mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 20:03:15 +03:00
Add tuple instances (@ursi)
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"purescript.buildCommand": "spago -x test.dhall build -- --purs-args --json-errors"
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
, "prelude"
, "record"
, "transformers"
, "tuples"
, "typelevel-prelude"
, "variant"
@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
module Simple.JSON
( E
, readJSON
, readJSON'
, readJSON_
, writeJSON
, write
, read
, read'
, read_
, parseJSON
, undefined
, class ReadForeign
, readImpl
, class ReadTuple
, readTupleImpl
, tupleSize
, class ReadForeignFields
, getFields
, class ReadForeignVariant
, readVariantImpl
, class WriteForeign
, writeImpl
, class WriteForeignFields
, writeImplFields
, class WriteForeignVariant
, writeVariantImpl
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), except, runExcept, runExceptT, throwError, withExcept)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.NonEmpty (NonEmptyArray, fromArray, toArray)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..), hush, note)
import Data.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (singleton)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toMaybe, toNullable)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..), reflectSymbol)
import Data.Traversable (sequence, traverse)
import Data.TraversableWithIndex (traverseWithIndex)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Variant (Variant, inj, on)
import Effect.Exception (message, try)
import Effect.Uncurried as EU
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Foreign (F, Foreign, ForeignError(..), MultipleErrors, fail, isNull, isUndefined, readArray, readBoolean, readChar, readInt, readNull, readNumber, readString, tagOf, unsafeFromForeign, unsafeToForeign)
import Foreign.Index (readProp)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Global.Unsafe (unsafeStringify)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith)
import Prim.Row as Row
import Prim.RowList (class RowToList, Cons, Nil, kind RowList)
import Record (get)
import Record.Builder (Builder)
import Record.Builder as Builder
import Type.Prelude (RLProxy(..))
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
-- | An alias for the Either result of decoding
type E a = Either MultipleErrors a
-- | Read a JSON string to a type `a` while returning a `MultipleErrors` if the
-- | parsing failed.
readJSON :: forall a
. ReadForeign a
=> String
-> E a
readJSON = runExcept <<< (readImpl <=< parseJSON)
-- | Read a JSON string to a type `a` using `F a`. Useful with record types.
readJSON' :: forall a
. ReadForeign a
=> String
-> F a
readJSON' = readImpl <=< parseJSON
-- | Read a JSON string to a type `a` while returning `Nothing` if the parsing
-- | failed.
readJSON_ :: forall a
. ReadForeign a
=> String
-> Maybe a
readJSON_ = hush <<< readJSON
-- | Write a JSON string from a type `a`.
writeJSON :: forall a
. WriteForeign a
=> a
-> String
writeJSON = unsafeStringify <<< writeImpl
write :: forall a
. WriteForeign a
=> a
-> Foreign
write = writeImpl
-- | Read a Foreign value to a type
read :: forall a
. ReadForeign a
=> Foreign
-> E a
read = runExcept <<< readImpl
-- | Read a value of any type as Foreign to a type
readAsForeign :: forall a b
. ReadForeign a
=> b
-> E a
readAsForeign = read <<< unsafeToForeign
read' :: forall a
. ReadForeign a
=> Foreign
-> F a
read' = readImpl
-- | Read a Foreign value to a type, as a Maybe of type
read_ :: forall a
. ReadForeign a
=> Foreign
-> Maybe a
read_ = hush <<< read
foreign import _parseJSON :: EU.EffectFn1 String Foreign
parseJSON :: String -> F Foreign
= ExceptT
<<< Identity
<<< lmap (pure <<< ForeignError <<< message)
<<< runPure
<<< try
<<< EU.runEffectFn1 _parseJSON
-- Nate Faubion: "It uses unsafePerformEffect because that’s the only way to catch exceptions and still use the builtin json decoder"
runPure = unsafePerformEffect
foreign import _undefined :: Foreign
undefined :: Foreign
undefined = _undefined
-- | A class for reading foreign values to a type
class ReadForeign a where
readImpl :: Foreign -> F a
instance readForeign :: ReadForeign Foreign where
readImpl = pure
instance readChar :: ReadForeign Char where
readImpl = readChar
instance readNumber :: ReadForeign Number where
readImpl = readNumber
instance readInt :: ReadForeign Int where
readImpl = readInt
instance readString :: ReadForeign String where
readImpl = readString
instance readBoolean :: ReadForeign Boolean where
readImpl = readBoolean
instance readArray :: ReadForeign a => ReadForeign (Array a) where
readImpl = traverseWithIndex readAtIdx <=< readArray
instance readMaybe :: ReadForeign a => ReadForeign (Maybe a) where
readImpl = readNullOrUndefined readImpl
readNullOrUndefined _ value | isNull value || isUndefined value = pure Nothing
readNullOrUndefined f value = Just <$> f value
instance readNullable :: ReadForeign a => ReadForeign (Nullable a) where
readImpl o = withExcept (map reformat) $
map toNullable <$> traverse readImpl =<< readNull o
reformat error = case error of
TypeMismatch inner other -> TypeMismatch ("Nullable " <> inner) other
_ -> error
instance readObject :: ReadForeign a => ReadForeign (Object.Object a) where
readImpl = sequence <<< Object.mapWithKey (const readImpl) <=< readObject'
readObject' :: Foreign -> F (Object Foreign)
readObject' value
| tagOf value == "Object" = pure $ unsafeFromForeign value
| otherwise = fail $ TypeMismatch "Object" (tagOf value)
instance readTuple :: ReadTuple (Tuple a b) => ReadForeign (Tuple a b) where
readImpl = readTupleImpl 0
-- | A class for reading JSON arrays of lenth `n` as nested tuples of size `n`
class ReadTuple a where
readTupleImpl :: Int -> Foreign -> F a
tupleSize :: Proxy a -> Int
instance readTupleNestedHelper :: (ReadForeign a, ReadTuple (Tuple b c)) => ReadTuple (Tuple a (Tuple b c)) where
readTupleImpl n =
>=> case _ of
arr -> case Array.uncons arr of
Just { head, tail } ->
lift2 Tuple
(readAtIdx n head)
(readTupleImpl (n + 1) $ writeImpl tail)
_ -> throwError $ pure $ TypeMismatch
("array of length " <> show (1 + n + tupleSize (Proxy :: Proxy (Tuple b c))))
("array of length " <> show n)
tupleSize _ = 1 + tupleSize (Proxy :: Proxy (Tuple b c))
else instance readTupleHelper :: (ReadForeign a, ReadForeign b) => ReadTuple (Tuple a b) where
readTupleImpl n =
>=> case _ of
[ a, b ] ->
lift2 Tuple (readAtIdx n a) (readAtIdx (n + 1) b)
arr -> throwError $ pure $ TypeMismatch
("array of length " <> show (n + 2) )
("array of length " <> show (n + Array.length arr))
tupleSize = const 2
instance readRecord ::
( RowToList fields fieldList
, ReadForeignFields fieldList () fields
) => ReadForeign (Record fields) where
readImpl o = flip Builder.build {} <$> getFields fieldListP o
fieldListP = RLProxy :: RLProxy fieldList
-- | A class for reading foreign values from properties
class ReadForeignFields (xs :: RowList) (from :: # Type) (to :: # Type)
| xs -> from to where
getFields :: RLProxy xs
-> Foreign
-> F (Builder (Record from) (Record to))
instance readFieldsCons ::
( IsSymbol name
, ReadForeign ty
, ReadForeignFields tail from from'
, Row.Lacks name from'
, Row.Cons name ty from' to
) => ReadForeignFields (Cons name ty tail) from to where
getFields _ obj = (compose <$> first) `exceptTApply` rest
first = do
value <- withExcept' (readImpl =<< readProp name obj)
pure $ Builder.insert nameP value
rest = getFields tailP obj
nameP = SProxy :: SProxy name
tailP = RLProxy :: RLProxy tail
name = reflectSymbol nameP
withExcept' = withExcept <<< map $ ErrorAtProperty name
readAtIdx :: ∀ a. ReadForeign a => Int -> Foreign -> F a
readAtIdx i f = withExcept (map (ErrorAtIndex i)) (readImpl f)
exceptTApply :: forall a b e m. Semigroup e => Applicative m => ExceptT e m (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b
exceptTApply fun a = ExceptT $ applyEither
<$> runExceptT fun
<*> runExceptT a
applyEither :: forall e a b. Semigroup e => Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b
applyEither (Left e) (Right _) = Left e
applyEither (Left e1) (Left e2) = Left (e1 <> e2)
applyEither (Right _) (Left e) = Left e
applyEither (Right fun) (Right a) = Right (fun a)
instance readFieldsNil ::
ReadForeignFields Nil () () where
getFields _ _ =
pure identity
instance readForeignVariant ::
( RowToList variants rl
, ReadForeignVariant rl variants
) => ReadForeign (Variant variants) where
readImpl o = readVariantImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy rl) o
class ReadForeignVariant (xs :: RowList) (row :: # Type)
| xs -> row where
readVariantImpl :: RLProxy xs
-> Foreign
-> F (Variant row)
instance readVariantNil ::
ReadForeignVariant Nil trash where
readVariantImpl _ _ = fail $ ForeignError "Unable to match any variant member."
instance readVariantCons ::
( IsSymbol name
, ReadForeign ty
, Row.Cons name ty trash row
, ReadForeignVariant tail row
) => ReadForeignVariant (Cons name ty tail) row where
readVariantImpl _ o = do
obj :: { type :: String, value :: Foreign } <- readImpl o
if obj.type == name
then do
value :: ty <- readImpl obj.value
pure $ inj namep value
(fail <<< ForeignError $ "Did not match variant tag " <> name)
<|> readVariantImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy tail) o
namep = SProxy :: SProxy name
name = reflectSymbol namep
-- -- | A class for writing a value into JSON
-- -- | need to do this intelligently using Foreign probably, because of null and undefined whatever
class WriteForeign a where
writeImpl :: a -> Foreign
instance writeForeignForeign :: WriteForeign Foreign where
writeImpl = identity
instance writeForeignString :: WriteForeign String where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign
instance writeForeignInt :: WriteForeign Int where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign
instance writeForeignChar :: WriteForeign Char where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign
instance writeForeignNumber :: WriteForeign Number where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign
instance writeForeignBoolean :: WriteForeign Boolean where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign
instance writeForeignArray :: WriteForeign a => WriteForeign (Array a) where
writeImpl xs = unsafeToForeign $ writeImpl <$> xs
instance writeForeignMaybe :: WriteForeign a => WriteForeign (Maybe a) where
writeImpl = maybe undefined writeImpl
instance writeForeignNullable :: WriteForeign a => WriteForeign (Nullable a) where
writeImpl = maybe (unsafeToForeign $ toNullable Nothing) writeImpl <<< toMaybe
instance writeForeignObject :: WriteForeign a => WriteForeign (Object.Object a) where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign <<< Object.mapWithKey (const writeImpl)
instance writeForeignTupleNested :: (WriteForeign a, WriteForeign (Tuple b c)) => WriteForeign (Tuple a (Tuple b c)) where
writeImpl (Tuple a bc) =
writeImpl bc
# read_
# fromMaybe []
# Array.cons (writeImpl a)
# writeImpl
else instance writeForeignTuple :: (WriteForeign a, WriteForeign b) => WriteForeign (Tuple a b) where
writeImpl (Tuple a b) = writeImpl [ writeImpl a, writeImpl b ]
instance recordWriteForeign ::
( RowToList row rl
, WriteForeignFields rl row () to
) => WriteForeign (Record row) where
writeImpl rec = unsafeToForeign $ Builder.build steps {}
rlp = RLProxy :: RLProxy rl
steps = writeImplFields rlp rec
class WriteForeignFields (rl :: RowList) row (from :: # Type) (to :: # Type)
| rl -> row from to where
writeImplFields :: forall g. g rl -> Record row -> Builder (Record from) (Record to)
instance consWriteForeignFields ::
( IsSymbol name
, WriteForeign ty
, WriteForeignFields tail row from from'
, Row.Cons name ty whatever row
, Row.Lacks name from'
, Row.Cons name Foreign from' to
) => WriteForeignFields (Cons name ty tail) row from to where
writeImplFields _ rec = result
namep = SProxy :: SProxy name
value = writeImpl $ get namep rec
tailp = RLProxy :: RLProxy tail
rest = writeImplFields tailp rec
result = Builder.insert namep value <<< rest
instance nilWriteForeignFields ::
WriteForeignFields Nil row () () where
writeImplFields _ _ = identity
instance writeForeignVariant ::
( RowToList row rl
, WriteForeignVariant rl row
) => WriteForeign (Variant row) where
writeImpl variant = writeVariantImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy rl) variant
class WriteForeignVariant (rl :: RowList) (row :: # Type)
| rl -> row where
writeVariantImpl :: forall g. g rl -> Variant row -> Foreign
instance nilWriteForeignVariant ::
WriteForeignVariant Nil () where
writeVariantImpl _ _ =
-- a PureScript-defined variant cannot reach this path, but a JavaScript FFI one could.
unsafeCrashWith "Variant was not able to be writen row WriteForeign."
instance consWriteForeignVariant ::
( IsSymbol name
, WriteForeign ty
, Row.Cons name ty subRow row
, WriteForeignVariant tail subRow
) => WriteForeignVariant (Cons name ty tail) row where
writeVariantImpl _ variant =
(writeVariantImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy tail))
namep = SProxy :: SProxy name
writeVariant value = unsafeToForeign
{ type: reflectSymbol namep
, value: writeImpl value
instance readForeignNEArray :: ReadForeign a => ReadForeign (NonEmptyArray a) where
readImpl f = do
raw :: Array a <- readImpl f
except $ note (singleton $ ForeignError "Nonempty array expected, got empty array") $ fromArray raw
instance writeForeignNEArray :: WriteForeign a => WriteForeign (NonEmptyArray a) where
writeImpl a = writeImpl <<< toArray $ a
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ module Yoga.JSON
, getFields
, class ReadForeignVariant
, readVariantImpl
, class ReadTuple
, readTupleImpl
, tupleSize
, class WriteForeign
, writeImpl
@ -31,17 +34,20 @@ module Yoga.JSON
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), except, runExcept, runExceptT, withExcept)
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), except, runExcept, runExceptT, throwError, withExcept)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.NonEmpty (NonEmptyArray, fromArray, toArray)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..), hush, note)
import Data.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (singleton)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toMaybe, toNullable)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, reflectSymbol)
import Data.Traversable (sequence, traverse)
import Data.TraversableWithIndex (traverseWithIndex)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Variant (Variant, inj, on)
import Effect.Exception (message, try)
import Effect.Uncurried as EU
@ -153,37 +159,35 @@ undefined = _undefined
class ReadForeign a where
readImpl ∷ Foreign → F a
instance readForeign ∷ ReadForeign Foreign where
instance ReadForeign Foreign where
readImpl = pure
instance readChar ∷ ReadForeign Char where
instance ReadForeign Char where
readImpl = readChar
instance readNumber ∷ ReadForeign Number where
instance ReadForeign Number where
readImpl = readNumber
instance readInt ∷ ReadForeign Int where
instance ReadForeign Int where
readImpl = readInt
instance readString ∷ ReadForeign String where
instance ReadForeign String where
readImpl = readString
instance readBoolean ∷ ReadForeign Boolean where
instance ReadForeign Boolean where
readImpl = readBoolean
instance readArray ∷ ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Array a) where
instance ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Array a) where
readImpl = traverseWithIndex readAtIdx <=< readArray
readAtIdx i f = withExcept (map (ErrorAtIndex i)) (readImpl f)
instance readMaybe ∷ ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Maybe a) where
instance ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Maybe a) where
readImpl = readNullOrUndefined readImpl
readNullOrUndefined _ value | isNull value || isUndefined value = pure
readNullOrUndefined f value = Just <$> f value
instance readNullable ∷ ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Nullable a) where
instance ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Nullable a) where
readImpl o = withExcept (map reformat) $
map toNullable <$> traverse readImpl =<< readNull o
@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ instance readNullable ∷ ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Nullable a) where
TypeMismatch inner other → TypeMismatch ("Nullable " <> inner) other
_ → error
instance readObject ∷ ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Object.Object a) where
instance ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Object.Object a) where
readImpl = sequence <<< Object.mapWithKey (const readImpl) <=< readObject'
readObject' ∷ Foreign → F (Object Foreign)
@ -199,7 +203,50 @@ instance readObject ∷ ReadForeign a ⇒ ReadForeign (Object.Object a) where
| tagOf value == "Object" = pure $ unsafeFromForeign value
| otherwise = fail $ TypeMismatch "Object" (tagOf value)
instance readRecord ∷
instance ReadTuple (Tuple a b) ⇒ ReadForeign (Tuple a b) where
readImpl = readTupleImpl 0
-- | A class for reading JSON arrays of lenth `n` as nested tuples of size `n`
class ReadTuple a where
readTupleImpl ∷ Int → Foreign → F a
tupleSize ∷ Proxy a → Int
( ReadForeign a
, ReadTuple (Tuple b c)
) ⇒
ReadTuple (Tuple a (Tuple b c)) where
readTupleImpl n =
>=> case _ of
arr → case Array.uncons arr of
Just { head, tail } →
lift2 Tuple
(readAtIdx n head)
(readTupleImpl (n + 1) $ writeImpl tail)
_ → throwError $ pure $ TypeMismatch
( "array of length " <> show
(1 + n + tupleSize (Proxy ∷ Proxy (Tuple b c)))
("array of length " <> show n)
tupleSize _ = 1 + tupleSize (Proxy ∷ Proxy (Tuple b c))
else instance readTupleHelper ∷
( ReadForeign a
, ReadForeign b
) ⇒
ReadTuple (Tuple a b) where
readTupleImpl n =
>=> case _ of
[ a, b ] →
lift2 Tuple (readAtIdx n a) (readAtIdx (n + 1) b)
arr → throwError $ pure $ TypeMismatch
("array of length " <> show (n + 2))
("array of length " <> show (n + Array.length arr))
tupleSize = const 2
( RowToList fields fieldList
, ReadForeignFields fieldList () fields
) ⇒
@ -217,7 +264,7 @@ class
Foreign →
F (Builder (Record from) (Record to))
instance readFieldsCons ∷
( IsSymbol name
, ReadForeign ty
, ReadForeignFields tail from from'
@ -236,6 +283,9 @@ instance readFieldsCons ∷
name = reflectSymbol nameP
withExcept' = withExcept <<< map $ ErrorAtProperty name
readAtIdx ∷ ∀ a. ReadForeign a ⇒ Int → Foreign → F a
readAtIdx i f = withExcept (map (ErrorAtIndex i)) (readImpl f)
exceptTApply ∷
∀ a b e m.
Semigroup e ⇒
@ -253,12 +303,12 @@ applyEither (Left e1) (Left e2) = Left (e1 <> e2)
applyEither (Right _) (Left e) = Left e
applyEither (Right fun) (Right a) = Right (fun a)
instance readFieldsNil ∷
ReadForeignFields Nil () () where
getFields _ _ =
pure identity
instance readForeignVariant ∷
( RowToList variants rl
, ReadForeignVariant rl variants
) ⇒
@ -273,12 +323,12 @@ class
Foreign →
F (Variant row)
instance readVariantNil ∷
ReadForeignVariant Nil trash where
readVariantImpl _ _ = fail $ ForeignError
"Unable to match any variant member."
instance readVariantCons ∷
( IsSymbol name
, ReadForeign ty
, Row.Cons name ty trash row
@ -333,6 +383,20 @@ instance WriteForeign a ⇒ WriteForeign (Nullable a) where
instance WriteForeign a ⇒ WriteForeign (Object.Object a) where
writeImpl = unsafeToForeign <<< Object.mapWithKey (const writeImpl)
( WriteForeign a
, WriteForeign (Tuple b c)
) ⇒
WriteForeign (Tuple a (Tuple b c)) where
writeImpl (Tuple a bc) =
writeImpl bc
# read_
# fromMaybe []
# Array.cons (writeImpl a)
# writeImpl
else instance (WriteForeign a, WriteForeign b) ⇒ WriteForeign (Tuple a b) where
writeImpl (Tuple a b) = writeImpl [ writeImpl a, writeImpl b ]
( RowToList row rl
, WriteForeignFields rl row () to
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..), either, isRight)
import Data.Either (Either(..), either, fromLeft, isRight)
import Data.List (List(..), (:))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmptyList(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Exception (throw)
import Foreign (ForeignError(..), MultipleErrors)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Yoga.JSON (class ReadForeign, class WriteForeign, readJSON, writeJSON)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Test.Assert (assertEqual)
import Test.EnumSumGeneric as Test.EnumSumGeneric
import Test.Generic as Test.Generic
import Test.Inferred as Test.Inferred
import Test.Quickstart as Test.Quickstart
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Yoga.JSON (class ReadForeign, class WriteForeign, readJSON, writeJSON)
type E a = Either MultipleErrors a
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ type MyTestVariant = Variant
type MyTestTuple =
Int /\ String /\ Boolean /\ Char /\ Array Int
Int /\ String /\ Boolean /\ Char /\ Array (Int /\ String)
roundtrips :: forall a. ReadForeign a => WriteForeign a => Proxy a -> String -> Effect Unit
@ -134,39 +135,29 @@ main = do
(isRight (r3 ∷ E MyTestNullable)) `shouldEqual` false
let r4 = readJSON """
[ 1, "test", 1, "a", [ 1 ] ]
(unsafePartial $ fromLeft r4) `shouldEqual`
(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (ErrorAtIndex 2 (TypeMismatch "Boolean" "Number")) Nil))
let r4 = readJSON """[ 1, "test", 1, "a", [ 1 ] ]"""
r4 `shouldEqual`
(Left (NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (ErrorAtIndex 2 (TypeMismatch "Boolean" "Number")) Nil)))
isRight (r4 :: E MyTestTuple) `shouldEqual` false
let r5 = readJSON """
[ 1, "test", true, "a", [ 1 ], null ]
(unsafePartial $ fromLeft r5) `shouldEqual`
(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 6") Nil))
let r5 = readJSON """ [ 1, "test", true, "a", [ 1 ], null ] """
r5 `shouldEqual`
(Left (NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 6") Nil)))
isRight (r5 :: E MyTestTuple) `shouldEqual` false
let r6 = readJSON """
[ 1, "test", true, "a" ]
(unsafePartial $ fromLeft r6) `shouldEqual`
(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 4") Nil))
let r6 = readJSON """ [ 1, "test", true, "a" ] """
r6 `shouldEqual`
(Left(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 4") Nil)))
isRight (r6 :: E MyTestTuple) `shouldEqual` false
let r7 = readJSON """
[ 1 ]
(unsafePartial $ fromLeft r7) `shouldEqual`
(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 1") Nil))
let r7 = readJSON """ [ 1 ] """
r7 `shouldEqual`
(Left(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 1") Nil)))
isRight (r7 :: E MyTestTuple) `shouldEqual` false
let r8 = readJSON """
(unsafePartial $ fromLeft r8) `shouldEqual`
(NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 0") Nil))
let r8 = readJSON """ [] """
r8 `shouldEqual`
(Left (NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (TypeMismatch "array of length 5" "array of length 0") Nil)))
isRight (r8 :: E MyTestTuple) `shouldEqual` false
-- roundtrips
@ -213,7 +204,7 @@ main = do
roundtrips (Proxy :: Proxy MyTestTuple) """
[ 1, "test", true, "a", [ 1 ] ]
[ 1, "test", true, "a", [ [1, "heinz"], [893, "dembowski"] ] ]
-- run examples
Reference in New Issue
Block a user