - if (type == null) { - return null; - } - { - if (typeof type.tag === "number") { - error("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - if (typeof type === "function") { - return type.displayName || type.name || null; - } - if (typeof type === "string") { - return type; - } - switch (type) { - case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE: - return "Fragment"; - case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE: - return "Portal"; - case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE: - return "Profiler"; - case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE: - return "StrictMode"; - case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE: - return "Suspense"; - case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof type === "object") { - switch (type.$$typeof) { - case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE: - var context = type; - return getContextName(context) + ".Consumer"; - case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE: - var provider2 = type; - return getContextName(provider2._context) + ".Provider"; - case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE: - return getWrappedName(type, type.render, "ForwardRef"); - case REACT_MEMO_TYPE: - var outerName = type.displayName || null; - if (outerName !== null) { - return outerName; - } - return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || "Memo"; - case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { - var lazyComponent = type; - var payload = lazyComponent._payload; - var init = lazyComponent._init; - try { - return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload)); - } catch (x) { - return null; - } - } - } - } - return null; - } - function getWrappedName$1(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) { - var functionName = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || ""; - return outerType.displayName || (functionName !== "" ? wrapperName + "(" + functionName + ")" : wrapperName); - } - function getContextName$1(type) { - return type.displayName || "Context"; - } - function getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) { - var tag = fiber.tag, type = fiber.type; - switch (tag) { - case CacheComponent: - return "Cache"; - case ContextConsumer: - var context = type; - return getContextName$1(context) + ".Consumer"; - case ContextProvider: - var provider2 = type; - return getContextName$1(provider2._context) + ".Provider"; - case DehydratedFragment: - return "DehydratedFragment"; - case ForwardRef: - return getWrappedName$1(type, type.render, "ForwardRef"); - case Fragment2: - return "Fragment"; - case HostComponent: - return type; - case HostPortal: - return "Portal"; - case HostRoot: - return "Root"; - case HostText: - return "Text"; - case LazyComponent: - return getComponentNameFromType(type); - case Mode: - if (type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE) { - return "StrictMode"; - } - return "Mode"; - case OffscreenComponent: - return "Offscreen"; - case Profiler: - return "Profiler"; - case ScopeComponent: - return "Scope"; - case SuspenseComponent: - return "Suspense"; - case SuspenseListComponent: - return "SuspenseList"; - case TracingMarkerComponent: - return "TracingMarker"; - case ClassComponent: - case FunctionComponent: - case IncompleteClassComponent: - case IndeterminateComponent: - case MemoComponent: - case SimpleMemoComponent: - if (typeof type === "function") { - return type.displayName || type.name || null; - } - if (typeof type === "string") { - return type; - } - break; - } - return null; - } - var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - var current = null; - var isRendering = false; - function getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() { - { - if (current === null) { - return null; - } - var owner = current._debugOwner; - if (owner !== null && typeof owner !== "undefined") { - return getComponentNameFromFiber(owner); - } - } - return null; - } - function getCurrentFiberStackInDev() { - { - if (current === null) { - return ""; - } - return getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(current); - } - } - function resetCurrentFiber() { - { - ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = null; - current = null; - isRendering = false; - } - } - function setCurrentFiber(fiber) { - { - ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = fiber === null ? null : getCurrentFiberStackInDev; - current = fiber; - isRendering = false; - } - } - function getCurrentFiber() { - { - return current; - } - } - function setIsRendering(rendering) { - { - isRendering = rendering; - } - } - function toString(value12) { - return "" + value12; - } - function getToStringValue(value12) { - switch (typeof value12) { - case "boolean": - case "number": - case "string": - case "undefined": - return value12; - case "object": - { - checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value12); - } - return value12; - default: - return ""; - } - } - var hasReadOnlyValue = { - button: true, - checkbox: true, - image: true, - hidden: true, - radio: true, - reset: true, - submit: true - }; - function checkControlledValueProps(tagName, props) { - { - if (!(hasReadOnlyValue[props.type] || props.onChange || props.onInput || props.readOnly || props.disabled || props.value == null)) { - error("You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`."); - } - if (!(props.onChange || props.readOnly || props.disabled || props.checked == null)) { - error("You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`."); - } - } - } - function isCheckable(elem2) { - var type = elem2.type; - var nodeName = elem2.nodeName; - return nodeName && nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio"); - } - function getTracker(node) { - return node._valueTracker; - } - function detachTracker(node) { - node._valueTracker = null; - } - function getValueFromNode(node) { - var value12 = ""; - if (!node) { - return value12; - } - if (isCheckable(node)) { - value12 = node.checked ? "true" : "false"; - } else { - value12 = node.value; - } - return value12; - } - function trackValueOnNode(node) { - var valueField = isCheckable(node) ? "checked" : "value"; - var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node.constructor.prototype, valueField); - { - checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(node[valueField]); - } - var currentValue = "" + node[valueField]; - if (node.hasOwnProperty(valueField) || typeof descriptor === "undefined" || typeof descriptor.get !== "function" || typeof descriptor.set !== "function") { - return; - } - var get3 = descriptor.get, set2 = descriptor.set; - Object.defineProperty(node, valueField, { - configurable: true, - get: function() { - return get3.call(this); - }, - set: function(value12) { - { - checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value12); - } - currentValue = "" + value12; - set2.call(this, value12); - } - }); - Object.defineProperty(node, valueField, { - enumerable: descriptor.enumerable - }); - var tracker = { - getValue: function() { - return currentValue; - }, - setValue: function(value12) { - { - checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value12); - } - currentValue = "" + value12; - }, - stopTracking: function() { - detachTracker(node); - delete node[valueField]; - } - }; - return tracker; - } - function track2(node) { - if (getTracker(node)) { - return; - } - node._valueTracker = trackValueOnNode(node); - } - function updateValueIfChanged(node) { - if (!node) { - return false; - } - var tracker = getTracker(node); - if (!tracker) { - return true; - } - var lastValue = tracker.getValue(); - var nextValue = getValueFromNode(node); - if (nextValue !== lastValue) { - tracker.setValue(nextValue); - return true; - } - return false; - } - function getActiveElement(doc) { - doc = doc || (typeof document !== "undefined" ? document : void 0); - if (typeof doc === "undefined") { - return null; - } - try { - return doc.activeElement || doc.body; - } catch (e) { - return doc.body; - } - } - var didWarnValueDefaultValue = false; - var didWarnCheckedDefaultChecked = false; - var didWarnControlledToUncontrolled = false; - var didWarnUncontrolledToControlled = false; - function isControlled(props) { - var usesChecked = props.type === "checkbox" || props.type === "radio"; - return usesChecked ? props.checked != null : props.value != null; - } - function getHostProps(element2, props) { - var node = element2; - var checked2 = props.checked; - var hostProps = assign2({}, props, { - defaultChecked: void 0, - defaultValue: void 0, - value: void 0, - checked: checked2 != null ? checked2 : node._wrapperState.initialChecked - }); - return hostProps; - } - function initWrapperState(element2, props) { - { - checkControlledValueProps("input", props); - if (props.checked !== void 0 && props.defaultChecked !== void 0 && !didWarnCheckedDefaultChecked) { - error("%s contains an input of type %s with both checked and defaultChecked props. Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled (specify either the checked prop, or the defaultChecked prop, but not both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element and remove one of these props. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components", getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() || "A component", props.type); - didWarnCheckedDefaultChecked = true; - } - if (props.value !== void 0 && props.defaultValue !== void 0 && !didWarnValueDefaultValue) { - error("%s contains an input of type %s with both value and defaultValue props. Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled (specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element and remove one of these props. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components", getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() || "A component", props.type); - didWarnValueDefaultValue = true; - } - } - var node = element2; - var defaultValue4 = props.defaultValue == null ? "" : props.defaultValue; - node._wrapperState = { - initialChecked: props.checked != null ? props.checked : props.defaultChecked, - initialValue: getToStringValue(props.value != null ? props.value : defaultValue4), - controlled: isControlled(props) - }; - } - function updateChecked(element2, props) { - var node = element2; - var checked2 = props.checked; - if (checked2 != null) { - setValueForProperty(node, "checked", checked2, false); - } - } - function updateWrapper(element2, props) { - var node = element2; - { - var controlled = isControlled(props); - if (!node._wrapperState.controlled && controlled && !didWarnUncontrolledToControlled) { - error("A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled. This is likely caused by the value changing from undefined to a defined value, which should not happen. Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components"); - didWarnUncontrolledToControlled = true; - } - if (node._wrapperState.controlled && !controlled && !didWarnControlledToUncontrolled) { - error("A component is changing a controlled input to be uncontrolled. This is likely caused by the value changing from a defined to undefined, which should not happen. Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components"); - didWarnControlledToUncontrolled = true; - } - } - updateChecked(element2, props); - var value12 = getToStringValue(props.value); - var type = props.type; - if (value12 != null) { - if (type === "number") { - if (value12 === 0 && node.value === "" || node.value != value12) { - node.value = toString(value12); - } - } else if (node.value !== toString(value12)) { - node.value = toString(value12); - } - } else if (type === "submit" || type === "reset") { - node.removeAttribute("value"); - return; - } - { - if (props.hasOwnProperty("value")) { - setDefaultValue4(node, props.type, value12); - } else if (props.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { - setDefaultValue4(node, props.type, getToStringValue(props.defaultValue)); - } - } - { - if (props.checked == null && props.defaultChecked != null) { - node.defaultChecked = !!props.defaultChecked; - } - } - } - function postMountWrapper(element2, props, isHydrating2) { - var node = element2; - if (props.hasOwnProperty("value") || props.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { - var type = props.type; - var isButton = type === "submit" || type === "reset"; - if (isButton && (props.value === void 0 || props.value === null)) { - return; - } - var initialValue = toString(node._wrapperState.initialValue); - if (!isHydrating2) { - { - if (initialValue !== node.value) { - node.value = initialValue; - } - } - } - { - node.defaultValue = initialValue; - } - } - var name14 = node.name; - if (name14 !== "") { - node.name = ""; - } - { - node.defaultChecked = !node.defaultChecked; - node.defaultChecked = !!node._wrapperState.initialChecked; - } - if (name14 !== "") { - node.name = name14; - } - } - function restoreControlledState(element2, props) { - var node = element2; - updateWrapper(node, props); - updateNamedCousins(node, props); - } - function updateNamedCousins(rootNode, props) { - var name14 = props.name; - if (props.type === "radio" && name14 != null) { - var queryRoot = rootNode; - while (queryRoot.parentNode) { - queryRoot = queryRoot.parentNode; - } - { - checkAttributeStringCoercion(name14, "name"); - } - var group = queryRoot.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + name14) + '][type="radio"]'); - for (var i2 = 0; i2 < group.length; i2++) { - var otherNode = group[i2]; - if (otherNode === rootNode || otherNode.form !== rootNode.form) { - continue; - } - var otherProps = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(otherNode); - if (!otherProps) { - throw new Error("ReactDOMInput: Mixing React and non-React radio inputs with the same `name` is not supported."); - } - updateValueIfChanged(otherNode); - updateWrapper(otherNode, otherProps); - } - } - } - function setDefaultValue4(node, type, value12) { - if (type !== "number" || getActiveElement(node.ownerDocument) !== node) { - if (value12 == null) { - node.defaultValue = toString(node._wrapperState.initialValue); - } else if (node.defaultValue !== toString(value12)) { - node.defaultValue = toString(value12); - } - } - } - var didWarnSelectedSetOnOption = false; - var didWarnInvalidChild = false; - var didWarnInvalidInnerHTML = false; - function validateProps(element2, props) { - { - if (props.value == null) { - if (typeof props.children === "object" && props.children !== null) { - React4.Children.forEach(props.children, function(child) { - if (child == null) { - return; - } - if (typeof child === "string" || typeof child === "number") { - return; - } - if (!didWarnInvalidChild) { - didWarnInvalidChild = true; - error("Cannot infer the option value of complex children. Pass a `value` prop or use a plain string as children to